The full-length coding sequences for ... vector to obtain the construct AD-OsRLCK102. The intercellular parts of... Supplemental Figure 5. Determination whether ...

Supplemental Figure 5. Determination whether OsRLCK102 interacts with
XA21 and OsBRI in yeast.
The full-length coding sequences for OsRLCK102 were introduced into the PGAD
vector to obtain the construct AD-OsRLCK102. The intercellular parts of XA21 and
OsBRI1, and the full length OsBAK1 sequence were introduced into the PGBK vector
to generate the BD-vectors: BD-XA21K668, BD-OsBRI1K735, and BD-OsBAK1,
respectively. AD-OsRLCK102 was then co-transformed along with BD-XA21K668,
BD-OsBRI1K735, and BD-OsBAK1 into yeast cells. (A) Three representative
colonies for each co-transformation were used for the test. The growth of the clones
on the SD-L-T-H-A+Aba medium indicates the interaction between the two proteins
tested. The Matchmaker two-hybrid system (Clontech) was used for the yeast
two-hybrid assay. The experiment was repeated three times. (B) HA or Myc
antibodies were used in western blot analysis to detect protein expressions in yeast