JOHNS HOPKINS CENTER FOR THE PREVENTION OF YOUTH VIOLENCE: ITEMS OF INTEREST OUR COMMUNITY, OUR RESPONSIBITY; WAGING PEACE July 29, 2008 Of Special Note DO YOU HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT OTHERS INTERESTED IN REDUCING YOUTH VIOLENCE SHOULD KNOW? PLEASE SEND INFORMATION YOU WOULD LIKE INCLUDED IN OUR ITEMS OF INTEREST TO Baltimore, MD: Bmore Cultured Presentation Dinner. August 2, 2008, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, St Johns Church 2640 St. Paul St, Baltimore, MD 21217. Please come enjoy a cultural dinner and hear about B-more Cultured’s 2008 trip to Nicaragua. Bmore Cultured is a grassroots organization of Baltimore high school students who volunteer every summer for two weeks in Nicaragua with educators, youth advocates, artists, and parents. The tickets are $25 ticket in advance. B-more Cultured website is You can purchase tickets from Seante Hatcher, 443.287.3006 Baltimore, MD: Neighborhood Conversation with Mayor Sheila Dixon. August 12, 2008. 6:008:00 pm. Loyola College, Andrew White Student Hall, Second Floor, 4501 N Charles Street. Come and join your community for a Neighborhood Conversation with Mayor Sheila Dixon and her Cabinet Members. Share your thoughts and concerns about your neighborhood. For more information, contact the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods at (410) 396-4735. Baltimore, MD: Out for Justice Project Fundamentals of Organizing Workshop. August 22, 2008 from 3:00 – 7:00pm and August 23, 2008, 10:00am – 2:00pm. Workshop will be held at The Cork Factory, 302 E. Federal (at Guilford), 4th Floor North (Buzzer #9). If you’re passionate about making changes to laws that hinder successful reentry then this workshop is for you. Participation will provide training on how to change policies that affect lives, offer development leadership skills, have your voice heard through organized efforts. “Breaking the Cycle” Radio Dialogue. August 3, 2008 2:00-4:00 p.m. Brother Bey, the founder of the Fraternal Order of X-Offenders (F.O.X.O), hosts a weekly radio show on W.O.L.B (1010 am) that presents community-based, ex-offender driven efforts in Baltimore and elsewhere that are helping to break the cycle of violence. The primary focus of the F.O.X.O.’s “Breaking The Cycle” Radio Dialogue is to extend discussion, increase consideration of community-driven alternatives, and initiate and expand the collective action needed to deter, decrease and prevent the pandemic of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality gripping Baltimore and many other communities. The radio show provides a voice to those attempting to change their thinking and behaviors, informing ex-offenders, their families, and others of opportunities, increasing access to strategies that work, and exposing those that don’t. You are invited to call in to the radio program at 410-481-1010. To learn more about FOXO, visit their website at email: or call 410-262-4456. On January 11, 2008 Mayor Dixon was at 4601 Park Heights Ave along with representatives from the Prisoner’s Aid Association of Maryland (PAA) and the Fraternal Order of XOffenders (F.O.X.O.) to officially open the doors of Project P.E.A.C.E. (Proper Education Always Corrects Errors), a collaboration between PAA and F.O.X.O. that will connect thousands of ex-offenders each year to services provided in its crime prevention and recidivism avoidance program. The P.E.A.C.E. program, developed and implemented by exoffenders, connects other ex-offenders with needed resources and uses the power of peer influence to facilitate the cognitive restructuring and personal supports needed for successful re-integration. “In order to truly make Baltimore safer, we need to help ex-offenders become productive citizens,” Mayor Sheila Dixon said. “Project P.E.A.C.E. is going to help a lot of people fulfill their potential and make meaningful contributions to those around them.” The P.E.A.C.E. program addresses a variety of social and behavioral issues confronting exoffenders, including: short term and long term housing, emergency shelter, transitional housing, substance abuse, parenting, GED services, employment and job placement, financial literacy and HIV/AIDS information and education. In addition to the 12-Step Lifeskills Workshops and services such as emergency shelter, transitional housing, and linkage to other services, the P.E.A.C.E. project provides individual supports from individuals who have turned around their lives and who serve as mentors and positive role models. For additional information or referrals, call Project P.E.A.C.E. at 410 367-8393 or Brother Bey at 410 262-4456. Quick Glance at this week’s Items of Interest New Events/Conferences/Trainings 1. Boston, MD: 15th Annual Institute for Psychology in the Schools. August 13, 2008 2. Philadelphia, PA: National Association of Peer Specialists – The Recovery Revolution. August 20-22, 2008. 3. Chicago, IL: 15th National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities Conference on Drugs & Crime. September 3-5, 2008. 4. Tampa, FL: 3rd National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery. September 15–17, 2008. Up-Coming Events/Conference/Trainings 5. Baltimore, MD: Walking for a Citywide Agenda. 6. Baltimore, MD: Healing Hearts murder victim families’ network and advocacy groups. July 31, 2008. 6:30 - 8:30pm 7. Baltimore, MD: Heal a Woman, Heal a Nation Inc. “Part of the Cure” seminars. August 2 & September 6, 2008. 8. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Homeless Youth Initiative (BHYI) – 2008 Forum. August 5, 2008. 9. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Neighborhoods: Celebrate National Night Out. August 5, 2008. 10. Washington, DC: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 2008 Data Users Conference. August 11 – 13, 2008. 11. Berlin, MD: Maryland Association of School Resource Officers (MASRO) Safe Schools Conference. August 11, 2008 12. Washington, DC: Using the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) Database for Research and Policy Analyses. August 12-14, 2008 13. New Light Leadership Coalition, Inc. (NLLC) Summer Gala - "Transforming Youth to Ignite Change", August 15, 2008 14. New Orleans, LA: National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention. August 26-28, 2008. Noteworthy 15. Help Create America's After-School Storybook. 16. New York Governor signs law restricting violent video games. Reports, Research & Recent Publications 17. How can State Education Agencies Support District Improvement: A Conversation Amongst Educational Leaders, Researchers, and Policy Actors 18. Underage Alcohol Use: Findings from the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health. 19. America’s Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being. Resources 20. Baltimore One-Stop Career Center. 21. Free software and grant information for nonprofits. 22. Second Wind Fund Affiliates. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) 23. Reston, VA: 2008 Education Conference: Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically-Based Instruction, and Educational Effectiveness. September 5-7, 2008. 24. PBIS Maryland Events Funding Opportunities/Scholarships/Awards 25. American Management Association Scholarship Program. 26. Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Science (RO1). For Youth 27. A Little HOPE – Grants for grieving children and teens. Job & Volunteer Opportunities 28. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) - Research Associate. 29. Baltimore, MD: HIV Directorship at Baltimore City Health Department. Previously Posted Events/Conferences/Training New Events/Conferences/Training 1. Boston, MD: 15th Annual Institute for Psychology in the Schools. August 13, 2008. “If It Ain't Broke, Should We Still Fix It? A Discussion on New Directions in Training for School Psychology.” More information 2. Philadelphia, PA: National Association of Peer Specialists – The Recovery Revolution. August 2022, 2008. More information at 3. Chicago, IL: 15th National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities Conference on Drugs & Crime. September 3-5, 2008. More information 4. Tampa, FL: 3rd National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery. September 15–17, 2008. This 2 ½ day conference will bring together a diverse audience with an interest in substance abuse treatment for women and women with children. The audience will find a broad mix of topics addressed, including best practices as well as innovative and emergent approaches to treating women, issues pertaining to recovery support, health and wellness, as well as program administration and management. The conference theme, “Inspiring Leadership, Changing Lives,” provides a framework for the conference and will be addressed by nationally recognized speakers. Back To Top Upcoming Events/Conferences/Training 5. Baltimore, MD: Walking for a Citywide Agenda. Just like last summer, BUILD (Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development) is “hitting the streets”- walking for our Citywide Agenda. We will need your support for our Summer Recreation Walks. Please confirm your participation by contacting Gwen Brown, Administrative Organizer for BUILD at 410-528-0305 or via E-mail at July 29, 2008 6:00-7:00 PM Holabird Academy, 1500 Imla Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 Open House for Holabird Academy July 30, 2008 6:00-8:00 PM Location to be announced Neighborhood Walk for the Oliver Community: Zion Baptist Church, Memorial Baptist Church, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and Dr. Bernard Harris Elementary will walk for recreation opportunities and to determine community issues. July 31, 2008 6:00-8:00 PM Alexander Hamilton Elementary School, 800 Poplar Grove Street, Baltimore, MD 21216 Neighborhood Walk August 6, 2008 6:00-8:00 PM Holabird Academy, 1500 Imla Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 Neighborhood Walk 6. Baltimore, MD: Healing Hearts murder victim families’ network and advocacy groups. July 31, 2008. 6:30 - 8:30pm, New Life United Methodist Church, Rev. Eric King, 4400 Parkside Dr., Baltimore, MD 21206. Contact Kimberly Armstrong at 1-800-485-8214, or Bonnita Spikes (443) 472-5258, 7. Baltimore, MD: Heal a Woman, Heal a Nation Inc. “Part of the Cure” seminars. August 2 & September 6, 2008. On August 2nd - "The Ties That Bind" presented by Sister Tracy (Eaddy) Ward. As women we tend to think that when we go through things we are alone; that no one else could possibly relate to our story. This interactive workshop is designed to show that though we are seemingly different, the pages of our books are written in the same script and with the same pen. This workshop is designed to prove the unwritten fact that "sisters" share a bond that transcends words, a bond that is encoded in our DNA. On September 6th, "A Sista's Guide to a Healthy Relationship" presented by Sis. Chanelle Muhammad. Seminars will be held at A Good Book, 2101 Gwynn Oak Ave., Baltimore, MD 21207 from 9:15am- 12:30pm. Cost: $10 per session. More informaiton or call 443-927-7805. 8. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Homeless Youth Initiative (BHYI) – 2008 Forum. August 5, 2008. Laws and government policies that impact Baltimore’s homeless youth and young adult.. Resources & legal options for youth and young adults. All sessions held from 9:00am – 12:00pm at Radisson Cross Keys, 5100 Falls Rd, Baltimore 21210. No cost to attend but registration is required. You may register for one or all of the sessions. To register, go to For more information about BHYI contact Julia Pierson at, or 410 258 8878. 9. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Neighborhoods: Celebrate National Night Out. August 5, 2008. This national event is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and send a message to criminals, letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. Each community decides how it wishes to join in the celebration and in Baltimore, the evening has been celebrated with parades, cookouts, ice cream socials and candle-light vigils. To find out more about NNO and to get ideas for your event, visit the website for the National Association of Town Watch at 10. Washington, DC: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 2008 Data Users Conference. August 11 – 13, 2008. This free conference is held biennially to bring the latest information on NCHS data to researchers and other data users from around the country. All of the NCHS data systems will be represented with informational sessions, hands-on workshops and exhibits. Registration required. 11. Berlin, MD: Maryland Association of School Resource Officers (MASRO) Safe Schools Conference. August 11, 2008, 7:30am – 3:30pm. Stephen Decauter High School, 9913 Seahawk Road, Berlin, MD 21811Speakers will discuss Identifying Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Gang Graffiti, a School Based Law update and a presentation on the WATCHDOGS program. More information at 12. Washington, DC: Using the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) Database for Research and Policy Analyses. August 12-14, 2008. The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences is sponsoring a three-day advanced studies seminar on the use of the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) database. The NHES is a valuable resource for understanding contemporary education issues such as early childhood program participation, parent and family involvement in education, student participation in after-school programs and activities, and adult education and lifelong learning. 13. New Light Leadership Coalition, Inc. (NLLC) Summer Gala - "Transforming Youth to Ignite Change", August 15, 2008, 7:00 – 9:00pm, Radisson Cross Keys, 5100 Falls Rd., Baltimore. Keynote speaker Dr. Raymond Winbush, Ph.D., Director, Morgan State University Institute for Urban Research. Evening to include silent auction, award presentations, networking, and dinner. Come celebrate and honor Baltimore’s up- and- coming leaders. Tickets $35.00. All proceeds to go to Youth Leadership Development Program. Tickets at 14. New Orleans, LA: National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention. August 26-28, 2008. More information at 118. Back To Top NOTEWORTHY 15. Help Create America's After-School Storybook. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the federal 21st Century Community Learning Centers, the Afterschool Alliance is creating a storybook featuring people whose lives have been improved through out-of-school time programs. Share your stories and program nominations and check out sample stories online. [source: CFK Update, July 23, 2008] 16. New York Governor signs law restricting violent video games. Article published in the Buffalo News online, July 22, 2008. “A bill enacting new restrictions on violent video games has been signed into law by Gov. David Paterson …the bill requires that games sold by retailers include the industry's voluntary rating board. It also requires game consoles to include special features by 2010 that enable parents to lock out certain kinds of games based on content or rating. And the legislation creates a state advisory council to study the connection….The bill also creates a state Advisory Board on Interactive Media and Youth Violence to make recommendations regarding the relationship between youth violence and video games.” Read the full article Back To Top REPORTS, RESEARCH & RECENT PUBLICATIONS 17. How can State Education Agencies Support District Improvement: A Conversation Amongst Educational Leaders, Researchers, and Policy Actors. In the summer of 2007, The Education Alliance and The Urban Education Policy program, both at Brown University, convened and co-hosted a two-day symposium entitled Designing and Catalyzing Effective District Improvement: The Role of State Education Agencies. They invited state education leaders, superintendents and district leaders, researchers, directors of non-profit organizations, and other educational actors deeply involved in district and school improvement efforts. The goal was to create the space for these various educational leaders to share their experience and expertise regarding the challenges of engaging in significant improvement efforts across the system. The intent was to create conditions for building and renewing relationships with colleagues, and to engage in collective problem solving with respect to these challenges. A report from the symposium is available online 18. Underage Alcohol Use: Findings from the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health. Alcohol is the drug of choice among young people in the United States, and alcohol use constitutes one of the principal public health issues for this population. Approximately 5,000 persons under 21 years of age lose their lives each year as a result of underage drinking, and early initiation of alcohol use is associated with increased risk of subsequent alcohol use disorders and increased risk of involvement in violent behaviors, suicide attempts, and a variety of other problematic activities. In response to this issue, this study presents findings from the 2002 to 2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs) on the use of alcohol by persons aged 12 to 20. 19. America’s Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being. This report from the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics provides an accessible compendium of indicators drawn from the most reliable official statistics across topics on child well-being. The indicators are organized into seven sections, each focusing on a domain relevant to children’s lives: Family and Social Environment, Economic Circumstances, Health Care, Physical Environment and Safety, Behavior, Education, and Health. Report available at Back To Top RESOURCES 20. Baltimore One-Stop Career Center. Career Center Network brings together a variety of resources to provide comprehensive workforce development services that benefit the entire Baltimore metropolitan region. For more information please call: (410) 396-3009 Northwest One-Stop Career Center 2401 Liberty Heights Avenue Mondawmin Mall – Suite 302 Baltimore, Maryland 21215 Phone (410) 523-1060 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Tuesday 8:30 am - 7:00 pm Eastside One-Stop Career Center 3001 East Madison Street Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Phone (410) 396-9030 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Thursday 8:30 am - 7:00 pm Baltimore Works One-Stop Career Center 1100 North Eutaw Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Phone (410) 767-2148 Monday through Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 21. Free software and grant information for nonprofits. Microsoft has launched a technical assistance Web site designed especially for nonprofits. NGO Connection provides access to free online software, information about financial grants and other technical assistance geared especially for nonprofit organizations. Learn more at x. [source: Indiana Youth Institute Weekly Update, July 28, 2008] 22. Second Wind Fund Affiliates. The Second Wind Fund, whose mission is to reduce youth suicides by removing financial and social barriers to treatment for at-risk youth, will provide templates and assistance to individuals and communities who want to follow their model. Visit for details. [source: SPRC The Weekly Spark, July 23, 2008] Back To Top POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS AND SUPPORTS (PBIS) 23. Reston, VA: 2008 Education Conference: Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically-Based Instruction, and Educational Effectiveness. September 5-7, 2008. The 2008 ABA International Education Conference is a two-day, primarily single-track conference on evidence-based education focusing on research and applied issues. This event will address the current state of knowledge of evidence-based practices at the policy, evaluation, and practice levels. More information at 24. PBIS Maryland Events Baltimore City New Team Training – August 5-6, 2008 Baltimore City Returning Team Training – August 6-7, 2008 SWIS Facilitator Training – September 16-18, 2008 Back To Top FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES, SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS 25. American Management Association Scholarship Program. American Management Association (AMA) and the Leader to Leader Institute established the AMA Scholarship Program to assist the social sector nonprofit organizations in developing the strong leaders today who will lead the organizations of the future. During the entire scholarship year, the recipients will be provided with intellectual resources, opportunities, and discounts designed to enhance leadership effectiveness and support excellence in organizational and personal performance. Deadline: December 15, 2008. More information 26. Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Science (RO1). The participating NIH Institutes and Centers invite qualified researchers to submit research grant applications aimed at improving and developing methodology and measurement in the behavioral and social sciences through innovations in research design, data collection techniques, measurement, and data analysis techniques. -Research that addresses methodology and measurement issues in diverse populations, issues in studying sensitive behaviors, issues of ethics in research, issues related to confidential data and the protection of research subjects, and issues in developing interdisciplinary, multimethod, and multilevel approaches to behavioral and social science research is particularly encouraged, as are approaches that integrate behavioral and social science research with biological, physical, or computational science research or engineering. Back To Top FOR YOUTH 27. A Little HOPE – Grants for grieving children and teens. A Little HOPE is a not-for-profit public charity which grants funds to organizations that provide bereavement support services and grief counseling to children and teens who have experienced the loss of a parent or loved one, regardless of the circumstances of the death. Deadline: August 31, 2008. Back To Top JOB AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 28. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) - Research Associate. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation seeks a research associate who will work with staff members of the Research & Evaluation Unit in support of the New Connections program. The mission of the New Connections program is to increase diverse perspectives to RWJF programming. Responsibilities include conducting project and related research, working with key experts, assisting in designing and implementing new initiatives, evaluating proposals, and monitoring program and grants. For more information and to apply to this position, please visit [source: Center for Health and Health Care in Schools Weekly Insider, July 22, 2008] 29. Baltimore, MD: HIV Directorship at Baltimore City Health Department. The position is located in the Baltimore City Department of Health (BCHD), Bureau of STD/HIV Prevention, Division of Clinical Services. Incumbent is responsible for assisting the Bureau Chief and Assistant Commissioner in conceptualization, planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of HIV and integrated STD/HIV prevention programs. Manages the Community-Based HIV Prevention efforts, including Expanded HIV Testing Initiative, Mobile Outreach, Linkage to Care and burgeoning clinic-based Prevention for Positives activities. Preferred: Master’s degree in Public Health, or related social science or science field; in some instances relevant work experience may substitute for Master’s level training. Experience in supervising programs, developing tools, and performing other analytical work related to the planning, development, organization, administration, evaluation, and delivery of public health programs. Please send a CV and writing sample to the attention of Ms. Carolyn Nganga-Good via email: Include: Applicant for BCHD HIV Director Position in your subject heading. [source: SOURCE Weekly July 22, 2008] Back To Top PREVIOUSLY POSTED EVENTS, CONFERENCES, & TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Baltimore, MD: National Healthy Homes Festival. September 12-14, 2008 at Druid Hill Park. This event will bring together national and local community partners, lead and asthma prevention programs, Healthy Homes organizations, health, housing, and environmental agencies, local universities, federal, state, and city agencies, and the citizens of Baltimore in an effort to promote the benefits of Healthy Homes. If you have questions regarding the National Healthy Homes Festival, please contact Michelle LeDonne, at 410-534-6447 or Baltimore, MD: Fusion Summit for Unity and Justice. September 13, 2008, 10:00am-2:00pm, 2640 Collective St. Johns Church, 2640 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. Featuring over 25 Fusion programs providing direct services and activism opportunities in Baltimore area communities. Films, Discussions, Workshops, Presentations on: Fiscal Sponsorship, Cultural Organizing, Collaborative Practices, Juvenile Justice Advocacy, Criminal Justice Reform, Harm Reduction Service Model, Nonprofit Industrial Complex, Race and the Criminal Justice Systems, Community Schools 101 and more. Admission is free. Philadelphia, PA: Children's Health and the Environment Annual Conference. September 18-19, 2008. For more information, please visit Anaheim, CA: The Magic of Connections National Mentoring Summit. September 18 - 19, 2008. The purpose of the summit is to invigorate and mobilize the mentoring community, while motivating and inspiring business and civic leaders to increase their support for mentoring efforts. Springfield, IL: 2008 Community Leadership Institute September 21-24, Leadership Seminars September 25, 2008. In Community Leadership Institutes, participants explore themselves as leaders, learn current theory and practice of leadership, work on a current leadership challenge and create a commitment to action. The three available seminars topics include: Culture & Diversity in Leadership, Leadership – Policy and Sustaining Change, and The Science and Art of Grant Writing for Leadership. Learn more and register at Internet training: Women and Work: Gender Responsivity and Workforce Development. September 24-25, 2008. A live, 8-hour satellite/Internet training program Training for site coordinators: July 9, 2008. The National Institute of Corrections will host a live, 8-hour interactive training program specifically designed for individuals working with justice involved women. How do you respond to a woman leaving prison when she asks: “What type of job should I pursue? How do I go about getting the job I want? How do I keep my job? Am I the type of person an employer would want to hire?” Site coordinators/facilitators are responsible for recruiting participants and duplicating training materials. They must also schedule a training site to accommodate 24 to 32 participants for the September 24-25, 2008, live satellite/Internet broadcast. More information Phoenix, AZ: Center for School Mental Health Annual Conference. September 25-27, 2008. For more information, please visit Baltimore, MD: Alliance for Children and Families 2008 Annual Conference. October 28-30, 2008. Conference theme: The Power of Purpose, The purpose of Our Power. Washington DC: GIS: Shaping Global Health - 2008 ESRI Health GIS Conference. September 28October 1, 2008. Share and discuss successful approaches to using geography to improve health care delivery; public health; and hospital preparedness, research, management, and policy decisions. Washington, DC: 2008 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference: Advancing Mission Through People. September 28-29, 2008. The 2008 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference is the first of a series of planned annual events designed to bring together nonprofit human resources practitioners, executives, thought leaders, and researchers to not only discuss human resources issues of critical importance to the nonprofit sector, but also to identify resources – human, financial, and programmatic – that will advance the missions and organizational effectiveness of individual organizations and position the sector more effectively for the future. National Assembly members will receive a discount on registration. Washington, DC: Safe Kids Worldwide – 2008 Child Injury Prevention Conference. October 15-18, 2008. For more information, please visit Bowie, MD: Maryland’s Crime Victims’ Resource Center Inc. (MCVRC) 5 th Annual Chocolate Affair. October 17, 2008, 7:00 – 10:00pm Florian Hall, 13701 Old Jericho Park Road, Bowie. Fundraiser and auction featuring delicious food and desserts. Your support, attendance, auction purchases and auction donations will enable MCVRC to continue serving crime victims. MCVRC is a non-profit organization that provides free support and legal services to victims across Maryland and in federal court from its offices in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County. Make your reservations now! Just $50 per person. 301952-0063 or 1-877-VICTIM1. Providence, RI: Department of Labor YouthBuild Conference & Site Visit Seminar. October 21-22, 2008. Courses offered at the conference on October 21: Student Centered Relevant Curriculum Integrating Academics and Skills Training Achieving High Attendance and Retention. The Site Visit Seminar - Developing a Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program will be held October 22. More information Wilmington, DE: The 2008 Nemours Conference on Child Health Promotion: Advocacy, Policy, and Progress in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity. October 23-24, 2008. Nemours Health & Prevention Services is bringing together regional and national leaders who are making policy work to create healthier environments and programs for children and families. More information at Hollywood, CA: 2008 It's My Life Conference. October 31 – November 2, 2008. It’s My Life convenes over 700 participants—youth in foster care, alumni of care, caregivers, practitioners, and advocates— who share innovative practices designed to guide preparation for adulthood services for youth aging out of foster care. Indianapolis, IN: 5th Annual Conference of the International Bullying Prevention Association. November 6-7, 2008. The International Bullying Prevention Association is collaborating with the Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy and the Indiana Department of Education to bring a national conference on bullying prevention and research to Indianapolis, Indiana. The conference registration fees have been greatly reduced to enable an affordable opportunity for all those attending. Registration and conference information are available at: and on the International Bullying Prevention Association website at Indianapolis, IN: The International Bullying Prevention Association is pleased to present our 5th Annual Conference: Best Practices in Bullying and Violence Prevention. November 6-8, 2008. The conference will be co-sponsored by the Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy and the Indiana Department of Education. The conference is designed for school guidance counselors, administrators, teachers, school health educators, school social workers, school psychologists, school safety specialists, Safe and Drug-Free Coordinators, school resource officers (SRO's), school attorneys, and law enforcement working with youth, student service directors, PTA/PTO members, children and family mental health counselors, school nurses, school board members, parents, extended day/after school staff, prevention specialists, etc. This conference also welcomes college students. and . Princeton, NJ: Vulnerable Populations in the Juvenile Justice System: A Research and Policy Conference. November 14, 2008. Conference presented by The Future of Children. This day-long symposium, co-sponsored by Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School and the Association for Children of New Jersey, is being held in conjunction with the October, 2008 release of a Future of Children volume on juvenile justice policy. To RSVP Baltimore, MD: 10th Annual Youth & College Leadership Summit, "Transforming Youth to Ignite Change", November 14 - 15, 2008. Presented by New Light Leadership Coalition (NLLC). San Francisco, CA: 2008 Public Education Network (PEN) Annual Conference. November 16-18, 2008. This conference will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the first local education funds. The conference will center around the legacy, focus and impact of local education funds over the last 25 years Columbia, MD: Maryland’s 2nd Restorative Justice Conference “Opportunities for Impact”. November 20-21, 2008. Conference goals: To increase the understanding and awareness of the benefits of using restorative practices and principles; To promote increased use of existing restorative justice principles, practices, and programs in Maryland; To encourage the establishment of new restorative efforts throughout Maryland. For further information or call Belinda Reed, MD Chapter, Association for Conflict Resolution 240-338-8159 Denver, CO: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. April 2-4, 2009. In response to overwhelming requests from membership and meeting attendees, SRCD is moving to a new Biennial Meeting schedule. Back To Top To subscribe to Items of Interest or for additional resources please go to If you would like to relay any information in response to this email, please send an email to at the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence. Items of Interest is funded through grant R49/CCR318627-04 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence, Philip J. Leaf, Director. The items listed in these pages are not intended to be an endorsement of any service, product, or company, nor do they necessarily reflect the views of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.