MUS 647 Informed Reg.doc

MUS 647 Percussion
Course Objectives: this course will provide the student with a solid foundation in the
teaching strategies and performance techniques of the various tuned and non-tuned
percussion instruments. Students will be required to perform on all the major instruments
(drum set, snare drum, keyboard percussion, timpani) on at least a rudimentary level.
Course Requirements: This is a graduate level course and a requirement for music
education majors
Grading Policy: Grades will be based on the following criteria: attendance and class
participation (40%), 2 to 3 performance-based or written quizzes (10%), midterm exam
(20%), final exam (30%). The midterm and final exams will both be performance-based.
The final exam will consist of a brief performance each on snare drum, a mallet
instrument, and timpani.
Attendance: It is imperative that you come to class every week since much of your grade
is dependent upon good attendance and class participation.
Course Materials: you will need one pair of snare drum sticks (size 5A) and one pair of
“general” timpani mallets as well as assigned textbooks.