
Brooke Carlson
April 9, 2001
Senior English (special topic): The Human Experience Unit on Death
Title of Unit (if lesson is part of a unit): Dealing with the deaths of loved ones (poetry
Previous Assignment (if any): Notes on Poe and discussion on ‘the Human Experience’ and
different ways people deal with death.
Title of Lesson #1: Poe on lost love (Annabelle Lee). How does the character deal with the
loss of his love? Mimic the way Poe writes “Annabelle Lee” but adapt the situation to one
that has happened to you or someone you know.
Title of Lesson # 2: Discuss stages of growth and healing after loss. Does the character in
Poe’s poem go through different stages of grief and recovery? List, and compare or contrast
the basic stages of coping with loss.
Title of Lesson # 3: Grouping of poems written by teens with lost loved ones (Handout).
List different stages of healing that each character in each poem is at. Discuss whether or
not writing the poem moves the author to the next stage.
Title of Lesson # 4: Wrap up discussions and assignments. Review for test.
Title of Lesson # 5: Test.
Purpose: Students identify the ways deaths are expressed as well as compare and contrast the
ways different people and societies deal with death. There is some concentration in the area of
how author’s use suspense (especially in death scenes) and ways authors disguise a death within a
Learning Objectives:
 Students will be able to identify characteristics of the ways people deal with
 Students will be able to define and identify the use of suspense in a death scene.
 Students will be able to mimic the writing styles covered.
 Students will be able to respond to poems and short stories objectively and
support their opinions.
Materials: Class textbook, researched information on each author and group of selected poetry
written by teens dealing with the loss of a loved one. Fill in the blank poetry, poetry about
Evaluation: Test on whole unit, themes covered, questions of the stages of a character in each
poem, list the stages of grief and recovery, compare and contrast authors and poems.
Title of Lesson #1: Poe on lost love (Annabelle Lee). How does the character deal with the
loss of his love? Mimic the way Poe writes “Annabelle Lee” but adapt the situation to one
that has happened to you or someone you know.
Teacher’s Name: Brooke Carlson
Date: February 12, 2001
Title of Unit: The Human Experience: Death
Title of Lesson: Poe on lost love
Previous Assignment: Notes on Human Experience and Poe’s style
Purpose: Students realize that the “human experience” in poetry isn’t all love and flowers. This
unit takes a look at the darker side and dealings of life, reminding us that life isn’t all games and
Learning Objectives: Students will learn Poe’s poetic form and mimic one of his poems while
adapting their poem to a real-life experience and using the details, feelings and emotions that
went along with the experience
Materials: Class textbook, pages 225-228 (Poe information and poem). Hand-out of fill-in the
blank poetry.
Finn-in the blank poetry
1. Choose a simple poem that is 10-20 lines in length.
2. Provide two copies of the poem to students: the original poem and the same poem in
which you have removed several of the words and replaced them with "blanks."
3. Read the original poem with students and discuss the meaning and/or structure of the
4. Have students create their own versions of the original poem, filling in the blanks you
have created.
5. If you wish, you can write the part of speech in each blank, so students can practice
using appropriate parts of speech. You may want to provide additional guidelines about
what words or phrases should go in the blanks.
Activities: Start out with a 10-question quiz on the notes of the Human Experience. The
questions are simply to ensure students are taking notes and paying attention. Next, discuss Poe
and some qualities that Poe seems to use in most of his writing. Read Annabelle Lee, start
picking out the poetic elements and move to the way that Poe expresses the loss and pain after his
life is gone. Start project on mimicking Poe’s style on Annabelle Lee. Exercise on fill in the
blank poetry is handed out to start the students thinking on ways to explain their emotions
through poetry.
Evaluation: Each poem written must contain the same elements covered in class and most
importantly each mimicking poem must relate to a death in that particular student’s life and how
the human experience felt.
Assignment: Read Annabelle Lee, complete fill in the blank poetry and start writing mimic
poetry of Poe’s Annabelle Lee
Title of Lesson # 2: Discuss stages of growth and healing after loss. Does the character in
Poe’s poem go through different stages of grief and recovery? List, and compare or contrast
the basic stages of coping with loss.
Teacher’s Name: Brooke Carlson
Date: February 113, 2001
Title of Unit (if lesson is part of a unit): The human experience: Death
Title of Lesson: Stages of healing after loss. Discussion of how notes apply to Poe’s poem
previously covered, compare and contrast.
Previous Assignment (if any): Poe on Lost love, Annabelle Lee and Fill in the blank poetry.
Purpose: Connect students to the poetry we are studying, many students “read” poetry without
comprehending or really “getting it” This assignment allows students to pick apart poetry and
relate it to their life or a situation they know of. Students have the opportunity to use their
emotions to write descriptive poetry about what they are like.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to write a poem on themselves
Students will be able to know the stages of dealing with loss and recovery
Students will compare and contrast similarities in the previous poem read, as well as compare and
contrast their poetry to Poe’s
Materials: Notes on loss and recovery, discussion guidelines to help class stay on track. Poem
Today I feel (emotion) because (give reason).
Explain that it is possible to have more than one emotion or feeling at the same
time, either similar or opposite.
Examples: Today I feel worried because we are having a test. Also, I feel happy
because today is Friday.
To help students examine emotions more closely, use this exercise: After
brainstorming a list of emotions, ask students to choose one and assign it a color. "Hate is
black," or "Happiness is yellow." Use the following to further explore:
(Emotion) is (Color).
Fear is red.
It smells like_____.
It smells like fire.
It tastes like_____.
It tastes like rotten peaches.
It sounds like_____.
It sounds like car horns.
It feels like______.
It feels like being scared of dark.
It looks like______.
It looks like Freddy Krueger.
(Emotion) is_______.
Fear is falling into a hole.
(give a metaphoric statement)
Line 1 Your first name only
Line 2 4 traits that describe you
Line 3 Sibling of...(or son/daughter of)
Line 4 Lover of...(three people or ideas>
Line 5 Who feels...(three items)
Line 6 Who needs...(three items)
Line 7 Who gives...(three items)
Line 8 Who fears...(three items)
Line 9 Who would like to see...(three items)
Line 10 Resident of (your city, street or state)
Line 11 Your last name only.
Petite, bubbly, happy and energetic.
Daughter of Greg and Missy
Lover of gymnastics, roses and cheerleading.
Who feels happiness with friends, loneliness at night, and joy
at ball games.
Who needs friends, love and acceptance.
Who gives friendship, love and encouragement.
Who fears pain, death and losing friends.
Who would like to see the world, the future and neverending joy.
Resident of Stigler, Oklahoma
Activities: Discussion on emotions and how people express themselves. Poem example to be
completed by each student.
Evaluation: Quiz on emotions and dealings with death.
Title of Lesson # 3: Grouping of poems written by teens with lost loved ones (Handout).
List different stages of healing that each character in each poem is at. Discuss whether or
not writing the poem moves the author to the next stage.
Teacher’s Name: Brooke Carlson
Date: February 14, 2001
Title of Unit (if lesson is part of a unit): The human experience: Death
Title of Lesson: Poems by students who have lost.
Previous Assignment (if any): Self-explaining poems, feeling poems, discussion of notes on
dealing with death
Purpose: After telling students that they can relate to all kinds of poetry prove that many
students their age have gone through rough experiences of the day and discussion of similarities
and differences between modern poetry and Poe’s poetry, similarirites and differences between
Poe and the new work.
Learning Objectives:
Students will compare and contrast different times and how though many things change, the
feelings ultimately remain the same or similar.
Students will write 5 paragraphs about the similarities between the times.
Materials: Text book (Annabelle Lee) hand out of student-written poetry dealing with death
and loss.
Activities: Read handouts and discussion of similarities and differences. An assignment is given
to students to write 5 paragraps or more on how the poems are similar or different that Poe’s.
The 5 paragraphs will demonstrate that the students read and comprehended the poetry covered
and also stimulate forming opinions and how to back up the validity of their opinion.
Assignment: Write a 5 paragraph explanation of why poetry covered is similar and different,
students must back up their opinion with an explanation.
Title of Lesson # 4: Wrap up discussions and assignments. Review for test.
Teacher’s Name: Brooke Carlson
Date: February 15, 2001
Title of Unit (if lesson is part of a unit): The Human experience: death
Title of Lesson: wrap up discussions and assignments. Review for test.
Previous Assignment (if any): 5 paragraphs on similarities and differences of Poe and
student-written poetry
Purpose: Make sure all students understand what has been covered, answer any questions or
concerns students have. Start reviewing for test so students know what to prepare for.
Learning Objectives: Students will discuss general themes of the unit.
Students will be responsible for taking material given in class and studying appropriately for test
the next day.
Materials: All notes and hand-outs used in class for the unit. Students should also keep in mind
the discussions covered in class.
Activities: Jeopardy game in teams on information of the unit.
Assignment: Study for test.
Title of Lesson # 5: Test.
Teacher’s Name: Brooke Carlson
Date: February 16, 2001
Title of Unit (if lesson is part of a unit): The human experience: Death
Title of Lesson: Test
Previous Assignment (if any): review
Topic and subject: test
Purpose: Make sure that students grasped the information covered for the unit
Learning Objectives: Students will be able to identify the characters of loss and recovery, as
well as explain, contrast and compare poetry and poetic elements.
Materials: test
Assignment: Begin reading next section