May 28

May 28, 2008
Of Special Note
Baltimore, MD:The Open Society Institute–Baltimore presents a forum series: Getting Kids
to School: Truancy and School Engagement. Taking Attendance Poorly: Baltimore’s School
Absence Epidemic. The presentation will be held on May 29, 2008, 10:00 am -11:30 am, at
Open Society Institute,Baltimore, 201 N. Charles Street, Suite 1300, Baltimore, Maryland
21201. Presentation and discussion with Robert Balfanz, Ph.D. Dr. Balfanz is a research
scientist at The Johns Hopkins University and Co-Director of the Talent Development Middle
and High School Project, which is working with more than fifty high-poverty secondary schools
to develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive school reform. Dr. Balfanz’s work focuses
on translating research findings into effective reforms for high-poverty secondary schools. In
his presentation, Dr. Balfanz will discuss the issue of student attendance and a recent study on
seven years of attendance and student performance data from the Baltimore City Public
Schools. This research shows how important student attendance is for subsequent grade
promotion and graduation. Dr. Balfanz will also share his experience working on attendance
problems in other cities and will outline a set of action steps for Baltimore. Space is limited.
Contact Molly Farneth at or 410-234-1092 ext. 215 to see if seating is
still available.
Baltimore, MD: State of the Youth Forum – Your Life, Your Choices. May 31, 2008, 10:00am
– 2:30pm at University of Baltimore Business Center, 1420 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD.
Special Invited Guest: Jamie Hector (Marlo Stansfield) from HBO’s The Wire. Presented by
Youth Empowerment Movement. This free admission forum will include workshops, discussion
forum and planning session. At 7:00pm, there will be a block party for peace at Gordon Plaza
at the University of Baltimore (corner of Mt. Royal & Maryland Ave.) For more information call
410.494.1588 or visit
Baltimore, MD: Mayor Shelia Dixon hosts Mayor’s Night In. June 2, 2008, 6:00 – 8:00pm at
the War Memorial Building, 101 N. Gay St., Baltimore. Mayor Sheila Dixon invites youth and
adults to join her for a discussion about what we can do to better engage our young people in
their communities. We will hear from youth leaders as well as community leaders on a variety
of topics, including: Why young people do not get involved in their community. What we can do
collectively to encourage young people to play an active role in strengthening their community.
What we must do to sustain youth involvement in all of our communities.
Baltimore, MD: Breaking the Chains 2008 – Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. June 5-6,
2008 at the Baltimore Convention Center, 1 West Pratt St., Baltimore. Presented by Making
Connections, this conference is for you and anyone you know who wants to address the impact
the War on Drugs has had on our community. On Thursday June 5, 2008, the conference will
open with a Town Hall Meeting entitled: The Drug War in Baltimore – on the Streets and in
the Media. HBO’s The Wire cast members will participate in this opening session to discuss
media portrayals of issues regarding drugs in Black communities, the political consequences
and how they compare to real life experiences of community residents. The conference will
continue on Friday, June 6, 2008. A special event will specifically be held for young people to
address the connection between education, employment and public safety as well as the
relationship between the drug culture and hip hop.
Whether you are formerly incarcerated, a youth provider or youth, in recovery from drug
addiction or a drug treatment provider, a city official concerned about these issues, or a
community based organizer or civil rights advocate, then you should register today. More
information and registration at Advance registration is required to
reserve your space, and space is limited. For more information you can directly contact Rashid
Shabazz at
Baltimore, MD: A Call to Action: 5,000 Event. A call for 5,000 men to be proactive throughout
the city of Baltimore in establishing or restoring relationships. This begins first in their homes,
then in their communities, out of which accountability will flow. On June 15th, Father’s Day,
men are being called to the Baltimore Convention Center from 3p.m. - 7p.m. in an act of
solidarity to express their commitment to modeling what “being a man is, and doing the things
men do. Also, men are being called to volunteer (to act) by joining an existing community
based organization, which will result in the fulfillment of the mission of reducing homicides,
minimizing crime, and creating peace in our communities. Over 100 community based
organizations primarily serving or consisting of men and boys are being recruited to be present
at the C2A- 5,000 Our Community, Our Responsibility event, to sign up men volunteers to have
a more positive presence throughout Baltimore City. More information
Allegany County, MD: Independent Living Preparation Services 14th Annual Teen
Conference: “GET HYPE: Helping Youth Plan for Emancipation”. This year, the Social
Services Administration, Independent Living Preparation Services will host its annual teen
conference July 11-13, 2008 at Frostburg University. The goal of this conference is to provide
learning opportunities that will “Help Youth Plan for Emancipation” by developing and/or
enhancing their life skills enabling them to make more effective and informed decisions. The
conference is designed to assist participants to “Get HYPE”, by providing information that
encourages youth to plan for their future by set long and short-term goals. This will be
accomplished by providing presentations and workshops that consist of a variety of topics and
formats for youth ages 14 up to 20 years old. Proposals are being accepted through June 4th.
For more information regarding proposal submission or more information about the conference,
contact Dianne Timmons-Himes, 410-767-7114 or
“Breaking the Cycle” Radio Dialogue. Sunday, June 1, 2008 2:00-4:00 p.m. Brother Bey, the
founder of the Fraternal Order of X-Offenders (F.O.X.O), hosts a weekly radio show on W.O.L.B
(1010 am) that presents community-based, ex-offender driven efforts in Baltimore and
elsewhere that are helping to break the cycle of violence. The primary focus of the F.O.X.O.’s
“Breaking The Cycle” Radio Dialogue is to extend discussion, increase consideration of
community-driven alternatives, and initiate and expand the collective action needed to deter,
decrease and prevent the pandemic of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality gripping
Baltimore and many other communities. The radio show provides a voice to those attempting
to change their thinking and behaviors, informing ex-offenders, their families, and others of
opportunities, increasing access to strategies that work, and exposing those that don’t. You are
invited to call in to the radio program at 410-481-1010. To learn more about FOXO, visit their
website at email: or call 410-262-4456.
On January 11, 2008 Mayor Dixon was at 4601 Park Heights Ave along with representatives
from the Prisoner’s Aid Association of Maryland (PAA) and the Fraternal Order of XOffenders (F.O.X.O.) to officially open the doors of Project P.E.A.C.E. (Proper Education
Always Corrects Errors), a collaboration between PAA and F.O.X.O. that will connect
thousands of ex-offenders each year to services provided in its crime prevention and
recidivism avoidance program. The P.E.A.C.E. program, developed and implemented by ex-
offenders, connects other ex-offenders with needed resources and uses the power of peer
influence to facilitate the cognitive restructuring and personal supports needed for successful
re-integration. “In order to truly make Baltimore safer, we need to help ex-offenders become
productive citizens,” Mayor Sheila Dixon said. “Project P.E.A.C.E. is going to help a lot of
people fulfill their potential and make meaningful contributions to those around them.”
The P.E.A.C.E. program addresses a variety of social and behavioral issues confronting exoffenders, including: short term and long term housing, emergency shelter, transitional
housing, substance abuse, parenting, GED services, employment and job placement, financial
literacy and HIV/AIDS information and education. In addition to the 12-Step Lifeskills
Workshops and services such as emergency shelter, transitional housing, and linkage to other
services, the P.E.A.C.E. project provides individual supports from individuals who have turned
around their lives and who serve as mentors and positive role models. For additional
information or referrals, call Project P.E.A.C.E. at 410 367-8393 or Brother Bey at 410
Quick Glance at this week’s Items of Interest
New Events/Conferences/Trainings
Up-Coming Events/Conference/Trainings
Reports, Research & Recent Publications
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Funding Opportunities/Scholarships/Awards
For Youth
Job & Volunteer Opportunities
Previously Posted Events/Conferences/Training
New Events/Conferences/Training
Baltimore, MD: 2008 Recreation Explosion - an Entertainment, Fun and Fitness Expo, Druid Hill
Park, May 31, noon-6pm. Join Baltimore City Recreation and Parks and Magic 95.9 to kick off the
summer season with carnival rides, sports clinics, food and more. 410-396-7900.
Webcast - Taking Action for Children: Early Interventions to Prevent Abuse and Prepare for School
Success. June 5, 2008, 10:00am ET. Join Chapin Hall and the Urban Institute for a Thursday's Child
public policy forum to discuss school-success initiatives that support newborns, toddlers, and their
parents. Panelists will analyze the complexities of enacting effective school-readiness policies and
programs. The conversation will address what's behind the latest interest in such initiatives, the social
and political environments needed for successful early learning centers and home visitation efforts,
and the lessons states can draw from Illinois' recent experience. Registration at
Baltimore, MD: Mental Hygiene Administration’s (MHA) 5th Annual Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Conference “Focusing on Trauma and Resiliency, with a Special Track on Early Childhood”,
June 24-25, 2008 at Martin’s West, 6817 Dogwood Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21244. More information
and registration at
Springfield, IL: 2008 Community Leadership Institute September 21-24, Leadership Seminars
September 25, 2008. In Community Leadership Institutes, participants explore themselves as leaders,
learn current theory and practice of leadership, work on a current leadership challenge and create a
commitment to action. The three available seminars topics include: Culture & Diversity in Leadership,
Leadership – Policy and Sustaining Change, and The Science and Art of Grant Writing for Leadership.
Learn more and register at
Baltimore, MD: 10th Annual Youth & College Leadership Summit, "Transforming Youth to Ignite
Change", November 14 - 15, 2008. Presented by New Light Leadership Coalition (NLLC).
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Upcoming Events/Conferences/Training
New Orleans, LA: White House Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Conference. May 29-30,
2008. The conferences will provide an understanding of the President’s Faith-Based and Community
Initiative and information about the Federal grants process, funding opportunities, and the
responsibilities that come with Federal funding
How to Stop Bullying and Social Aggression at School – free webinar. May 29, 2008, 2:00pm EST.
Learn to stop bullying and social aggression with proven strategies you can put into action right now.
Mike and Steve will answer your questions and provide resources to increase friendly behavior
throughout your school. From Balance Educational Services. Register at
Baltimore, MD: The 12th Annual Charles Village Festival, May 31 - June 1, 2008. Wyman Park Dell,
Charles & 29th Streets, 10am-8:30pm Saturday, 10-6pm Sunday. The festival in the Dell will feature
vendors, artisans, terrific food, kids’ games and activities, beer and free live music. vendors selling
food, crafts, and adult beverages. Festivities begin Saturday morning with the 5K Fun Run at 8am,
followed by the Charles Village Festival Parade. Sunday features The Annual Garden Walk from 11am4pm.
Portland, OR: The National Center for Victims of Crime 2008 National Conference, "Responses,
Rights, and Resources for Crime Victims." June 2-4, 2008. Conference will feature more than 130
leading experts and 70 skill-building workshops on a wide range of issues for those supporting victims of
crime. Among those are workshops that focus on several aspects of the trauma of victimization.
Featured Workshops on Child and Young Adult Victims: When Authorities Fail to Investigate Child Abuse
Allegations; Death is Not Like Sleeping: Talking to Children about Living and Dying; Cyberspace Safety:
Online Social Network and Second Life; "Snitches Get Stitches": Youth, Gangs, and Witness
Intimidation; Child Molesters, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders: Who They Are and How They Operate;
Engaging Our Youth. For more information on these and other workshops, our plenary speakers, and
registration, visit the conference Web page
Washington, DC: The 2.0 Nonprofit- How Technology Tools & Trends Meet Human Services. June 34, 2008. The nation's technology gurus are gathering to divulge the inside scoop on the latest online
solutions for nonprofit. Expert panels and small-group workshops are just a few of the unique learning
opportunities you’ll encounter at The 2.0 Nonprofit: How Technology Tools & Trends Meet Human
Services, hosted by the National Assembly and Discover how today’s technology tools
(most of which are free!) are changing and improving the way nonprofits increase visibility, connect
with constituents and drive in the money.
Washington, DC: Mental Health America 2008 Annual Conference & National Mental Health
Promotion and Prevention Summit. June 4-7, 2008. More information at
Baltimore, MD: Family Fun Fair. June 7, 2008, 1:00–4:00 pm at Druid Hill Park. The Fair will take
place at the Chinese Pavilion located between Swann Drive and Druid Hill Park Drive.
Free parking will be provided around the Druid Hill Park reservoir. Please enter from Druid Hill Park
Drive. Along with Mambo Combo and Black Cherry Puppet Theater, there will be free entertainment,
activities, giveaways and valuable information for the entire family. For more information call (410)
889-2300, or visit
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Call for Proposals: 10th Annual Youth & College Leadership Summit. New Light Leadership Coalition
(NLLC) is soliciting proposals for workshop presenters for the 10th Annual Youth & College Leadership
Summit, "Transforming Youth to Ignite Change", November 14 - 15, 2008 in Baltimore, Maryland. They
are looking for workshops pertaining to leadership, personal, social, educational, economic, political,
technological, and organizational development. Preference will be given to youth presenters ages 16 to
25. If you are interested, please submit a proposal no later than July 28, 2008. More information at
The state of Maryland juvenile centers – “Monitor faults conditions at state juvenile centers.”
Article in the Baltimore Sun, May 21, 2008. “A report released (on May 20) by the state's independent
juvenile justice monitor says that conditions are worsening at the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice
Center and that programming is lacking at the Victor Cullen Center, a new secure facility in Western
Maryland. The monitor's findings are the latest in a string of reports critical of conditions in the 144bed Baltimore center, where observers have documented youth-on-youth violence and assaults on staff
members. Department of Juvenile Services officials say improving safety there is a priority, but
yesterday's report suggests that more could be done.” Read the full article,0,4993475.story
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Central American Gang-Related Asylum Guide. This resource guide, prepared by the Washington
Office on Latin America (WOLA), attempts to offer attorneys, immigrant activists, policymakers and
human rights workers the facts necessary to understand the complicated and nuanced phenomenon of
gangs in Central America and gang-related asylum cases. Growing numbers of people from El Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras are seeking asylum in the United States due to gang-related persecution. With
this manual, drawing on our expertise on gangs in Central America, we offer the most current
information available on gangs to assist advocates who represent people seeking asylum because they
were victims of gang violence, were formerly involved with gangs and fear reprisal, or both. The
information offered in this resource guide can be used to support arguments for such asylum claims.
With this guide, WOLA also aims to encourage attorneys, immigrant advocates, and policymakers to
offer accurate portrayals of Central American gangs in asylum hearings. Please contact Lilia Lopez at with any questions. The guide is available at
A list of recent publications compiled by SafetyLit. May 26, 2008. Volume 11, Number 21. SafetyLit is
a free service of the Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice at San Diego State University in
collaboration with the World Health Organization. Abstracts available at
Predicting Recidivism in Adolescent Sexual Offenders. Gerhold CK, Browne KD, Beckett R.
Aggress Violent Behav 2007; 12(4): 427-438.
What accounts for demographic differences in trajectories of adolescent dating violence?
An examination of intrapersonal and contextual mediators. Foshee VA, Karriker-Jaffe KJ,
Reyes HL, Ennett ST, Suchindran C, Bauman KE, Benefield TS. J Adolesc Health 2008; 42(6):
Violence in Schools: Prevalence, Prediction, and Prevention. Eisenbraun KD. Aggress Violent
Behav 2007; 12(4): 459-469.
Addressing "The Criterion Problem" in the Assessment of Aggressive Behavior: Development
of a New Taxonomic System. Parrott DJ, Giancola PR. Aggress Violent Behav 2007; 12(3): 280299.
Examining the Link Between Institutional and Community Violence: Toward a New Cultural
Paradigm. Byrne JM, Stowell J. Aggress Violent Behav 2007; 12(5): 552-563.
Firearm Death Rates and Association with Level of Firearm Purchase Background Check.
Sumner SA, Layde PM, Guse CE. Am J Prev Med 2008; ePub
Keeping Children Safe Around Guns: Pitfalls and Promises. Hardy MS. Aggress Violent Behav
2006; 11(4): 352-366.
Social Context of Human Aggression: Are We Paying Too Much Attention to Gender?
Richardson DS, Hammock GS. Aggress Violent Behav 2007; 12(4): 417-426.
What accounts for demographic differences in trajectories of adolescent dating violence?
An examination of intrapersonal and contextual mediators. Foshee VA, Karriker-Jaffe KJ,
Reyes HL, Ennett ST, Suchindran C, Bauman KE, Benefield TS. J Adolesc Health 2008; 42(6):
Peer victimization, depression, and suicidality in adolescents. Klomek AB, Marrocco F, Kleinman M,
Schonfeld IS, Gould MS. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior. 2008;38(2):166-80. A survey of 2,341 New
York adolescents showed that all types of victimization were associated with depression and suicidality
and that more frequent victimization was associated with higher risk for depression and suicidality. The
effect was found in both males and females, differing from previous studies that only found the affect
in females. [source: SPRC: The Weekly Spark, May 22, 2008]
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From Options to Action: A Roadmap for City Leaders to Connect Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
to Work. Public Private Ventures has made available for free download its 55 page report on the
February 2008 Mayors Summit on Reentry and Employment. The comprehensive and clear document
constructs a vision and action plan for cities and communities with its recommendations and resources
on the issue of prisoner reentry. .This document has a chance to become a desk manual for the
community, faith-based, private, and governmental sectors to address the reentry
Maryland Juvenile Justice Monitoring Unit (JJMU) – 2008 First Quarter Report. The mission of the
JJMU is to promote the positive transformation of the juvenile justice system to meet the needs of
Maryland’s youth, families, and communities. This mission is accomplished by: collaborating with all
who are involved with the juvenile justice system; collecting and evaluating all information; reporting
findings and recommendations, and monitoring actions taken. The latest report on Maryland’s Juvenile
Justice Centers and DJS responses is available at
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Reston, VA: 2008 Education Conference: Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically-Based Instruction,
and Educational Effectiveness. September 5-7, 2008. The 2008 ABA International Education
Conference is a two-day, primarily single-track conference on evidence-based education focusing on
research and applied issues. This event will address the current state of knowledge of evidence-based
practices at the policy, evaluation, and practice levels. More information at
Ellicott City, MD: 2008 Maryland PBIS Summer Institute. July 21-25, 2008. The PBIS Maryland
Coaches and New Team Training will be held July 21-28 at Turf Valley Resort and Conference Center.
For more information, visit icott
PBIS Maryland Events
State Leadership Meeting – June 12, 2008
Western Region Returning Team Training – June 24, 2008
Upper Chesapeake Returning Team Training – June 26-27, 2008
Baltimore County Returning Team Training, July 16-17, 2008
Central 2 Returning Team Training - July 16-17, 2008
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Baltimore - Operation Safe Streets Grants. Applications are being accepted for a community-based
intervention program focused on reducing shootings and homicides. Community organizations in areas
with high rates of violent crime are eligible to apply. Contact Lori Toscano at 443-984-3566 or
National Quality Improvement Center on Differential Response in Child Protective Services. The
purpose of this program announcement is to award a cooperative agreement to establish a National
Quality Improvement Center (QIC) on Differential Response in Child Protective Services (CPS). The QIC
will work to generate knowledge on effective practice models of differential response in child
protective systems. It will support the infrastructure needed at the State and local levels to improve
child welfare outcomes for children and their families who are identified as a result of referrals for
suspected child maltreatment. Applications are due July 11, 2008. Full announcement;jsessionid=LxLTknY0D1LGXCRVt35vBBj5M1k5pygxnPgcsW2J
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Baltimore, MD: New Light Leadership Coalition (NLLC) Annual Summer Youth Leadership Institute.
July 21-August 8, 2008 at Baltimore City Hall. Every summer, youth ages 14 - 19 from across the
Baltimore area are invited to participate in NLLC's youth leadership institute. The Youth Leadership
Development Program (YLDP) provides participants with instruction in leadership skills and real life
experience working in teams. Topics covered include areas of personal, social, educational, economic,
political, and organizational development. Learn more at
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Baltimore, MD: Fresh Start Site Supervisor –Living Classrooms of the National Capital Region. Living
Classrooms Foundation is a non-profit organization, operated for the benefit of the community,
providing hands-on education and job training, with a special emphasis on at-risk youth and groups
from diverse backgrounds. The Site Supervisor is responsible for case management of students and
oversight of Fresh Start programming at the designated site. More information at
Baltimore, MD: 5th Grade Self-Contained Teacher. Do YOU agree that it takes a village to raise a
child? Then come join our village! Apply to teach at KIPP Ujima Village Academy, the highestperforming public school serving middle grades in the Park Heights Neighborhood of Baltimore City!
More information at
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Baltimore, MD: Baltimore City Public Schools Parent and Community Advisory Board Meeting
Agenda. The Parent and Community Advisory Board (PCAB) was established to advise the Baltimore City
Board of School Commissioners in the development and implementation of policies and procedures.
PCAB supports parent involvement by helping to facilitate the flow of information from parents and
community to the Board of School Commissioners, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and BCPSS
administrators. PCAB is knowledgeable and informed about BCPSS policies, operations, and student
data. The Board also helps to organize parent and community members to have an effective voice with
the Board of School Commissioners. PCAB meetings are conducted in an open and public setting. During
these public board meetings, time is set aside to accept public comment. Please support the work of
The Parent and Community Advisory Board (PCAB) through your attendance at their board meetings,
parent engagement is important to the success of the education of our children. All meetings begin
promptly at 6:30pm, 1st Floor Board Room / BCPSS 200 E. North Ave., Baltimore. The remaining
meeting dates are as follows: June 9, 2008; June 22, 2008; July 09, 2008
White House To Host Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Conferences. The White House is
hosting a series of 2008 conferences designed to connect effective social service organizations with
resources that can strengthen and expand the services they offer. The conferences will provide an
understanding of the President’s Faith-Based and Community Initiative and information about the
Federal grants process, funding opportunities, and the responsibilities that come with Federal funding.
The conferences are scheduled as follows: June 26-27, in Washington, DC; August 5, in
Sacramento, CA; August 29, in Dallas, TX. More information at
Ocean City, MD: Middle Atlantic States Correctional Association (MASCA) 2008 Conference “The
Overflow of Corrections: The Road to Re-Entry and Reunification”. June 8-11, 2008. The goal of
the conference is to provide high quality training through speakers and workshops on topics of interest
to the MASCA membership, which is comprised of adult and juvenile probation agents, state prison and
local detention center officers and case managers, and pretrial detention/supervision officers and case
Atlanta, GA: Youth Gang Symposium. June 23–26, 2008. The OJJDP Youth Gang Symposium will be
held in Atlanta, GA. The theme is “Partnering to Prevent Gang Violence: From Faith-Based and
Community Organizations to Law Enforcement.” The conference will feature focused workshops to
enhance efforts by law enforcement, school personnel, faith-based and community organizations,
policymakers, youth serving agencies, and others who are working together to combat youth gang
issues. More information at
Los Angeles, CA: National Assembly of School-Based Health Centers Annual Conference. June 2628, 2008. Interdisciplinary professional education and networking with school-based health center
colleagues from across the country. For more information, please visit
Baltimore, MD: The African American Festival Health and Wellness Village 5K run/1.5 mile walk.
June 28, 2008, 8:00am at M&T Stadium. Sponsored by St. Agnes Hospital and in coordination with the
African American Festival’s Health and Wellness Village. For Registration Information, visit
Denver, CO: National Area Health Education Center Organization 2008 Conference: Moving
Mountains to Overcome Health Disparities. June 28-July 1, 2008. For more information, please visit
Washington, DC: National Center for Trauma-Informed Care (NCTIC) Dare to Transform trauma
summit, July 11-12, 2008. Designed to create a learning exchange devoted to trauma-informed
innovation and systems transformation. Dare to Transform will bring together noteworthy experts on
trauma-informed care and transformation across multiple sectors and areas of need
Nashville, TN: National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health: Training Institutes
on Local Systems of Care. July 16-20, 2008. The intent of the Institutes is to provide in-depth,
practical information on how to develop, operate, and sustain systems of care and how to provide highquality, effective clinical interventions and supports within them. For more information, visit
Arlington, VA: The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Conference 2008. July 21–23, 2008. Office of
Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice (NIJ) will hold its annual conference. The conference will
bring together criminal justice scholars, policymakers, and practitioners at the local, state, and federal
levels to share the latest research findings and technology. This year's conference includes a panel on
youth gang research and best practices organized by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention. Other panel topics include commercial sexual exploitation of children, school-based
prevention programs, and bullying. More information and registration at
Chicago, IL: "Sustainable Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning" Training. July 24-25, 2008
and August 14-15, 2008. These workshops are designed to equip school administrators and their teams
with the tools and skills needed to implement high quality, sustainable, evidence-based social and
emotional learning programming that is integrated into all aspects of schooling. If you are interested in
attending one of these workshops, please visit CASEL's website at to download the
registration form.
Washington, DC: Using the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) Database for
Research and Policy Analyses. August 12-14, 2008. The National Center for Education Statistics
within the Institute of Education Sciences is sponsoring a three-day advanced studies seminar on the
use of the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) database. The NHES is a valuable
resource for understanding contemporary education issues such as early childhood program
participation, parent and family involvement in education, student participation in after-school
programs and activities, and adult education and lifelong learning.
New Orleans, LA: National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention. August
26-28, 2008. More information at
Baltimore, MD: National Healthy Homes Festival. September 12-14, 2008 at Druid Hill Park. This
event will bring together national and local community partners, lead and asthma prevention
programs, Healthy Homes organizations, health, housing, and environmental agencies, local
universities, federal, state, and city agencies, and the citizens of Baltimore in an effort to promote the
benefits of Healthy Homes. If you have questions regarding the National Healthy Homes Festival, please
contact Michelle LeDonne, at 410-534-6447 or
Washington DC: GIS: Shaping Global Health - 2008 ESRI Health GIS Conference. September 28October 1, 2008. Share and discuss successful approaches to using geography to improve health care
delivery; public health; and hospital preparedness, research, management, and policy decisions.
Wilmington, DE: The 2008 Nemours Conference on Child Health Promotion: Advocacy, Policy, and
Progress in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity. October 23-24, 2008. Nemours Health & Prevention
Services is bringing together regional and national leaders who are making policy work to create
healthier environments and programs for children and families. More information at
Indianapolis, IN: The International Bullying Prevention Association is pleased to present our 5th
Annual Conference: Best Practices in Bullying and Violence Prevention. November 6-8, 2008. The
conference will be co-sponsored by the Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy and the Indiana
Department of Education. The conference is designed for school guidance counselors, administrators,
teachers, school health educators, school social workers, school psychologists, school safety specialists,
Safe and Drug-Free Coordinators, school resource officers (SRO's), school attorneys, and law
enforcement working with youth, student service directors, PTA/PTO members, children and family
mental health counselors, school nurses, school board members, parents, extended day/after school
staff, prevention specialists, etc. This conference also welcomes college students. and .
Denver, CO: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. April 2-4, 2009. In
response to overwhelming requests from membership and meeting attendees, SRCD is moving to a new
Biennial Meeting schedule.
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To subscribe to Items of Interest or for additional resources please go to If you would like to relay any information in
response to this email, please send an email to at the Johns Hopkins Center for
the Prevention of Youth Violence. Items of Interest is funded through grant R49/CCR318627-04
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Johns Hopkins Center for the
Prevention of Youth Violence, Philip J. Leaf, Director. The items listed in these pages are not
intended to be an endorsement of any service, product, or company, nor do they necessarily
reflect the views of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence or the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.