B. B.D. Northern India University (Deemed University) Introduction

B. B.D. Northern India University (Deemed University)
FC-26, Shastri Park, New Delhi-53
In the fifty odd years since India gained independence its higher education
has undergone a metamorphic change. From a system, which focused on the
needs of elite groups of society, nurtured by colonial roots it has changed into
an egalitarian system attempting to meet the aspirations of a vibrant
Today, India can boast of the second largest higher education system in the
world (306 universities) with a network of institutions spread over the entire
country. Yet there are several disturbing trends.
 First there is unplanned expansion of higher education skewed mainly
in favor of urban India.
 Secondly whereas newer, frontiers are opening up in the economy
unfortunately the existing system continues to focus on the
development of older narrower skill sets and specializations.
 Thirdly in an era when cultures, education and business all are getting
globalize and when we ate moving to a ‘knowledge’ driven world
existing education system is yet to grapple with the new realities and
the necessity of developing individuals with a global outlook
The massive changes that have taken place in the socio economic
environment require a reorientation of the educational system to make it more
responsive to the demands of India’s all round growth. Reorientation and
restructuring of the educational programmes in higher education system are
essential for economic growth and sustainable development.
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This implies that the educational process is required to be linked with
production and employment. Reorientation of educational programmes thus
needs to be undertaken in such a manner that it helps to produce self-reliant
and self-dependent citizens.
Therefore it is imperative that in the face of rapidly changing global economy,
higher education institutions have to learn as to how to cope with the
emerging challenges, choose appropriate technology options and also avail
new opportunities as they unfold. It is about dynamic curricula, fresh
approaches to traditional teaching methods, raising resources and to plan
creatively and constructively. This calls for a new vision new links and
partnerships with the world of work, community and society, it calls for
changes in methods, contents, pedagogical approaches and modes of
delivery of education.
The success of an academic institution depends greatly on its academic
ethos, organization culture and professional competency of its faculty and
systems as well as its ability to continuously keep in touch with the
contemporary environment. This requires the faculty to be innovative,
curriculum dynamic and Relationship with stakeholders strong and real time.
competitiveness, the need to bridge the gap between theory and practice and
the growing demand for highly skilled personnel in the frontier areas of
management, engineering and technology, medicine, architecture, IT and
Computing, media and Communication, films and television, healthcare,
insurance, biosciences, fashion, law, hospitality and Tourism and other fields
of education, society the Babu Banarasi Das Educational Society, proposes to
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establish its Institute NIEC titled as NIEC Deemed University encompassing
all the major disciplines the majority of the courses will be innovative,
proactive oriented flexible, modular and ensure that the students acquire the
necessary skills and knowledge for successful careers.
The Institute will establish a close liaison with the productive sector, broaden
the mental horizons of its students and provide a stimulating place through
study, stay and learn. This will meet the growing needs of the students of
Delhi and NCR, since all the courses to be offered by NIEC (Deemed
University) are going to be innovative and highly practical oriented this will go
a long way in fulfilling the aspirations of students, parents at Delhi and NCR
along with the requirements of the corporate world.
NIEC was setup by an endowment of Rs. 2 cores in 2003. It is a nonprofitable organization and is now, regarded among the country’s top
Institution. In fact, leading B-school survey like those of the prestigious AIMA
have put it among the top five Indian institutions that have come up in last
In addition to its innovatively packaged and globally focused Programmers,
management training, executive development and management consulting
services to the industry. All these offerings are marked by an open
architecture curriculum with taut content, global slant, and action orientation
and reflect a unique focus on vision and perspective development.
Admissions to NIEC programs are based on a rigorous Capability and Drive
assessment system balancing the requirements of intellectual and scholarly
merit with the qualities of hard work, sincerity and integrity and integrity. Entry
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to all the Programmes, for instance, is through the entrance examination
conducted by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha Vishwavidyala, New Delhi
Benchmarked with those of some of India’s finest Universities” the institute’s
management and governance is based on established policies and systems
that comply with even the most stringent of the Indian Government norms on
education. Consequently, dedicated teams and an atmosphere of freedom,
care and camaraderie manage all the vital aspects of infrastructure, facultycare, student-care, curriculum, administration, placement and admission.
To continuously monitor, control and upgrade total quality of the services
within the institution and maintain relationships with the industry, a cluster of
self-contained units have been installed. The most important of them are ★
FRU – The Faculty Research Unit
CCR – Center for Corporate Relationships
CCU – Cell for Curriculum Updating
CAC – Career Advice Cell
ICH – Institutional Communication Unit means Program Control Offices
which separate for each of the course
Admission Cell
IMDC – Infrastructure Maintaining and Development Cell
FSH – Fun & Sports Units
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BBD Northern India University proposes to have following additional
courses in the phased manner apart from courses already existing Sl.No.
Course Name
Bachelor of Computer Application(B.C.A.)
03 Years
Bachelor of Education(B.Ed.)
03 Years
Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.)
03 Years
Bachelor of Library & Information Science (B.L.Sc)
03 Years
Bachelor of Journalism &Mass-Communication(B.J.M.C)
03 Years
Bachelor of Business Administration Tours & Travel Mgt.(BBA-T&T)
03 Years
Bachelor of Hotel Management.(BHM)
03 Years
Integrated Law Course BBA L.LB (Hons.)
05 Years
Integrated Law Course BA L.LB(Hons)
05 Years
Integrated Law Course B.Com. L.LB(Hons)
05 Years
Master of Library & Information Science (M.L.Sc.)
02 Years
Master of International Business Administration (MBA-IB)
02 Years
Master of Travel Tourism & Hospitality Management(MT&HM)
02 Years
Master of Journalism & Mass-Communication(MJMC)
02 Years
Master of Technology (Civil Engineering)(M.Tech-CE)
02 Years
Master of Technology (Mech.& Automation Engineering) (M.Tech-M&AE)
02 Years
Master of Technology (Electronics &Communication Engineering) (M.Tech-ECE)
02 Years
Master of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) (M.Tech-EEE)
02 Years
Master of Technology (Information Technology) (M.Tech-IT)
02 Years
Master of Technology (Computer Science Engineering) (M.Tech-CSE)
02 Years
Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Science) (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Management) (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) (Ph.D.)
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The Constitution
The Constitution of the Babu Banarasi Das (Deemed University) consisting of
the Memorandum of society and Articles of society (Rules and Regulations)
are framed on the basis of the UGC norms for Deemed Universities and is
produced as under:
The Babu Banarasi Das (Deemed University) shall promote higher education
in the country as a National Institute of excellence in the three areas of
education, research and extension for the betterment of humanity. It shall
always uphold value-based education in judicious amalgamation with the
education that it will provide in the fields of Arts, Science and Technology and
shall create conditions that will lead to:
♣ Excellent working and learning environment for everyone who comes
to it either for education or work.
♣ An education that develops knowledge, skills and attitude of students
as enshrined in its mission statement;
♣ Sustainable development of social, economic, moral and mental wellbeing of individuals;
♣ The linkage of learning and research with the people’s aspirations and
♣ Responsible stewardship for developing the Nation and preserving its
environment and culture
♣ International fellowship and co-operation in education and service of
people, irrespective of race, religion, caste, color, creed etc
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♣ Justice and equity to minorities, economically and socially weaker
sections and women in society;
♣ Better human understanding, patriotism, national peace and prosperity
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Memorandum of Society
The name of the Institute shall be B.B.D. Northern India University
(Deemed University) hereinafter referred to as The Institute
The Registered Office of the Institute shall be situated at FC-26, Shastri
Park, New Delhi-53
The objectives of the Institute are to:
 To
communication skills and confidence by teaching, training, seminar,
conferences, publications and research in the urban, rural and tribal
part of the country;
 To impart knowledge to the various sections of the society thus
providing the empowerment and development for the betterment of
the coming generations of India through the usage of the advanced
/ modern technologies and experience of the highly qualified and
experienced academician, industrialists and technical professionals;
 To render the comprehensive service to the mankind and thus
preparing the future generation to face, tackle and solve complex
challenges of the contemporary life;
 To train students by exposing them to live problems, situations and
examination, experiments, research and enabling the students to
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 To reckon the relevance and applicability of investigative studies as
per the requirements of the program and area of research covering
the full spectrum of the education;
 To provide the fundamental right of education and health
awareness to the people from all walks of life to canalize youth
potential into the right direction;
 To assure high quality professionals of the future through
integration of
appropriate technology;
 To promote and sustain the cultivation of science and scientific
research in all aspects with a focus on human resource and
infrastructure development;
 To exchange the knowledge and experience of the intellectuals
through traditional academic methodology, distance education and
Compute Based Training / Web based training;
 To provide instruction, teaching and training in the field of higher
education; and make provisions for research, advancement and
dissemination of knowledge.
 To establish a campus, to have affiliate institutions and study
centers and regional campus at different places in India and
 To create higher levels of intellectual abilities.
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 To establish state of the art facilities for education, training and
 To offer programs through multi modal form of education.
 To institute degree, diplomas, certificates and other academic
distinctions on the basis of examination, or any other method of
 To ensure that the standard of the degrees, diplomas, certificates
and other academic distinctions are of high standard.
 To encourage and promote research activities and set up
independent research institutions for pure and applied research,
and institute awards and fellowships at institutions other than the
University for undertaking research and emphasis on pilot projects.
 To affiliate or collaborate with any other college or university,
research institution, industry association, professional association
or any other organization, in India or overseas, to conceptualize,
design and develop specific educational and research programs,
training programs and exchange programs for students, faculty
members and others.
 To recognize and / or approve the various courses and programs
offered by the individuals, institutions, and organizations in the
various streams of education offered in the multimode methodology
of teaching.
 To undertake surveys, studies and consultancy for any organization
in India or overseas for the development of human resource,
bilateral trade, infrastructure and other factors.
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 To undertake programs of the training and development of faculty
members of the University and executives of the other institutions
and industry in India and overseas.
 To invite and send delegations to undertake programs of training
and development in India and overseas.
 To undertake collaborative research / consultancy with any
organization in India or overseas, and undertake commercialization
of technologies and extending the service to the industries.
 To develop, register and license all forms of intellectual property
rights, including, inter-alias, trademarks, copyrights, know-how and
patents etc.
 To conceptualize, design, develop and commercialize various
products, equipment and machinery as part of the research and
development activity.
 To encourage sports, cultural, and extracurricular and co-curricular
activities for international / international students and staff so that
hidden potential can be exposed and encouraged.
 To undertake all things necessary of expedient to promote the
above objectives.
 To pursue any other objectives as may be approved by the Board.
IV. Functions and Powers of the Institute
A. To establish courses of study and research and to provide
instruction and training in such branches of study as the Institute
Deems Appropriate for the advancement of learning and
dissemination of knowledge in such branches
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B. To confer degrees and to grant diplomas and / or certificates to
persons who have satisfactorily completed the approved courses
of study and / or research, as may be prescribed and shall have
passed the prescribed examinations
C. To Institute and award visitor ship, fellowship, exhibits, prizes and
D. To have greater interface with the society and to have freedom to
enlarge and enrich the programs offerings;
E. To promote the cause of higher education by reaching out to
socially, economically and physically disadvantages;
F. To start schools and centers of excellence, departments and
Institutions in engineering technology, medicine, natural and
applied sciences and arts, media, performing arts and in other
faculties, based on the social and industrial needs
G. To introduce programs of research and training in identified areas
of National priorities in global context from time to time;
H. To setup special Institutes such as community colleges and rural
Institutes etc. and offer need-based courses to the benefit of the
community at larger;
I. To establish linkages with industry, business and service sectors
and participate in industrial, business and service activities for
enhancement of the objectives of the Institute society;
J. To exercise all other powers and carryout all other functions to
fulfill its objectives.
Interpretation of the Objectives
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The Institute is established for public benefit and accordingly, the
objectives of the Institute as set-forth above will be interpreted and
restricted to mean such objectives and purposes as are regarded in
law to be charitable in nature.
Institute Open to All
The Institute shall be opened to all persons of whatever race, religion,
creed, caste of class. However, the admission to all educational and
research programs shall be made on the basis of admission policy
applicable to minority Institutions from time to time.
No capitation fee shall be charged in any form in consideration
for admission.
Fees to be prescribed shall be as recommended by the
Committee of experts to be appointed in consultation with UGC
No benefaction shall be accepted by the Institute, which in its
opinion involves conditions and obligations opposed to the spirit
and subjects of the Institute.
Admission shall be made on all-India-Basis to the identical courses in
all deemed to be Universities through a common entrance test
conducted either by the University Grant Commission or by an
Institute / Agency identified or approved by the UGC and as adopted
by the Board of Management of the Institute.
Income & Property of Institute to be applied for Objectives only
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The income and property of the Institute, however derived, shall be
applied towards the promotion of the objectives thereof as set forth in
the Memorandum of society of the Institute.
Income & Property of Institute not to be paid or transferred by
Way of Profit
No portion of income and property of the Institute shall be paid or
transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit, to the persons, who at
any time, or have been members of the Institute or to any of them,
provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in
good faith or remuneration to any member thereof or other person in
return for any service rendered to the Institute or for traveling, halting
and other similar charges.
Management of the Institute
The names and addresses and occupations of the first members of the
Board of Management to whom the management of the Institute is
entrusted by the holding society, until the various authorities in
accordance with the rules are constituted are given below
Dr. Akhilesh Das
55, Babu Banarasi Das Nagar, Academician, Social Worker
Mrs. Alka Das
55, Babu Banarasi Das Nagar, Academician, Advocate,
Social Worker
Prof.(Dr) A.K. Mittal
Gomti Nagar,Lucknow
Babu Banarasi Das Nagar,
Professional, Social Worker
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Sitapur Raod,Lucknow
Prof.(Dr.)G.P. Govil
Janakpuri,New Delhi
Lakxmi nagar,Delhi
Mr.Ashok Singh
B-5/183,Safdarjang Enclave, Ex. Chairman Delhi
New Delhi-23
Planning Board, Social
Victoria Street, Chowk
Professional, Secretary
10. Prof.(Dr.)M.K.Rastogi Subhash Marg,Lucknow
11. Prof.(Dr.) Pooja
Joplin Road, Lucknow
The first members shall decide the authority and bodies of the
Institute / Deemed University under whom the various functions of
the management of the affairs of the Institute shall lie
Review and Inspection
The Central Government shall have the right to cause an inspection
to be made of the Institute, its buildings, laboratories, its
examinations, teaching and other works conducted or done by the
Institute; and to cause an enquiry to be made, if considered
necessary by the Central Government / UGC, in respect of matters
connected with the Institute. Following the inspection, the Institute
shall comply with any directions given by the Central Government
and UGC.
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Articles of Society
Article I
Short Title
The Rules and Regulations of the B.B.D. Northern India University
(Deemed) will be called the “Rules and Regulations of the Institute”.
Article II
Address of the Institute
The registered office of the Institute shall be situated at F-26, Sastri Park,
New Delhi-53
Article III
Definitions (in alphabetical order)
In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:
 “Academic Year” means “the period from January 1st of any year to 31st
December of the following year and July 1 of any year to June 30 of the
following year”.
 “Academic Council” means the Academic Council of the Institute /
Deemed University.
 “Authorities” means the authorities of the Institute / Deemed University;
 “Adopted” means any resolution / suggestion approved by Chancellor.
 “Board of Management” means the Executive council of the Institute /
Deemed University;
 “Common Seal” means the authoritative seal of the University.
 “Central Government” means the Government of India;
 “Chancellor” means President of the Institute. (Equivalent to the
President of a University);
 “Financial Year” means “the period commencing on the 1st April of any
year and ending with 31st March of the following year”
 “Rules” means the Rules and Regulations of the Institute / Deemed
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 “Vice Chancellor” means Vice-Chancellor of the Institute / Deemed
Article IV
Authorities of the Institute
The following shall be the Authorities of the Institute
a) Chancellor of the Institute / Deemed University.
b) Board of Management
c) Academic Council
d) Planning and Monitoring Board
e) Finance Committee
f) Advisory Committee, and
g) Such other authorities as may be declared by Bye-Laws to
be authorities of the Institute.
Article V
Board of Management
Composition of the Board of Management
The composition of the Board of Management shall be as follows1.
Chancellor of the Institute
One Dean of Faculties of the Institute by rotation
and on seniority (Where applicable)
Three nominees of the Chancellor
One nominee of the Chairman, UGC
One nominee of the Government of India
One professor of the Institute (by rotation
according to seniority)
Four nominees nominated by its Managing
Executive Secretary
The Registrar shall be the joint Executive Secretary of the Board of
Management; but shall not be a member of the Board.
B) Terms of Membership
1) All the members of the above body other than ex-officio and the
members of the teaching staff shall hold office for a term of three
years and shall be eligible for re-appointment
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2) Members of teaching staff in the above body shall hold office for a
period of one year or till such time as they continue to be members of
the teaching staff, whichever is less.
3) If a member other than the Vice-Chancellor or those representing the
teachers accepts a full-time appointment in the Institute or he / she
does not attend three consecutive meetings of the Board of
Management without proper leave of absence, he / she shall cease to
be member of the above body, ipso facto. However, the president
could revoke such termination of membership
C) Disqualification of the Members of the Board of Management
The members of the Board of Management shall cease to members
under the following circumstances:
1. If the individual member is convicted in a court of law for any
criminal act including acts of moral turpitude or for any other reason
and no stay order has been passed by the higher court against
2. If in the opinion of the Chancellor, a member of the Board acts in a
way detrimental to the interests of the University, the Chancellor
may, with approval of the nominating authority, ask such member to
relinquish his office from such date as may be specified
D) Meeting of the Board
The Board of the Management shall meet as often as necessary
The Registrar shall call the meetings
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1) A notice of 48 hours shall be given for the meeting, if an
emergency meeting may be convened, at the discretion of the
Chancellor, at a short notice
2) The quorum of the meeting shall be 3 members present in
person or participating synchronously. However, presence of
Chancellor is must.
3) Each member of the Board including the Chairman / Presiding
officer shall have one vote and simple majority shall take
decision at the meeting. In case of a tie, the Presiding officer
shall exercise a casting vote
4) The Registrar shall cause recording of minutes of the meeting,
with the approval of the Chancellor and circulate them to the
members concerned.
5) The Vice-Chancellor, may, under exigencies, obtain the
consent of the Board by circulating appropriate resolution
among its members, and any resolution so circulated and
approved by a simple majority shall be as effective and binding
as if such resolution had been passed at the meeting of the
Board and with the approval of the Chancellor.
E) Powers of Board of Management
1) All the matters related to the functions, including the matters
referred to the Board and power of the Board of Management
as prescribed, shall be implemented only after approval of the
Chancellor or it is adapted
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2) The powers shall, inter-alias, includes; but not limited to, the
a) Financial Matters:
I. To consider the budget as recommended by the Finance
Committee and to approve the same with modifications as
II. To manage and administer the revenues and properties of
the University and to conclude all administrative affairs of the
University not otherwise specifically provided for
III. To manage and regulate the finance, accounts, investments,
property and all other administrative affairs of the University
and for that purpose to appoint such agents as it may deem
IV. To open an account or accounts of the University with any
one or more scheduled / nationalized banks and to lay down
the procedure for operating these accounts
V. To drawn, accept, make, endorse, discount and negotiate
securities of the Government, promissory notes, bills and
exchange, cheque or other negotiable instruments.
VI. To issue appeals for funds for carrying out the objects of the
VII. To receive grants, donations, royalty, contributions, gifts,
prizes, scholarship, fee and other moneys, and to give grants
and donations, to award prizes, scholarships etc
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VIII. To purchase, take on lease or accept as gift or otherwise any
land or buildings or works which may be necessary or
convenient for the purpose of the University, and on such
terms and conditions as it may deem fit and proper and to
construct or alter and maintain any such buildings or works
IX. To acquire intellectual property right, copy rights, trademarks
and the like from any institution or organization, on such
terms and conditions as the board may determine, and pay
such compensation for the acquisition as may be just and
X. To transfer or accept transfer of any moveable property on
behalf of the university.
XI. To execute in consultation with the Holding Societies (if any)
conveyances, mortgages, leases, bonds, licenses and
agreements in respect or property, moveable or immovable
belonging to the University or to be acquired for the purpose
of the University
XII. To appoint, in order to execute an instrument or transact any
business of the University, any person as attorney of the
University with such powers as it may deem fit
XIII. To invest the funds of the University, in such securities and
in such manner as it may deem fit and from time to time
transpose any investment.
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XIV. In consultation with the Holding Society / Sponsor, to raise
and borrow money on bonds, mortgages, promissory notes
or other obligations or securities by providing properties and
assets of the University as security, or borrow money without
any securities, and upon such terms and conditions as it may
think fit, and to pay out of the funds of the University, all
expenses, incidental to the raising of money and to repay
and redeem any money borrowed.
XV. To maintain and operate the General Fund
XVI. To maintain proper accounts and other relevant records and
prepare Annual Statements of Accounts including the
Balance-sheet for every previous financial year, in such form
as may be prescribed by Regulations and submit the same
to the Board of Management for their approval.
b) Appointments:
I. To create teaching and academic posts and to decide on
the number, qualifications and cadres thereof, and to
determine the emoluments of such posts
II. To appoint Directors, Principals, Deans, Professors,
Associate Professors and other senior academic and
operational staff, as may be necessary.
III. To lay down rules with respect to emoluments and duties
for the various Professors and their emoluments
IV. To lay down rules for appointment of Visiting Fellows and
Visiting Professors and their emoluments
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V. To appoint internal auditors to undertake audit of the
various functions of the University.
VI. To appoint any external organization / agency with the
responsibility of managing the university on behalf of the
VII. To appoint any external organization / agency to impart
the training to the employees of the university in various
streams of study.
VIII. To appoint any external organization / agency to provide
the placement to the students of the University.
c) Academic Matters:
1. To generally lay down, in consultation with the Academic
Council, the academic policies, education and teaching
standards and policies relation to student admission,
examinations and awards of degrees, diplomas and
certificates and other academic awards or distinctions.
2. To establish, on the advice of the Academic Council,
Division and
Departments for the academic work and
functions of the University and to allocate areas of Study,
Teaching and Research to them.
3. To lay down policy in relation to fees and other charges
payable by the students of the University.
4. To institute Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentship,
Medals and Prizes in accordance with the Regulations.
5. To formulate rules regarding the emoluments and
traveling and other allowances of examiners, moderators,
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tabulators and such other personal appointed for
examinations, in consultation with the Academic Council
and the Finance Committee
d) Student Matters and Discipline:
To regulate and enforce discipline among the employees
and the students of the University and to take appropriate
discipline action, wherever necessary.
To entertain and adjudicate upon any grievance of the
employees and students of the University; and to set up
committees for attending to such grievances
To establish and regulate the maintenance of hostels for
the students of the University and recognize hostels
established by outside parties on the basis of the
recommendations of a committee established for the
e) Administrative and Legal matters:
I. To approve contracts and works
II. To create administrative, ministerial and other necessary
posts and fix compensation for persons recruited to such
III. To grant leave of absence to the Vice-Chancellor or any
other officer of the University and to make necessary
arrangements to carry out the functions of such officers
proceeding on leave during their absence.
IV. To
department, centers, institutions and affiliate colleges of
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the University and initiate corrective action wherever
f) Formation of Sub-Committees:
The Board of Management may form Sub-Committees and /
or Ad-Hoc Committees for discharging any of the functions of
the Board, by clearly specifying their scope, jurisdiction,
authority, powers and functions with the help of byelaws.
F) Delegation of Powers:
I. The Board of Management, may by a resolution, delegate to the
Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Standing Committees or the Ad-Hoc
Committees, such of its powers as it may deem fit with the
approval of the Chancellor, subject to the condition that the
action taken by the Vice-Chancellor or the Standing Committee
or the Ad-Hoc Committees, or any of their officers to whom such
powers are delegated, shall be reported at the next meeting of
the Board of Management.
Make rules, regulations and Bye-laws:
a) For the purpose of carrying out the objectives and to
carry out the work of Deemed University, Schools,
Colleges, Hospital and other activities of the society.
b) For regulating its own business and procedures.
In exercise of the powers and duties enumerated above, the Board of
Management shall act in a manner consistent with the provisions of
the relevant UGC Act / any other Act or order of Central / State
Government so far as they may be applicable and are not repugnant
to provisions of the Deed of the society.
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The Board of Management shall perform such other functions, as it
may deem necessary for proper functioning and administration of the
Article VI
A) Appointment and powers of the Chancellor:
The society shall appoint the Chancellor
a) The term of office of the Chancellor shall be five years, and he may
be reappointed for successive terms, at the pleasure of the
b) The Chancellor shall be the Chairman of the Board of Management
and the head of the University.
c) The Chancellor shall preside over the Convocation of the
Powers of Chancellor:
a) To call for any information on record.
b) To appoint the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Chief Finance and
accounts officer, Directors, Principals, Deans, Professors,
Associate Professors, lecturers, other related officers / staff and
committee as may be necessary.
c) To remove the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Chief Finance and
accounts officer, Directors, Principals, Deans, Professors,
Associate Professors, lecturers, other related officers / staff and
committee as may be necessary.
d) Such other powers as delegated to him by the Society.
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e) He may take any decision in the interest of University in the
event of an exigency, which shall be put up for the ratification
before the Board of Management in the subsequent meeting.
f) The sponsor from time to time decides on the Honorarium and /
or the pay and / or allowances to be paid to the Chancellor and /
or perquisites to be provided to the Chancellor.
g) In absence of the Vice-Chancellor due to any reason, the
Chancellor can delegate authority any suitable person to
perform all the functions of the Vice-Chancellor.
h) If in the opinion of the Chancellor it is necessary to take
immediate action on any matter for which powers conferred on
any other authority by or under the Act, he may take such
action, as he deems necessary.
In case of any deadlock in the Board affecting the
operations of the University, emergency powers are vested
with Chancellor to do all necessary things including
intervening the Board and forming a new Board to facilitate
smooth functioning of the University.
The emergency powers of the Chancellor shall be exercised
only when there is a written report sent by the Registrar or
any member of the Board of Management to the Chancellor
about the deadlock in the Board, and when the operations
of the University cannot be conducted in the normal course.
Upon receipt of such a written report, the Chancellor shall
direct the Registrar to convene a special meeting of the
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Board within 7 days, for restoration of normalcy in
operations. In the event of Registrar not convening such a
special meeting, the Chancellor shall convene such a
The decisions taken by the Chancellor and implemented by the officer
under this clause shall be final and binding on all the Members of the
Article VII
Appointment, powers and responsibilities of the Vice-Chancellor
1. The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor from a
Management. The Vice-Chancellor shall be a full-time salaried
office of the Institute and shall be appointed by the Chancellor from
a Panel of three names suggested by a Search Committee; Such
Panel shall not contain the name of any member of the Search
2. The term of office of the Vice-Chancellor shall be Five years, and
he may not be re-appointed for successive term(s) by the Board of
3. Provided further that a person appointed as Vice-Chancellor shall
retire from office during the tenure of office of extension, thereof, if
any, he completes the age of 65 years.
4. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and academic
officer of the University and also the ex-office member of the Board
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of Management, Academic Council, and such other Committees
that may be set up by the Board of Management from time to time.
5. The Vice Chancellor shall exercise general superintendence and
control over the affairs of the University and shall execute the
decision of the various authorities of the University in accordance
of the approval of the Chancellor.
6. In absence of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor shall preside
over the Convocation.
7. If in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor it is necessary to take
immediate action on any matter for which powers are conferred on
any other authority, he may take such action as he deems
necessary and shall at the earliest opportunity thereafter report his
action to such officers or authority as would have in the ordinary
course dealt with the matter.
8. Provided that if in the opinion of the concerned authority such
action should not have been taken by the Vice-Chancellor then
such case shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision
thereon shall be final.
9. Provided further that where any such action taken by the ViceChancellor affects any person in the service of the University such
person shall be entitled to refer, within thirty days from the date on
which such action is communicated to him, an appeal to the Board
of Management and the Board of Management may confirm or
modify or reverse the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor.
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10. If in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor any decision of any
authority of the University is outside the powers conferred is likely
to be prejudicial to the interests of the University, he shall request
the concerned authority to revise its decision within seven days
from the date of his decision and in case the authority refuses to
revise such decision wholly or partly or fails to take any decision
within seven days, then such matter shall be referred to the
Chancellor and his decision thereon shall be final.
11. If at any time upon representation being made or otherwise, and
after making such enquiries as may be deemed necessary, the
Chancellor by an order in writing stating the reasons therein, may
ask the Vice-Chancellor to relinquish his office from such date as
may be specified in the order.
If in the opinion of the Board of Management, the actions of the ViceChancellor are found to be in any way detrimental to the interests of
the University, the Board of Management can recommend the
Chancellor to appoint such other person as may be found appropriate
in the position of Vice-Chancellor to succeed the person so acting. The
Board of Management may stipulate the date from which such other
person shall assume the office of the Vice Chancellor.
Article VIII
Appointments, powers and Responsibilities of the Registrar
1. The Chancellor shall appoint the Registrar.
2. The term of office of the Registrar shall be as mentioned in the
order of his appointment by the Chancellor.
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3. The Registrar shall have such qualifications and the Board of
Management may prescribe experience as from time to time.
4. The Registrar shall draw such emoluments as decided by the
Chancellor from time to time.
5. The Registrar shall undertake such function as may be
specified by the Chancellor or the Board of Management or the
6. The Registrar shall be the ex-office secretary of the Board of
Management, Board of Management, the Academic Council
and such other authorities and bodies as may be constituted
by or under the Act or the Statues or the Ordinances.
7. The Registrar shall report to the Vice-Chancellor.
The following shall be the duties of the Registrar:
1. To be the custodian of the records common seal and such
other property of the University as the Board shall commit to
his charge.
2. To conduct the official correspondence behalf of the authorities
of the University.
3. To collect all income and disburse the same for the purpose of
the University as sanctioned by the Chancellor or Board of
4. To make Agenda and issue Notices of meetings of the
authorities of the University and all committees and subcommittees appointed by any of these authorities with the
approval of the Chancellor.
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5. To keep the minutes of the meetings of all the authorities of
the University and of all committees and sub-committees
appointed by any of these authorities.
6. To represent the University in suits or proceedings by or
against the University, sign powers of attorney and perform
pleadings or depute his representatives for this purpose.
7. To enter into agreements contracts on behalf of the University
and make amendments and alterations in the terms of such
agreements or contracts as may be directed by the Chancellor
/ Board of Management.
8. To sign documents and authenticate records on behalf of the
9. To submit information, reports and documents to the
Government and conduct liaison with the State Government,
Central Government, University Grant Commission and other
Government authorities.
10. To generally supervise the administrative functions of the
11. To supervise and manage the conduct of the Examinations of
the University, subject to control of the Vice-Chancellor.
12. To supervise and manage the infrastructural development and
establishment work of the university, subject to the Control of
the Board of Management.
13. To supervise and manage the Library and it’s related activities
of the university, subject to the control of the Vice-Chancellor.
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14. To perform such other duties as may be specified by the Board
of Management or the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.
Article IX
Appointment, powers &responsibilities of Chief Finance & Accounts
1. The Chancellor shall appoint the Chief Finance & Accounts
2. The Chief Finance & Account Officer shall have such
qualifications as prescribed by Board of Management.
3. The Chief Finance & Account Officer shall draw such salary,
allowances and the perquisites as decided by the Chancellor
from time to time.
4. The term of office and the terms of appointments of the Chief
Finance Officer shall as mentioned in his order of
appointment by the Chancellor.
5. The Chancellor may appoint a person to officiate as the Chief
Finance Officer, in the event of temporary absence of the
Chief Finance and Accounts Officer.
6. The Chief Finance & Accounts Officer shall exercise general
supervision over the funds of the University and shall have
such powers and responsibilities as may be delegated or
assigned to him by the Board of Management or the Finance
Committee or the Vice-Chancellor or the Registrar.
7. The Chief Finance & Accounts Officer shall report to the
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Article X
Other officers
The Chancellor from the recommendations of the selection committee
shall appoint other officers of the University as required.
The selection committee shall consist of the person / persons
nominated by the Chancellor.
Article XI
The Academic Council
The Academic Council shall be the principal academic body of the
University and shall, subject to the provisions of the Act, the Statures
and the Regulations and shall have the control over and be responsible
for the maintenance of standards of education, teaching and training,
inter-departmental co-ordination, research, examinations and tests
within the University.
A) Constitution of the Academic Council
1. The Academic Council shall consists of the following
a) The Vice-Chancellor.
b) The Registrar.
c) Dean of the Faculties.
d) Head of the Departments of the Institute.
e) Ten Professors (other than HOD) by rotation
f) Three Readers from the Departments by rotation.
g) Three Lecturers from the Departments by rotation.
h) Three Educationist of repute (From outside) Nominated
by Chancellor.
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i) Three Persons with Specialized Knowledge (From
outside) nominated by Chancellor.
2. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the Chairman of the Academic
3. The term of members of the Academic Council shall be two
years, except in the case of the employees of the University,
who are members of the Academic Council. The term of such
members who are employees ends immediately after their
relinquishing their office at the University.
The Academic Council shall have the power to control, regulate
and maintain the standards of education, instruction and
examinations of the University and shall exercise such other
powers and functions as.
The Vice-Chancellor or Sponsor may invite such other persons,
as he may deem fit, to attend the meeting of the Academic
Council from time to time. However, such persons invited shall
not be eligible to vote on any of the resolution of the Academic
B) Disqualification of the Members of the Academic Council
1. Where a person has become a member of the Academic Council
because of the office or appointment he holds membership shall
terminate when he ceases to hold that office or appointment.
2. A member of the Academic Council shall ceases to be member in
the following circumstances:
If the Member resigns from it.
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If the Member becomes mentally unsound.
If the Member had been convicted of a criminal offence
involving moral turpitude or any other reason, and a
higher court has not stayed such conviction.
If the Members fail to attend three (3) consecutive
information to the Chairman.
C) Meeting of the Academic Council
1. The Academic Council shall meet as often as may be necessary
2. One third of the members of the Academic Council present in
person or participating synchronously shall constitute the
quorum of the meeting of the Academic Council.
3. Resolutions of the Academic Council may be passed through
circulation of such Resolutions among all the members, except
in cases where such Resolutions are required to be passed at a
meeting convened. The Resolution so circulated and approved
by a simple majority shall be effective and binding as if such
Resolution had been passed in the meeting of the Academic
Council, provided that at least one half of the total number of the
members of the Academic Council have recorded their views on
the Resolution and it is approved by Chancellor.
Functions and Powers of the Academic Council
The powers of the Academic Council shall include the following
To report and act on any matter referred or delegated to it by
the Board.
To formulate different courses and programs to be imparted to
the students of the University.
To lay down the curriculum and frame syllabus for any of the
courses and programs offered by the University, and publish
textbooks and other instruction material for the same.
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To make recommendations to the Board, with regard to the
creation, abolition or classification of teaching posts in the
University and the emoluments the duties attached thereto.
To formulate and modify or revise schemes for the organization
of the faculties, and to assign to such faculties their respective
subjects and also to report to the Board as to the expediency of
the abolition or sub-division of any faculty or the combination of
one faculty with another.
To make arrangements through regulations for the instruction
and examinations of persons other than those enrolled in the
To promote research activities and programs, and to ask for,
from time to time, reports on such research activities and
To consider proposals submitted by the faculties relating to
instruction, teaching facilities, etc.
To appoint Committees for admission of students to the
10. To recognize diplomas and degree of other Universities and
institutions and to determine their equivalence in relation to the
diplomas and degrees of the University on reciprocal is.
11. To approve conferment of degrees, honors, diplomas, licenses,
titles and marks of honor on the basis of the results declared.
12. To make guidelines for the award of fellowships, stipends,
scholarships, medals and prizes, etc., and empower the ViceChancellor or any other officer of the University to approve the
eligible candidates for such awards.
13. To prepare such forms and registers as are, from time to time,
prescribed by regulations; and to perform, in relation to
academic matters, all such duties and to do all such acts as
may be necessary for the Activities and / or the regulations.
14. To make recommendations to the Board of Management on:
I. Measures for improving of standards of teaching, training
and research and examinations.
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II. Institution
Scholarships, Medals, Prizes etc.
III. Regulations covering the academic functioning of the
Institute, discipline, residence, admissions, examinations,
award concessions, attendance etc and submit the same to
the Board of Management for approval.
15. To suggest measures for departmental co-ordinate.
16. To appoint Committees, consisting of such members as the
Academic Council may deem fit, to deal with any of the matters
ordinarily dealt with by the Academic Council.
Article XII
Examination Committee
1. The
Committee with respect to each faculty, for the purpose of
examiners evaluation methods for each subject of faculty.
2. The examinations committee shall consist of:
a) The Registrar
b) Two expert nominated by the Chancellor.
c) Dean / HOD / Professor of the faculty concerned.
The examination committee shall recommend a panel of
examiners for each subject of the courses of study to the
The Vice-Chancellor shall ordinarily appoint examiners from
the panel recommended by the examinations committee,
provided that with the approval of the Chancellor he may
appoint examiners outside the panel, if he deems fit and
necessary. Any Recognized Board / Institution / University /
Government Organization as approved by Chancellor may
conduct the examination on behalf of the University.
A team of the faculty and staff is to be constituted to check the unfair
means and practices in the examinations.
Article XIII
Result Committee
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1. The Vice-Chancellor shall constitute a Results Committee to
approve the results of various examinations before they are
2. The Results Committee shall consist of:
a) The Registrar
b) Two experts nominated by the Chancellor
c) Dean / HOD / Professor of the faculty concerned.
3. If in the opinion of the Results Committee the result of any
examination is not properly balanced, the Result Committee
may recommend action to be taken by the Vice Chancellor.
Article XIV
Finance Committee
A) The Composition of the Finance Committee
Following will be the composition of Finance CommitteeI. Chancellor
II. Registrar
III. A person Nominated by the Chancellor
IV. Two
V. A Financial Expert / Professional to be
Management / Chancellor
 The Finance Officer shall be the Secretary of the Finance
Committee, but not a member of the Committee
 The Finance Committee shall meet at least twice a year to
examine the accounts and to scrutinize proposals for
B) Terms of Office of the Members
 All members of the Finance Committee other than Ex-Officio
members shall hold office for a term of two years
C) Powers and Functions
1. The annual accounts and financial estimates of the Institute
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consideration and thereafter submitted to the Board of
Management together with the comments of the Finance
Committee for approval;
2. The Finance Committee shall fix limits of the total recurring
expenditure and the total non-recurring expenditure of the
year, based on the income and resources of the Institute. The
Institute in excess of the limits so fixed shall incur no
3. The
Management through the Board of Management the creation
of all types of posts.
4. The Institute without the approval of the Finance Committee
and Board of Management shall incur no expenditure other
than provided in the budget.
Article XV
Advisory Committee
Institution will have an Advisory Committee with a person nominated by
the UGC from among members of the Commission. The Advisory
Committee will include the Head of the Institution and its senior faculty
along with one / two experts nominated by the Chancellor to help in
academic planning and growth of the Institute.
Article XVI
Planning and Monitoring Board
1. The Planning and Monitoring Board shall be the principle planning
body of the institute and shall be responsible for the monitoring of
the development programs of the Institute. It may include six or
seven internal members and a few outside experts, including one
nominee of the UGC.
2. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the Chairman of the Planning and
Monitoring Board.
3. The constitution, powers and functions of the Planning and
Monitoring Board shall be prescribed by the Byelaws.
4. The Planning and Monitoring Board would have the right to advise
the Board of Management and the Academic Council on any matter
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that it considers necessary for the fulfillment of the objective of the
5. The recommendation of the Planning and Monitoring Board shall be
placed before the Board of Management for consideration and
approval. Proposals to be processed through the Academic Council
for the approval of the Chancellor.
Article XVII
Selection Committees
A) Selection / Search Committee for Appointment of ViceChancellor
There shall be Selection / Search Committee constituted by the Board
of Management for the purpose of recommending to the Chancellor a
panel of three names for appointment of Vice-Chancellor. The
Chancellor shall select a suitable person from the panel and appoint
him as the Vice-Chancellor.
The Committee shall consist of the following:
One nominee of the Chancellor
One outside expert / eminent educationalist (not
below the rank of Director / Professor appointed
by the Board of Management)
One nominee of the UGC
The committee shall submit its recommendations to the Chancellor for
appointment. The Board of Management may also invite Eminent Scholar /
Scientist / Administrator from within India or outside and offer him / her
appointment directly. Appointing Vice-Chancellor, Directors, Registrar, and
Finance Controller or any other Executive Officer, shall be within the
powers of the Chancellor. If the Chancellor does not approve of any of
these persons so recommended, he shall have the power to reconstitute a
fresh committee and call for a fresh panel.
B) Selection Committee for Appointment of Directors / Registrar /
Other Executive Officers
Vice Chancellor
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Member Secretary
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One Member of the Board of Management
nominated by the Chancellor
Two outside experts nominated by the Chancellor
The committee shall submit its recommendation to the Board of
Management for appointment with the approval of the President. The
President may, in his absence nominated the Vice-Chancellor to be the
Chairman of any of the above Selection Committees.
C) Selection Committee for Appointment of Teaching Staff
There shall be a Selection Committee for making recommendation to
the Board of Management for appointment to the posts of Professors,
Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in the Institute and such
other posts as may be prescribed by the Byelaws
Every Selection Committee for Appointment of all Teaching Staff shall
consist of the following:
The Chancellor or his nominee
A Person nominated by the Chancellor
Concerned Dean of Faculty / HOD / Chairman Board Member
Member Secretary
of Studies, provided He / She is a Professor or Reader
One subject expert nominated by the Chancellor from Member
outside the Institute
D) Meetings of the Selection Committees
The Chairman of the Selection Committee will convene the meetings of
the Selection Committee as and when necessary
1. Three members of the Selection Committee shall from the quorum,
out of whom at least two will be subject experts
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2. In all selections, the decision of the Board of Management shall be
appointments are to be done
Article XVIII
Heads of Departments
A) Appointment of Heads of Departments
The Institute shall carry on its works through its Departments. The ViceChancellor shall appoint the Heads of Departments by rotation under the
following terms and conditions with the approval of Chancellor.
The candidate must have a minimum of seven years of Degree
teaching or equivalent professional experience;
Administrative experience in any other capacity;
Initial appointment shall be for one year followed by assessment /
evaluation, the term may be extended for two more years
At the end of three years terms, the next person in the
department may be offered the position of Head as per
guidelines described above and amended from time to time by
Board of Directors
Rotation of Headship shall ordinarily be among equal ranks and if
no Professor is present in the Department, then a Reader may be
appointed as Head of the Department. In case a Professor
refuses to accept Headship then a Reader may be appointed as
If a teacher involves herself / himself in activities detrimental to
the interests of the Institute / Deemed University, then he / she
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will not be considered for appointment and in the event of no
change for better, he / she may be relieved from Headship;
The Vice-Chancellor may relax any of the above conditions, in
respect of exceptionally qualified / deserving candidates with the
prior approval of the President
B) Powers and Duties of Heads of Departments
1. The Head of Department shall be responsible to the ViceChancellor for managing teaching, research, extension and other
activities of the Department of which he / she is the Head, within
the budget, unless some specific items is expressly committed by
the Board of Management to some other individual. The Heads
shall report to their respective Deans concerning academic
matters, and other administrative matters;
2. The Head of Department shall control leave of staff and
employees within his / her department in accordance with leave
rules prescribed in the Byelaws of the Institute. Further, the Head
shall submit monthly statement of leave to his / her concerned
3. The Head of Department shall sanction leave for non-teaching
staff and in their respective Departments. However, a copy of the
leave record has to be forwarded to the establishment section,
and to the Registrar’s Office for the purpose of records;
4. The
confirmation and efficiency bar of any employee in the
Department. For teaching staff, the recommendation of the
Heads will be given due consideration for promotion and
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confirmation but the evaluation report of the Dean shall be
submitted for the above purpose to the Vice-Chancellor.
5. The Heads of Departments shall advise the Dean and the
Registrar in writing as to the teaching, load and subjects to be
assigned to each member of the staff in their Department for the
current and following years, including requirement of any new
staff in the Department;
6. The Heads of the various Departments shall be on advisory
Board of Auxiliary units related to their field of specialization;
7. The Head of Department or his / her nominee shall ordinarily sign
all orders for supply of materials or repairs, nut in consultation
with the Dean he / she may designate someone to this job during
his / her absence for short periods;
8. Any other duties assigned by the Dean / Vice-Chancellor
Article XIX
Board of Studies
There shall be one Board of Studies for each Faculty of the Institute.
The Board of studies of each faculty shall consist of:
Head of Department
All Professors of the Department
Two Readers of the Department by rotation According Members
to seniority
Two Lecturers of the
According to seniority
Maximum three Co-opted person(For their expert Members
knowledge belonging to the concerned profession or
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rotation Members
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The powers and functions of the Board of Studies shall be prescribed in the
Byelaws of the Institute.
Article XX
Dispute as to Membership
If any question arises whether any person has been duly elected or appointed
as or is entitled to be a member of any committee of the Institute, the matter
shall be referred to the President of the Institute, whose decision thereon shall
be final.
Article XXI
Grievance Redressal Machinery
For individual grievance and complaint, the Institute shall have Grievance
Redressal Machinery as may be prescribed in the Byelaws.
Article XXII
Officers of the Institute
A) Following shall be the Officers of the Institute:
1. Chancellor
2. Vice-Chancellor
3. Registrar
4. Controller of Examination
5. Chief Finance & Accounts Officer
Such other officers as may be prescribed in the Byelaws.
Article XXIII
Seniority List
Whenever, in accordance with these Rules, any person is to hold an
office or to be a member of an authority of the Institute by rotation
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according to seniority, such seniority shall be determined according
to the length of the continuous service of such person in grade and
in accordance with such other principles as the Board of
Management may from time to time prescribe.
It shall be the duty of the Registrar to prepare and maintain in
respect of each class of persons to whom the provisions of these
rules apply, a complete and up-to-date seniority list in accordance
with the provisions of the foregoing clause.
If two or more persons have equal length of continuous service in a
particular grade or the relative seniority of any person or persons is
in doubt, the Registrar may on his own motion or at the request of
any such person, shall submit the matter to the Board of
Management whose decision shall be final.
Article XXIV
Delegation of Powers
Subject to the provisions of these Rules and Bye-laws, any officer or authority
may delegate his or its powers to any other officer or authority or person
under their respective control and subject to the conditions that the overall
responsibility for exercise of the powers so delegated shall continue to rest in
the officer or authority delegating such powers with the approval of chancellor.
Article XXV
Right of Central Government to Inspect the Institute
The Government of India shall have the right to cause an
inspection to be made by such persons as it may direct, of the
Institute, its buildings, fixtures and fittings, laboratories and
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equipment as also examinations, teaching and other work carried
on or done by the Institute and if, necessary, to cause an inquiry
to be made in respect of any matter connected with the
administration or finances of the Institute.
The Government of India shall, in every case give notice to the
Institute of its intention to cause an inspection or enquiry to be
made and on receipt of such a notice, the Institute shall have the
right to make such representations to the Government of India as
it may consider necessary.
Where an inspection or enquiry has caused to be made by the
Government of India, the Institute shall be entitled to appoint a
representative who shall have the right to be present and to be
heard at such inspection or inquiry.
The Government of India may communicate the result of such
inspection or inquiry together with such advise as may be pleased
to offer as to the action to be taken by the Institute to the ViceChancellor, who shall communicate the same to the Board of
Management for consideration.
The Board of Management shall give proper consideration to the
said communication regarding the result of inspection or inquiry
and the proposals for action by the Institute and communicate to
the Government of India the action, if any, which it proposes to
take or has taken upon the result of such inspection.
When the Board of Management does not, within a reasonable
time, take any action to the satisfaction of the Government of
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India, the Government of India may after giving due consideration
to the explanation furnished or representation made by the Board
of Management to it, issue such directions as it may think fit and
the Board of Management shall comply with such directions if they
are not repugnant to the Memorandum of Society.
Article XXVI
Review of the Academic Activities of the Institute
The functions of the Institute shall be reviewed after a period of
every 5 years or even earlier, by a committee appointed by the
Board of Management.
The review report shall be submitted to UGC for information and
necessary action (as per UGC guidelines) through chancellor.
Article XXVII
Any member other than an ex-officio member of any authority may resign by a
letter addressed to the Registrar and the resignation shall take effect as soon
as the Chancellor or the Chairman of the Board of Management accepts it as
the case may be.
Article XXVIII
Acting Chairman of the Meetings
Where no provision is made for a Chairman to preside over a meeting of an
authority of the Institute or any committee of such authority, or if the Chairman
so provided is absent, the members shall select one from amongst
themselves to preside at such meeting.
Article XXIX
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Validation of Certain Acts, Decisions
No Act or proceedings of any authority or anybody or any committee of the
Institute shall be invalid merely by reason of:
1. any vacancy therein or any defect in the constitution thereof; or
2. any defect in the nomination of appointment of a person acting as
member thereof; or
3. Any irregularity in its procedure not affecting the merits of the case.
Article XXX
A person shall be disqualified for having chosen as and for being a
of any of the authorities of the institute.
If he / she is of unsound mind;
If he / she is an un-discharged insolvent;
If he / she has been convicted by a Court of law of an offence
involving moral turpitude.
If any question arises as to whether a person is or has been
subjected to any disqualifications mentioned above, the question
shall be referred for decision to the Board of Management and its
decision shall be final and no suit or proceedings shall lie in any Civil
Court against the decision
Article XXXI
Filling of Casual Vacancies
Casual vacancies among the members (other than ex-officio members) of any
authority or any other committee of the Institute shall be filled as soon as it
may be convenient by the person or the authority who appointed or co-opted
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the member whose place has become vacant and the person appointed or coopted to a casual vacancy shall be member of such authority or committee for
the residual term for which the person whose place he fills would have been a
member with the approval of Chancellor.
Article XXXII
There shall be Byelaws framed on various subjects as specified in this Article
and approved by the Board of Management.
A. Making of Byelaws
Subject to the provisions of the Memorandum of Society and the Rules
and Bye-Laws, the Board of Management shall in addition to all other
powers vested in it, have the power to frame Bye-Laws which may
provide for all or any of the following matters:
1. Establishment of departments of teaching and halls of
2. Admission of students to the Institute and their enrolment as
3. Courses of study to be laid down for all degrees, diplomas
and certificates of the Institute;
4. Grant of academic awards (such as degrees and diplomas)
and distinctions;
5. Fees to be charged for courses of study in the Institute and
for admission to the examination, degrees, diplomas and
certificates of the Institute;
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6. Institution of and prescription of the conditions of the award
of fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and
7. Conduct of examinations, appointment of examiners and
approval and publication of results thereof;
8. Maintenance of discipline among the students;
9. Maintenance of discipline among the employees of the
10. Conditions of residence and health of students of the
11. Classification, emoluments, method of appointment, and the
determination of the terms and conditions of service of the
teaching staff of the Institute;
12. Constitution of pension, provident fund, insurance etc. for
the benefit of the officers, teachers / academic staff and the
other staff of the Institute;
13. Establishment of special canters;
14. Creation, composition and functions of any committees or
body, which is considered necessary for the work of the
15. Preparation and submission of budget estimates;
16. Procedure for convening of meeting of any authority or
17. Laying down of procedures to be observed at any meeting
of any authority or any committees;
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18. Constituting any other body as an authority of the Institute;
19. All other matters which by the provision of the Institutes
Memorandum of Society or Rules may be provided for by
the Bye-Laws provided that no Bye-Laws shall be made
affecting the condition of residence, health or discipline of
the student, admission or enrolment of students, conditions,
mode of appointment or duties of examiners or the conduct
or standard of examinations or any course of study without
consulting the Academic Council.
B. Procedure for Making Byelaws / Rules and Regulations for
1. Rules and Regulations related to academic matters shall be
proposed and passed by respective academic bodies, i.e. Board
of Studies, Academic Council etc. prior to its presentation before
the Board of Management. Once approved by the Board of
Management, it shall require the assent of the President or the
President may refer it to Board of Management in case the
matter relates to policy of the organization. Once assent is given,
the Bye-Laws / Rules and Regulations shall become operative;
2. All Bye-Laws / Rules and Regulations related to service condition
of the Vice-Chancellor and other Executives shall be made by the
Board of Management and Chancellor for adaptation;
3. General Bye-Laws / Rules and Regulations may be proposed by
Board of Management and approved by the Board of
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4. No Byelaws / Rules and Regulations of the Institute shall become
operative unless assent of the President is obtained.
Article XXXIII
Interpretation Clause
In the event of conflict of opinion with regard to interpretation of
Memorandum of the Society / Articles or the Rules and Bylaws, the
opinion of the Chancellor shall prevail.
Article XXXIV
Income and Property of the Institute to be utilized for its Object only
The income and property of the Institute, whatever derived, shall be
applied towards the promotion of the objectives thereof as set forth in the
Memorandum of Society of the Institute.
Article XXXV
Bar on Payment or Transferring of the Income and Property of the
Institute by Way of Profit.
No option of the income and property of the Institute shall be paid or
transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise
howsoever, by way of profit to the persons who were at any time or are
members of the Institute or to any of them or any person claiming through
them or any of them provided nothing herein contained shall prevent the
payment in good faith of remuneration to any member thereof or other
person as consideration for any service rendered to the Institute or for
traveling or other allowances and such other charges.
Article XXXVI
Adjustment of Income and Property on Dissolution of the Institute
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After on the winding up or dissolution of the Institute and after the satisfaction
of all its debts and liabilities, if there shall remain any property whatsoever, the
same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Institute or
any of them but shall be transferred to the Founding Society, or other bodies
in consultation with the agencies concerned who have helped in creation of
those assets.
Article XXXVII
Hostel Management
All the Hostels shall be managed and maintained by the Board of
Management. There shall be two Chief Wardens, one each for Women’s and
Men’s Hostels. The number of Wardens shall be assessed on the basis of
number of hostels and inmates. The Vice-Chancellor shall make all the
appointments with the concurrence of Chancellor.
A. Chief Warden
The experience of Chief Warden shall be equivalent to a Head of
Duties of Chief Warden:
1. Allotment of student’s accommodation as per the policy.
2. Arranging for the proper food in the Hostels.
3. Maintaining proper order and discipline in the Hostels.
4. Awarding punishment to students in case of indiscipline in
the Hostels.
5. Recommending any improvements in the living facility of
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6. Preparing and approving schedules, and programmes for
Hostel inmates as far as extra-curricular activities are
7. Reporting matters related to indiscipline / neglect of duty
caused by any of the Assistant Wardens or employees of the
8. He / She shall implement the policy pertaining to Hostels as
communicated from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor.
9. He / she shall prepare the budget every year for Hostels in
consultation with the Finance Comptroller for approval of the
Board of Directors.
10. Any other duties assigned by the Vice-Chancellor.
Besides, being Chief Warden, the teacher shall attend to his / her
normal duties in his / her department.
B. Wardens
From amongst the teachers, the Chief Warden shall propose
names to the Vice-Chancellor for the appointment of
Wardens. The Wardens shall assist the Chief Warden in
performing his / her duties.
The Warden shall be responsible for:
a. Maintaining order, discipline and decorum in their
assigned Hostels;
b. Reporting any matters of indiscipline to the Chief Warden
immediately for his / her actions;
c. Any other duties assigned to them by the Chief Warden.
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Departments of Colleges
There shall be established departments, colleges of professional and centers
of higher learning and research for which there shall be Bye-laws to be
framed and incorporated from time to time. Such colleges / departments may
Article XXXIX
Special Provisions
Special provisions are for those students who have completed a certain years
of their education from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha Vishwavidyala, New
Delhi to continue their qualification. The Institute shall allow old students to
complete their degrees as per the curriculum prescribed by the Guru Gobind
Singh Indraprastha Vishwavidyala, New Delhi by adopting the same curriculum
for completing their degree programs. However, the Institute shall award the
degree after transferring their credits from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
Vishwavidyala; New Delhi new students admitted after the declaration of
Deemed University status shall follow curriculums of the Institute.
The Academic Council shall also do the credit transfer assessment for
new students from other Universities.
Article XXXX
Legal Proceedings
1. In all suits and other legal proceedings by or against of the Institute,
the pleadings shall be signed and verified by the Registrar and all
process in such suits and proceedings shall be issued to, and
served on the Registrar;
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2. No suit or legal proceedings shall lie against the Central
Government or UGC or the Institute or an Officer of the Institute or
a Member of the Authority of the Institute in respect of anything
done or purported or intended to be done in pursuance of any
provisions of Institutes Memorandum of Society or the Rules or ByLaws made there under.
Article XXXXI
Alteration, Amendments and Addition in the Rules
The Rules and Byelaws of the Institute may be altered, amended and added
to, by the Board of Management in accordance with the provision of the Indian
Society Act, 1882. Once the amendments are made in the Society, Byelaws,
Rules and Regulations of the University shall be reported to the Government
of India / UGC for information and records.
Article XXXXII
Funds, accounts, audits and Annual Reports
1. The funds of the Institute shall be utilize solely for the purpose of the
2. The accounts of the Institute shall be maintained in the name of the
Institute and not in name of a particular Society whether financing or
sponsoring the Institute or not. The accounts of the Institute shall be
kept in such forms as may be laid down by the Board of
Management. The accounts of the Institute will be open to
examination by the Comptroller sand Auditor General of the
Government of India. However, the Auditor appointed by the Board
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of Management shall audit the accounts of the Institute / Deemed
All funds belonging to the Institute or under the control of the Board of
Management shall be shown separately in the accounts of the Institute
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