Faculty of Education Research Workload Enhancement Scheme 2016

Faculty of Education
Research Workload Enhancement Scheme 2016
The Faculty of Education’s current Compacts funding strategy focuses, primarily, on obtaining external income. This strategy builds on the
success of previous Compacts funding allocations, which have provided support for research capacity building and for building researchers’
track records. Support for research collaborations, either within or across Faculties or with external partners, is a key focus for 2016.
The goal of the Research Workload Enhancement Scheme 2016 is to provide teaching relief for 10% of workload (172 hours) for academic staff
with strong or emerging research track records. Successful applicants will be expected to work towards the development and submission of an
application for external research funding. This includes Category 1, 2 and 3 grants and competitive tenders. If two or more staff members of the
Faculty are collaborating on a project leading to an application for external research funds, and seeking an increased research workload to work
together, each staff member needs to submit a separate application for research workload enhancement.
Applications are invited for 201660 and 201690 from teaching/research staff in the School of Education (SOE), School of Teacher Education
(SOTE), School of Information Studies (SIS), and School of Indigenous Australian Studies (SIAS). In order to manage teaching requirements,
the number of successful applications will be limited to 5 in SOE, 5 for SOTE, 3 in SIS, and 1 in SIAS, spread across the two teaching sessions.
The due date for applications is: May 27. Applicants must discuss their application with the Head of School before submitting the application for
funding through the Research Workload Enhancement Scheme 2016, and include an endorsement from the HoS, as detailed below.
Applications should be submitted to Lisa McLean (lmclean@csu.edu.au) using the appended format. Please contact Prof Linda Harrison,
(Acting) Associate Dean Research (lharrison@csu.edu.au) if you have any questions about the format or with to discuss a proposed application.
Applications will be reviewed by a selection panel of the Associate Dean Research and two senior members of the Faculty of Education
Research and Graduate Studies Committee, and will also be reviewed by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Education.
Successful applicants must provide a report on the outcomes of the research workload enhancement funding at the end of the teaching session.
Your report should also include any challenges that arose that affected the proposed timeline for the period of funding. Where appropriate your
report can identify the next stages in your research plan.
Request for Research Workload Enhancement
Applicant’s Name:
Requested Period:
201660 OR 201690 (delete as appropriate)
Proposed Work Plan: Identify the outcomes you expect to achieve, and briefly summarise the steps and strategies you will take, and the
timeframe for the period of the funding and up to the submission of the identified grant.
Collaborators: (if relevant) Please indicate the people with whom you are working with on the grant application
Name/ affiliation and
role in the grant
Other Universities or Organisations
Teaching relief: List the subject(s) included in your workload for the teaching session. Note that total teaching relief cannot exceed 172 hours
Subject code/name
Your role in the subject
Proposed change to the role and suggested replacement/sessional staff
Supporting information
Please indicate specific steps and outcomes achieved in the past 12 months that are relevant to this application and the proposed grant:
- recent grant applications, including successful and unsuccessful applications, including the type of grant, period of funding, title of project, all
named chief investigators with your name in bold, amount of funding applied for and/or received.
- relevant publications including manuscripts accepted for publication (with date of acceptance) and under review (with date of submission).
- research collaborations or industry partnering
Please also attach a copy of your EDRS 3-year Research and Publication Plan
Endorsement by the Head of School:
Please indicate how the proposed work plan aligns with the applicant’s most recent EDRS, including research achievements in 2015 in
relation to 2015 research objectives, and research objectives for 2016 and beyond.