Aug 17

August 17, 2008
Of Special Note
At the New Africa Festival August 9, 2008: Community Leaders
Pledge to Implement Our Community, Our Responsibility
Youth Photo voice Anti- Gang Exhibit on display at Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center
(BCJJC). The Johns Hopkins Center for Adolescent Health, Youth Advisory Committee have
created a photo voice exhibit and the theme is A.G.E The Anti-Gang Experience. The youth
took pictures of the things that can be done instead of being in a gang; which resulted in 14
outstanding photographs. The photo voice exhibit will be displayed at the BCJJC second floor
lobby area beginning August 6th thru September. We invite you to stop in and see the exhibit
which was recently on display at City hall. A small reception is planned for the youth that
put the photo exhibit together on August 19th at 1:00 PM second floor lobby at BCJJC to
recognize their work and give them a chance to discuss their photographs. Secretary DeVore is
scheduled to attend the reception and make remarks. Learn more about the Center for
Adolescent Health
Baltimore, MD: PRAISE Open House for boys. On Wednesday, August 20, 2008 from 6:008:00pm at the Johns Hopkins School of Education Building located at 2800 N. Charles
Street, the Urban Leadership Institute will be hosting an open house for boys entering the7th
grade in the fall of 2008, for admittance into PRAISE, a Saturday school on the campus of JHU.
ULI created PRAISE 4 years ago, to provide a positive educational alternative for young males in
Baltimore City, while emphasizing a sound academic instruction assuring that its students’
minds are developed at a level that will allow them to compete in a global, technological
society. Over the past four years, PRAISE has educated over 120 boys, and helped to advance
over 15 boys into private schools in Baltimore City and Baltimore County. Moreover, PRAISE
scholars have been challenged to achieve and maintain a high standard of excellence through a
strong academic program in a disciplined environment. Therefore, we are requesting funds to
continue this much needed work. As an independent Saturday school/program for middle
school boys aged 11 – 13, PRAISE has, and will continue to work with some of the most complex
students attending Baltimore City Public Schools, to help ensure a successful academic career.
In order to attend this special session, you must RSVP by calling Bettye Blaize at 410-467-1605.
Learn more about the Urban Leadership Institute and the PRAISE
Baltimore, MD: Empowerment Temple’s Youth Conference 2008. August 29-30, 2008.
Soldiers 4 Christ. August 29th at The Youth Development Center, 1505 Eutaw Place, Baltimore,
MD, 7pm-9pm. There will be a youth concert and talent show. All youth interested in performing
please contact James Turner @ or 410-225-3494. On August
30th, at Empowerment Temple, 4217 Primrose Ave, 10am-2pm there will be classes for youth,
adults, parents, youth ministers, and teachers. Also taking place on August 30 th at The Youth
Development Center, 1505 Eutaw Place, 3pm-7pm - Back to School Block Party-Food, Fun,
Music, School Supplies. To RSVP for this Free Event and Training, Please contact Rev. James
Turner, Youth Pastor @ 410-225-3494 or
“Breaking the Cycle” Radio Dialogue. August 24, 2008 2:00-4:00 p.m. Brother Bey, the
founder of the Fraternal Order of X-Offenders (F.O.X.O), hosts a weekly radio show on W.O.L.B
(1010 am) that presents community-based, ex-offender driven efforts in Baltimore and
elsewhere that are helping to break the cycle of violence. The primary focus of the F.O.X.O.’s
“Breaking The Cycle” Radio Dialogue is to extend discussion, increase consideration of
community-driven alternatives, and initiate and expand the collective action needed to deter,
decrease and prevent the pandemic of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality gripping
Baltimore and many other communities. The radio show provides a voice to those attempting
to change their thinking and behaviors, informing ex-offenders, their families, and others of
opportunities, increasing access to strategies that work, and exposing those that don’t. You are
invited to call in to the radio program at 410-481-1010. To learn more about FOXO, visit their
website at hhtp:// or email Brother Bey at or or call 410-262-4456. Information about the new FOXO training DVD: The
Psychology and Sociology of Criminology also is available on the website
On January 11, 2008 Mayor Dixon was at 4601 Park Heights Ave along with representatives
from the Prisoner’s Aid Association of Maryland (PAA) and the Fraternal Order of XOffenders (F.O.X.O.) to officially open the doors of Project P.E.A.C.E. (Proper Education
Always Corrects Errors), a collaboration between PAA and F.O.X.O. that will connect
thousands of ex-offenders each year to services provided in its crime prevention and
recidivism avoidance program. The P.E.A.C.E. program, developed and implemented by exoffenders, connects other ex-offenders with needed resources and uses the power of peer
influence to facilitate the cognitive restructuring and personal supports needed for successful
re-integration. “In order to truly make Baltimore safer, we need to help ex-offenders become
productive citizens,” Mayor Sheila Dixon said. “Project P.E.A.C.E. is going to help a lot of
people fulfill their potential and make meaningful contributions to those around them.”
The P.E.A.C.E. program addresses a variety of social and behavioral issues confronting exoffenders, including: short term and long term housing, emergency shelter, transitional
housing, substance abuse, parenting, GED services, employment and job placement, financial
literacy and HIV/AIDS information and education. In addition to the 12-Step Lifeskills
Workshops and services such as emergency shelter, transitional housing, and linkage to other
services, the P.E.A.C.E. project provides individual supports from individuals who have turned
around their lives and who serve as mentors and positive role models. For additional
information or referrals, call Project P.E.A.C.E. at 410 367-8393 or Brother Bey at 410
Quick Glance at this week’s Items of Interest
New Events/Conferences/Trainings
1. Baltimore, MD: Improve Quality of Life in Baltimore.
2. Web conference: Collaborations to Promote Early Childhood Education and Childcare.
September 9, 2008
3. Step up for Kids Day. September 16, 2008.
Up-Coming Events/Conference/Trainings
4. Philadelphia, PA: National Association of Peer Specialists – The Recovery Revolution.
August 20-22, 2008.
5. Baltimore, MD: Out for Justice Project Fundamentals of Organizing Workshop.
August 22-23, 2008
6. Baltimore, MD: Free training for fathers. August 23, 2008
7. New Orleans, LA: National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention.
August 26-28, 2008.
8. Chicago, IL: 15th National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities Conference on Drugs
& Crime. September 3-5, 2008.
9. Baltimore, MD: Heal a Woman, Heal a Nation Inc. “Part of the Cure” seminars.
September 6, 2008
10. Baltimore, MD: National Healthy Homes Festival. September 12-14, 2008
11. San Diego, CA: 13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma: Promoting
Peace. Integrating Practice, Research, and Policy. September 12-17, 2008.
12. Baltimore, MD: Fusion Summit for Unity and Justice. September 13, 2008
13. Baltimore City Public School System CEO kicks off new school year.
14. Please help the Urban Health Institute collect school supplies for Baltimore City public school
15. Department of Justice Announces Anti-Gang Funding.
Reports, Research & Recent Publications
16. Juvenile Transfer Laws: An Effective Deterrent to Delinquency?
17. Positive Support: Mentoring and Depression Among High-Risk Youth.
18. Helping Young Offenders Return to Communities.
19. Mentoring Children of Prisoners: Caregiver’s Choice Program.
20. Sustaining Grassroots Community-Based Programs: A Toolkit for Community- and Faith-Based
Service Providers.
21. SingleStop USA
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
22. Reston, VA: 2008 Education Conference: Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically-Based
Instruction, and Educational Effectiveness. September 5-7, 2008.
23. PBIS Maryland Events
Funding Opportunities/Scholarships/Awards
24. Maryland Science Center Offers Transportation Grants to Maryland Schools.
25. Attention Principals And Teachers: Free Educational Field Trips To Port Discovery Children's
26. Verizon Foundation Grants.
For Youth
27. Baltimore, MD: Youth Advisory Group Meeting. August 28, 2008
Job & Volunteer Opportunities
28. Baltimore, MD: Mothers in Charge - Baltimore seeking volunteers for October concert.
29. Takoma Park, MD: Community Service Learning Fellowship (Caseworker) - The Choice Program.
Previously Posted Events/Conferences/Training
New Events/Conferences/Training
1. Baltimore, MD: Improve Quality of Life in Baltimore. Baltimore is creating a plan to improve the
quality of life in Baltimore now and for generations to come. Participate in a series of community
conversations to discuss ideas for a better Baltimore! In spring 2008, Mayor Sheila Dixon formed the
Baltimore Commission on Sustainability, representing neighborhoods, nonprofits, institutions, and
businesses, to plan for the future of Baltimore. The Commission on Sustainability holds public meetings
the fourth Tuesday of every month at 4 pm at the Baltimore City Planning Department, 417 E. Fayette
Street, 8th Floor. The Commission has formed six Working Groups that will host public community
conversations for you to voice your ideas on the future of Baltimore in the following areas:
Built Environment - healthy homes, green buildings, zoning, brownfields, historic
preservation. Staff: Bronwyn Phillips, August 20, 5:45pm,
Brooklyn Public Library, 300 E. Patapsco Ave, 21225
Waste - recycling, litter, landfills, reuse of materials. Staff: Beth Strommen, August 19, 6 pm, The Village
Center, 904 Washington Blvd, 21230
Energy & Air - energy efficiency, renewable energy, air quality, climate change. Staff: Sarah
Zaleski August 19, 6 pm, Department of Planning, 417 E.
Fayette St, 8th Floor, 21202
Transportation - public transit, affordable access to jobs, bike and pedestrian infrastructure
Staff: Mark Brown, August 21, 5:45 pm, Orleans Street Public
Library, 1303 Orleans St, 21231
Water - water quality, conservation, watershed protection. Staff: Clark Howells, August 18, 6 pm Herring Run Watershed Assoc.
Headquarters, 3545 Belair Rd, 21213
3 ways to share your ideas: 1. Participate in the public meetings or email at 2. Read All About It Regularly check for updated information on the
website 3. Get Connected- Sign up for email updates on
meetings and general announcements. Email:
2. Web conference: Collaborations to Promote Early Childhood Education and Childcare.
September 9, 2008. 1:00pm ET. The purpose of this web conference is to discuss innovative practices
and policy options aimed at improving access to and the quality of early childhood education and
childcare. Speakers will address challenges providers face in offering a seamless delivery of services
and the efforts of state-level Early Childhood Advisory Councils to coordinate services for children up
to age five. Panelists will also discuss the importance of having sound data to monitor program
effectiveness. A Chapin Hall and National Governor’s Association (NGA) web conference. To register
3. Step up for Kids Day. September 16, 2008. Step up for Kids is organizing an event on the capitol
steps in D.C. and all 50 states to draw public attention to issues affecting America's children—poverty,
health care, juvenile incarceration, early care and education, child abuse, and afterschool programs. With
famed pediatrician, Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, ECM will kick off this nationwide event at the National Press
Club in Washington D.C on September 16th. On the same day, advocates, volunteers, and kids across
the country will gather on the steps of state capitols to highlight the needs of children and families. Learn
more and look for local event in your area
Back To Top
Upcoming Events/Conferences/Training
4. Philadelphia, PA: National Association of Peer Specialists – The Recovery Revolution. August 2022, 2008. More information at
5. Baltimore, MD: Out for Justice Project Fundamentals of Organizing Workshop. August 22, 2008
from 3:00 – 7:00pm and August 23, 2008, 10:00am – 2:00pm. Workshop will be held at The Cork
Factory, 302 E. Federal (at Guilford), 4th Floor North (Buzzer #9). If you’re passionate about making
changes to laws that hinder successful reentry then this workshop is for you. Participation will provide
training on how to change policies that affect lives, offer development leadership skills, have your
voice heard through organized efforts.
6. Baltimore, MD: Free training for fathers. August 23, 2008, 8:30am – 5:00pm at Doubletree Hotel,
4 University Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21218. An all day training event focused on economic stability for
fathers, age 21 and over. Exciting guest speaker, on-site expungement applications, free breakfast and
lunch, child support information, financial investment information. For more information, contact
Ruelda Dempster-Thomas 443-423-7265 or To register, send name, full
address and phone number by mail, fax or email to Christa Linton, Department of Human Resources,
311 W. Saratoga St., Baltimore, MD 21201. Fax: 410-333-0637 email:
Registration deadline August 20th.
7. New Orleans, LA: National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention.
August 26-28, 2008. More information at
8. Chicago, IL: 15th National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities Conference on Drugs
& Crime. September 3-5, 2008. More information
9. Baltimore, MD: Heal a Woman, Heal a Nation Inc. “Part of the Cure” seminars. September 6,
2008. "A Sista's Guide to a Healthy Relationship" presented by Sis. Chanelle Muhammad. Seminars will
be held at A Good Book, 2101 Gwynn Oak Ave., Baltimore, MD 21207 from 9:15am- 12:30pm. Cost: $10
per session. More informaiton or call 443-927-7805.
10. Baltimore, MD: National Healthy Homes Festival. September 12-14, 2008 at Druid Hill Park. This
event will bring together national and local community partners, lead and asthma prevention
programs, Healthy Homes organizations, health, housing, and environmental agencies, local
universities, federal, state, and city agencies, and the citizens of Baltimore in an effort to promote the
benefits of Healthy Homes. If you have questions regarding the National Healthy Homes Festival, please
contact Michelle LeDonne, at 410-534-6447 or
11. San Diego, CA: 13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma: Promoting
Peace. Integrating Practice, Research, and Policy. September 12-17, 2008. More information at
12. Baltimore, MD: Fusion Summit for Unity and Justice. September 13, 2008, 10:00am-2:00pm,
2640 Collective St. Johns Church, 2640 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. Featuring over 25 Fusion
programs providing direct services and activism opportunities in Baltimore area communities. Films,
Discussions, Workshops, Presentations on: Fiscal Sponsorship, Cultural Organizing, Collaborative
Practices, Juvenile Justice Advocacy, Criminal Justice Reform, Harm Reduction Service Model,
Nonprofit Industrial Complex, Race and the Criminal Justice Systems, Community Schools 101 and
more. Admission is free.
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13. Baltimore City Public School System CEO kicks off new school year. Dr. Andrés A. Alonso, CEO of
Baltimore City Public Schools, recently met with some 200 school principals and program leaders,
assistant principals and central office leaders at Morgan State University for a celebration of the
successes of the last year, and a look ahead at how to maintain, and build on the current momentum.
To listen to the brief welcomes from Dr. Alonso and from
Brian Morris, chair of the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners To view
Dr. Alonso’s State of City Schools presentation please visit
14. Please help the Urban Health Institute collect school supplies for Baltimore City public school
students! School starts on August 25th and without our help many students will begin the school year
unprepared. As you do your back-to-school shopping, please remember to pick up a few extra supplies!
All new school supplies will be accepted. If you choose to buy backpacks please remember that they
must be clear. Supplies will be given to students in elementary, middle, and high school. Drop boxes
are located in the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Room E4527, 615 N. Wolfe St. and the UHI office,
2013 E Monument St., 2nd floor. Supplies are being collected through August 28th. Learn more about the
Urban Health Institute
15. Department of Justice Announces Anti-Gang Funding. Deputy Attorney General Mark R. Filip
announced the intent to award $2 million to both Chicago and Detroit as part of an expansion of the
Department of Justice's Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative. The awards are designed to help law
enforcement develop plans to combat gang violence in these cities and surrounding suburbs, and to
implement their own anti-gang strategies using three components of prevention, enforcement, and
prisoner reentry. Read the full press release from August 11, 2008 [source: JUVJUST August 13, 2008]
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16. Juvenile Transfer Laws: An Effective Deterrent to Delinquency? Published by The Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). In an effort to strengthen sanctions for serious
juvenile crimes, most states enacted laws expanding the types of offenders and offenses eligible for
transfer from juvenile courts to adult criminal courts. This bulletin provides an overview of research on
the deterrent effects of such transfers, focusing on OJJDP-funded studies on the effect of transfer laws
on recidivism. The information it provides should help inform public discussion and policy decisions.
Report at [source: JUVJUST August
14, 2008]
17. Positive Support: Mentoring and Depression Among High-Risk Youth. This report from
Public/Private Ventures examines potential benefits of matching high-risk youth with faith-based
mentors. Drawing on surveys and interviews with young people who participated in the National FaithBased Initiative, Public Private Ventures found that mentored youth were less likely to show signs of
depression than the youth who were not matched with a mentor. This in turn was related to a variety
of other beneficial outcomes, including handling conflict better and fewer self-reported instances of
arrests. Read the report [source:
Newsbytes, August 5, 2008]
18. Helping Young Offenders Return to Communities. This issue of SAMHSA News focuses on helping
juveniles return to the community following incarceration in juvenile detention centers, jail, or prison.
Information is provided on grantees around the country that are part of the Young Offender Reentry
Program (YORP), launched by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) in 2004 and
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19. Mentoring Children of Prisoners: Caregiver’s Choice Program. Caregiver’s Choice makes it
possible for many more kids across the country to have mentors, and for many more families to enjoy
all the benefits of mentoring. This program is unique because it gives the child’s caregiver the power
to choose- to look at the possibilities and decide on the best mentoring program to meet their needs
and the needs of the child. Through Caregiver’s Choice, you can: access funding to serve more
children; tap into federal funds; manage your participation level; leverage national efforts to recruit
children of prisoners; benefit from cutting-edge training and tools.
20. Sustaining Grassroots Community-Based Programs: A Toolkit for Community- and Faith-Based
Service Providers. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has
released a new toolkit, “Sustaining Grassroots Community-Based Programs: A Toolkit for Communityand Faith-Based Service Providers”. The toolkit contains useful tips and planning worksheets within six
booklets that cover such topics as strategic planning, organizational assessment, effective marketing
strategies, and fundraising. [source:
SPRC: The Weekly Spark August 13, 2008]
21. SingleStop USA is a revolutionary initiative to slash poverty nationally with an approach that is
simple, effective and ultimately paradigm-shifting. SingleStop bridges the information gap separating
low-income families from life-changing public benefits, tax credits and other essential services that
remain untapped and inaccessible. These basic resources - food, health insurance, child care and tax
refunds - increase the likelihood that families are healthy and stable, with parents who work and
children who attend school. [source: Newsbytes, August 5,
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22. Reston, VA: 2008 Education Conference: Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically-Based
Instruction, and Educational Effectiveness. September 5-7, 2008. The 2008 ABA International
Education Conference is a two-day, primarily single-track conference on evidence-based education
focusing on research and applied issues. This event will address the current state of knowledge of
evidence-based practices at the policy, evaluation, and practice levels. More information at
23. PBIS Maryland Events
State Leadership Meeting – August 28, 2008
SWIS Facilitator Training – September 16-18, 2008
PBIS Implementers forum – October 30-31, 2008
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24. Maryland Science Center Offers Transportation Grants to Maryland Schools. Grants are to help
offset travel costs on field trips during the school year. Any Maryland school booking and completing a
visit in September, October, November or December can apply for a grant of $100 for use toward bus
transportation. $100 grants are on a first-come first-served basis and limited to one grant per
reservation. Limited funds are available. Call 410-685-5225. [source: The Rawlings-Blake Roll Call:
Council President's Newsletter #77]
25. Attention Principals And Teachers: Free Educational Field Trips To Port Discovery Children's
Museum. Funding is available for over 13,000 children, Pre-K to 5th Grade. Exhibits and programs are
aligned with Maryland State Voluntary School Curriculum and Maryland Reading Readiness Program. Pre
and post lesson plans are available. To register, call 410.864.2664 or email
[source: The Rawlings-Blake Roll Call: Council President's Newsletter #77]
26. Verizon Foundation Grants. The Verizon Foundation is in the business of improving lives in
literacy, knowledge and a readiness for the 21st Century. Specifically, they help people to: Increase
their literacy and educational achievement; Avoid being an abuser or a victim of domestic violence;
Achieve and sustain their health and safety. More information
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27. Baltimore, MD: Youth Advisory Group Meeting. August 28, 2008, 5:00 – 7:00pm Southeast
Anchor Library, 3601 Eastern Avenue. The Baltimore Commission on Sustainability is hosting a meeting
for young leaders, age 11 to 24, to openly discuss their thoughts and concerns about the environment
and their communities. The Commission would like to hear what issues are most important to the
City's young residents and we would like help getting young members of our communities involved in
developing the Sustainability Plan so that it integrates their priorities. Public Transportation
information is available This group will be
composed mainly of young leaders representing as many neighborhoods, backgrounds, and ages as
possible. During this meeting we will devise a plan of action for youth-led outreach efforts. Please
RSVP to or call 410-396-1670 by August 26th if you plan to attend
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28. Baltimore, MD: Mothers in Charge - Baltimore seeking volunteers for October concert. Mothers in
Charge is seeking singers, bands, spoken word, musicians, mimes, and dancers for a fundraiser
concert/variety event on October 19, 2008. Venues are still being reviewed, but the timeslot is 4:30 - 5:00pm
for the event. Mothers in Charge are mothers who lost our children to violence. Their mission is to be part of
the solution, by speaking out against violence, collaborating with youth, faith based and likeminded
organizations that believe as we do, that it takes a village. They want to show love and support for our youth
and be there for any mother that walks in our shoes. Mothers in Charge are partners with the Safe and Sound
Youth Ambassadors. One goal, one mission, to save our youth, to help seek funding for youth opportunities,
stop the violence, be a support system for other mothers in our shoes and to be part of the solution. Please
respond to Mr. Hill, Community Organizer for Safe and Sound or 410-625-7976 Ext. 10
or to Ginger Dukes-Beale, CEO Mothers In Charge Baltimore or 443-683-7713 if
you are willing to volunteer your talents for this event.
29. Takoma Park, MD: Community Service Learning Fellowship (Caseworker) - The Choice Program. The
UMBC Choice Community Service Fellowship is a one year service learning opportunity through UMBC’s The
Choice Program ( Shriver Center and AmeriCorps. This unique fellowship program
allows you to experience community as classroom by working in teams serving youth involved in the juvenile
justice system. GAIN a broad range of exposure to community-based services including: juvenile justice,
human services, public schools, courts, and housing. GAIN intensive field experience as case managers,
developing key roles such as leadership, brokering, and advocating. GAIN field experience while being
supported by a structured training program.
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Tampa, FL: 3rd National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery. September 15–17, 2008.
This 2 ½ day conference will bring together a diverse audience with an interest in substance abuse
treatment for women and women with children. The audience will find a broad mix of topics
addressed, including best practices as well as innovative and emergent approaches to treating women,
issues pertaining to recovery support, health and wellness, as well as program administration and
management. The conference theme, “Inspiring Leadership, Changing Lives,” provides a framework for
the conference and will be addressed by nationally recognized speakers.
Lincoln, NE: Providing Culturally Competent Services to Victims of Crime. September 16-18, 2008.
Sponsored by the Office for Victims of Crime. More information
Philadelphia, PA: Children's Health and the Environment Annual Conference. September 18-19,
2008. For more information, please visit
Anaheim, CA: The Magic of Connections National Mentoring Summit. September 18 - 19, 2008. The
purpose of the summit is to invigorate and mobilize the mentoring community, while motivating and
inspiring business and civic leaders to increase their support for mentoring efforts.
Springfield, IL: 2008 Community Leadership Institute September 21-24, Leadership Seminars
September 25, 2008. In Community Leadership Institutes, participants explore themselves as leaders,
learn current theory and practice of leadership, work on a current leadership challenge and create a
commitment to action. The three available seminars topics include: Culture & Diversity in Leadership,
Leadership – Policy and Sustaining Change, and The Science and Art of Grant Writing for Leadership.
Learn more and register at
Minneapolis, MN: Sixth National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse
Populations. September 21-24, 2008.For more information please visit
Internet training: Women and Work: Gender Responsivity and Workforce Development. September
24-25, 2008. A live, 8-hour satellite/Internet training program Training for site coordinators: July 9,
2008. The National Institute of Corrections will host a live, 8-hour interactive training program
specifically designed for individuals working with justice involved women. How do you respond to a
woman leaving prison when she asks: “What type of job should I pursue? How
do I go about getting the job I want? How do I keep my job? Am I the type of person an
employer would want to hire?” Site coordinators/facilitators are responsible for recruiting participants
and duplicating training materials. They must also schedule a training site to accommodate 24 to 32
participants for the September 24-25, 2008, live satellite/Internet broadcast. More information
Phoenix, AZ: Center for School Mental Health Annual Conference. September 25-27, 2008. For
more information, please visit
Baltimore, MD: Alliance for Children and Families 2008 Annual Conference. October 28-30, 2008.
Conference theme: The Power of Purpose, The purpose of Our Power.
Washington DC: GIS: Shaping Global Health - 2008 ESRI Health GIS Conference. September 28October 1, 2008. Share and discuss successful approaches to using geography to improve health care
delivery; public health; and hospital preparedness, research, management, and policy decisions.
Washington, DC: 2008 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference: Advancing Mission Through People.
September 28-29, 2008. The 2008 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference is the first of a series of
planned annual events designed to bring together nonprofit human resources practitioners, executives,
thought leaders, and researchers to not only discuss human resources issues of critical importance to
the nonprofit sector, but also to identify resources – human, financial, and programmatic – that will
advance the missions and organizational effectiveness of individual organizations and position the
sector more effectively for the future. National Assembly members will receive a discount on
Reno, NV: Supporting Children Living with Grief and Trauma - A Multidisciplinary Approach.
October 8-9, 2008. For more information please visit
Washington, DC: Safe Kids Worldwide – 2008 Child Injury Prevention Conference. October 15-18,
2008. For more information, please visit
Bowie, MD: Maryland’s Crime Victims’ Resource Center Inc. (MCVRC) 5 th Annual Chocolate Affair.
October 17, 2008, 7:00 – 10:00pm Florian Hall, 13701 Old Jericho Park Road, Bowie. Fundraiser and
auction featuring delicious food and desserts. Your support, attendance, auction purchases and auction
donations will enable MCVRC to continue serving crime victims. MCVRC is a non-profit organization that
provides free support and legal services to victims across Maryland and in federal court from its offices
in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County. Make your reservations now! Just $50 per person. 301952-0063 or 1-877-VICTIM1.
Providence, RI: Department of Labor YouthBuild Conference & Site Visit Seminar. October 21-22,
2008. Courses offered at the conference on October 21: Student Centered Relevant Curriculum
Integrating Academics and Skills Training Achieving High Attendance and Retention. The Site Visit
Seminar - Developing a Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program will be held October 22. More information
Wilmington, DE: The 2008 Nemours Conference on Child Health Promotion: Advocacy, Policy, and
Progress in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity. October 23-24, 2008. Nemours Health & Prevention
Services is bringing together regional and national leaders who are making policy work to create
healthier environments and programs for children and families. More information at
Hollywood, CA: 2008 It's My Life Conference. October 31 – November 2, 2008. It’s My Life convenes
over 700 participants—youth in foster care, alumni of care, caregivers, practitioners, and advocates—
who share innovative practices designed to guide preparation for adulthood services for youth aging out
of foster care.
Indianapolis, IN: 5th Annual Conference of the International Bullying Prevention Association.
November 6-7, 2008. The International Bullying Prevention Association is collaborating with the
Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy and the Indiana Department of Education to bring a national
conference on bullying prevention and research to Indianapolis, Indiana. The conference registration
fees have been greatly reduced to enable an affordable opportunity for all those attending.
Registration and conference information are available at: and on the International Bullying Prevention
Association website at
Princeton, NJ: Vulnerable Populations in the Juvenile Justice System: A Research and Policy
Conference. November 14, 2008. Conference presented by The Future of Children. This day-long
symposium, co-sponsored by Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School and the Association for Children of
New Jersey, is being held in conjunction with the October, 2008 release of a Future of Children volume
on juvenile justice policy. To RSVP
Baltimore, MD: 10th Annual Youth & College Leadership Summit, "Transforming Youth to Ignite
Change", November 14 - 15, 2008. Presented by New Light Leadership Coalition (NLLC).
San Francisco, CA: 2008 Public Education Network (PEN) Annual Conference. November 16-18,
2008. This conference will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the first local education
funds. The conference will center around the legacy, focus and impact of local education funds over
the last 25 years
Columbia, MD: Maryland’s 2nd Restorative Justice Conference “Opportunities for Impact”.
November 20-21, 2008. Conference goals: To increase the understanding and awareness of the
benefits of using restorative practices and principles; To promote increased use of existing restorative
justice principles, practices, and programs in Maryland; To encourage the establishment of new
restorative efforts throughout Maryland. For further information or call
Belinda Reed, MD Chapter, Association for Conflict Resolution 240-338-8159
Denver, CO: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. April 2-4, 2009. In
response to overwhelming requests from membership and meeting attendees, SRCD is moving to a new
Biennial Meeting schedule.
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the Prevention of Youth Violence. Items of Interest is funded through grant R49/CCR318627-04
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Johns Hopkins Center for the
Prevention of Youth Violence, Philip J. Leaf, Director. The items listed in these pages are not
intended to be an endorsement of any service, product, or company, nor do they necessarily
reflect the views of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence or the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.