Self Study Introduction.doc


Self Study Introduction

Decade of Transformation:

A Play in Three Acts

Act I – The Stage is Set (c. 1989-1993) (political, economic, demographic reality sets in)


1989 tax referral, 1980s outmigration, farm auctions close small campus mentality

Total Quality Improvement

NDUS/Chancellor created

First 7 year plan, legislature/SBHE/Governor, DPI interactions shared administration with MSU hold-up on mission approvals

VCSU: instructional technology mandate to VCSU student centered learning assessment

NCA site visit, concern about lack of mission approval, new university system

Physical plant

McFarland main hallway restoration


Did not exist – no coordination, no major gifts

Alumni, V-500, Century; university supported

Act II – Major Changes (c. 1993-1998) (risk, institutional differentiation)


Financial squeeze – failure to fund inflation, expectation to reallocate to salary increases

Predictions of declining HS grads in about 10 years

Centralized budget request through SBHE – less political in Bismarck, SBHE takes

“equalizer” role

Close-campus proponents get it on the ballot; soundly defeated (64%)

Continuing state level strategic planning, increasing expectation for campus integration of state plans


Shared administration with MSU, from 3 positions to 9 to 4

Compete? Collaborate? Hunker down?

VPAA shared, turnover, none – 1993-1999

Collaborative Title III grant, 1995-2000 – faculty development, equipment

FIPSE grant, KCLL, adventure learning

Center for Innovation in Instruction

VCSU policy manual evolves out of faculty handbook, other sources – parallel to SBHE

Reports to Investors – accountability

Explore notebook university with UM-Crookston and MSU, adopt, implement

TAC formed, CIO and ITC created and named

Great Plains partnership

NASM, Community School of the Arts

City marketing money

Relationships with Chamber, Development


Heavy strategic planning: joint with MSU, annual campus updates

Communication (town halls, HotLine, voice mail, email, EC column, brown bags)

Key leaders on faculty and staff – pick up and go

Open atmosphere, following procedures

Physical plant

Tech renovations to classrooms


Build support for and define concept

New staffing, coordination

Expand scope beyond scholarships (e.g., track, sign, stadium seating)

Board of Regents

Act III – Maturation and Development (c. 1998-present) (payoff)


Continued financial squeeze

Onset of decline in HS seniors, increased intra-NDUS competition for students

Annual reports on strategic plan progress

Roundtable – meet needs of ND; dovetail campus and state strategic plans


Instructional technology taken for granted – visitors, presentations, news stories

National and international

Development of faculty and student portfolios

Customized learning, Title III 98, technology education

Online, hybrid course development

Regional Tech Center

NetWork Center partnerships

Increasing international emphasis

Physical plant

Student services area


Heating plant


Major gift development

Relations with distant alumni
