Details of Inter-disciplinary Research Orientation
Institute has a society named “ROBO-GYAN” which is an interdisciplinary venture of
Electronics and Mechanical students. The society comprises of almost 25 students from both ECE and MAE branches. Electronic engineering and mechanical design seems totally uncorrelated, but the fact is they are tied together tightly. Electronic engineering gives an impression of dealing with bits and bytes and some circuit design while mechanical design is through a series of calculation, designing the desired mechanics using software. But when both are used together, they create what is today’s automated machinery that is using electronic circuit to control machineries (robotics).
A robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry. The branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing is robotics. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and/or cognition.
Main objective of ROBO-GYAN society is to conduct workshops and different intercollege and intra-college competitions on robotics. Every year, members of this society participate in a national level competition called “ROBOCON”.
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ABU ROBOCON, a platform that showcases the wits and technical skills of the world’s best engineering minds, is Asia-Pacific region’s most prestigious robotics competition. It is held annually at both national and international levels for undergraduate students from around the globe, who sleep, breathe and dream robotics. In the past the event has been held in Japan, Thailand, Korea, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, India and Egypt. While adhering to a common set of rules, the participants compete to create robots (generally two or three - autonomous and manually controlled) that can complete a given task based on a theme close to the cultural trends of the host country. The final glory belongs to the team that combines the ideal qualities of precision, accuracy and speed. Not only does the event help in developing advanced and updated technological knowledge and techniques at an international level, but it also fosters friendship and healthy competition amongst the young robotics enthusiasts from different countries.
In ROBOCON competition, robots compete to complete a task within a set period of time. The event is broadcast in many countries through member broadcasters. Each year the competition has different Theme declared by the host country. In India, Doordarshan is the main organizer of the Robocon. Being an engineering Institute MIT Group has
Joined DD in year 2005 as an organizer of Robocon. Since then till date MIT
(Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune) group is hosting Robocon successfully with an overwhelming response from engineering student community.
In 2014, the theme for this Contest is 'A Salute to Parenthood' with the message that
Parenthood is the greatest boon offered to mankind by Mother Nature. A Salute to
Parenthood' with the message that Parenthood is the greatest boon offered to mankind by
Mother Nature. Parents promote and support physical, emotional, social and intellectual
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development of child from infancy to adulthood. Parenthood bestows a wide range of experiences that offer love, security, stimulation, encouragement and opportunities to help a child flourish and grow to achieve its full potential. Robocon India honors parents for their immense contribution by announcing the Robocon 2014 theme as: "A SALUTE
Two (2) teams play various game activities in the park with their Parent robot and Child robot. The Parent robot has to carry Child robot up-to the play zone and the Child robot plays game activity. Each team plays three (3) game activities such as Seesaw, Pole walk and Swing. Once the Child Robot completes three (3) activities, it can challenge the fourth game activity, which is set in the middle of the park. The team successfully completing the fourth game activity first; accomplishes “SHABAASH” (appreciation) and is declared “The Winner”. If no team is able to perform abovementioned winning task, the winner will be decided as per the stated rules.
OUR Achievements:
ROBOCON 2011: a.
NIEC Delhi secured position in top 18 colleges in India out of 62 colleges in
Robocon 2011 Nationals.
ROBOCON 2012: a.
NIEC Delhi secured the 30th position out of 72 colleges in Nationals.
ROBOCON 2013: a.
NIEC Delhi secured second position in North Zone.
ROBOCON 2014: a.
Awaiting Ranking
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Moreover, students of ROBOGYAN made one of the best projects of the college by winning titles of top 2 projects in years 2013 and 2014:
Exo Skeleton - 2013 - 1st prize in University Project Competition in ECE Department.
Vision hat - 2014 - 2nd prize in University Project Competition in MAE Department
Advancement of Smart Virtual Environment using Internet of Things: a.
The concept of smart environments evolves from the definition of Ubiquitous computing that, according to Mark Weiser, promotes the ideas of "a physical world that is richly and invisibly interwoven with sensors, actuators, displays, and computational elements, embedded seamlessly in the everyday objects of our lives, and connected through a continuous network.”
Smart environments are broadly classified to have the following features a) Remote control of devices , like power line communication systems to control devices. b) Device Communication , using middleware, and Wireless communication to form a picture of connected environments. c) Information Acquisition/Dissemination from sensor networks d) Enhanced Services by Intelligent Devices e) Predictive and Decision-Making capabilities f) Technologies g) To build a smart environment, involves - h) Wireless communication i) Algorithm design, Signal Prediction & Classification, Information theory,
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j) Multilayered Software Architecture, Corba, middleware k) Speech recognition l) Image processing, Image recognition m) Sensors design, calibration, Motion detection, temperature, pressure sensors, accelerometers n) Adaptive control, Kalman filters o) Computer Networking p) Parallel processing q) Operating Systems
During Last Three years Events held in ECE Dept. a) Date: 28 th
,29 th
Feb, 2012 National Conference on Advanced VLSI and Embedded
Technology 2012 b) Date: 2 nd
and 3 rd
Feb. 2013Workshop: Sixth Sense Based Workshop Using MATLAB c) Date: 30 th
Apr. 2013,Workshop: Scratch to Marvels d) Date: 30 th
Nov 2013,Workshop: Internet on Things e) Date: 29 th
, Mar. 2014,Worksho: Electronic System Design and Manufacturing. f) Date: 29 th Mar. 2014Industrial Visit: M/S Microteck Industries,UdyogVihar,
Value addition Course by CSE/IT a) At NIEC, semester pattern is followed and an academic year consists of two semesters. The Odd Semester begins in August and the Even Semester in January.
Realizing the changing scenario and in its endeavor to provide quality education,
Northern India Engineering College offers Training Course for value addition of
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students in its academic curriculum. Under this, students can register for courses provided by well established Training companies. We offer course in Android development (Syllabus Attached).
Department of CSE provides facility for students for online tests. This program is made by CSE faculty. b) Department of CSE also provides facility for students any branch to undergo training on Android. The Syllabus for Android is as below-
Syllabus for Android
Session 1: JAVA Concepts
2 o OOPs Concepts o Inheritance in detail o Exception handling o Packages & interfaces o JVM & .jar file extension o Multi threading (Thread class & Run able Interface)
1 Session 2: SQL o DML & DDL Queries in brief
Session 3: Introduction to Android o What is Android? o Setting up development environment o DALVIK Virtual Machine & .APK file extension
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o Fundamentals: a. Basic Building blocks - Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers &
Content providers b. UI Components - Views & notifications c. Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters o Android API levels (versions & version names)
Session 4: Application Structure (in detail) o AndroidManifest.xml o uses-permission & uses-SDK o Resources & o Assets o Layouts & Draw able Resources o Activities and Activity lifecycle o First sample Application
Session 5: Emulator-Android Virtual Device o Launching emulator o Editing emulator settings o Emulator shortcuts o Log cat usage o Introduction to DDMS o Second App:- (switching between activities)
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o Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents
Session 6: Basic UI design o Form widgets o Text Fields o Layouts o [DIP, DP, SIP, SP] versus PX o Examples
Session 7: Preferences o Shared Preferences o Preferences from xml o Examples
Session 8: Menu o Option menu o Context menu o Sub menu o menu from xml o menu via code o Examples
Session 9: Intents (in detail) o Explicit Intents o Implicit intents
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o Examples
Session 10: UI design o Time and Date o Images and media o Composite o Alert Dialogs & Toast o Popup o Examples
Session 11: Tabs and Tab Activity o Examples
Session 12: Styles & Themes o styles.XML o draw able resources for shapes, gradients (selectors) o style attribute in layout file o Applying themes via code and manifest file o Examples
Session 13: Content Providers o SQLite Programming o SQLite Open Helper o SQLite Data base o Cursor
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o Reading and updating Contacts o Reading bookmarks o Example :
Develop an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be o implemented.
Session 14: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool
Session 15: Linkify o Web URLs, Email address, text, map address, phone numbers o Match Filter & Transform Filter o Examples
Session 16: Adapters and Widgtes o Adapters:- a. Array Adapters b. Base Adapters o List View and List Activity o Custom list view o Grid View using adapters o Gallery using adapters o Examples
Session 17: Notifications o Broadcast Receivers
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o Services and notifications o Toast o Alarms o Examples
Session 18: Custom components o Custom Tabs o Custom animated popup panels o Other components o Examples
Session 19: Threads o Threads running on UI thread (run On UI Thread) o Worker thread o Handlers & Run able o ASYN Task (in detail) o Examples
Session 20: Advanced o Live Folders o Using SD cards o XML Parsing o JSON Parsing o Maps, GPS, Location based Services
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o Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS) o Network connectivity services o Sensors
Total Hrs. 43
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering organized guest lectures on a) 29th April 2014 Guest lecture "Industrial Automation" Speakers Mr.Shankar Rao
Director SOFCON b) 3rd October 2013 Expert Lecture on Wireless Industrial Automation Speakers
Mr. Saxena from ProSoft Technologies c) 2 nd
March 2013 Expert Lecture on “Power System” Speakers Prof.(Dr.)
Sukumar Mishra, from EE Department, IITD d) 8 th
to 9 th
Feb. 2013 Workshop on “Data Acquisition System e) 23 rd November 2013 One Day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Electrical
Engineering”.Dr. Abhay Ankar- IIT Delhi Dr. Sukumer Mishra -IIT Delhi f) 13 th
October 2012National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Distributed
Generation”.Dr. Narenda Kumar-DTU, Delhi Dr. Tanmoy Deb - KIIT, Delhi Dr.
D.K Jain
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