Friday assignment.doc

Poetry Unit
Final Project
We will be doing a final project on Modern American Authors to finish up our
unit on poetry. You will be assigned in class time to work on the project, but it will also
require some out of class work as well.
Part One
The following poems have been assigned for your reading:
 “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
 “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost
 “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost
 “Chicago” by Carl Sandburg
 “Grass” by Carl Sandburg
 “Elegy for Jane” by Theodore Roethke
 “Death of a Ball Turret Gunner” by Randall Jarrell
You must do a summary or paraphrase of each of the previously listed poems.
Part Two
A one page, typed, double spaced essay is also due, interpreting one of the
assigned poems. You should discuss the poetic elements used in that poem, such as
alliteration, personification, etc.
Part Three
You will be required to do a biography on one Modern American poet, of your
choice. You can use one of the poets listed above, or one of your own choice. You must
have the poet approved by me. The paper must be at least two pages long.
Part Four
You must find a poem by the author your project is on. You must include this in
the final packet, and it will be read aloud during your presentation.
Part Five
You must turn in an original copy of a poem that you have written. It can be in
any format, but not a poem you have already written for class.
Part Six
You will be required to find five poems, from outside sources, by legitimate
authors. A poem from “Mary Smith” on a college website is NOT acceptable. It must be
a poem from a well-known author, such as Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, etc. However,
you must use five different authors, not the same author.
The Presentation
The summation of this project will be a 10-15 minute presentation. It is your
choice as to how you will present, with a PowerPoint, webpage, storyboard, etc. The
presentation will include parts 3 and 4 of the project. The presentation should highlight
your poet, and will contain the reading you are required to do (one poem by the poet you
have chosen). The presentation must include pictures of your author, and any other
visual aids you see fit. ASK if you have questions!!
You will turn everything in, in a packet; preferably a manila envelope, or a folder.
Parts 1, 2, and 3 must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. Parts 4, 5, and 6
should be formatted as you found them (if you need to retype). Original or photocopies
of the poems you are asked to find will be fine. The deadline for the project is in two
weeks. The following week we will dedicate to presentations. Keep in mind that while
we are working the projects, we will be moving ahead in the next unit, although some
inclass time will be dedicated to working on the project. Out of class time will be