Lesson 3.doc

Teacher’s Name: Ms. Anne DeKrey
Date: September 3, 2003
Title of Unit (if lesson is part of a unit)-Unit 1 –Elements of Poetry and Short Stories
Title of Lesson- Understanding Elements of Literature
Previous Assignment- Finishing reading The Tell-Tale Heart and fill out the diagram
identifying the elements of a short story.
Objective(s) – The students will demonstrate their ability to identify the elements of poetry.
The students will demonstrate their ability to identify the elements of short
The students will demonstrate their ability to properly and efficiently use
the library and other resources to locate literature.
Materials- Annabel Lee and The Tell-Tale Heart
Teacher Activities- Review of elements of poetryRhyme –the repetition of identical vowel or consonant sounds
EX: cat bat hat
Rhyme scheme- a poet’s pattern of rhymes
Assonance-repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds,
Role, control, console
Alliteration –repetition of consonant sounds
She shelled seashells by the sea shore.
Review elements of a short story-Discuss the diagrams the students developed after
reading The Tell-Tale Heart.
rising action
plot development conflict
falling action
Take students to the library and allow them to search for a poems and a short stories each having
2 literary elements of their genre.
Student Activities- Participate in question and answer as review for quiz tomorrow.
Behave responsibly while using the library efficiently to find a short story and poem; each
demonstrating 2 elements of the genre to which it belongs.
Use all available resources in the library to locate a short story and poem for the next class period.
Evaluation-Students will judged on their efficiency in using the library and other resources
and their ability to quickly identify the elements in both poetry and short story genres.
Assignment- Prepare for a quiz on elements of literature. Bring a copy of a poem that
exhibits several elements about poetry that have been discussed ex: The Road Not Takenalliteration and rhyme scheme. Bring a copy of a short story to class that exhibits several of
the elements discussed short stories ex: The Story of an Hour conflict and climax.