HONORS COLLEGE CONTRACT FORM Student: ID: Major: Honors Faculty Advisor: Date submitted: Revision date: Due Date______________ HONORS DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS: (see bullets on back of this form for additional information) Group I 6 or more credits in courses offered in these departments: 3200 Classics 3510 Latin 3240 Archaeology* 3600 Philosophy 3001 Women’s Studies 3002 Pan African Studies 3400 Humanities in the Western Trad 3400 History 3400 World Civilizations (285-291) *The same Archaeology or Human Diversity course from Group I cannot be used in Group III Course Number Course Title *3230:251 Human Diversity - No other Anthropology courses accepted for Group I 2040:254 Black Exp from 1619-1877 2040:257 Black Exp 1877-1954 2040:258 Black Exp 1954-present Credits Bypassed AP Credit Total Group I ____________ Group II 6 credits of English Composition-Honors and/or other English and 3 or more credits in courses offered in any of the other departments: 3300 English 7100 Art 2020:222 Tech. Rep. Writing – This is an ENGLISH CLASS 7500 Music (7510 not accepted in this section) 3500 Modern Language (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese) 7520 Applied Music Lessons 7800 Theatre 3520 French 3580 Spanish 3530 German 7600 Communication 7900 Dance 7700 Sign Language *7600:106 Effective Oral Comm. not accepted for Distribution credit Course Number *7600: 105 Intro to Public Speaking–Honors is permissible, but not regular sections Course Title Credits Bypassed AP Credit Total Group II ___________ Group III 6 or more credits in courses offered in these departments: 3230 Anthropology* (See *in Area I) 3240 Archaeology* (See *in Area I ) Course Number 3250 Economics 3700 Political Science 3850 Sociology 2040:242 American Urban Society 3350 Geography & Planning 3750 Psychology 2040:240 Human Relations 2040:256 Diversity in Amer. Society Course Title Credits Bypassed AP Credit Total Group III ________ Group IV 3 or more credits in Mathematics, Computer Science, or Statistics, and 6 or more credits in science (to include at least one lab science) 3450 Mathematics (135 or higher) 3100 Biology 3370 Geology 3230:151 Human Evolution (4) 3460 Computer Sciences 3150 Chemistry 3650 Physics 3470 Statistics Course Number Course Title Credits Bypassed Total Group IV __________ Total Credits from Groups I -- IV must be at least 38 credits (DO NOT include Phys Ed & Colloq.) (See bullets on page 2 for additional information) **Completed prior to admission into the Honors College Total credits in Groups I-IV ________ AP Credit PHYSICAL EDUCATION / WELLNESS (1 Credit Minimum) 5540:120-150 or 5540:190/200/201/207, 5550:150, 5550:194, 5550:211, 5570:101, 7400:133, 7510:126, 7900:119/120, 7900:124/125, 7900:130/230, 7900:144 NOTE: Dance Technique courses do not meet the Physical Education requirement for dance majors. Course Number Course Title Credits Completed HONORS COLLOQUIA (6 Credits) - 1870:250, 360, & 470 or equivalent Course Number Course Title Credits 1870:250 Honors Colloquium: Humanities 2 1870:360 Honors Colloquium: Social Studies 2 1870:470 Honors Colloquium: Natural Sciences (64 Credit Prerequisite) 2 Completed ( Indicate approved substitutions if applicable ) HONORS RESEARCH PROJECT ( 2 TO 6 Credits) Course Number Course Title Credits Completed SIGNATURES: Student: __________________________________________________________________ Honors College Advisor OR Honors Faculty Advisor :____________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________ At least one traditional class must be completed in each of the 4 groups. Therefore, AP, Bypassed, CLEP, IB credit, etc. cannot totally fulfill any one Honors Distribution group. Honors sections of courses must be taken when available unless permission is acquired from your Honors Faculty Advisor and/or the Honors office. A list of Honors sections are listed each term at the Honors website: www.uakron.edu/honors. The Honors Faculty Advisor is the Faculty member in your major that sees Honors College students. If you are uncertain as to whom this individual is, please call (330) 972-7966 or visit the Honors College website under “Benefits” “faculty adviser”. The minimum of Groups I & III must equal 6 credits each. The minimum of Groups II & IV must equal 9 credits each; however, this DOES NOT equal 38 credits. The minimum amount of credits from page one of this form MUST BE 38 credits. Please include the classes that you have taken, are currently taking, and classes that you intend to take when filling out the Distribution. Please designate Honors courses that you have taken or plan to take