Benjamin S. Bradley: Recent Publications Publications: Monographs Bradley, B.S. (2005). Psychology and experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publications: In Press Bradley B.S. (in press). Education and Citizenship: Beyond ‘The University of Excellence.’ In J. Higgs, D. Fish, I. Goulter, S. Loftus & J.-A. Reid (eds.), Education for Future Practice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Bradley, B.S. (in press). Groupies R Us: Infants’ Surprising Capacity for GroupInteraction. Ab Initio Sumsion, J., Goodfellow, J., McLeod, S., Harrison, L., Bradley, B.S. & Press, F. (in press). “Researching infants’ experiences of early childhood education and care.” In T. Waller, B. Perry & D. Harcourt (eds), Young children’s perspectives: Ethics, theory and research. London: Routledge. Publications: Articles in Journals Bradley, B.S. (2010). Darwin’s Sublime: The Contest between Reason and Imagination in On the Origin of Species. Journal of the History of Biology, DOI 10.1007/s10739-009-9210-3 Bradley, B.S. (2009). Group life in nine-month-olds. Every Child, 15 (1) downloaded on Feb 17th 2010 from: ndex/every_child_magazine_vol_15_no_1_2009.html Bradley, B.S. (2009). Theology in the wider liberal arts agenda. St Mark’s Review, 210 (4), 63-78 Bradley, B.S. (2008). The Vygotskian family in the supreme court of practice. Culture & Psychology, 14, 37-44. Du Chesne, L. & Bradley, B.S. (2007). The subjective experience of the lesbian (m)other: An exploration of the construction of lesbian maternal identity. Gay and Lesbian Issues in Psychology Review, 3 (1), 25-33. Bradley, B.S. (2004). Induction to an Architecture for Liberation. International Journal of Critical Psychology (D. Papodopoulos, ed. Special Issue on “Psychology and the Political”), 12, 122-144. Bradley, B.S., Deighton, J. and Selby, J.M. (2004). The ‘Voices’ Project: Capacitybuilding in Community Development for Youth at Risk. Journal of Health Psychology, 9, 197-212 Bradley, B.S. and Selby, J.M. (2004). Observing Infants in Groups: The Clan Revisited. The International Journal of Infant Observation.. (C. Urwin and K. Arnold, eds. Special Issue on “Developmental Psychology and PsychoAnalysis”)7, 107-122. Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2003a). Infants in Groups: A Paradigm for the Study of Early Social Experience. Human Development, 46, 197-221. Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2003b). Infants in Groups: Extending the Debate. Human Development, 46, 247-249. Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2003c). Action Research Intervention with Young People: A City Council’s Response. Australasian Psychiatry, 11, S121-S126 Publications: Chapters in Books Bradley, B.S. (2010). Jealousy in infant-peer trios: From narcissism to culture. In S. Hart & M. Legerstee (eds.). Handbook of Jealousy: Theories, Principles and Multidisciplinary Approaches. (pp. 192-234). Hoboken NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Bradley, B.S. (2010). Experiencing symbols. In B. Wagoner (ed.), Symbolic transformations: Toward an interdisciplinary science of symbols. (pp. 93-119). London: Routledge. Bradley, B.S. (2009). Early trios: Patterns of sound and movement in the genesis of meaning between infants. In S. Malloch and C. Trevarthen (Eds.), Handbook of Communicative Musicality. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley. (pp.263-280). Bradley, B.S. (2009). Rethinking ‘experience’ in professional practice: Lessons from clinical psychology. In W.C. Green (ed.), Understanding and researching professional practice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (pp.65-82). Bradley, B.S. (2005). The what of psychical change. In A. Gulerce et al. (eds.), Contemporary Theorizing in Psychology: Global Perspectives. New York: Captus Press. Selby, J.M. and Bradley, B.S. (2005). Psychologist as moral agent: Negotiating praxis-oriented knowledge in infancy. In A. Gulerce et al. (Eds.) Contemporary Theorizing in Psychology: Global Perspectives. New York: Captus Press. Conference Presentations Bradley, B.S. (2008). The Group Psychology of Infants: Implications for Mental Health. Keynote Address to the Australian Association of Infant Mental Health, Adelaide, October. Bradley, B.S. (2008). Group Relations in the First Year: New Understandings of Infant Psychopathology And Its Treatment. Queen Elizabeth Centre Conference, Melbourne, November. Bradley, B.S. & J.M. Selby (2008). Group Relations in the First Year: New Understandings of Infant Psychopathology and its Treatment. Invited seminar to Tavistock Institute, London, June. Malloch, S., Crncec, R., Bradley, B.S., Paul, C., Selby, J. & Salo-Thomson, F. (2006). The controlled observation of infants in groups: A tool for the assessment of socio-emotional functioning in the second six months of life. Presentation to the World Association of Infant Mental Health, Paris, July 14th, Tampere, Finland