VIHAAN ‘11 Progress Report Content Event Details Team Structure Sponsorship Update Vihaan ’11: Events Details Best Manager Business Quiz Street Play Business Plan Finance HR Marketing JAM Debate CSR Counter Strike Informals War of Bands Fashion Show Dance Team Structure Hospitality • Accommodation • VIP/Judges movement Operations • Events (coordination) • Design • Sponsorship • Media/PR • Marketing Vitruvian (Best Manager) • • • • • Event Coordinator: Vighnesh Venugopal Multi round event. Prelims two days before the event. Rounds include testing skills from all disciplines. Colleges Participating: IIM A, IIM I, IIM K, IIT M, IIT D, IIT R, MDI etc. • Judges: – Initial rounds will be by internal faculties – Final round will have a panel of 3 judges • Mr. Aditya Jerial • Mr. Tejasvi Mohanram • Prof. Sunil Sangra Plan 1.0 • Event Coordinator: Poonam Biyani • Opportunity for budding managers and entrepreneurs to showcase their entrepreneurial skills. • Looking for business plans leading to creation of jobs, contributing to growth of economy, and making a difference in the community. • Invited business plans based broadly on the theme “Urban Entrepreneurship”. • Participating Teams: – – – – IIM - Indore, Shillong, Ranchi, Rohtak FMS, IIFT, IFMR, Chennai, IIT – Delhi, Roorkee NITIE, IMI, MICA, IRMA, K.J. Somaiya SIBM, Pune, SCMHRD, Pune, LBS, FORE, Welingkar . • Judges – Initial screening will be done by internal faculties. – Final round will have a panel of 3 judges • Mr. Thampy Koshy • Other 2 judges - Confirmation awaited Bulls & Bears (Finance Event) • Event Coordinator: Bhagat Vachhaney • A stock exchange simulation game in which the participants have to make as much profits as they can by using their knowledge of stocks, shares & finance, followed by a strategy presentation by which the participants have to justify their trading and techniques used. • A tie up with India’s leading investor academy “Dalal Street” in association with BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) • Preliminary Round of trading: 16th August • Second Round: 17th August to 23rd August • Final Presentation: 27th August, 2 to 6 P.M. (Seminar Hall 2) Bulls & Bears • Participating Colleges: Event got an amazing response with around 135 entries across all the top B-Schools of India including 7 IIMs. • Few of the participating colleges are: IIM (Ahmedabad, Shillong, Indore, Kolkata, Rohtak,) IIT (Delhi, Mumbai, Kharagpur), FMS, MICA, NIRMA, Jamnalal Bajaj, Narsee Monjee, MDI, FORE, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Welingkar, SIBM, SCMHRD, XIMB, XLRI, IMT, IMI. HR Quotient: The Best HR Manager Event General Introduction Event Date: Venue: Timings: Rounds: 27th August 2011 Seminar Room 2 10:00 am – 01:00 pm Screening + 2 Rounds Judges: Ms. Ester Martinez, CEO, People Matters Prof. K. K. Sinha, HR Director, NTPC (Retd.) Winner ` 10,000 1st Runner Up ` 7,000 2nd Runner Up ` 5,000 Event Coordinators: Uday Pratap Singh, Ridhima Aggarwal HR Quotient: The Best HR Manager Event Rounds Details Screening Round • Case Study to be mailed to all participants on 18th August. • Participants have 48 hours to submit case analysis. • • Round 1 • Participants will be mailed a contemporary organizational issue pertaining to people management. • Participants will get 4 minutes of presentation time and 3 minutes of Q & A session. • Marks will be awarded of both presentation and handling of Questions from other participants. Case analysis will be checked by a senior faculty at BIMTECH. Best 12 participants will move to next round. HR Quotient: The Best HR Manager Event Rounds Details Round 2 Judges Take on Panel Discussion • Panel Discussion for 20 minutes. • • Each participant will get marks for quality of participation & team work shown. Judges will be requested to their take on the panel discussion topic for 10 minutes. • Event concludes with prize distribution & vote of thanks. • Marks of Round 1 & 2 will be added to get final scores. More than 50 students from leading B Schools viz. IIM A, IIM K, MICA, XIMB, GIM, LIBA, Great Lakes, SCMHRD, SIBM, IITs, BIM have already registered for the event. Bizzmark Bizzmark is a marketing competition open to students from various Business Schools. It aims to judge the participant’s skills in identifying the customer needs and thereby designing and strategically selling his product to them. Participation: In teams of 2-5 members Number of rounds: 3 • Round I-Blitzkrieg The teams are required to ideate an innovative product, stressing on the following points: Uniqueness of the product Benefits to the customer Existing Competition Potential Market They will be judged on the following criteria: – Idea innovativeness/ Creativity in the product. – Element of Problem solving • Round II-Marketing Campaign The challenge is to create a marketing campaign around your product which causes everyone to sit up and take notice.The participants have to use: Video [30 seconds to 2min] Print Radio media [30 seconds to 1 min] to advertise their product. • Round III-Auctioning of the products The participant is required to sell his product to the judges by offering it up for bid, taking bids and finally selling it to the highest bidder.Each participant will be allotted a maximum of 5 minutes to strike a deal for his product. The participant who receives the best price for his product wins this round. • Judges: Prof. Kuldeep Sharma[Confirmation awaited] and One Corporate • Final Judgement: The winner of this competition will be the top scorer of all the rounds combined. First Prize: Rs.10000 Second Prize: Rs. 7000 Third Prize: 5000 Fire Fight: Business Quiz • • • • • • Event coordinator: Abhinav Sharma, Ravi Bhaskar Quiz master: Mr. Kartik Ramaswamy 3-4 teams Participation Prizes: F:10,000, S: 7,000, T:5,000 Day 1, After JAM Participating colleges: FORE , Jaypee Business School ,MIBDelhi ,Delhi School Of economics, Jaipuria Institute of Management JAM • Event coordinator: Abraham Joseph • • • • Eight people are given a minute of fame . Only one person can speak at a time There should be absolutely no deviation from coherent continuous speech. First person to find a flaw will press the buzzer and grab the mic from speaker. • Jam moderator is there to moderate all objection (to make your life miserable ) • So speakers should speak queens English without stutter, stammer , unnatural pause or make any grammatical mistake without repeating anything. • • Prizes: F: 7,000, S: 5,000, T: 3,000 JAM Master: Karthik Ramaswamy (LEVIS –SBU HEAD) • Colleges Participating – – – – MICA Ahmedabad (4) LBSIM Delhi(2) Delhi School of Economics (4) Fore Delhi (3) And still counting Takraar- The Debate • Event Coordinator: Arpita Jain • Takraar is the contest to find out the best speakers among the leading B-Schools. • Date: 28th August • Venue: Seminar 2 • Time: 11 a.m.– 2 p.m. • Judge: Mr. Mahesh Bhatt • Prizes: Winner- 5000(for the motion) 5000(against the motion) Runners Up-2500 (for the motion) 2500 (against the motion) • About the Event • Two rounds. • As the number of teams are exceeding 5 there would be a preliminary round. There would be mock debate for the participating teams and the top 10 participants would be going for the final debate. • Participating Teams• FORE, MIB, MICA, TISS, IIT Delhi, SIBM Pune,MIB • DU, Amity , HRLP, LBSIM- Dwarka, DSE The Social Entrepreneur • Event coordinator: Raunak Kejriwal • It is primarily a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Event which ascertains your business acumen in terms of social upliftment of the underprivileged class of Indian society. • It is a 2 day event, which includes a field trip on the 27th of August ‘11 and a power point presentation on the 28th of August ‘11. • The main event is to be held on 28th of August ’11. • Time : 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm • Venue: Seminar Hall 2 • Name of the Participating Colleges so far: - MICA, Ahmedabad, IFMR, Chandragupt Institute of Management- Patna, Fore School of Management- New Delhi, LBSIM- New Delhi, Delhi School of Economics, BIMTECH • The judges for the event are yet to be finalized. Blitzkrieg: Computer Gaming • Event coordinator: Shaurya Garg • Blitzkrieg is a gaming event in which the students from leading B School with show their gaming skills and strategies to tackle the different situation. The blitzkrieg – The Gaming Event has multiple rounds during the event. The event is a one day event (27th August) that will have different rounds challenging the teams in different maps with different teams. Each round will be a knock out round. • Participation: IFMR, Fore, BIMTECH • Venue: Computer Lab, BIMTECH BAILAMOS…The Dance Event If you thought that streets were rough, wait till you get to this battle for the title of the best dance group!!! Round 1: Bollywood Express- A theme based dance to showcase as storyline using bollywood songs only. Round 2: Choreography- Display of any recognised dance form. Date and Venue: August 28, 2011 (6 pm), Main Stage. Prizes: 3 prizes in total worth Rs. 22,000. [First- Rs. 10K, Second- Rs. 7K and Third- Rs. 5K] Colleges Participating: MICA, LBS, JAYPEE Event Coordinators: Aditi Gupta, Divya kaushik, and Amneet Bedazzled A theme based fashion show staging ingenious designers and their novel designs from different principles of education…showcase your skills in fashion designing to create unique costumes and wardrobes inspired by the theme… Band Baja Baraat: Display your creativity to showcase the richness of a marriage. Accessories- Change the look by improvising the regular wear with a bunch of accessories. Date: 28th august Time: 8:00 pm Location: Main Stage Name of colleges participating BIMTECH Jaypee Business School Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute Judges: Winners of Get Gorgeous In talks with industry Professionals Prize money: Travel Vouchers worth Rs. 50,000 Co-ordinators: Sahil Bhatia, Arjun Dhingra, Nikhil Golhar About the event Guitars. Drums. Pianos – The War of the Bands Competition A competition where bands from some of the nation’s top colleges battle for supremacy, while testing their skills in time management Rules: Maximum team size: 8 participants One entry per institute Time limit: 20 minutes (inclusive of sound-check) Prizes Prizes - Cash/Vouchers worth: First Prize: Rs.10,000 Second Prize: Rs. 7,000 Third Prize :Rs. 5,000 Currently in talks with Onstage Music Factory as event sponsor LBSIM New NL Dalmia Delhi Mumbai Sponsorship NDIM New Delhi Registration & Enquiries FORE, Delhi IIM, Lucknow MDI, Gurgaon SPA New Delhi Amity Noida G.D.P. is creating a lot of buzz among various professional/semi-professional bands enrolled with the Bands association of Delhi Informals These events are basically crowd pullers. Include an array of small events which would not add up to the main events points tally. Venue: In front of the academic block Event coordinator: Kaveri Sabharwal, Ankit Sharma Sponsor Name NGO kerala GFL vodafone Stalls Onstage Levis (T-shirts) Hotel(Shimla) GIP Cash (INR) Kind 100000 50000 25000 25000 50000 80000 50000 60000 TOTAL 200000 Grand Total: 450000 Expected in next 2 days NTPC GOOGLE FASTRACK 10000 250000 Sponsorship Thank you!!!