Faculty Abstracts and Presentations at Meetings

Faculty Published Abstracts and Presentations at Meetings
Published Abstracts
Names of faculty members are printed in bold. The list includes only those papers
while faculty members worked at Troy University. Listed alphabetically by year.
Bethala, S., J. McDaniel, J. Zhu, M. H. Alami, J. Gaston, and N. Billington. 2010. Population
genetic variation in sauger and walleye. Southeastern Biology 57: 297-298.
Biebinger, B., and L. A. Blankinship. 2010. Survey of antibiotic sensitivity in cell phone
isolate organisms. Southeastern Biology 57: 449.
Cohen, G. M. 2010. The sanguine future of microscope slides in the traditional undergraduate
histology laboratory. Proc. Southeastern Microscopy Society 30: 18.
Daniels, M. and C. Magrath. 2010. Transcription termination in replicated impaired strains of
S. cerevisiae. Southeastern Biology 57: 452.
Dey, I., P. Nahar, T. Slaney, and C. Magrath. 2010. Transcription termination activity of ARS
elements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Southeastern Biology 57: 265-266.
Hill, M. K. and S. C. Landers. 2010. Kinorhyncha, Priapulida and Loricifera from the northern
Gulf of Mexico. Southeastern Biology 57: 407.
Keener, B. R., A. R. Diamond, Jr., and C. J. Hansen. 2010. Annotated checklist of the vascular
plants of Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science (submitted).
Leverett, L. and M. Woods. 2010. The genus Crotalaria (Fabaceae) in Alabama. Southeastern
Biology 57: 253.
Riviere, J. M. and S. C. Landers. 2010. Light and electron microscopic analysis of the parasitic
ciliated protozoan Chromidina. Southeastern Biology 57: 427.
Alami, M. H., N. Billington, S. Lyle, J. Gaston, and J. Zhu. 2009. Genetic variation in Great
Plains and Mid-Western walleye populations. Journal of the Alabama Academy of
Science 80: 107.
Barron, J. K. and S. C. Landers. 2009. Priapulida and Loricifera from the Gulf of Mexico.
Southeastern Biology 56: 331.
Berry, B. and J. Gaston. 2009. Graphic organizers used as tools to differentiate and enhance
science instruction in the classroom. Southeastern Biology 56(3): 366.
Blankinship, L.A. 2009. Comparison of methods for the extraction of genomic DNA from
aerobic digest. Southeastern Biology 56: 343-344.
Braune, S. E. and S. C. Landers. 2009. Cross-infestation studies of apostome ciliated protozoa.
Southeastern Biology 56: 345-346.
Chitrakar, S., N. Billington, P. M. Stewart, P. L. Witmer, and C. K. Metcalf. 2009. Use of a
sedimentation risk index (SRI) to assess unpaved road-stream crossings in the upper
Choctawhatchee River watershed. Southeastern Biology 56: 245-246.
Chitrakar, S., N. Billington, and P. M. Stewart. 2009. Unpaved road-stream crossings in Pike
County, AL, assessed by use of a sedimentation risk index (SRI). Journal of the Alabama
Academy of Science 80: 115.
Cho, I. K., C. Magrath, R. Li, and A. Whatley. 2009. Induction of the cytochrome P450
enzyme in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) following exposure to wastewater
treatment plant effluent. Southeastern Biology 56(3): 248.
Cho, I.K., and A. Whatley. 2009. Mutagenicity of Walnut Creek and Troy (Alabama)
wastewater treatment plant influent and effluent. Southeastern Biology 56: 277.
Cohen, G. M. 2009. Blending Virtual Slides with Glass Slides in the Traditional
Undergraduate Histology Laboratory. Proc. Southeastern Microscopy Society 29: 12.
Cohen, G.M. 2009. The histology laboratory: Don’t throw the microscopes away.
Southeastern Biology 56: 366.
Dyess, K., and A. R. Diamond. 2009. The ten most common livestock poisoning plants of
Southeast Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science 80(2): 126.
Leverett, L. and M. Woods. 2009. The genus Indigofera (Fabaceae) in Alabama. Southeastern
Biology 56(3): 362.
Lyle, S.D., M. H. Alami, J. Gaston, R. N. Koigi, A. M. Wotawa, and N. Billington. 2009.
Management implications of genetic variation in walleye populations. Southeastern
Biology 56: 287-288.
Morris, M. W. 2009. Floristic survey of selected sites in the Shoal Creek Ranger District,
Talladega National Forest, Alabama. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science
80: 119.
Shrestha, P., M. W. Morris, and N. Billington. 2009. Genetic variation in bald cypress
populations from southeastern Alabama. Southeastern Biology 56: 244-245.
Shrestha, P., N Billington, and M. W. Morris. 2009. Genetic variation in Pike County,
Alabama, bald cypress populations. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 80:
Baker, A. F., P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2008. Life history study of Procambarus
suttkusi in southeastern Alabama. Journal of Crustacean Biology 28(3): in press.
Catrett, J. and P. Reynolds. 2008. Computational and Biological Screening Assays for
Endocrine Disruptors. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science: in-press.
Chitrakar, S., N. Billington, and P. M. Stewart. 2008. Determination of sediment loading
at unpaved road crossings in southeastern Alabama. The Journal of the Alabama
Academy of Science, 79: 75-76.
Daniel, N. M. Parker, and J. Gaston. 2008. The interactive technology of classroom
communication systems as an approach to actively engage science students and assess
learning in the science classroom. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 79:
in press.
Diamond, A. R. 2008. The Greenfly Orchid (Epidendrum magnoliae Muhl., Orchidaceae) in
Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science 79(2): 91.
Jones, R. D. and S. C. Landers. 2008. Morphological analysis of the trematode parasite
Alloglossidium. Southeastern Biology 55: 230-231.
Key, J., and M. Woods. 2008. The genus Rhynchosia (Fabaceae) in Alabama.
Southeastern Biology 55(3): 354.
Koigi, R. N., J. Gaston, N. Billington, R. E. Creech, A. M. Wotawa, and S. D. Lyle. 2008.
Hybridization between walleye and sauger. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of
Science 79: 78-79.
Landers, S. C. 2008. Staining improvements for apostome ciliates using a modified
Chatton-Lwoff technique. Southeastern Biology 55: 262.
Lyle, S., N. Billington, R. N. Koigi, J. Gaston, A. M. Wotawa, R. E. Creech, and C. Rasuck.
2008. Genetic variation in walleye and sauger populations determined by protein
electrophoresis. Southeastern Biology 55(3): 238-239.
Lyle, S. and N. Billington. 2008. Genetic variation of walleye populations. The Journal of the
Alabama Academy of Science 79: 78.
Morris, M. W., J. Williams, M. Pschandl, and R. Van Cleave. 2008. A floristic study of Burks
Mountain ultramafic woodland, Columbia County, Georgia. Southeastern Biology 55:
Morris, M. W., R. N. Koigi, and C. Magrath. 2008. Integrated learning: First-Year Reading
Initiative and Principles of Biology. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 79:
Smith, Jennifer L., J. Gaston, and C. Ash. 2008. Sudden Cardiac Death and the PreParticipation Screening of Student Athletes at Troy University. The Journal of the
Alabama Academy of Science 79: in press.
Wotawa, A. M. and N. Billington. 2008. Elucidation of genetic markers for distinguishing
between the northern and southern walleye strains in Alabama via PCR-RFLP analysis.
Southeastern Biology 55(3): 238.
Wotawa, A. M. and N. Billington. 2008. Mitochondrial DNA markers for identifying southern
and northern strains of Alabama walleye. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of
Science, 79: 81.
Barr, A. M., and N. Billington. 2007. Hybridization between sauger and walleye. Journal of
Alabama Academy of Science 78: 104-105.
Barr, A. M., R. N. Koigi, J. Gaston, R. E. Creech, and N. Billington. 2007. Hybridization
between walleye and sauger determined by protein electrophoresis. Southeastern
Biologist 54: 232.
Bell, B. L. and Landers, S. C. 2007. Endocytosis and digestion in the parasitic dinoflagellate
Haplozoon. Southeastern Biology 54: 322-323.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, R. P. Franckowiak, B. L. Sloss, J. Xiong, and W. Gardner. 2007.
Population genetic structure of sauger in the upper Missouri River system. Southeastern
Biologist 54: 110.
Chakravarty, T., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Phosporus concentrations and
sources in the Choctawhatchee River, S.E. Alabama. The Journal of the Alabama
Academy of Science 78:XX.
Diamond, A. R. 2007. Rare vascular planst of Crenshae County, Alabama. Alabama Academy
of Science 78(2): 118.
Ezell, P. T., and N. Billington. 2007. Limnology of southeastern Alabama water bodies. The
Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 78: 105-106.
Farr, J. and A. R. Diamond. 2007. Species richness and diversity of treefrogs in Lillian Swamp
Baldwin County, Alabama. Southeastern Biology 54(3): 240.
Koigi, R. N., N. Billington, J. Xiong, B. L. Sloss, R. Francowiak, and W. Gardner. 2007.
Genetic structure of Montana sauger populations. The Journal of the Alabama Academy
of Science 78: 103.
Lyle, S., J. Gaston, A. M. Barr, R. N. Koigi, R. E. Creech, and N. Billington. 2007. Genetic
variation in sauger and walleye determined by protein electrophoresis. The Journal of
the Alabama Academy of Science 78: 103-104.
McCall, A. F., P.M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2007. Agonistic behavior of male Procambarus
suttkusi. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 78:XX.
McCall, A. F., P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2007. Life history of the crayfish,
Procambarus suttkusi. Southeastern Biology 54(3): 247-248..
McCall, A. F., P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2007. Aggressive interactions among Form I
and Form II males of the crayfish, Procambarus suttkusi. Southeastern Biology 54(3):
Reynolds, P. D. 2007. Stable expression of the androgen receptor in HeLa Cells. The Journal
of the Alabama Academy of Science 78: 107-108.
Stewart, J. L., P. L. Witmer, A. McKenzie, K. Hodges, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Assessment of
fish assemblages upstream and downstream of unpaved road stream crossings in
two Choctawhatchee River subwatersheds. Journal of Alabama Academy of Science
78: 99.
Witmer, P. L., C. K. Metcalf, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Indexing unpaved road stream crossing
conditions in the Choctawhatchee watershed: pre-implementation risk rankings.
Southeastern Biology 54(3): 251.
Woods, M. 2007. The genus Lespedeza in Alabama. Southeastern Biology 54(3): 300.
Barr, A. and N. Billington. 2006. Protein electrophoretic distribution of genetic variation
in sauger populations. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 77: 50
Barr, A., R. N. Koigi, R. E. Creech, J. Gaston, and N. Billington. 2006. Genetic variation in
sauger populations determined by protein electrophoresis. Southeastern Biology
Barron, J., Amanda B., B. D. Cantrell, G. Childers, M. Clifton, S. Gowder, R. Van Cleave, and
M. W. Morris. 2006. A floristic study of Ramblewood, Lumpkin County, Georgia.
Southeastern Biology 53(2):108.
Bhattarai, S. and M. W. Mullen. 2006. The relationship of large woody debris and
macroinvertebrate communities in wadeable streams in the Choctawhchee River System.
Southeastern Biology 53 (2):115.
Billington, N. 2006. Whole-molecule mitochondrial DNA RELP variation in walleye and
sauger. Southeasatern Biology 53(2):102.
Bhattarai, S. P. and A. Whatley. 2006. Induction of cytochrome P450 in channel catfish
(Ictalurus punctatus) following exposure to Troy (Alabama) waste water treatment plant
effluent. Southeastern Biology 53 (2):101.
Cho, Y., D. Bai, and C. Magrath. 2006. Northern blot analysis of differentially induced
transcription termination reporter genes. Journal of the Alabama Academy of
Science 77: 52.
Diamond, A. R. 2006. Rudbeckia auriculara (Perdue) Kral parasitized by Asphondylia
rudbeckiaeconspicua Osten Sacken (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Alabama. Alabama
Academy of Science 77(2): 47
Diamond, A. R., and M. Woods. 2006. The gymnosperms of southeastern and south central
Alabama. Southeastern Biology 53(2): 300.
Ezell, P. T., B. M. Coale, J. M. Miller, and N. Billington. 2006. Comparison of Trophic State
Index (TSI) for Southeast Alabama ponds. Southeastern Biology 53(2):100.
Gaston, J., R. N. Koigi, R. E. Creech, P. T. Ezell, and N. Billington. 2006. Hybridization and
introgression between sauger and walleye determined by protein electrophoresis. J.
Alabama Academy of Science 77: 52.
Harris, E. S. and S. C. Landers. 2006. Rotifer diversity in ponds and lakes at Troy University.
Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 77: 48
Harris, E. S. and S. C. Landers. 2006. Survey of protists from lakes and ponds at Troy
University. Southeastern Biology 53: 278-279.
Jiang, C., G. M. Cohen, and E. G. Spokas. 2006. Alkaline and acid phosphatase activities in
mosquitofish gills after freshwater and seawater adaptation. Proc. Southeastern Biology
53 (3):374.
Jiang, C., G. M. Cohen, and E. G. Spokas. 2006. Distribution patterns and cellular localizations
of acid and alkaline phosphatases in mosquitofish gills. Journal of Alabama Academy of
Science 78 (2), in press.
Jiang, C. and G. M. Cohen. 2006. Nanoplast as an embedding medium for preserving soluble
reaction products. Proc. Southeast. Electron. Micros. Soc. 26:4 (Abstract #7).
Johnson, M., M. Parker, J. Anderson, and J. Gaston. 2006. Graphic organizers as tools to
differentiate science instruction in the secondary classroom. The Journal of the Alabama
Academy of Science 77: 86.
Koigi, R. N., J. Xiong, N. Billington, and W. Gardner. 2006. Genetic variation in Montana
sauger and hybridization with walleye. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science
77: 53
McCall, A., J. Aplin, W. Robinson, and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Structure and function of fish
assemblages in beaver ponds of the Choctawhatchee-Pea and Conecuh River watersheds,
Alabama. J. Alabama Academy of Sciences 77(2): 50.
McHugh, R., S. Bhattarai, C. Magrath, P. Reynolds, and A. Whatley. 2006. A putative
cytochrome p450 mRNA induced by exposure to waste water treatment effluent in
channel catfish. Southeastern Biology 53(2):102.
McHugh, R., S. Bhattarai, C. Magrath. and A. Whatley. 2006. DNA sequence analysis of a
putative cytochrome p450 from waste water treated channel catfish. Journal of the
Alabama Academy of Science 77: 58
Miller, J. M., and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Variations of life history among burrowing crayfish
in the Cambarus digenes (Girard) complex. Journal of the Alabama Academy of
Science 77(2): 51
Nahar, P., K. Flinn, and C. Magrath. 2006. A transcription termination profile of the
autonomous replication sequences from Chromosome III of Saccharomyces cerevisia.
Southeastern Biology 53(2):106.
Nahar, P., K. Flinn, J. Noble, and C. Magrath. 2006. Transcription termination capacity of
intergenic regions from S. cerevisiae. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 77:
Pilarczyk, M. M., P. M. Stewart. 2006. Contemporary and recent historical freshwater mussel
assemblages in the Gulf Coastal Plains of Alabama and Florida. Southeastern Biology 53
Sawyer, J., F. Parauka, and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Summer resting areas of the Gulf sturgeon,
Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Conecuh/Escambia River System. Journal of the
Alabama Academy of Sciences 77(2): in press.
Stewart, P. M., and M. M. Pilarczyk. 2006. Status of candidate mussel species in the Gulf
coastal plains, SE Alabama. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Sciences 77(2): 63.
Whatley, A., S. P. Bhattarai, P. M. Stewart, C. Magrath, and P. D. Reynolds, P. 2006.
Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
exposed to Troy (Alabama) wastewater treatment plant effluent. Journal of the Alabama
Academy of Sciences 77 (2): 54.
Whatley, A., S. Bhattarai, P. Reynolds, C. McGrath, and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Biomarkers in
catfish at the Troy Wastewater Treatment Facility, Troy, AL. The Journal of the
Alabama Academy of Science 77 (2): 54.
Woods, M. 2006. The genus Desmodium in Alabama. Southeastern Biology 53(2): 302.
Woods, M., and A. R. Diamond. 2006. New and interesting plants from Alabama. Journal of
Alabama Academy of Science 77(2): 55.
Ayala, J. and C. Magrath. 2005. Replication from a transcript termination deficient ARS
element. Southeastern Biology 52: 122.
Creech, R. E., R. E. Jensen, J. Gaston, P. T. Ezell, T. J. Johnston, and N. Billington. 2005.
Introgressive hybridization between walleye and sauger in Lake Diefenbaker,
Saskatchewan, Canada. J. Alabama Academy of Science 77: 107.
Creech, R. E., R. E. Jensen, P. T. Ezell, N. Billington, J. Gaston, and T. J. Johnston. 2005.
Hybridization and introgression between sauger and walleye in Lake Diefenbaker,
Saskatchewan, Canada. Southeastern Biology 52: 126.
Ezell, P. T., B. M. Coale, B. A. Mack, and N. Billington. 2005. Trophic State Index for
waterbodies in southeastern Alabama. J. Alabama Academy of Science 76: 104.
Ezell, P. T., B. M. Coale, B. A. Mack, and N. Billington. 2005. Lake trophic state index for
southeastern Alabama water bodies. Southeastern Biology 52: 149.
Gaston, J. 2005. Lively Lectures. Strategies for Success-Benjamin Cummings Publication
for Science Instructors, Spring 2005, No. 43, Pg. 7.
Gibson, S. and S. Greipsson. 2005. Effects of fungicide (benomyl) on phytoextraction by
ryegrass of zinc contaminated soil. Southeastern Biology 52: 201.
Greipsson, S. 2005. Effects of EDTA and fungicide (benomyl) application on lead uptake and
growth by corn (Zea mays). Southeastern Biology 52: 201.
Harrelson, L. and Landers, S. C. 2005 Protozoan parasites of the maldanid polychaete
Axiothella mucosa. Southeastern Biology 52: 128.
Heath, W. H., J. M. Miller, P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2005. Habitat partitioning of
crayfishassemblages in wadeable streams in the coastal plains of southeast
Alabama. Southeastern Biology 52 (2): 175-176.
Jiang, C., G. M. Cohen, and E. G. Spokas. 2005. Distribution patterns and cellular
localization of alkaline phosphates in zebrafish and mosquitofish gills. Southeastern
Biology 52: 123.
Koigi, R. N., N. Billington, and W. Gardner. 2005. Troy University and Montana
Department of fish, Wildlife and Parks-Conservation genetic of Montana sauger.
Southeastern Biology 52: 125.
Landry, D. L. and Landers, S. C. 2005. Protists from Lake Lagoona on the Troy University
Campus. Southeastern Biology 52: 199.
Machida, S. and S. Greipsson. 2005. Growth responses of kudzu (Pueraria montana) a nonnative invasive plant to three different soil types. Southeastern Biology 52: 207.
Miller, J., W. H. Heath, and P. M. Stewart. 2005. Morphological variations among burrowing
crayfish in the Cambarus diogenes (Girard) complex. Southeastern Biology 52 (2): 177.
Pilarczyk, M. M., H. Blalock-Herod, P. M. Stewart, and B. Hamiter. 2005. Host identification
of the tapered pigtoe mussel (Quincuncina burkei) and the fuzzy pigtoe mussel
(Pleurobema strodeanum) at Eightmile Creek in Walton County, Florida. Southeastern
Biology 52 (2): 175.
Roberts A. and S. Greipsson. 2005. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) infection potential
and spore numbers in soil of ecozones across coastal sand dune ecosystem on Dauphin
Island, Alabama. Southeastern Biology 52: 198-199.
Roberts, A. and S. Greipsson. 2005. Incidence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) root
colonization of plants across coastal sand dune ecosystem on Dauphin Island,
Alabama. Southeastern Biology 52: 208.
Roberts, A. and S. Greipsson. 2005. Effects of severe coastal erosion on arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi on coastal dune plants on Dauphin Island (Alabama). Ecological
Restoration 23: 122-123.
Tuck, S. N., and M. Woods. 2005. A distributional and taxonomic study of the genus
Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in Alabama. Southeastern Biology 52(2): 118-119.
Windham, T. L., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. 2005. The fern and fern allies of
southeastern Alabama. Southeastern Biology 52(2): 119.
Belcher, R. and S.Greipsson. 2004. Role of Cytochrome P450 in the Hydroxylation of
Bensulide. Southeastern Biology 51: 178-179.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, B. Graeb, and D. Willis. 2004. Hybridization and introgression
between walleye and sauger in three main-stem Missouri River reservoirs in South
Dakota determined by protein electrophoresis. Southeastern Biology 51 (1): 120.
Billington, N., R. Koigi, F. White, D. Porter, B. Graeb, and D. Willis, D. 2004. Use of isozyme
markers to document hybridization between walleye and sauger in three Missouri
River reservoirs in South Dakota. Gene Families and Isozymes Bulletin 37: 26.
Collins, C., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. 2004. Assessing the ecological health of
urban impacted streams in the Choctawhatchee and Pea Rivers watershed.
Southeastern Biology 51 (1): 170-1.
Greipsson, S. 2004. Role of arbuscular mycorrizal fungi in invasion of native ecosystems in
Alabama by non-native plants (privet and kudzu). Southeastern Biology 51 (1): 226.
Hovsepyan, A. and S. Greipsson. 2004. Effects of EDTA on phytoextraction by corn of lead
contaminated soil. Southeastern Biology 51 (1): 230.
Jiang, C., G. M. Cohen, and E.G. Spokas. 2004. Zebrafish Gills: Localization of Alkaline and
Acid Phosphatases. Journal of Alabama Academy of Science 76: 74.
Jones, T. and A. R. Diamond. 2004. Preliminary results of the comparison of herpetofaunal
abundance and diversity in different forest cover types and their response to timber
harvesting. Southeastern Biology 51 (2): 102.
Judah, L. and S. Greipsson. 2004. Metal contamination of soils and plants at three polluted
sites in southeast Alabama. Southeastern Biology 51: 152.
Koigi, R., N. Billington, and W. Gardner. 2004. Conservation genetics of Montana sauger. J.
Alabama Academy of Science. 76: 59.
Koigi, R., N. Billington, and G. William. 2004. Genetic variation, hybridization and
introgression of Montana sauger populations. Southeastern Biology 51 (1): 200.
Koigi, R., N. Billington, D. Porter, F. White, W. Gardner, and V. Riggs. 2004. Hybridization
between native sauger and introduced walleye in Montana, and in Yellowstone
River sauger brood stock. Gene Families and Isozymes Bulletin 37: 28.
Lynch, J., N. Billington, and J. Pitlo. 2004. Hyridization and introgression between sauger
and walleye from Pool 13 of the Mississippi River. Southeastern Biology 51: 121.
Lynch, J., N. Billington, and J. Pitlo. 2004. Hybridization and introgression between
walleye and sauger from Pool 13 of the Mississippi River. Journal of the Alabama
Academy of Science 76: 59.
Landers, S. C. 2004. Apostome ciliated protozoa from decapod crustacea in St. Andrew
Bay, Florida. Southeastern Biology 51(2):165-166
Munden, A., S. C. Landers., S. Phipps. 2004. Settlement of the suctorian Lernaeophrya
capitata in Weeks Bay, Alabama. Southeastern Biology 51 (2):163
Pisani, K. A., S. C. Landers. 2004. The effect of salinity changes on Hyalophysa chattoni, an
apostome ciliate symbiotic on grass shrimp. Southeastern Biology 51 (2):164
Shiver, C,. and M. Woods. 2004. The fall flora of Henry County, Alabama.
Southeastern Biology 51(2): 194.
Smith, L .L., A. DiTommaso, J. Lehmann and S. Greipsson. 2004. Influence of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi on the invasive vine pale swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum rossicum).
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society of
America, 59: 132.
Sucaet, Y., and C. Magrath. 2004. ARS containing intergenic regions have a higher
incidence of transcription termination sequences as compared to the rest of the
intergenic space in Saharomyces cerevisiae. Southeastern Biology 51 (1): 121.
Braun, G. M., S. C. Landers. 2003. Acid phosphatase localization in ectocommensal symbionts
of grass shrimp. Southeastern Biology 50 (2): 136.
Collins, C., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. 2003. Evaluation of the Alabama Water Watch
Citizen Level Macroinvertebrate Protocol for Alabama coastal plain streams. Journal of
the Alabama Academy of Science 74: 73.
Landers, S. C., S. W. Phipps. 2003. Settlement of the acorn barnacle Balanus on artificial
substrates from coastal Alabama. Southeastern Biology 50(2): 122.
Robinson, C. D., G.M. Cohen, and E.G. Spokas. 2003. Co-localization of Na+/K+-ATPase and
the peptide hormone receptor guanylate cyclase in chloride cells of Fundulus
heteroclitus. Proc. Southeast Micros. Soc. 24: 8.
Sucaet, Y. and C. Magrath. 2003. Analysis of transcription termination sequences and
transcription levels in relation to ARS localization and efficiency on Chromosome III in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 20(S1): S111.
Swanson, I, M. Greene, S. Paul, and C. Magrath. 2003. Altered lead acetate responsiveness in
S. cerevisiae gene deletions. Southeastern Biology 50 (2): 174.
Woods, M. 2003. A taxonomic revision of the North American species of Apio (Fabaceae).
Southeastern Biology 50(2): 185-186.
Bennett, H., M. Mullen, P. M. Stewart, C. Webber, J. Sawyer, and C. Morris. 2002.
Development of a benthic invertebrate index of biotic integrity for the
Chocktawhatchee and Pea River Basins. Southeastern Biology 49(1): 171.
Bradley, K. and C. Magrath. 2002. Analysis of replication from a transcription termination
deficient autonomous replication sequence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Southeastern Biology 49: 260.
Cole, J. M., S. C. Landers. 2002. Occurrence of the apostome ciliate Conidophrys on grass
shrimp from Weeks Bay, Alabama. Southeastern Biology 49(2): 122.
Gibson, S., C. C. Morris, A. Hovsepyan, and S. Greipsson. 2002. Atmospheric deposition of
lead in Troy, Alabama using lichens as bioindicators. Southeastern Biology 49: 209210.
Greene, M., Y. Sucaet, and C. Magrath. 2002. Identification of 3'-end formation sequences in
intergenic regions and autonomous replication sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Southeastern Biology 49: 260.
Landers, S. C. 2002. Comparison of different fixation techniques on gregarine ultrastructure.
Proceedings of the Southeastern Microscopy Society 23: 19.
Landers, S. C., S. W. Phipps, C. D. Beech. 2002. Sessile protozoan colonization of substrates
in Weeks Bay, Alabama. Southeastern Biology 49(2): 196.
Morris, C. C., P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2002. Development and validation of an index
of biotic integrity for wadeable streams in the Alabama portion of the
Choctawhatchee and Pea River watersheds (Coastal Plains ecoregion) using fish
communities. Southeastern Biology 49: 170.
Norman, K. and C. Magrath. 2002. Transcription termination capacity of active ARSs from
Chromosome III in Saccharomyces cerevisia. Southeastern Biology 49: 263.
Sawyer, J., P. M. Stewart, H. Bennett, M. Mullen, and T. P. Simon. 2002. Examination of
habitat and water quality variables as part of an Index of Biotic Integrity of the
Coastal Plains Ecoregion, Alabama. Southeastern Biology 49: 171.
Swanson, I., M. Greene, and C. Magrath. 2002. Identification of lead responsive genes in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Southeastern Biology 49: 260-261.
Thomason, K., A. R. Diamond, and M. Woods. 2002. Investigations of the reproductive
Biology of Warea sessilifolia Nash (Brassicaceae) in Alabama. Southeastern Biology
Beech, C. D., S. C. Landers. 2001. Seasonal fluctuations of sessile ciliated protozoa from
Dauphin Island, AL. Southeastern Biology 48(2): 143
Bennett, H., A. R. Diamond, and M. Woods. 2001. Insect visitors to Ware sessilifolia Nash.
Southeastern Biology 48(1): 131.
Bradley, K., L. Frazier. and C. Magrath. 2001. Levels of transcription from a galactose
inducible promoter correlate with galactose levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Southeastern Biology 48(1): 113.
Clardy, T., A. R. Diamond, D. H. Costes, and D. Richburg. 2001. Preliminary investigations of
the floral visitors of Dalea pinnata (J. F. Gmel.) Barneby (Fabaceae) in southern
Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science 72(2): 101.
Frazier, L., K. Bradley, and C. Magrath. 2001. The effect of varying levels of transcriptional
interference on replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Southeastern Biology 48(1):
Hall J. A., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. 2001. The vascular flora of the Pike County
Pocosin Nature Preserve, Alabama. Southeastern Biology 48(1): 131.
Izzo, I. (I. Swanson), M. Colbert, M. Greene, and C. Magrath. 2001. The effect of lead on
Saccharomyces cerevisiae: towards the identification of lead responsive genes.
Southeastern Biology 48(1): 176.
Magrath, C., D. Vines, and M. Tuson. 2001. The relationship between autonomous
replication sequences and the 3’-end of adjacent genes. Yeast 18: S44.
Martin B. H., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. 2001. The vascular flora of Coffee County,
Alabama. Southeastern Biology 48(1): 131.
Pennington, T., and M. Woods. 2001. The vascular flora of Dale County, Alabama.
Southeastern Biology 48(1): 131.
Tuson, M., D. Vines, and C. Magrath. 2001. Analysis of transcription levels from the
intergenic regions of chromosome III in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Southeastern
Biology 48(1): 113.
Cohen, G. M., E. Spokas, and J. Cannon. 2000. Cytological changes in the structure of
Fundulus gills after exposure to clotrimazole, an inhibitor of eicosanoid metabolism.
Proceedings of the Southeastern Microscopy Society, 21: 23-24 (Abstr. #21).
Cohen, G. M. and K. Garcia. 2000. Trichrome staining of the chick’s inner ear. Proceedings
of the Southeastern Microscopy Society, 21: 24 (Abstr. #22).
Diamond, A. R. 2000. Warea in Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science 71 (1-2): 2.
Hall, J. A., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. 2000. A survey of the fall and winter flora of the
Pike County Pocosin, Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science 71(1-2): 2.
Martin, B, A. R. Diamond, and M. Woods. 2000. A preliminary survey of the vascular flora of
the Pike County Pocosin, Alabama. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin
47(2): 170.
Prazinko, B., and M. Woods. 2000. The vascular flora of Dale County Lake, Alabama.
Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 47(2): 170.
Diamond, A. R., M. Woods, and H. Rundell. 1999. Epiphyllous hepatics and their host species
from the southeastern United States north of Tropical Florida. Jour. Al. Acad. Sci 70(2):
in press.
Johnson, J. W., S. C. Landers. 1999. Food plaquette digestion and elimination in the ciliated
protozoan Hyalophysa chattoni. ASB Bulletin 46(2): 135
Rundell, H. and M. Woods. 1999. The vascular flora of Ech Lake, Dale County, Alabama.
Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 46(2): 180.
Diamond, A. R. and C. Chapman. 1998. A checklist of the vascular flora of Pike County,
Alabama. Alabama Academy of Sciences 69(2), 62.
Lucas, L., A. R. Diamond, and C. P. Chapman. 1998. Additions to the fruticose lichen flora of
Bibb County, Alabama. J. Alabama Academy of Science _______
Treadaway, R. A., S. C. Landers. 1998. Feeding experiments with the ciliated protozoan
Hyalophysa chattoni, an ectocommensal of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes. ASB Bulletin
45(2): 119.
Brummett, J. and A. R. Diamond. 1997. The Copper Lily Habranthus tubispathus (L’Her)
Traub, new to the flora of Alabama. Journal of Alabama Academy of Science 68(2): 130.
Lowe, J., A. R. Diamond, and C. Chapman. 1997. The distinguishing features of epiphytic
fruitcose lichen species in Pike County, Alabama. Journal of Alabama Academy of
Science 68(2): 141.
Lowe, J., A. R. Diamond, and C. Chapman. 1997. Comparison of substrate preference for
attachment between the fruitcose lichens Ramalina americana and Usnea strigosa in Pike
County, Alabama. Journal of Alabama Academy of Science 68(2): 142.
Lucas, L., M. Mullen, and C. P. Chapman. 1997. Application of a simple yet accurate
coliform method by professionals and volunteers in the Choctawhatchee-Pea River
Watershed in Southeast Alabama. Journal of Alabama Academy of Science.
(Montgomery, AL). March.
Scarborough, N., A. R.Diamond, and C. Chapman. 1997. The distinguishing features of the
species of reindeer mosses, genus Cladina in Coffee County, Alabama. Journal of
Alabama Academy of Science 68(2): 132.
Scarborough, N., A. R. Diamond, and C. Chapman. 1997. The epiphytic fruticose lichen
species in Coffee County, Alabama, and their diagnostic features. Journal of Alabama
Academy of Science 68(2): 138.
Zimlich, M. A., S. C. Landers. 1997. Morphological variants of apostome ciliated protozoa
from Dauphin Island, Alabama. ASB Bulletin 44(3): 182.
Anderson, S., M. Asouzu, S. C. Landers, T. Coate. 1996. Enzymatic digestion of chitin: the
separation and detection of chitin monomers and oligomers by capillary zone
electrophoresis. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 67(2): 77
Diamond, A. R. 1996. Origins of the non-indigenous flora of Conecuh County, Alabama.
Alabama Academy of Science 67(2): 49.
Landers, S. C., T. Coate, M. A. Zimlich. 1996. Ciliary patterns of Hyalophysa spp., a symbiont
of Palaemonetes pugio from coastal Alabama. Journal of the Alabama Academy of
Science 67(2): 50
Woods, M. 1996. Apios americana Medikus (Fabaceae): an infraspecific revision. Journal of
the Alabama Academy of Science 67(2): 53.
Landers, S. C., A. Confusione, D. Defee. 1995. Apostome ciliates from the freshwater shrimp
Palaemonetes kadiakensis. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 66(1-2): 22
Diamond, A. R. and T. Owens. 1993. Rudbeckia auriculata (Perdue) Kral: Its status and
distribution in Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science 65: 72.
Diamond, A. R. 1991. Dryopteris ludoviciana (Kunze) Small: Its distribution and status in
Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science 62: 71.
Diamond, A R. 1990. The Pocosin of Pike County, Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science
61: 138.
Diamond, A. R. 1987. New plant distribution records for the Red Hills of Alabama. J.
Alabama Academy of Science 58: 128.
Platform and Poster Presentations at Meetings
Names of faculty members are printed in bold. The list includes only those presentations
and posters while faculty members worked at Troy University.
Bethala, S., J. McDaniel, J. Zhu, M. H. Alami, J. Gaston, and N. Billington. 2010. Population
genetic variation in sauger and walleye. Presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Asheville, NC, April 7-10th, 2010.
Dey, I., P. Nahar, T. Slaney, and C. Magrath. 2010. Transcription termination activity of ARS
elements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Asheville, NC, April 7-10th, 2010.
Dey, I. and C. Magrath. 2010. Filamentous growth in yeast deletion strains exposed to
wastewater treatment effluent. Presented at 17th Annual Southeastern Regional Yeast
Meeting, Little Rock, AR, March 12-14th, 2010.
Hill, M. K. and S.C. Landers. 2010. Kinorhyncha, Priapulida, and Loricifera from the northern
Gulf of Mexico. Presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Asheville, NC, April 7-10th, 2010.
Leverett, L. and M. Woods. 2010. The genus Crotalaria (Fabaceae) in Alabama. Presented at 71st
Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Asheville, NC,
April 7-10th, 2010.
Shrestha, P., N. Billington, and M. W. Morris. 2010. Genetic variation in bald cypress and pond
cypress populations from southeastern Alabama. Presented at 71st Annual Meeting
of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Asheville, NC, April 7-10th, 2010.
Shrestha, P., Z. Heath, M. W. Morris, and N. Billington. 2010. Population genetics of bald
cypress in southeastern Alabama. Presented at the 87th Annual meeting of the
Alabama Academy of Science, Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL, March 31,
Zhu, J., N. Billington, J. McDaniel, S. Bethala, J. Gaston, M. H. Alami, and H. El Brak. 2010.
Population genetic variation in Mid-western and Great Plains walleye and sauger.
Presented at 87th Annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Alabama A&M
University, Normal, AL, March 31, 2010.
Barron, J. K. and S. C. Landers. 2009. Priapulida and Loricifera from the Gulf of Mexico.
Presented at 70th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Berry, B. and J. Gaston. 2009. Graphic organizers used as tools to differentiate and enhance
science instruction in the classroom. Presented at 70th Annual meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Blankinship, L. 2009. Comparison of Methods for the Extraction of Genomic DNA from
Aerobic Digest. Presented at 70th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Braune, S. E. and S. C. Landers. 2009. Cross-infestation studies of apostome ciliated protozoa.
Presented at 70th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Chitrakar, S., N. Billington, P. M. Stewart, P. L. Witmer, and C. K. Metcalf. 2009. Use of a
sedimentation risk index (SRI) to assess unpaved road-stream crossings in the upper
Choctawhatchee River watershed. Presented at 70th Annual meeting of the Association
of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Cho, I. K., C. Magrath, R. Li, and A. Whatley. 2009. Induction of the cytochrome P450
enzyme in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) following exposure to wastewater
treatment plant effluent. Presented at 70th Annual meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Cho, I. Ki. and A. Whatley. 2009. Mutagenicity of Walnut Creek and Troy (Alabama)
wastewater treatment plant influent and effluent. Presented at 70th Annual meeting of
the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Cohen, G. M. 2009. Blending Virtual Slides with Glass Slides in the Traditional
Undergraduate Histology Laboratory. Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting Proceedings
of the Southeastern Microsopy Society, Athens, GA, May 27-29th, 2009.
Cohen, G. M. 2009. The histology laboratory: Don’t throw the microscopes away. Presented
at 70th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL,
April 1-4th , 2009.
Hinkle, Benjamin T., C. Magrath, and P. Reynolds. 2009. The effect of HSP90 and
ubiquitinproteasome degradation on the androgen receptor. Presented at 70th Annual
meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th ,
Leverett, L. and M. Woods. 2009. The genus Indigofera (Fabaceae) in Alabama. Presented at
70th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL,
April 1-4th , 2009.
Lyle, S. D., M. H. Alami, J. Gaston, R. N. Koigi, A. M. Wotawa, and N. Billington. 2009.
Management implications of genetic variation in walleye populations. Presented at 70th
Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 14th , 2009.
Magrath, C. and Y. Cho. 2009. Student Research introduced as an Integral Part of Traditional
Courses and Introduction of Technologies New to Biology. Presented at the
Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education: Mobilizing the Community for Change
Conference, Washington, DC, July 15-17, 2009.
O’Neal, F, L. A. Blankinship, and C. Magrath. 2009. Antibiotic sensitivity in yeast deletion
strains exposed to wastewater treatment effluent. Presented at Southeast Regional Yeast
Meeting, Nashville, TN, March 28, 2009.
Seo, D. C., K. W. Yu, and R. D. DeLaune. 2009. Comparison of monometal and multimetal
adsortion in Mississippi River alluvial wetland sediment: batch and column experiments.
Presented at Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, June 21-26,
Shrestha, P., M. W. Morris , and N. Billington. 2009. Genetic variation in bald cypress
populations from southeastern Alabama. Presented at 70th Annual meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Birmingham, AL, April 1-4th , 2009.
Yu, K. W. and R. D. DeLaune. 2009. A model analysis of rainfall-driven runoff in a sugarcane
field. Presented at Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, June 2126, 2009.
Barnes, J., H. Garcia, A. Whatley, and C. Magrath. 2008. Wastewater effects in catfish and
yeast. Presented at Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting, Gatlinburg, TN, March 7-9th,
Billington, N. 2008. Genetic variation in walleye populations. Presented at the 138th Annual
Meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on August 20,
Catrett, J. and P. Reynolds. 2008. Computational and Biological Screening Assays for
Endocrine Disruptors. 85th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science,
Samford University, Birmingham, AL, March 19-22, 2008.
Cummings, R., P. M. Stewart, and A. F. McCall. 2008. Comparison of the structure and
function of stream fish assemblages in beaver ponds vs. free-flowing southeastern
Alabama streams. Presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Alabama Fisheries
Society, Orange Beach, AL.
Daniel, N., M. Parker, and J. Gaston. 2008. Interactive technology of classroom
communication systems as an approach to actively engage science students and assess
learning in the science classroom. 85th Annual Meeting of The Alabama Academy of
Science, March 21, 2008, Samford University, Birmingham, AL.
Diamond, A. R. 2008. The Greenfly Orchid (Epidendrum magnoliae Muhl., Orchidaceae) in
Alabama. 85th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Sciences, Samford
University, Birmingham, AL. March 19-22nd, 2008.
Jones, R. D. and S. C. Landers. 2008. Morphological analysis of the trematode parasite
Alloglossidium. Presented at the 69th Annual meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, April 16-19th, Spartanburg, SC
Key, J., and M. Woods. 2008. The genus Rhynchosia (Fabaceae) in Alabama. Submitted for
presentation at the 69th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Spartanburg, SC, April 16-19th ,2008.
Koigi, R. N., J. Gaston, N. Billington, R. E. Creech, A. M. Wotawa, and S. D. Lyle. 2008.
Hybridization between walleye and sauger. 85th Annual Meeting of the Alabama
Academy of Sciences, Samford University, Birmingham, AL, March 19-22, 2008.
Landers, S. C. 2008. Staining improvements for apostome ciliates using a modified
Chatton-Lwoff technique. Presented at the 69th Annual meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, April 16-19th, Spartanburg, SC
Lyle, S. and N. Billington. 2008. Genetic variation of walleye populations. 85th Annual
Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Sciences, Samford University, Birmingham, AL,
March 19-22, 2008.
McKenzie, A. D. and P. M. Stewart. 2008. Impacts of unpaved road stream crossings on fish
assemblages in the Choctawhatchee-Pea watershed. To be presented at the 2008 Annual
Meeting of the Alabama Fisheries Society, Orange Beach, AL.
Miller, J. M., and P. M. Stewart. 2008. Water quality, fish, crayfish, and mussel assemblages
of the Little Choctawhatchee River: a pre-dam assessment progress report. Presented at
the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Alabama Fisheries Society, Orange Beach, AL.
Miller, J. M., D. N. Shelton, and P. M. Stewart. 2008. Mussel survey of candidate species in
the Yellow, Conecuh/Escambia, and Choctawhatchee Rivers in southern Alabama and
northern Florida. Presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Alabama Fisheries
Society, Orange Beach, AL.
Morris, M. W., J. Williams, M. Pschandl, and R. Van Cleave. 2008. A floristic study of Burks
Mountain ultramafic woodland, Columbia County, Georiga. Association of Southeastern
Biologists, April 16-19th, Spartanburg, SC.
Morris, M. W., R. N. Koigi, and C. Magrath. 2008. Integrated Learning: First year reading
initiative and principles of Biology. 85th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of
Sciences, Samford University, Birmingham, AL. March 19-22nd, 2008.
Smith, J. L. and J. Gaston. 2008. A review of sudden cardiac death and the pre-participation
screening of student athletes at Troy University. 85th Annual Meeting of the Alabama
Academy of Sciences, Samford University, Birmingham, AL. March 19-22nd, 2008.
Stephens, R. G. and L. A. Blankinship. 2008. Survey of antibiotic sensitivity and resistance
among bacteria isolated from aerobic digest from a wastewater treatment plant. 85th
Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Sciences, Samford University,
Birmingham, AL. March 19-22nd, 2008.
Turner, J., P. M. Stewart, J. M. Miller, A. D. McKenzie, and R. Cummings. 2008. The effects
of sediment risk index ranked stream crossings on small streams in southeastern
Alabama. Presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Alabama Fisheries Society,
Orange Beach, AL.
Wotawa, A. M. and N. Billington. 2008. Mitochondrial DNA markers for identifying southern
and northern strains of Alabama walleye. 85th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy
of Sciences, Samford University, Birmingham, AL, March 19-22, 2008.
Barr, A. M., R. N. Koigi, J. Gaston, R. E. Creech, and N. Billington. 2007. Hybridization
between walleye and sauger determined by protein electrophoresis. 68th Annual Meeting
of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, 19 April, Columbia, SC, U.S.A.
Bell, B.L. and S. C. Landers. 2007. Endocytosis and digestion in the parasitic dinoflagellate
Haplozoon. Presented at the 68th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Columbia, SC, April 18-21, 2007.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, B. L. Sloss, R. Francowiak, J. Xiong, and W. Gardner. 2007.
Genetic structure of Upper Missouri River sauger populations. Accepted for presentation
at the 137th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 2-6 September, San
Francisco, CA.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, R. P. Franckowiak, B. L. Sloss, J. Xiong, and W. Gardner. 2007.
Population genetic structure of sauger in the upper Missouri River system. 68th Annual
Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, 19 April, Columbia, SC, U.S.A.
Catrett, J. and P. Reynolds. 2007. Endocrine disruptor screening using docking software.
Southeast Regional Collegiate Environmental Science and Health Symposium.
November 14, 2007. Tom Harkin Global Communications Center, Center for Disease
Control, Atlanta, GA.
Chakravarty, T. A., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Analysis of phosphorus
concentrations and sources in the Choctawhatchee River basin. 2007 Alabama Water
Resources Conference, September 5-7, Orange Beach, AL.
Chakravarty, T. A., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Trophic state and water quality
of the Choctawhatchee watershed (southeastern Alabama in relation to the ecoregional
nutrient criteria: improving or worsening? Southeast Regional Collegiate Environmental
Science and Health Symposium. November 14, 2007. Tom Harkin Global
Communications Center, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Chakravarty, T. A., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. Assesment of loading, enrichment, and
sources of phosphorus in the Choctawhatchee River Basin. 84th Annual Meeting of the
Alabama Academy of Science. February 28 to March 2, 2007. Tuskegee University,
Tuskegee, Alabama.
Cummings, R., P. M. Stewart, and A. F. McCall. 2007. Comparison of the structure and
function of stream fish assemblages in beaver ponds vs. free-flowing southeastern
Alabama streams. Southeast Regional Collegiate Environmental Science and Health
Symposium. November 14, 2007. Tom Harkin Global Communications Center, Center
for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Ezell, P. T., and N. Billington. 2007. Limnology of southeastern Alabama water bodies. 84th
Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science. February 28 to March 2, 2007.
Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama.
Farr, J. and A. R. Diamond. 2007. Species richness and diversity of treefrogs in Lillian Swamp,
Baldwin country, Alabama. 84th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science.
February 28 to March 2, 2007. Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama.
Hodges, K., J. Stewart, A. McKenzie, P. Witmer, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Assessment of fish
assemblages upstream and downstream of unpaved road stream crossing in two
Choctawhatchee River sub-watersheds. 84th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of
Science. February 28 to March 2, 2007. Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama.
Koigi, R. N., N. Billington, J. Xiong, B. L. Sloss, R. Francowiak, and W. Gardner. 2007.
Genetic structure of Montana sauger populations. 84th Annual Meeting of the Alabama
Academy of Science, 2 March, Tuskegee, AL, U.S.A.
Lyle, S., J. Gaston, A. M. Barr, R. N. Koigi, R. E. Creech, and N. Billington. 2007. Genetic
variation in sauger and walleye determined by protein electrophoresis. 84th Annual
Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, 2 March, Tuskegee, AL, U.S.A.
McCall, A. D, P. M. Stewart, and T. Simon. Agonistic behavior of male crayfish Procambarus
suttkusi. 84th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science. February 28 to
March 2, 2007. Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama.
McCall, A. F., P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2007. Life history of the crayfish,
Procambarus suttkusi. 68th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Columbia, S.C., April 18-21st, 2007.
McCall, A. F., P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2007. Aggressive interactions among Form I
and Form II males of the crayfish, Procambarus suttkusi. 68th Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Columbia, S.C., April18-21st, 2007.
McKenzie, A. D. and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Effects of unpaved road stream crossings on fish
assemblages in SE coastal plain watershed. 2007 Alabama Water Resources Conference,
September 5-7, Orange Beach, AL.
McKenzie, A. D. and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Impacts of unpaved road stream crossings on fish
assemblages in the Choctawhatchee-Pea watershed. Southeast Regional Collegiate
Environmental Science and Health Symposium. November 14, 2007. Tom Harkin Global
Communications Center, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Miller, J. M., D. N. Shelton, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Candidate mussel surveys in the
Escambia, Yellow, and Choctawhatchee rivers in southern Alabama and northwest
Florida. 2007 Alabama Water Resources Conference, September 5-7, Orange Beach, AL.
Miller, J. M., D. N. Shelton, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Mussel survey of candidate species in
the Yellow, Conecuh/Escambia, and Choctawhatchee Rivers in southeastern Alabama
and northern Florida. Southeast Regional Collegiate Environmental Science and Health
Symposium. November 14, 2007. Tom Harkin Global Communications Center, Center
for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Miller, J. M., P. M. Stewart, J. W. Turner, A. D. McKenzie, and H. E. Miller. 2007. Water
quality, mussel, fish, and crayfish assemblages of the Little Choctawhatchee River: a predam assessment. 2007 Alabama Water Resources Conference, September 5-7, Orange
Beach, AL.
Miller, J.M. and P.M. Stewart. 2007. Water quality, fish, crayfish, and mussel assemblages of
the Little Choctawhatchee River: a pre-dam assessment progress report. Southeast
Regional Collegiate Environmental Science and Health Symposium. November 14, 2007.
Tom Harkin Global Communications Center, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Moffett, M. F., N. E. Detenbeck, T. P. Simon, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. IBIs for fish and
macroinvertebrates developed for Great Lakes coastal wetlands: An EPA regional
environmental monitoring and assessment program (REMAP) Project. Presented to
Science Subcommittee of the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Consortium, Great Lakes
Commission, NRRI, Duluth, MN.
Nahar, P., R. McHugh, and C. Magrath. 2007. Transcription termination in replication
deficient strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Presented at XIV Annual Southeastern
Regional Yeast Meeting, Birmingham, AL, March 31-April 1, 2007.
Simon, T. P., P. M. Stewart, and P. L. Rothrock. 2007. Workshop: Coastal Wetlands of the
Laurentian Great Lakes: Health, Habitat, and Indicators. Presented to the Save the Dunes
Council, Michigan City, IN. April 24, 2007.
Turner, J., P. M. Stewart, J. M. Miller, A. D. McKenzie, and R. Cummings. 2007. Effects of
unpaved road stream crossing on fish assemblages in the SE coastal plain watershed.
2007 Alabama Water Resources Conference, September 5-7, Orange Beach, AL.
Turner, J., P. M. Stewart, J. M. Miller, A. D. McKenzie, and R. Cummings. 2007. The effects
of sediment risk index ranked stream crossings on small streams in southeastern
Alabama. Southeast Regional Collegiate Environmental Science and Health Symposium.
November 14, 2007. Tom Harkin Global Communications Center, Center for Disease
Control, Atlanta, GA.
Witmer, P. L., C. K. Metcalf, and P. M. Stewart. 2007. Indexing unpaved road stream crossing
conditions in the Choctawhatchee watershed: pre-implementation risk rankings. 68th
Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Columbia, S.C., April 1821st, 2007.
Woods, M. The genus Lespedeza in Alabama. 2007. 68th Annual meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, Columbia, SC, April 18-21st, 2007.
Barr, A, R. N. Koigi, R. E. Creech, J. Gaston, and N. Billington. 2006. Genetic variation in
sauger populations determined by protein electrophoresis. Submitted for presentation at
the 67th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN,
March 29-April 1.
Cho, I. and C. Magrath. 2006. Microarray analysis of lead treated Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Presented at 83rd Annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Troy University,
Troy, AL, March 15-18, 2006.
Cho, I. and C. Magrath. 2006. Lead acetate response: correlation of deletion strain growth and
gene expression. Presented at Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting, Hattiesburg, MS,
Cho, Y., D. Bai, and C. Magrath. 2006. Northern Blot analysis of differentially induced
transcription termination reporter genes. Presented at 83rd Annual meeting of the
Alabama Academy of Science, Troy University, Troy, AL, March 15-18, 2006.
Cohen, G. M., C. Jiang, and E. G. Spokas. 2006. Alkaline and acid phosphatase activities in the
mosquitofish gill. 63rd Ann. Meet. Microscopy Soc. Amer., poster.
Diamond, A. R. and M. Woods. The gymnosperms of southeastern and southcentral Alabama.
Presented at the 67th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Gatlinburg, TN, March 29-April 1st, 2006.
Ezell, P. T. and N. Billington. 2006. Carlson’s Trophic State Index as applied to southeastern
Alabama fish ponds. Submitted for presentation at the 83rd Annual meeting of the
Alabama Academy of Science at Troy University, March 15-18.
Ezell, P. T., B. M. Coale, J. M. Miller, and N. Billington. 2006. Comparison of Trophic State
Index (TSI) for Southeast Alabama ponds. Submitted for presentation at the 67th Annual
meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN, March 29-April
Ezell, P. T., J. M. Miller, B. M. Coale, and N. Billington. 2006. Application of Carlson’s Lake
Trophic Status to Fish Ponds in Southeastern Alabama. To be presented at the 3rd
Annual Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Alabama in
Tuscaloosa, AL, March 3-5.
Franckowiak, R. P., N. Billington, R. N. Koigi, B. L. Sloss, J. Xiong, and W. Gardner. 2006.
Genetic structure of Upper Missouri River sauger (Sander canadensis). 67th Midwest
Fish and Wildlife Conference, 6 December, Omaha, NE.
Gaston, J., R. N. Koigi, R. E. Creech, P. T. Ezell, and N. Billington. 2006. Hybridization and
introgression between sauger and walleye determined by protein electrophoresis.
Submitted for presentation at the 83rd Annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of
Science at Troy University, March 15-18.
Harris, E. S. and S. C. Landers. Rotifer diversity in ponds and lakes at Troy University.
Presented at the 83rd meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Troy, AL, March 1518, 2006.
Harris, E. S. and S. C. Landers. Survey of protists from lakes and ponds at Troy
University. Presented at the 67th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN, March 29-April 1, 2006.
Kinney, P., H. El-Mayas and S.Greipsson. 2006. Effects of symbiotic soil microorganisms of
different ecotones in the invasion of kudzu in South Alabama. Submitted for presentation
at the 83rd Annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science at Troy University.
March 15-18
Koigi, R. N., J. Xiong, N. Billington, and W. Gardner. 2006. Genetic variation in Montana
sauger and hybridization with walleye. Submitted for presentation at the 83rd Annual
meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science at Troy University, March 15-18.
McCall, A., and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Just for fun – laboratory observations of crayfish
behavior. To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Crayfish/Mussel
Interest Group, March 8-9, 2006, Troy University, Troy, AL.
McHugh, R., S. Bhattarai, C. Magrath, and A. Whatley. 2006. A putative cytochrome p450
mRNA induced by exposure to waste water treatment effluent in channel catfish.
Presented at 67th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Gatlinburg, TN, March 29-April 1, 2006.
McHugh, R., S. Bhattarai, C. Magrath, and A. Whatley. 2006. DNA sequence analysis of a
putative cytochrome p450 from wastewater treated channel catfish. Presented at 83rd
Annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Troy University, Troy, AL, March
15-18, 2006.
Miller, J. M., and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Life history of the crayfish Diogenus group in SE
Alabama. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Crayfish/Mussel Interest
Group, March 8-9, 2006, Troy University, Troy, AL.
Nahar, P., K. Flinn, and C. Magrath. 2006. A transcription termination profile of the
autonomous replication sequences from Chromosome III of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Presented at 67th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN, March 29-April 1, 2006.
Nahar, P., K. Flinn, J. Noble, and C. Magrath. 2006. Transcription termination capacity of
intergenic regions from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Presented at 83rd Annual meeting
of the Alabama Academy of Science, Troy University, Troy, AL, March 15-18, 2006.
Sawyer, J., F. Parauka, and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Summer resting areas of the Gulf sturgeon,
Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Conecuh/Escambia River System. Annual Meeting
of the Alabama Academy of Sciences, March 15-19, 2006, Troy University, Troy, AL.
Stewart, P. M. 2006. Keynote Banquet Speaker, 2006 Annual Meeting of the Alabama
Academy of Science. Sustainable Development: What kind of planet do you want to
leave your children?
Stewart, P. M., and M. M. Pilarczyk. 2006. Contemporary and recent historical freshwater
mussel assemblages in the Gulf Coastal Plains of Alabama and Florida. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Alabama Crayfish/Mussel Interest Group, March 8-9, 2006, Troy
University, Troy, AL.
Tay, C., C. King and S. Greipsson. 2006. Concentrations of lead within the soil profile at Troy
University Arboretum. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science at
Troy University. . March 15-18, 2006.
Whatley, A., S. Bhattarai, P. Reynolds, C. McGrath, and P. M. Stewart. 2006. Biomarkers in
catfish at the Troy Wastewater Treatment Facility, Troy, AL. 83rd Annual Meeting of the
Alabama Academy of Sciences, March 15-19, 2006, Troy University, Troy, AL, March
15-18, 2006.
Witmer, P. L., C. K. Metcalf, P. M. Stewart. 2006. Indexing unpaved road stream crossing
conditions in the Choctawhatchee watershed: pre-implementation risk rankings.
Presented at the July 27 Conecuh-Sepulga and Choc-Pea-Yellow Joint Clean Water
Partnership Meeting, Troy, AL.
Woods, M. The genus Desmodium in Alabama. Presented at the 67th Annual meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN, March 29-April 1st, 2006.
Woods, M., and A. R. Diamond. New and interesting plants from Alabama. Presentation at the
83rd Annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Troy, AL, March 15-18th,
Ayala, J. and C. Magrath. 2005. Replication and transcription termination in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Presented at Association of Southeastern Biologists, Florence, AL, April 1316, 2005.
Cho, I. and C. Magrath. 2005. Microarray analysis of lead treated yeast. Presented at
Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2005.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, B. D. S. Graeb, and D. W. Willis. 2005. Walleye-sauger
hybridization in three South Dakota main-stem Missouri River reservoirs. 135th Annual
Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 15 September, Anchorage, AK, U.S.A.
Ezell, P. T., B. M. Coale, B. A. Mack, and N. Billington. 2005. A comparison of the lake
trophic status of water bodies in southeastern Alabama. 2nd Annual Southeastern Ecology
and Evolution Conference, 12th March, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Harrelson, L. and S. C. Landers. Protozoan parasites of the maldanid polychaete Axiothella
mucosa. Presented at the 66th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Florence, AL, April 13-16, 2005.
Heath, W. H., J. Miller, P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2005. Habitat partitioning of crayfish
assemblages in wadeable streams in the coastal plains of southeast Alabama. Annual
Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16, 2005, University of
North Alabama, Florence, AL.
Heath, W. H., S. Ramroop, and P. M. Stewart. 2005. GIS used to present crayfish assemblages
in the coastal plains of southeastern Alabama. Presented at the 2nd Annual GIS
Symposium, Troy University, Troy, AL, May 10-11, 2005.
Landry, D. L. and S. C. Landers. Protists from Lake Lagoona on the Troy University Campus.
Presented at the 66th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Florence, AL, April 13-16, 2005.
Landers, S. C. Sessile protozoans from Weeks Bay and Dauphin Island, Alabama.
Presented at the Weeks Bay Reserve Research Symposium, Weeks Bay, Alabama,
April 22, 2005.
Miller, J., W. H. Heath, and P. M. Stewart. 2005. Morphological variations among burrowing
crayfish in the Cambarus diogenes (Girard) complex. Annual Meeting of the Association
of Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16, 2005, The University of North Alabama,
Florence, AL.
Pruitt, V. M., M. Woods, and S. Ramroop. 2005. Application of GIS in a floristic survey of
Elmore County, Alabama. Presented at the 2nd GIS Symposium, Troy, AL, May 10-11,
Sucaet, Y. and C. Magrath. 2005. Comparative genomics od hexanucleotide transcription
termination motifs in seven related Saccharomyces species. Presented at
Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2005.
Tuck, S. N., and M. Woods. 2005. A distributional and taxonomic study of the genus
Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in Alabama. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Florence, AL, April 13-16, 2005.
Windham, T. L., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. 2005. The fern and fern allies of
southeastern Alabama. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, Florence, AL, April 13-16, 2005.
Greipsson S. and A. Roberts. 2004. Ecosystem restoration: role of arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi. Submitted for presentation at the 9th Annual Conference “Coastal Ecosystem
Restoration” of the Texas Society for Ecological Restoration. Houston, Texas. July 30
to August 1
Landers, S. C. 2004. Apostome ciliated protozoa from decapod crustacea in St. Andrew Bay,
Florida. Presented at the 65th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Memphis, TN, April 14-17, 2004.
Magrath-Greene, M., J. Garrison, and C. Magrath. 2004. Screening a gene deletion library
for transcription termination deficient strains. 11th Annual Southeastern Regional
Yeast Meeting at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, March 13-14.
Munden, A., S. C. Landers, S. Phipps. 2004. Settlement of the suctorian Lernaeophrya
capitata in Weeks Bay, Alabama. Presented at the 65th Annual meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Memphis, TN, April 14-17, 2004.
Mullen, M. W., C. L. Collins, and P. M. Stewart. 2004. Application and validation of an
invertebrate community index and examination of the impacts of impervious surfaces in
urban streams. Presented at the Alabama Water Resources Conference, Perdido Beach,
Mullen, M. W. C. L. Collins and P. M. Stewart. 2004. Application and validation of an
Invertebrate Community Index and examination of the impact of impervious surfaces on
urban streams. Alabama Water Resources Conference, Orange Beach, Alabama,
Pisani, K. A., S. C. Landers. 2004. The effect of salinity changes on Hyalophysa chattoni, an
apostome ciliate symbiotic on grass shrimp. Presented at the 65th Annual meeting of
the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Memphis, TN, April 14-17, 2004.
Rollins, C., J. Lindsey, and C. Magrath. 2004. Assessment of sodium acetate sensitivity in
lead acetate responsive strains of S. cerevisiae. 11th Annual Southeastern Regional
Yeast Meeting at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, March 13-14.
Shiver, C., and M. Woods. 2004. The fall flora of Henry County, Alabama. Presented at the
65th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Memphis, TN, April
14-17, 2004.
Sucaet, Y. and C. Magrath. 2004. Intergenic regions, ARS elements, and transcription: a role
for molecular shielding. Presented at Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology National
Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2004.
Braun, G. M., S. C. Landers. 2003. Acid phosphatase localization in ectocommensal
symbionts of grass shrimp. Presented at the 64th Annual meeting of the Association
of Southeastern Biologists, Arlington, VA, April 9-12, 2003.
Billington, N., J. Lynch, and J. Pitlo. 2003. Hybridization and introgression between
walleye and sauger from Pool 13 of the Mississippi River determined by protein
electrophoresis. American Fisheries Society, North Central Division, Walleye
Technical Committee Winter Meeting, 7th Dec., Kansas City, MO.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, B. D. S. Graeb, and D. W. Willis. 2003. Hybridization between
sauger and walleye in Lewis and Clark Lake, South Dakota, determined by protein
electrophoresis. Percis III – International meeting on the biology and management
of percid fishes, Madison WI, July 20-24, 2003.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, and W. Gardner. 2003. Genetic variation in Montana sauger
populations: stock structure, hybridization and conservation genetics. AFS NCD
Walleye Technical Committee Summer Meeting, Wassau, WI, July 24, 2003.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, B. D. S. Graeb, and D. W. Willis. 2003. Hybridization between
sauger and walleye in three South Dakota main-stem Missouri River reservoirs
determined by protein electrophoresis. Presented at the 64th Mid-West Fish and
Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO, December 8, 2003.
Collins, C., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. 2003. Evaluation of the Alabama Water
Watch macroinvertebrate protocol for Alabama coastal plain streams. Presented at
Alabama Water Watch Technical Conference, Auburn, AL, January 25, 2003.
Collins, C., M. W. Mullen, and P. M. Stewart. 2003. Evaluation of the Alabama Water
Watch macroinvertebrate protocol for Alabama coastal plain streams. Presented at
Alabama Academy of Science, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL, March
20, 2003.
Landers, S. C., S. W. Phipps. 2003. Settlement of the acorn barnacle Balanus on artificial
substrates from coastal Alabama. Presented at the 64th Annual meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Arlington, VA, April 9-12, 2003.
Swanson, I., M. Magrath-Greene, J. Lindsey, C. Rollins. and C. Magrath. 2003. Response
to lead in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. American Society for Microbiology Meeting,
South Central Branch, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 24-25.
Swanson, I., M. Greene, S. Paul, and C. Magrath. 2003. Altered lead acetate responsiveness
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene deletions. Presented at Association of
Southeastern Biologists, Washington, DC, 2003.
Woods, M. 2003. A taxonomic revision of the North American species of Apios (Fabaceae).
Presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Arlington, VA, April 13-16, 2003.
Bennett, H., M. Mullen, P. M. Stewart, C. Webber, J. Sawyer, and C. Morris. 2002.
Development of a benthic invertebrate index of biotic integrity for the
Chocktawhatchee and Pea River Basins. Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC,
April 10-13, 2002.
Billington, N., D. Isermann, R. N. Koigi, and D. Willis. 2002. Slowly cooked fish: how long
can Stizostedion specimens remain in gill nets in summer before significant
breakdown of diagnostic enzyme loci occurs? AFS NCD Walleye Technical
Committee Winter Meeting, Davenport, IA, December 3, 2002.
Billington, N., K. Thomason, M. Ruggles, and W. Gardner. 2002. Hybridization in Montana
sauger and walleye populations quantified by protein electrophoresis. Midwest
Fisheries Conference, Davenport, Iowa, Dec. 4th
Billington, N., K. Thomason, W. Gardner, and M. Ruddles. 2002. Montana sauger and
walleye hybridization rates determined by protein electrophoresis. British
Ecological Society Winter Meeting, York, U.K., Dec. 18th
Bradley, K., K. Norman, M. Greene, and C. Magrath. 2002. Replication and transcription
termination a chromosomal and genomic perspective. Southeastern Regional Yeast
Meeting, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, March 8-10.
Cole, J. M., S. C. Landers. 2002. Occurrence of the apostome ciliate Conidophrys on grass
shrimp from Weeks Bay, Alabama. Presented at the 63rd Annual meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Boone, NC, April 10-13, 2002.
Gibson, S., C. C. Morris, A. Hovsepyan, and S. Greipsson. 2002. Atmospheric deposition of
lead in Troy, Alabama using lichens as bioindicators. Presented at the 63rd Annual
Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Appalachian State University,
Boone, NC, April 10-13, 2002.
Landers, S. C. 2002. Comparison of different fixation techniques on gregarine
ultrastructure. Presented at the Annual meeting of the SouthEastern Microscopy
Society, Athens, GA, May 15-17th 2002.
Landers, S. C., S. W. Phipps, C. D. Beech. 2002. Sessile protozoan colonization of substrates
in Weeks Bay, Alabama. Presented at the 63rd Annual meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, Boone, NC, April 10-13, 2002.
Morris, C. C., P. M. Stewart, and T. P. Simon. 2002. Development and validation of an index
of biotic integrity for wadeable streams in the Alabama portion of the Choctawhatchee
and Pea River watersheds (Coastal Plains ecoregion) using fish communities. Presented
at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Appalachian
State University, Boone, NC, April 10-13, 2002.
Sawyer, J. A., P. M. Stewart, H. Bennett, M. Mullen, and T. P. Simon. 2002. Examination of
habitat and water quality variables as part of an Index of Biotic Integrity of the Coastal
Plains Ecoregion, Alabama. Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, April 10-13, 2002.
Stewart, P. M., H. H. Bennett, C. C. Morris, J. A. Sawyer, and M. W. Mullen. 2002. Influence
of nonpoint source pollution on biological integrity expectations in a Southern U.S.
watershed using a multimetric approach. Presented at the International Sediment
Symposium by the Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, Chicago, IL.
October 16-18, 2002.
Swanson, I., M. Greene, and C. Magrath. 2002. Lead Response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Poster paper presented at the Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting, Gatlinburg, TN,
March 8-10, 2002.
Swanson, I., M. Greene, E. Gilmore, and C. Magrath. 2002. Identification of lead responsive
genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, April
10-13, 2002.
Swanson, I., M. Greene, E. Gilmore, and C. Magrath. 2002. Lead responsiveness in S.
cerevisiae. Poster paper presented at the National Yeast Genetics and Molecular
Biology Meeting. Madison, WI, July 30-August 4, 2002.
Thomason, K., A. R. Diamond, and M. Woods. Investigations of the reproductive biology of
Warea sessilifolia Nash (Brassicaceae) in Alabama. Presented at the 63th Annual
Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Boone, NC, April 10-13, 2002.
Beech, C .D. and S. C. Landers. 2001. Seasonal fluctuations of sessile ciliated protozoa from
Dauphin Island, AL. Presented at the 62nd Annual meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, New Orleans, LA, April 4-7, 2001.
Bennett, H., A. R. Diamond, and M. Woods. 2001. Insect visitors to Warea sessilifolia.
Presented at the 62th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, New
Orleans, LA, April 4-7, 2001.
Billington, N. and L. Palmer. 2001. Genetic interactions between walleye and sauger:
hybridization and introgression. AFS NCD Walleye Technical Committee Summer
Meeting, Dubuque, Iowa. 24th July.
Hall J. A., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. The vascular flora of the Pike County Pocosin
Nature Preserve, Alabama. Presented at the 62th Annual Meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, New Orleans, LA, April 4-7, 2001.
Izzo, I. (I. Swanson), M. Colbert, M. Greene, and C. Magrath. 2001. The effect of lead on
Saccharomyces cerevisiae: towards the identification of lead responsive genes. Presented
at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, New Orleans,
LA, April 4-6, 2001.
Izzo, I. (I. Swanson), M. Magrath-Greene, and C. Magrath. 2001. Lead responsiveness in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Presented at the Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting.
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, April 21-22, 2001.
Martin B. H., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. 2001. The vascular flora of CoffeeCounty,
Alabama. Association of Southeastern Biologists. Presented at the 62th Annual Meeting
of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, New Orleans, LA, April 4-7, 2001.
Pennington, T., and M. Woods. 2001. The vascular flora of Dale County, Alabama. Presented
at the 62th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, New Orleans,
LA, April 4-7, 2001.
Beech, C. D., S. C. Landers. 2000. Colonization of artificial substrates by sessile ciliated
protozoa from Dauphin Island. Presented at the 2000 Graduate Student
Symposium, Gulf Coast Research Lab, University of Southern Mississippi, February
11-12, 2000
Beech, C. D. and S. C. Landers. 2000. Epibenthic protozoa from Dauphin Island, Alabama.
Presented at Gulf of Mexico Symposium, Mobile, AL, April 9-12, 2000.
Hall, J. A., M. Woods, and A. R. Diamond. 2000. A survey of the fall and winter flora of the
Pike County Pocosin, Alabama. Presented at Alabama Academy of Science,
Birmingham, AL, March 29-April 1st, 2000.
Hudson, M., C. P. Chapman, and A. R. Diamond. 2000. Preliminary studies of the fruticose
lichens in Crenshaw County, Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science. Samford University,
Birmingham, Alabama, March 29 - April 1, 2000.
Hudson, M., C. P. Chapman, and A. R. Diamond. 2000. Survey of the fruticose lichens in
Montgomery County, Alabama. Alabama Academy of Science. Samford University,
Birmingham, Alabama, March 29 - April 1, 2000.
Martin, B, A. R. Diamond, and M. Woods. 2000. A preliminary survey of the vascular flora
of the Pike County Pocosin, Alabama. Presented at the 61th Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, Chattanooga, TN, April 5-8, 2000.
Prazinko, B., and M. Woods. 2000. The vascular flora of Dale County Lake, Alabama.
Presented at the 61th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Chattanooga, TN, April 5-8, 2000.
Johnson, J. W., S. C. Landers. 1999. Food plaquette digestion and elimination in the ciliated
protozoan Hyalophysa chattoni. Presented at the 60th Annual meeting of the Association
of Southeastern Biologists, Wilmington, NC, April 14-17, 1999.
Rundell, H. and M. Woods. 1999. The vascular flora of Ech Lake, Dale County, Alabama.
Presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists,
Wilmington, NC, April 14-17, 1999.
Treadaway, R. A., S. C. Landers. 1998. Feeding experiments with the ciliated protozoan
Hyalophysa chattoni, an ectocommensal of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes. Presented at
the 59th Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Monroe, LA,
April 15-18, 1998.
Zimlich, M. A. (S. C. Landers faculty advisor). 1998. Variations in the morphology of
Hyalophysa chattoni, a common apostome ciliated protozoan from Dauphin Island,
Alabama. Presented at the Tri-Beta Biennial Convention, San Diego, CA, June 1998.
Zimlich, M. A., S. C. Landers. 1997. Morphological variants of apostome ciliated protozoa
from Dauphin Island, Alabama. Presented at the 58th Annual meeting of the Association
of Southeastern Biologists, Greenville, SC, April 16-19, 1997.
Anderson, S., M. Asouzu, S. C. Landers, T. Coate. 1996. Enzymatic digestion of chitin: the
separation and detection of chitin monomers and oligomers by capillary zone
electrophoresis. Presented at the 73rd meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science,
Tuskegee, AL, 1996.
Landers, S. C., T. Coate., M. A. Zimlich. 1996. Ciliary patterns of Hyalophysa spp., a
symbiont of Palaemonetes pugio from coastal Alabama. Presented at the 73rd meeting of
the Alabama Academy of Science, Tuskegee, AL, 1996.
Woods, M. 1996. Apios americana Medikus (Fabaceae): an infraspecific revision. Presented at
the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Tuskegee, AL, March 6-9,
Landers, S. C., A. Confusione, D. Defee. 1995. Apostome ciliates from the freshwater shrimp
Palaemonetes kadiakensis. Presented at the 72nd meeting of the Alabama Academy of
Science, Birmingham AL, 1995.