JOURNAL FUNDS TRANSFER REQUEST FORM INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: Please enable macros and links when opening this form, by clicking Options... on the Security Warning that will appear. Then choose enable content for both macros and links. Form to be used for: Transferring funds or budget between or within Budget Centres - including processing internal transfer charges/credits for goods or services provided. Transferring expenditure or income transactions to correct codes if originally processed on the incorrect code. Details to be Included: TYPE OF TRANSFER Revenue/Income Expense Budget/Funds Charge for Goods/Services Internal Transfer Recovery Existing Transaction Coding Corrections Existing Transaction Coding Corrections DEBIT Fund, Org, Acct, Prog Full code from which Budget or Funds are to be provided from Full code to be charged for the goods/services (Debit) Full code in which the transaction currently appears Full code in which the transaction should appear CREDIT Fund, Org, Acct, Prog Full code to which Budget or Funds are to be moved to Full code to receive credit for providing goods/services Full code in which the transaction should appear Full code in which the transaction currently appears AMOUNT Amount to be transferred TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION If transferring a transaction, note the DESCRIPTION on the original transaction description from the ledger, including the Document No. EXTRA INFO FOR LEDGERS Provide a sufficient explanation of the reason(s) for the request so that the transfer(s) may be processed and recorded appropriately. Any documents which clarify the request, or provide the required authority of a Budget Centre Manager, must be sent with the form. AUTHORITIES Budget Centre Manager (or authorised delegate) for the code from which the funds or budget are being transferred, or which is incurring the expenditure in the case of a charge for goods/services or transfer of a transaction, signs here. ADOBE/PDF/ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES: Can be used by the Budget Centre Manager. If the form is sent to them as a pdf document [for example by using the Email form as PDF button] this can often be completed by choosing Sign, when the form is opened in Adobe Reader. CHECK GL These buttons will provide a double check for the GL codes you have entered, for the particular line. The completed form is to be forwarded to the Finance Officer, (Ledgers). When sending requests electronically, please retain original documents to be made available upon Audit request. For further information on CSU’s Chart of Accounts: For further information on Policy on Opening Balances and Internal Transfers: V2013 – Page 1 of 2 JOURNAL FUNDS TRANSFER FORM – Quick Guide The Journal Funds Transfer Form is linked to the General Ledger (GL) codes, which allows the most recent GL codes to be used. The following features have been included: built in validation that checks the GL accounts entered; GL code can viewed with its description; selection of an appropriate approver from a list; emailing the form as a PDF file. GL CODES: The GL codes are updated nightly to provide the most current codes. Invalid codes will have a visual prompt or an error message will be displayed. Section 1 – is for Internal Transfers or Recoveries only Section 2 – is for corrections These buttons displays the GL Code with its appropriate description/name, for the particular line. Email: Converts the form into PDF format and then puts the form into an email. Clear Form: Removes ALL the information within the form. Signatory Name: This has a drop-down menu that will display an approver for the Org Code on line 1 or line 7. You can also overtype this name, if the approver information is out of date. V2013 – Page 2 of 2