Oct 21

October 21, 2008
Of Special Note
The Future of Children has released its latest publication, Juvenile Justice.
Accompanying the journal is an Executive Summary and a Policy Brief. This volume
examines juvenile justice policies and practices with the goal of promoting reforms that
are based on solid evidence and acknowledge that adolescents differ from adults in ways
that policy ought to take into account. As editor Laurence Steinberg notes in the
Introduction, young people who come into contact with the juvenile justice system often
have other problems, many of which the juvenile justice system is ill-equipped to address
alone. The volume concludes that the “get-tough” reforms implemented during the past
two decades—reforms that criminalized delinquency and ignored the developmental
realities of adolescence—have been both unnecessarily costly and of questionable
effectiveness. This volume offers alternatives – policies that have not only been proven
effective, but save taxpayer dollars as well. http://www.futureofchildren.org/pubsinfo2825/pubs-info_show.htm?doc_id=708717
Baltimore, MD: Thursday Night Nonviolence Film/Discussion Series. Begins Oct. 9,
hosted by Light Street Presbyterian Church, 809 Light St., Thursday evenings, 6pm-7:30
p.m., Oct. 9-Nov. 13. Series is based on the six-part PBS documentary "A Force More
Powerful." Light supper provided. 410-539-0125. [source: The Rawlings-Blake Roll Call]
Baltimore City Public Schools High School Dropout Resource Fair. Oct. 22: Southside
Academy, 2700 Seamon Ave.; and Oct. 23: Edmondson-Westside High School, 501 Athol Ave.
“Breaking the Cycle” Radio Dialogue. October 26, 2008 2:00-4:00 p.m. Brother Bey, the
founder of the Fraternal Order of X-Offenders, hosts a weekly radio show on W.O.L.B (1010 am)
that presents community-based, ex-offender driven efforts in Baltimore and elsewhere that are
helping to break the cycle of violence. The primary focus of the F.O.X.O.’s “Breaking The Cycle”
Radio Dialogue is to extend discussion, increase consideration of community-driven alternatives,
and initiate and expand the collective action needed to deter, decrease and prevent the pandemic
of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality gripping Baltimore and many other communities. The
radio show provides a voice to those attempting to change their thinking and behaviors, informing
ex-offenders, their families, and others of opportunities, increasing access to strategies that work,
and exposing those that don’t. You are invited to call in to the radio program at 410-481-1010. To
learn more about FOXO, visit their website at hhtp://www.foxo.us or email Brother Bey at
thinkingisdestiny@yahoo.com or brotherbey@foxo.us or call 410-262-4456. Information about
the new FOXO training DVD: The Psychology and Sociology of Criminology also is available on
the website http://foxo.us/
Project P.E.A.C.E. (Proper Education Always Corrects Errors), a collaboration between
PAA and F.O.X.O. The P.E.A.C.E. program, developed and implemented by ex-offenders,
connects other ex-offenders with needed resources and uses the power of peer influence to
facilitate the cognitive restructuring and personal supports needed for successful re-integration.
“In order to truly make Baltimore safer, we need to help ex-offenders become productive citizens,”
Mayor Sheila Dixon said. “Project P.E.A.C.E. is going to help a lot of people fulfill their potential
and make meaningful contributions to those around them.” The P.E.A.C.E. program addresses a
variety of social and behavioral issues confronting ex-offenders, including: short term and long
term housing, emergency shelter, transitional housing, substance abuse, parenting, GED
services, employment and job placement, financial literacy and HIV/AIDS information and
education. In addition to the 12-Step Lifeskills Workshops and services such as emergency
shelter, transitional housing, and linkage to other services, the P.E.A.C.E. project provides
individual supports from individuals who have turned around their lives and who serve as mentors
and positive role models. For additional information or referrals, call Project P.E.A.C.E. at
410 367-8393 or Brother Bey at 410 262-4456.
Quick Glance at this week’s Items of Interest
New Events/Conferences/Trainings
1. Baltimore, MD: The Open Society Institute–Baltimore presents a forum: Does the Time Fit the
Crime? Strategies for Reducing the High Costs of Incarceration through Parole and
Probation Reform. November 11, 2008.
2. Tampa, FL: 82nd Annual American School Health Association Conference.
November 12-15, 2008.
3. Las Vegas, NV: 2nd National Student Safety & Security Conference. November 20-21, 2008.
4. National Family Week. November 23-29, 2008.
Up-Coming Events/Conference/Trainings
5. Wilmington, DE: The 2008 Nemours Conference on Child Health Promotion: Advocacy, Policy,
and Progress in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity. October 23-24, 2008.
6. Webcast: The Real Costs of Teen Motherhood. October 23, 2008
7. Baltimore, MD: The Women’s Law Center of Maryland, Inc. Annual Meeting & Awards
Ceremony. October 23, 2008
8. Baltimore, MD: Alliance for Children and Families 2008 Annual Conference. October 28-30, 2008.
9. Baltimore, MD: Marylanders for Juvenile Justice Reform Information Discussion and
Forum. October 29, 2008
10. Baltimore, MD: Concerned Black Men National Mentoring Conference.
October 30 – November 1, 2008.
11. Baltimore, MD: Youth & College Leadership Summit “Transforming Youth to Ignite Change”
October 31 – November 1, 2008
12. Hollywood, CA: "It's My Life" Conference on Youth in Foster Care.
October 31- November 1, 2008.
13. Indianapolis, IN: 5th Annual Conference of the International Bullying Prevention Association.
November 6-7, 2008.
14. Obstacles to the Development and Use of Pharmacotherapies for Addiction. November 7, 2008.
15. Campaign for Youth Justice Launches Weekly Radio Show
16. OSI – Baltimore Audacious Idea.
Reports, Research & Recent Publications
17. Using Adolescent Brain Research to Inform Policy: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Advocates.
18. Introduction to the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement.
19. The 1st Report to the Nation on Youth Courts and Teen Courts is now available: 1993 to 2008.
20. Critical Condition: African American Youth in the Justice System.
21. New Action Kit to Help Cities Create Youth Master Plans.
22. Promising Practices in Working with Young Adults.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
23. PBIS Maryland Events
Funding Opportunities/Scholarships/Awards
24. United Way of Central Maryland.
25. Hospice Foundation of America -- Children and Adolescent Grief Support Grants.
26. The Civic Sector Leadership Fellows Program (CSLF)
For Youth
27. New Baltimore Speaks Out! Program at Herring Run.
Job & Volunteer Opportunities
28. Baltimore, MD: Wraparound Contract Manager – The Family League of Baltimore.
29. Baltimore, MD: Transition coordinator – Living Classrooms Foundation.
Previously Posted Events/Conferences/Training
New Events/Conferences/Training
1. Baltimore, MD: The Open Society Institute–Baltimore presents a forum: Does the Time Fit the
Crime? Strategies for Reducing the High Costs of Incarceration through Parole and Probation
Reform. November 11, 2008. 10:00 am -11:30 am. A Presentation and Discussion with Dr. James
Austin, President, The JFA Institute & Mr. Walter Lomax Director, Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative.
Meeting will be held at the Open Society Institute – Baltimore, 201 N. Charles Street, Suite 1300
Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Please RSVP to Justin Schaberg at jschaberg@sorosny.org or 410-234-1092
ext. 213 by November 7, 2008. http://www.soros.org/initiatives/baltimore
2. Tampa, FL: 82nd Annual American School Health Association Conference. November 12-15,
2008. The 2008 ASHA conference will include more than 200 presentations and special events related to
the health and education issues affecting children and youth. For more information, please visit
3. Las Vegas, NV: 2nd National Student Safety & Security Conference. November 20-21, 2008. This
forum highlights leaders representing various sectors of society to model a community process to help
eradicate all forms of school violence, such as shootings, bullying, dating violence, vandalism, gang
activity and catastrophic events such as school mass murder. For more information, please visit
4. National Family Week. November 23-29, 2008. Learn how you can participate.
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Upcoming Events/Conferences/Training
5. Wilmington, DE: The 2008 Nemours Conference on Child Health Promotion: Advocacy, Policy,
and Progress in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity. October 23-24, 2008. Nemours Health &
Prevention Services is bringing together regional and national leaders who are making policy work to
create healthier environments and programs for children and families. More information at
6. Webcast: The Real Costs of Teen Motherhood. October 23, 2008, 10:00am ET. Please join us in
examining the many costs and varied policy implications of teen motherhood. Register online
7. Baltimore, MD: The Women’s Law Center of Maryland, Inc. Annual Meeting & Awards
Ceremony. October 23, 2008; 5:30pm, The Belvedere Hotel, 12th Floor Grand Ballroom, 1 East Biddle
St., Baltimore, MD. For more information, call 410-321-8761.
8. Baltimore, MD: Alliance for Children and Families 2008 Annual Conference. October 28-30, 2008.
Conference theme: The Power of Purpose, The purpose of Our Power.
9. Baltimore, MD: Marylanders for Juvenile Justice Reform Information Discussion and
Forum. October 29, 2008, 6:30pm, New Shiloh Baptist Church. Disproportionate Minority
Confinement – Over representation of African American males incarcerated in the juvenile justice
system. RSVP Cameron Miles 410-547-9200 x3002 or Kimberly Armstrong-Hughes
10. Baltimore, MD: Concerned Black Men National Mentoring Conference. October 30 –
November 1, 2008. This event will focus on examining and developing "best practices" in
mentoring programs. Come and learn from the experts about what you must do to create a model
mentoring program, or take your program to the next level! Learn more and register online
11. Baltimore, MD: Youth & College Leadership Summit “Transforming Youth to Ignite Change”
October 31 – November 1, 2008. This student-organized event brings together college students, youth
leaders, and student organizations from around the country for networking, interactive leadership
workshops, and to formulate strategies to address issues facing youth. The YCLS is a perfect opportunity
for young leaders to share resources and network with other like-minded individuals. Learn more and
register online
12. Hollywood, CA: "It's My Life" Conference on Youth in Foster Care. October 31- November 1,
2008. For more information, please visit http://www.casey.org/Resources/Projects/ItsMyLife/
13. Indianapolis, IN: 5th Annual Conference of the International Bullying Prevention Association.
November 6-7, 2008. The International Bullying Prevention Association is collaborating with the Indiana
School Safety Specialist Academy and the Indiana Department of Education to bring a national
conference on bullying prevention and research to Indianapolis, Indiana. The conference registration fees
have been greatly reduced to enable an affordable opportunity for all those attending. Registration and
conference information are available at: http://www.doe.state.in.us/isssa/new_horizons.html and on the
International Bullying Prevention Association website at
14. Obstacles to the Development and Use of Pharmacotherapies for Addiction. November 7, 2008.
8:30 am-5:00pm. University of Maryland School of Law, 500 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.
The conference will explore the impediments that exist at each stage of drug development and uptake,
including obstacles at the pharmaceutical company level; obstacles relating to clinical trials and the FDA
approval process; patient reluctance to use and provider reluctance to screen for and prescribe
medications to treat addiction; and gaps in insurance coverage for these medications. A conference panel
will also be devoted to discussing the experience of drug court judges and work of scholars who have
studied the use of pharmacotherapies to treat addictions in the courts and prisons. More information
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15. Campaign for Youth Justice Launches Weekly Radio Show. Juvenile Justice Matters, a new 30minute weekly radio show from Campaign for Youth Justice, will focus on juvenile justice issues and
feature interviews with parents, young people and experts. The show will air over the internet at 4:30 p.m.
EST each week, normally on Thursdays. Phone calls will be taken during the show; the call-in number for
Juvenile Justice Matters is (347) 843-4360. Listen live through the Blog Talk Radio Network
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jjmatters or download the podcast later. [source: NJJN E-Newsletter]
16. OSI – Baltimore Audacious Idea. This week, Rebkha Atnafou, Executive Director of The AfterSchool Institute, talks about ensuring that adults who work with youth are properly trained, supported and
supervised. To read her audacious idea and participate in the discussion, visit
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17. Using Adolescent Brain Research to Inform Policy: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Advocates.
This National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) Policy Brief reviews the current research on adolescent
brain development and its effect on young people's behavior, and discusses how to respectfully frame the
research in consideration of our youth allies. The brief also discusses how the research relates to positive
youth development, how it may be applied in other contexts, and how it relates to disproportionate
minority contact. http://njjn.org/resource_847.html [source: NJJN E-Newsletter]
18. Introduction to the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement. The Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has published "Introduction to the Survey of Youth in Residential
Placement." The Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) joins the Census of Juveniles in
Residential Placement and the Juvenile Residential Facility Census in OJJDP's constellation of surveys
providing updated statistics on youth in custody in the juvenile justice system. The bulletin, the first in a
series, describes SYRP's design and methodology. Subsequent bulletins will discuss survey findings.
http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/publications/PubAbstract.asp?pubi=240090 [source: JUVJUST, October 16,
19. The 1st Report to the Nation on Youth Courts and Teen Courts is now available: 1993 to 2008.
This national report documents significant highlights and events over a fifteen (15) year period of
unprecedented and historic growth of this groundbreaking American Juvenile Justice program that utilizes
volunteer youth to help sentence their peers. The report begins in 1993, when fewer than 75 local youth
and teen courts existed in just about a dozen states. The report concludes 15 years later in 2008, when
more than a record 1,000 local communities operate these local juvenile justice programs. Historic
numbers of youth and adults are now involved, as more than 111,868 juvenile cases were referred to
local youth and teen courts and more than 133,832 volunteers, to include both youth and adults who
volunteered to help with the disposition and sentencing of these juvenile cases. The report was
researched and written by Scott Bernard Peterson.
20. Critical Condition: African American Youth in the Justice System. The Campaign for Youth
Justice, sheds light on the lack of progress in reducing the vast disparities in treatment between AfricanAmerican and white youth over the past 20 years. The report highlights the fact that black youth continue
to be overrepresented at most stages in the justice system. Data show that African American youth
receive harsher treatment than whites from arrest through prosecution. Additionally, the overwhelming
majority (83%) of cases that were filed in adult courts involved youth of color.
http://njjn.org/resource_852.html [source: NJJN E-Newsletter]
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21. New Action Kit to Help Cities Create Youth Master Plans. National League of Cities has published
a new action kit for municipal leaders on Creating a Youth Master Plan . This publication offers practical
advice to cities using the familiar concept of a master plan to better coordinate services and opportunities
for young people.
h_Master_Planning.pdf [source: National Human Services Assembly Newsbytes]
22. Promising Practices in Working with Young Adults. This booklet, from the Youth Development
Institute, offers ways in which partnerships between schools and community organizations can support
education/training and opportunities for young adults who have dropped out of high school. It describes
specific practices and program models. http://www.ydinstitute.org/resources/index.html [source: CFK
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23. PBIS Maryland Events http://www.pbismaryland.org/
State Leadership Meeting – October 22, 2008
Coaches' Meeting (New Coaches) – October 23, 2008
PBIS Implementers forum – October 30-31, 2008
Maryland and Virginia High School Forum – November 12, 2008
Baltimore County Team Leader/Coaches Mtg.- November 13, 2008
State Leadership Meeting – November 18, 2008
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24. United Way of Central Maryland. Nonprofit and other exempt organizations and programs
supporting health and human service work based in and/or serving central Maryland are invited to apply
for funding that will begin July 1, 2009. Work must support education (school readiness/ youth achieving
potential), income (basic needs) and/or health and safety (family safety). Applicants have until December
17, 2008 to complete the proposal. Funds will be awarded through a competitive grant process with
maximum allocations ranging from $150,000 - $250,000. In order to find out if you’re eligible and to get
more information on the RFP and information sessions, visit
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=DpSvVcsFuhK_2bkqlVT99Sqg_3d_3d. If you have additional
questions, please contact rfpquestions@uwcm.org.
25. Hospice Foundation of America -- Children and Adolescent Grief Support Grants. Hospice
Foundation of America's Children and Adolescent Grief Support Grants fund children's grief camps and
other bereavement services. Priority will be given to projects that offer innovative programs for both
children and adolescents, as well as programs that focus on outreach to diverse populations. Deadline:
November 15, 2008. http://www.healthinschools.org/News-Room/Grant-Alerts/Children-and-AdolescentGrief-Support-Grants.aspx
26. The Civic Sector Leadership Fellows Program (CSLF), a new initiative of The National Human
Services Assembly and the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, has been designed
exclusively for career professionals in human services or civic sector nonprofit organizations. Establishing
a pipeline of loyal, engaged staff members ensures the integrity of leadership in your organization for
years to come. Each Fellow will return to his/her organization with a 21st century perspective on real
world human service dilemmas, emerging innovations and on larger systems change and how it impacts
organizations. Nominations are now being accepted for the inaugural cohort of Fellows. Learn more
http://www.nassembly.org/csl/. [source: National Human Services Assembly Newsbytes]
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27. New Baltimore Speaks Out! Program at Herring Run. Baltimore City youth ages 11-15 can learn
videomaking, public speaking, critical thinking skills, AND earn up to 25 Service Learning Hours - all while
creating their own videos about Baltimore. Herring Run Library Branch, Mondays and Wednesdays
3:30pm-5:30pm, October 20 – December 17, 2008. More information http://www.wideanglemedia.org/
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28. Baltimore, MD: Wraparound Contract Manager – The Family League of Baltimore. The
Wraparound Contract Manager will provide contract compliance monitoring, oversight and technical
assistance to the Care Management Entity. Integral to this work is a framework of accountability that
assesses a provider’s contractual compliance, its impact on participants, and its ability to impact overall
results and indicators of child and family well being. Work involves frequent site visits and the ability to
build cooperative relations with providers to understand and help meet their technical assistance needs.
Work involves site visits and frequent contact with sites to build strong cooperative relationships with
programs to best support their efforts to achieve high quality. Contract Manager must be collaborative in
nature and have an ability to work with various stakeholders. For more information on the Wraparound
Contract Manager position, contact Kaya Swann at kswann@flbcinc.org by October 24, 2008 and/or
interested applicants should forward a resume and cover letter by October 24 th. http://www.flbcinc.org/
29. Baltimore, MD: Transition coordinator – Living Classrooms Foundation. The Transition
Coordinator is responsible for assisting students with semi-independent projects as they move toward
transitioning from the training modules in the Fresh Start Program to the on-the-job-training required to
graduate from the program. http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/av/Job/315328-213
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Baltimore, MD: Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City Community Justice Series:
Community Justice – Juvenile Delinquency. Baltimore City is experiencing an increase in juvenile
violence, negatively impacting our communities and schools. Citizens are more interested than ever in
juvenile issues. From September to January, the Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City invites
you to attend a 4 part series titled “Community Justice: Juvenile Delinquency.” This year’s focus will be on
the Juvenile Justice System, Juvenile Delinquency Trends and Prevention/Intervention Resources. All
four forums will be open to the public. All forums will be held from 6:00 - 8:00pm at UMB Biopark
Auditorium at the University of Maryland Baltimore, 800 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland.
November 12, 2008 - Juvenile Prevention and Intervention Resources
January 7, 2009 - Community Engagement – Next Steps
Princeton, NJ: Vulnerable Populations in the Juvenile Justice System: A Research and Policy
Conference. November 14, 2008. Conference presented by The Future of Children. This day-long
symposium, co-sponsored by Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School and the Association for Children of
New Jersey, is being held in conjunction with the October, 2008 release of a Future of Children volume
on juvenile justice policy. To RSVP http://www.princeton.edu/prior/events/conferences/november-142008/index.xml
Baltimore, MD: 10th Annual Youth & College Leadership Summit, "Transforming Youth to Ignite
Change", November 14 - 15, 2008. Presented by New Light Leadership Coalition (NLLC).
San Francisco, CA: 2008 Public Education Network (PEN) Annual Conference. November 16-18,
2008. This conference will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the first local education
funds. The conference will center around the legacy, focus and impact of local education funds over the
last 25 years http://www.publiceducation.org/events.asp
Baltimore, MD: Advocates for Children and Youth's Sixth Annual Distinguished Speaker
Luncheon. November 17, 2008, 11:30am-1:30pm. The Hilton Baltimore, 401 W. Pratt Street, Baltimore,
MD 21201. Featuring: Ed Burns, Producer/Writer of the hit HBO series The Wire. $150 per ticket or
$1,500 per table of 10. To reserve tickets please contact Carla Robinson, Special Events Coordinator
410.547.9200 x3019 crobinson@acy.org
Baltimore, MD: Science Grant Writing. November 19, 2008. One-day workshop will assist faith-based
and community organizations in preparing a competitive grant application for Federal funding. Workshop
topics include: proposal writing techniques, how to access HUD and other government funds, HUD grants
available to nonprofit organizations, and HUD common factors for awards. The workshop is intended for
organizations that have their organizational board established, administrative package prepared, service
program or development project identified, and feel ready to compete for Federal grant funding. More
information http://www.hud.gov/offices/fbci/
Atlanta, GA: 20th Annual Conference of the National Federation of Families for Children's Mental
Health. November 20-23, 2008. http://www.ffcmh.org/conference2008/indexconference.html
Columbia, MD: Maryland’s 2nd Restorative Justice Conference “Opportunities for Impact”.
November 20-21, 2008. Conference goals: To increase the understanding and awareness of the benefits
of using restorative practices and principles; To promote increased use of existing restorative justice
principles, practices, and programs in Maryland; To encourage the establishment of new restorative
efforts throughout Maryland. For further information info@marylandrjconference.org or call Belinda Reed,
MD Chapter, Association for Conflict Resolution 240-338-8159
Leadership Matters: A Virtual Seminar Series is a series of interactive, Internet-based educational
programs offered by the AASA Center for System Leadership™. Each program is presented by leading
experts in the field of public education. These fast-paced programs provide important information relevant
to the work of superintendents and other school system leaders. Further details
Dec. 9, 2008 - "A Holistic Approach to School Security"
May 6, 2009 - "Leading School Systems into the 21st Century: The Role of
June 2, 2009 - "Building a High-Impact Superintendent-Board Partnership"
Tampa, FL: Conference Track on Community-Based System of Care Development 22nd Annual
Research Conference. March 1- 4, 2009. This conference track will highlight research findings related to
the implementation of effective systems of care. Please consider contributing your knowledge and
experience by organizing a symposium, presenting a paper or poster, or leading a topical discussion on
the topic of system of care development. http://rtckids.fmhi.usf.edu/
Orlando, FL: National Conference on Juvenile Justice. March 11-14, 2009. More information and
registration to follow at a later date. http://www.ncjfcj.org/content/view/1150/347/
Denver, CO: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. April 2-4, 2009. In
response to overwhelming requests from membership and meeting attendees, SRCD is moving to a new
Biennial Meeting schedule. http://www.srcd.org/biennial.html
Baltimore, MD: NASRO 2009 National Conference. June 29 – July 3, 2009. N.A.S.R.O. - The National
Association of School Resource Officers assisted by M.A.S.R.O. - The Maryland Association of School
Resource Officers are hosting The NASRO 2009 National Conference in Baltimore June 29 to July 3,
2009. Special SRO training classes will be offered during Conference. Additional information/classes to
be posted as they become available. Details and registration forms will be posted on the training section
on the website. http://www.nasro.org/home.asp
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To subscribe to Items of Interest or for additional resources please go to
http://www.jhsph.edu/preventyouthviolence. If you would like to relay any information in
response to this email, please send an email to JHCPYV@jhsph.edu at the Johns Hopkins Center
for the Prevention of Youth Violence. Items of Interest is funded through grant R49/CCR318627-04
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Johns Hopkins Center for the
Prevention of Youth Violence, Philip J. Leaf, Director. The items listed in these pages are not
intended to be an endorsement of any service, product, or company, nor do they necessarily
reflect the views of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence or the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.