Standard Operating Procedures for lab 210, 220, and 230.

Standard Operating Procedures for lab 210, 220, and 230.
Wear safety glasses, lab coat and gloves at all time in the lab.
Gas tanks: strapped down and when not in use, the safety cap should be on.
Carry out all reactions and work up in the hood.
When working with:
Acid: use gloves, lab coat and safety glasses. Avoid mixing with bases. If spill
small amount (less than 100ml) clean up with water. If more than 100ml evacuate
the lab and call ES&H at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222.
Bases: use gloves, lab coat and safety glasses. Avoid mixing with acid. If spill
small amount (less than 100ml) clean up with water. If more than 100ml, evacuate
the lab and call EH&S at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222.
Sealed tubes: use safety shields, sash all the way down, monitor reaction
temperature and make sure that the temperature has been stable for at least an hour
before stepping away. Use a surge proctors if possible.
HCN reactions: HCN-testers are in the refrigerator in lab 220, Make sure there is
no HCN left in the reaction flask before removing it from the hood. Use lab coat,
safety glasses and gloves, when working with HCN. If you spill HCN – evacuate
the lab and call EH&S at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222 for clean up.
Shock sensitive reactions. Use gloves, safety glasses and lab coat. Use safety shield
when the reaction is carried out and pull the sash all the way down.
Heat sensitive reactions. Same as point 8.
10. Moisture sensitive reagents and reactions. Use gloves, lab coat, and safety glasses.
When quench moisture sensitive reactions and reagents – keep them cold and
quench slowly. Make sure they are completely quenched before warming up to
room temperature.
11. Peroxides: when working with peroxides. Use gloves, lab coat and safety glasses.
Test reactions for peroxides before working it up. Peroxide testers are stored in
refrigerator in lab 220. If you can see peroxide crystals in ether or other solvents
and/or reactions call EH&S at 577-1200 or 577-2222 for them to pick it up and
dispose it.
12. Flammables. keep away from open flames and things that can spark. In case of fire.
If you regard it as small use a fire extinguisher to put it out. If you can not managed
evacuate the lab and call the fire department.
13. Acid. If spill small amount (less than 100ml) clean up with water. If more than
100ml evacuate the lab and call ES&H at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222.
14. Base. If spill small amount (less than 100ml) clean up with water. If more than
100ml evacuate the lab and call ES&H at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222.
15. Mercury. Quarantine the area and Call EH&S at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222. Avoid
contaminating other areas.
16. Solvents. If spill a small amount (less 500 ml) use the absorbent sand to clean up
the solvent. If the solvent is toxic evacuate the lab and call EH&S at 577-1200
and/or 577-2222. If you spill a large amount evacuate the lab call EH&S at 5771200 and/or 577-2222.
If you spill HCN evacuate the lab and call EH&S at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222.
If any other spills, If you regard them as safe to clean up on your own, do so
wearing glove, goggles and lab coat. If you regard them as unsafe to clean up on
your own call EH&S at 577-1200 and/or 577-2222.
19. Any substance/reactions that are hazardous or has a smell should be purified and
rotor evaporated in the hood.
20. Use lab coat, gloves and safety glasses when you purify reactions.
21. Acid store as corrosives. Acetic acid should be stored with organic solvents and
nitric acid should be store separate from all other acids, solvents and reagents.
hydrofluoric acid should be stored separate from everything too.
22. Solvents should be stored in flammable proof cabinets. They are located in every
23. THF-Contains sodium. Safety shield in front of the still. Wear gloves, lab coat and
goggles when quench the still. Quench the still by cooling it down, and slowly add
iso-propanol, then ethanol, and then methanol. To make sure it is completely
quenched add water. Store the waste in a separate container.
24. Ether: Contains sodium. Same procedure as for THF under point 23.
25. Methylene chloride: contains calcium hydride. Same procedure as for THF and
Ether under point 23 and 24.
26. Do not mix incompatible waste.
27. Store all waste containers in secondary containers.
28. Appropriately label all your waste.
Overnight experiments:
29. Use the overnight form when you run an experiment overnight, and put it in the
folder on the door, so you can be contacted in case of an emergency.