Graduate Council Jim Coakley, Chair

Graduate Council
Jim Coakley, Chair
Two Action Items
• Change Admission Requirements – GPA
• Change English Language Requirement
– Exceptions
– GTA Appointments
• Informational item – need for faculty
participation in Graduate Program Reviews
Admission Requirements - GPA
• Current:
– a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally
accredited college or university, and
– a combined GPA of 3.00 on the last 90 quarter (60
semester) credit hours of graded undergraduate work
toward the first baccalaureate degree plus all work
completed thereafter,
– a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally
accredited college or university, and
– a 45 quarter credit-hour graduate degree from a
regionally accredited university.
Admission Requirements - GPA
• Tedious to calculate last 90 when overall UG
GPA is at or above a 3.0.
– Provide departments the option to use last 90
when appropriate
• Focus on first degree, and all coursework
– Should be most recent degree
Admission Requirements - GPA
• Proposed – part 1:
– a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 on the most
recent baccalaureate degree. The major
department may choose to calculate the GPA on
the last 90 quarter credits (60 semester credits) of
graded undergraduate work on the most recent
baccalaureate degree, plus all work completed
thereafter, and submit that GPA to the Graduate
School as the basis for admission
Admission Requirements - GPA
• Current:
– a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally
accredited college or university, and
– a combined GPA of 3.00 on the last 90 quarter (60
semester) credit hours of graded undergraduate work
toward the first baccalaureate degree plus all work
completed thereafter,
– a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally
accredited college or university, and
– a 45 quarter credit-hour graduate degree from a
regionally accredited university.
No GPA Requirement
Admission Requirements - GPA
• Proposed – part 2:
• OR
– a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally
accredited college or university, and
– a 45 quarter credit-hour graduate degree from a
regionally accredited university, and
– a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 on the most
recent graduate degree.
English Language Requirements
Graduate Applicants
Regular Admission
Conditional Admission
550 (600*)
213 (250*)
Internet (iBT)
80 (100*)
Minimum score of 18 on
each section
No change to these requirements
exam no longer
English Language Requirements
Current Exception
• Exempt from English Language Testing:
– Individuals who have completed a bachelors or master’s
degree from a regionally accredited institution in the U.S.
or other English speaking country (See list below).
– Individuals who are in the process of earning an advanced
degree from an accredited institution in the U.S. or
another English speaking country may be conditionally
– Citizens of the following countries: Australia, Belize,
Canada, Ghana**, New Zealand, Scotland, West Indies,
and United Kingdom.
• ** Exemptions for citizens of other countries are considered on a
case-by-case basis if the medium of instruction is English.
English Language Requirements
Current Exception
• No credit for partial time pursuing UG degree
in English-speaking institution
• No consideration of performance in earning
• List of English-speaking countries needs
English Language Requirements
Proposed Exception
• Exempt from English Language Testing:
– Applicants who have demonstrated success by
achieving an overall GPA greater than 3.0 on a 4.0
scale for 2 or more semesters/quarters in a rigorous
undergraduate or postgraduate program in the U.S. or
from one of the following English speaking
countries**: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and
United Kingdom.
** Exemptions for citizens of other countries are
considered on a case-by-case basis if the medium of
instruction is English.
English Language Requirements
Current International GTA
• Must score 26 on speaking section of iBT
• If in range of 18-25, department must:
Affirm that the graduate student will be enrolled in IEPA 098NC
COMMUNICATION FOR IGTAs (with the unit paying the cost of this
If at all possible, assign the graduate student chores (such as paper
grading, reagent preparation, etc.) that do not require personal
contact with undergraduate students.
If (b) above is not possible, and if possible, pair the IGTA in the
laboratory or classroom with another TA who is a native speaker of
Monitor the quality of IGTA performance using student evaluations
and the evaluations of the supervising professors. The unit will
document for each student the results of their evaluation of the
student's performance as a GTA.
• If the unit agrees to meet these conditions, the IGTA appointment
can be made.
English Language Requirements
Current International GTA
• Sub-score of 26 is very high expectation for all
GTA positions
– Lower University requirement to 22 – allow
departments to set higher level as required
• Provide flexibility to departments for
English Language Requirements
Proposed International GTA
• Lower minimum speaking sub-score to 22.
• Exceptions to the minimum TOEFL score/subscore requirements will be considered by the
Graduate School Dean on request if:
– Applicants GRE Verbal score is greater than 500 (153 –
revised GRE) OR
– The Chair of the Graduate Program (or designated
• has personally interviewed the student and establishes a
plan for language support for the student, if needed, which
may include additional English Language Training, OR
• arranges for the student to complete language training at
INTO-OSU equivalent to the admission status as designated
by the Conditional Admission Program -CAP
Graduate Program Reviews (GPR)
• OSU policy to conduct regular reviews of all
graduate programs (10 year cycle)
• OUS requires reviews of new programs
• Reviews are joint efforts between Graduate
Council and Graduate School
GPR Committee
• One external academic disciplinary peer
– Chair of the committee
• One prospective employer of degree
• One member from Graduate Council
• One member from Graduate Faculty at large
• Dean/Associate Dean of Graduate School
GPR Activities
• Review self-study report
• Site visit
– Dinner with committee
– One day visit with Dean, faculty, staff, students
• Contribute to report (completed within three
weeks of site visit)
• We need Graduate Faculty to participate in
these reviews
– Please contact Vickie Nunnemaker if you are
willing to assist the Graduate Council in
maintaining high quality graduate programs at