POSITION CLASSIFICATION REVIEW Professional/General Staff Round 1, 2016 Instructions Applications for review of job classification are open to professional/general staff members (Levels 1-9) who have worked for the last 12 or more months in a continuing or fixed term position at Charles Sturt University (CSU). The purpose of an application for reclassification is to enable the Job Classification Advisory Committee (JCAC) to understand how the requirements and responsibilities of your position have changed significantly since the last formal review and to assess its work value within the context of the organisational structure. NOTE: The process is not concerned with assessing positions in relation to organisational change proposals. Please remember that the position and not your personal performance will be evaluated by the JCAC. Therefore, provide specific and concise examples to demonstrate the changes in job content and requirements but do not refer to your performance, efforts, abilities or workload. The changes should involve typical and recurring activities, i.e. not be of a one-off nature. Before you submit your application and updated position description to the Executive Dean / Executive Director (or equivalent) for approval, it is recommended that you contact a reclassification facilitator for feedback on your draft application. A list of facilitators is available from http://www.csu.edu.au/division/hr/salary-and-conditions/job-classification-review. NOTE: While assistance from a facilitator may improve the quality of your application and updated position description, it does not guarantee reclassification to a higher level. Checklist I discussed with my supervisor with my supervisor and the Executive Dean/Executive Director (or equivalent) my intention to lodge an application for reclassification. I asked my supervisor for assistance with and/or feedback on my draft application, and completed it in accordance with the instructions. I contacted a reclassification facilitator for feedback on my draft application and updated position description. I submitted the final version of my application and updated position description to the Executive Dean/Executive Director (or equivalent) by 29 February 2016 for approval or otherwise a written statement of reasons for non-support. (Adequate time must be given to allow proper consideration of the application.) I emailed my signed application to nmarr@csu.edu.au by the close of business on 15 March 2016. It included: the current organisational chart; an updated position description (PD) in Word format; the position description that was most recently evaluated by the Division of Human Resources (HR) or the JCAC; and if applicable, a written statement of non-support by the Executive Dean/Executive Director (or equivalent). NOTE: Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered and, if necessary, will be held over until the following round.