Alison D. Kohler September 17, 2001 Title of Unit: Curtain Title of Lesson Plan: Review Chapter 12 Previous Assignment: Read pages 125-148 in Curtain Objectives: Students will work in small groups or individually and finish questions Chapters 11-12 5& 6 and Chapters 13-14 1& 2 in their logs. Teacher will lead discussion on the previous day’s reading asking for student’s responses and reactions to the reading. Teacher will read the next chapter (Chapter 14) out loud to students. Teacher will assign pages 148-168 to students for the day. Evaluation: Written and oral responses to the reading. Assignment: Read pages 148-168 Alison D. Kohler September 18, 2001 Title of Unit: Curtain Title of Lesson: Review Questions for pages 148-168 Previous Assignment: Students read pages 148-168 to students. Objectives: Students will work in their large group to answer correlating questions. Students will be asked to provide the answers to the correlating questions and add them to their log. Teacher will lead discussion on questions and previous day’s reading asking for student feedback and observations throughout. Teacher will add or mention information as needed, also asking students in class for additional responses. Teacher will then have students due their own inquiry of Mrs. Franklin’s death. 5 students will be selected to be the characters and the rest of the class will be used as part of the “Inquiry Team” of investigators and policemen. Students will then ask the “characters” what their involvement or knowledge of the murder is and other correlating questions that go along with the text. The teacher will be the facilitator. After, teacher will inform students that tomorrow will be a “Mini-Lesson” day with Mr. Cruchet and will be asked to read a longer assignment for Thursday. Evaluation: Students’ written and oral responses to reading. Students will also be given a participation grade for their involvement in the inquiry. All students are required to ask at least 2 questions or be a character to receive this grade. Assignment: Read pages 168-188 Alison D. Kohler September 19, 2001 Curtain Lesson: Mini-Lesson on writing style and proof reading given by Mr. Cruchet. Alison D. Kohler September 20, 2001 Curtain Review Questions Previous Assignment: Students read pages 168-188 Activities: Students will form their own pairs or small groups to complete the questions correlating with the reading assignment. Teacher will call upon small groups or pairs to come in front of class to give their answers. Teacher will lead discussion on questions and previous day’s reading asking for student feedback and observations throughout. Teacher will discuss with students the idea of the mystery genre in relation to a movie they have watched such as “The Matrix” or “Seven Monkeys.” Objectives: Students will work in pair or in small groups to answer correlating questions. Evaluation: Students’ written and oral responses to reading Assignment: Read for Monday pages 189-206 (up to the postscript) Alison D. Kohler September 21, 2001 Curtain Reading Day Previous Assignment: Read for Monday to end of book Objectives: Students will read silently for the period on a book from out of class. Assignment: Finish reading pages 189-206 for Monday. Alison D. Kohler September 24, 2001 Curtain Review Questions Previous Assignment: Students will have read to page 206 in novel Objectives: Students will begin “pulling” information together about novel by discussing characters. Students will complete questions for reading selections. Students will discuss and ask questions concerning characters in the novel as a beginning review. Activities: Students will be asked to finish questions in their assigned groups. When students finish questions, they will be asked to answer them in groups in front of the class. The teacher will include any extra information into the discussion of questions that is pertinent to the reading. The teacher will then open the class to discussion of the characters of the novel, especially Poirot, Hastings, Judith, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, etc. Teacher will field all questions and/or redirect them to the students for review. Students will be informed there will be a test covering the novel on Wednesday. Evaluation: Student’s ability to work in groups an answer questions. Student’s ability to present answers to class. Student’s ability to discuss novel in class. Assignment: Finish reading novel. Alison D. Kohler September 25, 2001 Curtain Novel Review Previous Assignment: Students will have read to the end of novel. Objectives: Students will begin reviewing for test tomorrow. Students will complete questions. Students will role-play in groups. Activies: Students will finish questions in their small groups. While in the small groups students will be assigned one of five “role-plays” for review. The teacher will lead discussion on novel and finishing questions. Students will then be given the opportunity to role play their “chosen” scene. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to answer class discussion questions. Students will be evaluated on their participation in “role-playing” activity. Assignment: Test on “Curtain” tomorrow. Alison D. Kohler September 26, 2001 Curtain Final Test Materials: Curtain Test Objectives: Students will take final test. Activities: Students will be given the hour to take final test on “Curtain.” Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their overall unit participation (25 points,) their completion of unit discussion questions (25 points,) and their final Curtain test grade (100 points.) Assignment: Casting the Book Activity Alison D. Kohler September 27, 2001 Between Units Casting and Mini-Lesson Cruchet Alison D. Kohler September 28, 2001 Between Units Friday Reading Day Materials: Student’s books Objectives: Students will discuss their choices in “casting” the book “Curtain” as a closure activity to book. Students will be given time to read on their own. Activities: Students will discuss with teacher their choices for “casting” Curtain. The students will then read silently for remainder of the hour. Alison D. Kohler October 1, 2001 Between Units Portfolio Writing Day Materials: Writing Worksheet, Idea Sheets Objectives: Students will begin writing new portfolio project piece with guidance from worksheet. Activities: Students will be handed out Writing Worksheet. Teacher will discuss new portfolio project assignment. Students will fill out worksheet and begin writing new piece for their portfolio. Teacher will help facilitate this activity. Evaluation: Students will hand in Worksheet. Teacher will evaluate students on their completion of this sheet. Assignment: Portfolio piece due on Wednesday. Bring reading book for tomorrow. Alison D. Kohler October 2, 2001 Reading Day Materials: Portfolio project (in progress) and reading book Objectives: Students will continue reading. Students will finish portfolio project. Students will learn vocab words. Activities: Students will work independently on their portfolio piece or read silently. Students will hand in 10 reactions to their readings. Students will also be asked to continue studying vocab words. Evaluation: Student reading reactions. Assignment: Quiz on vocab words on Thursday, Portfolio project due Wednesday Alison D. Kohler October 3, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Finish portfolio piece and be ready for quiz on vocab words on Friday Materials: Introduction worksheet for TKAM, TKAM novel, PowerPoint Activities: Students will be introduced to the noel TKAM through a PowerPoint presentation. Students will take notes and be asked for discussion throughout the PPT. After PPT, the teacher will hand out intro worksheet for TKAM. The students will spend about 20 minutes writing and reflecting. Students will be asked for their answers and the teacher will facilitate a discussion that will point out and include themes from the novel that also arise in the student’s discussion of their own lives and happenings when they were 5. Teacher will then hand out TKAM at the end of the hour and assigning the first chapter to be read for the next day. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to provide feedback during and after PPT introduction. Students will be evaluated on their ability to reflect and complete intro worksheet. Alison D. Kohler October 4, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Read Chapter 1 of TKAM Materials: Novel, worksheet for Chapters 1-13 Objectives: The students will become better acquainted with the main characters and the peculiaralities of Maycomb life. Students will begin discuss and interpreting TKAM. Activities: Then class will begin by having the teacher and students read the second chapter together. Students will then move into their small groups after they receive their questions. The teacher will then facilitate a discussion incorporating the questions students answered and other parts of the novel. The teacher will emphasize important parts of the novel that students don’t understand or have reference for as of yet. Evaluation: Students ability to work in groups. Students ability to converse with each other and the teacher during the full class discussion. Assignment: Read Chapter 3 Alison D. Kohler October 5, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Read Chapter 3 of TKAM Materials: Novel, worksheet for Chapters 1-13 Objectives: Students will be able to discuss and reflect on the day’s assigned reading. Students will begin to watch TKAM the movie and relate the movie actions to the novel. Test on vocabulary words will be delayed until Monday. Activities: The teacher will begin class by having students answer questions 4, 8, and 11 in their groups. One group will be asked to role-play: 1. Dill daring Jem to touch the house. 2. Walter Cunningham coming to lunch and 3.Miss Caroline’s shrieking and conversation about Burris Ewell. The teacher will then begin facilitating a discussion on Chapters 2 and 3. Finally, the beginning of the movie TKAM will be shown. Evaluation: Students ability to work in groups on question and role plays. Students will be evaluated on their ability to discuss and reflect Chapter 2 & 3 with teacher. Assignment: Read Chapter 4, literary terms quiz Monday Alison D. Kohler October 8, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Read Chapter 4 Materials: Novel, worksheet for Chapters 1-13 Objective: Students will match literary terms for a quiz. Students will define answers on worksheets for Chapter 4. Students will retell role-played scenes from TKAM. Students will analyze and explain the text from Chapter 4 TKAM during teacher-generated discussion. Activities: Class will begin with a quiz on Literary Terms. The teacher will then ask the students to join their small groups. The students will answer questions for Chapter 4 and begin planning for their role-play. Role-play will be assigned to be given tomorrow. The students will be asked to role-play the following scenes: The tire “incident,” the Boo Radley “game,” and the discoveries of Jem and Scout in the tree. The students will then be moved back into their seating arrangement in order to discuss the reading. The teacher will facilitate the class discussion. Students will be asked to analyze the reading from Chapter 4. At the end of class, the teacher will read the first page and a half of Chapter 5. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to perform on the Literary Terms quiz. Students will also be evaluated upon their ability to work in their groups on the questions and on the role-plays. Students will also be evaluated upon their ability to discuss and analyze Chapter 4. Assignment: Read Chapters 5 &6, have role-plays ready Alison D. Kohler October 9, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Read Chapters 5 & 6 Materials: TKAM novel, worksheet for chapters 1-13, props for role-plays Objectives: Students will retell scenes in role-plays. Students will analyze and explain events that occurred in Chapters 5 and 6. Activities: The class will be given 5 minutes at the beginning of the period to finalize and get ready for their role-plays. Role-plays will be given. Teacher will grade roleplays on a pass-fail scale. Students will then move to their small groups where they will answers the final 10 questions for Chapters 4, 5, and 6. After they have finished, the teacher will facilitate a discussion on the day’s reading. The students will be asked to recall, analyze, and discuss Chapters 5 and 6. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their interactions with their groups. Students will be evaluated on their ability to retell and act out the scenes from the play. Students will also be evaluated on their ability to join the facilitated discussion of Chapters 5 and 6. Assignment: Read Chapters 7 and 8 for Thursday. Tomorrow will be a “Mini-Lesson” day. Alison D. Kohler October 10, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: None for today, Thursday: Read Chapters 7 & 8 Materials: Portfolios, Idea Sheets, Overhead, and Writing Objectives: Students will analyze and criticize pieces of writing in a class discussion. Students will write a portfolio piece. Activities: The teacher will put pieces of writing on the overhead projector. Students will be asked to analyze and criticize the writing for errors, punctuation, style, etc. The teacher will show 5 different pieces of writing, including one poem. The students will then be asked to write another portfolio piece. Evaluation: Students will be active in the discussion on writing. Students will begin writing their next portfolio sheet. Assignment: Portfolio assignment due on Friday. For tomorrow, read Chapters 7 & 8 TKAM. Alison D. Kohler October 11, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Portfolio Assignment due Friday. Read Chapters 7 & 8 Materials: TKAM book, worksheet, video Objectives: Students will analyze and criticize the reading assigned for today. They will explain and retell events from Chapters 7 & 8. Activities: The teacher will give a short quiz on the day’s reading. The teacher will then have the students answer individually the questions that correlate with Chapters 7 & 8. The teacher will then facilitate a discussion on the events in the chapter by having the students explain and retell in their own words what they read. The students will be asked to analyze and criticize the material they have read by discussing the actions of the characters and discussing the theme in reference to what they have read. The students will next watch TKAM for 30 minute. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their quiz grades. Students will be evaluated on their ability to retell, explain, analyze and criticize the reading for the day. Assignment: For Monday, read chapters 9 and 10. Reading day tomorrow. Portfolio projects due Friday. Alison D. Kohler October 12, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Portfolio projects due. Read for Monday Chapters 9 & 10. Materials: Reading book Objectives: Students will read in their out of class reading books. Students will respond to their reading by writing responses on a sheet of paper. Activities: Students put portfolio pieces in their folders. Students will spend the period reading in their out of class books. They will respond to their reading by writing 7 written responses. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their responses to their reading. Students will be evaluated on their portfolios to date. They must have 5 pieces completed and in their folders. Assignment: Read Chapters 9 & 10 TKAM Alison D. Kohler October 15, 2001 TKAM Previous Assignment: Read Chapters 9 & 10 Materials: TKAM, questions Objectives: Students will analyze and criticize the reading assigned for today. They will explain and retell events from Chapters 9 & 10. Students will complete quiz. Students will act out part of the novel. Activities: Class will begin with a quiz. The teacher will then move students to small groups to answer questions from Chapter 9 &10 Part B 1,4,5,7 and 9. Each small group will be asked to role-play the “mad dog” scene. After questions have been answered in small groups, the teacher will facilitate a discussion the assigned reading. Students will be asked to show their role-play at the appropriate point in the discussion. Teacher will read the first page or two of Chapter 11 to students. Evaluation: Students ability to work in groups, student’s ability to discuss and retell story in class, student’s ability to act out part of book to class, students score on quiz Assignment: Read Chapter 11