Name: _________________ Date: __________________ Class Period: _____________ Literature Short Stories Unit Test Instructor: Anita Fossum Part 1. Matching Please place the letter of the vocabulary word in front of the correct definition. (10 pts) 1. ____unnecessary 2. ____falsely attractive 3. ____stingy; careful with money 4. ____to rise to a decisive point 5. ____long unbound hair of women 6. ____accusation 7. ____dirty, filthy 8. ____slacker, avoiding responsibility 9. ____the condition of being a beggar 10. ____a meeting place A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Imputation Parsimony Tresses Superfluous Sordid Culminated Meretricious Rendezvous Truant Mendicancy Part 2. True/False Determine whether the following statements are true or false. If the statement is true, place a ‘T’ in the blank. If the statement is false, place an ‘F’ in the blank. Be sure to be clear in your answer. (10 pts) 1. ____Della cut off her hair to pay for the gift she bought for her husband, James. 2. ____Jenny was late for class because she got into an accident on her motorcycle. 3. ____Irony is used in the story “Escape Claws.” 4. ____”A Tell-Tale Heart” was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 5. ____Goodman Brown’s wife begged him to stay home the night he traveled into the woods. 6. ____The perfect opening line was, “Fire!” 7. ____Della would never be able to use the combs James had bought her. 8. ____The jester was drunk with happiness because of the carnival in “The Cask of Amontillado.” 9. ____In “Tell-Tale Heart”, the madman was found guilty of murder when he went to court. 10. ____In “Erring Dirty Laundry”, the man admitted to having an affair. Part 3. Short Answer Please explain how the following words or phrases are developed in short stories. (2 pts apiece) 1. Plot - 2. Characters - 3. Setting – Part 4. Essay On another sheet of paper please answer three of the following questions. (24pts) 1. Summarize one of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories we read for class. Then tell how it fits the criteria of “the short story.” 2. Summarize one of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s stories. Then tell how it fits the criteria of “the short story.” 3. Explain the difference between the novel and the short story genre. 4. Summarize the story “The Gift of the Magi.” How does the title pertain to the story? 5. Define irony. Use examples from the texts we read. 6. Is the main character in “Tell-Tale Heart” really a madman? Why or why not? Provide details and a strong argument.