Search Engine and Cloud Computing

Search Engine and Cloud Computing
Dr. Deng Yaping
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon!
I wish to begin by extending my sincere welcome to our British friends
who have come all the way to China.
Today, I would like to talk about “search engine and cloud computing”. To
my understanding, search engine has come to life along with the development
of the information age. With a mission to resolve the paradox of infiniteness of
network information and finiteness of human attention, search engine plays an
irreplaceable role in the information age, and has been credited as a beacon in
the ocean of information and a guide to net surfing. “Cloud computing” is a
strategy reflecting the major division of labor in information industry after
information age develops to a certain stage. Similar to other major social
divisions of labor in human history, professionalism, intensification, large scale
and structuration remain as its basic features.
To demonstrate its importance, I would like to discuss 3 issues in search
engine and “cloud computing”.
First, search engine and “cloud computing” both play their parts in cultural
China is a country that greatly emphasizes the passing down of cultural
information. As in many other civilizations, numerous libraries and private book
collections are built in the Chinese history. Today, the importance of
information is known to all and the scale of information that needs to be
maintained continues to expand with great momentum. After the scale reaches
a certain extent, however, two significant questions emerge. One is how to
manage and the other is how to inquiry. Only with the answers to the two
questions can information be of value, otherwise it serves no one.
“Cloud computing” is bound to shoulder the mission endowed by the era
with the passing on of mass information. In theory, “cloud computing” will
provide almost infinite room for managing mass information, and almost
unlimited computational ability for delivering various services of data resource.
As for inquiries, it is the very thing that search engine is designed for. Today,
information from billions of webpages can be accurately retrieved in lightning
speed. Libraries may not be replaced, but as long as there are search engine
and “cloud computing”, we can be confident in the inheritance of cultural
Second, search engine and “cloud computing” share the goal of resource
In recent years, the Chinese government strongly promotes energy
conservation, emission reduction and energy efficiency. We know the
“shortage” of energy and “excess” of urban waste are problems that gives the
whole world a headache. We hope that this would improve in a network
However, resources are always limited, and internet resource is no
exception. To accommodate this “Cloud computing” is also designed to
integrate information resources and avoid the waste of software and hardware.
This makes search engine an ideal tool for optimal allocation of resources. It
not only advocates resource conservation, but also works to remove
redundant information. This task is as hard and glorious as the works of a
street cleaner.
Third, search engine helps to promote the “cloud computing” technologies.
Most technologies of “cloud computing” come from the search engine.
Storage capacity will expand in relation to the amount of data entered into the
cloud. However, simple data processing logic no longer works when massive
data processing requests flood in simultaneously. Key technologies to resolve
such matters include distributed deployment and parallel computing. Such
technologies are naturally related to and established in search engine sector.
Without them, we cannot seek out what we need from the billions of pieces of
information. Only with such technologies can “cloud computing” be possible.
But new problems arise. When we put all the data in the cloud, how could we
find them? “Finding out the data in the cloud” becomes a new mission for
search engine technologies in this “cloud age”, but also provides the
opportunity for search engines to develop further.
Finally, I would like to talk about how to realize instant search in a “cloud
computing” age., a newborn internet enterprise I am working with, is
a new participant in the search engine sector. Established in May 2010, grows at a fast pace by successfully delivering news search service
at the end of the year, and creating a webpage search platform on 20th June. In
the near future, we will offer picture search, video search and social search
services one after another. Fortunately, was born in an era when
“cloud computing” has been flourishing, and for that will strive to link
its future with the development of “cloud computing”.
“Cloud computing” has brought a new hope for the internet, making it
even more colorful. At the same time, by “search in the cloud”, search engine
will continue to follow the principle of “information democracy” by ensuring the
equality of all information and to further enrich the internet space.
As one player of the
the internet sector, will adhere to the spirit
of joint development, inclusiveness, coexistence and communion, and the
concept of “transmitting information in a barrier-free manner to promote social
progress”. In this way, we hope to work together with our peers to expedite the
arrival of a new internet era.
We would like to cooperate with the British internet companies in such
areas as search engine and “cloud computing” in a mutually beneficial,
practical and flexible manner.
Thank you!