Baseline Interview: Medical Mistrust Survey Revised 04/02/03 Hello, my name is ____________ and I’m from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. A. We would like to speak with an adult in your household who is 18 years old or older. If the person who answered the phone is an adult who is over 18 years of age, skip to item B. We are doing a study of how people feel about their doctors, hospitals, and the healthcare system in general. The goal of this study is to use this information to help hospitals and doctors serve their patients better. Re-introduce yourself to the adult. Hello, my name is ____________ and I’m from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. We are doing a study of how people feel about their doctors, hospitals, and the healthcare system in general. The goal of this study is to use this information to help hospitals and doctors serve their patients better. Go to item B. B INTERVIEWER: GO TO CONSENT FORM AND CONSENT PATIENT. Q1) Are you be willing to be involved in this study? 1 – yes 2 – No If “yes” continue. If “no” thank the respondent and end the interview. If willing but not now, schedule appointment. Day of week (Monday-Friday) ___________ Date (Month/Day/Year) _______________ Time (AM or PM) _______________ Verify telephone number and record here _________________ Continue for all other respondents. SECTION A: HEALTH STATUS Let’s begin. First, I would like to ask you about your health A1. In general, how would you describe your own health? Would you say that it is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Don’t Know Refused Have you been told by a doctor or other healthcare professional that you have any of the following health problems? Have been told Have not been told Don’t know Refused A2. High blood pressure 1 2 8 9 A3. Heart attack, or heart disease 1 2 8 9 A4. Cancer 1 2 8 9 A5. Diabetes or sugar diabetes 1 2 8 9 A6. Anxiety or depression 1 2 8 9 A7. Obesity 1 2 8 9 A8. Asthma 1 2 8 9 A9. Arthritis 1 2 8 9 A10. Any other health problems 1 2 8 9 If yes to A10. -- A10a. Specify ________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL MISTRUST INDEX V2.2 MEASURING MISTRUST IN HEALTHCARE Next, I would like to ask you a few questions about how you feel about healthcare organizations. When I say healthcare organizations, I am not asking about an individual doctor or nurse or any other person like that. I am asking about organizations where you might get healthcare, like a hospital or a clinic, the healthcare system in general. Please listen to the statements carefully. For each one, tell me whether you strongly disagree, disagree, agree or strongly agree. Read each statement Item B1. You’d better be cautious when dealing with healthcare organizations. B2. Patients have sometimes been deceived or mislead by healthcare organizations. B3. I trust that healthcare organizations will tell me if a mistake is made about my treatment. B4. Healthcare organizations often want to know more about your business than they need to know. B5. When healthcare organizations make mistakes they usually cover it up. B6. Healthcare organizations have sometimes done harmful experiments on patients without their knowledge. B7. The patient’s medical needs come before other considerations at healthcare organizations. B8.Healthcare organizations are more concerned about making money than taking care of people. B9. Healthcare organizations put the patient’s health first. B10. Healthcare organizations don’t always keep your information totally private. B11. Patients should always follow the advice given to them at healthcare organizations. B12. I typically get a second opinion when I am told something about my health. B13. I trust that healthcare organizations check their staff’s credentials to make sure they are hiring the best people. B14. They know what they are doing at healthcare organizations. B15. Sometimes I wonder if healthcare organizations really know what they are doing. B16. Mistakes are common in healthcare organizations. B17. I trust that healthcare organizations keep up with the latest medical information. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree Agree 2 3 Strongly Agree 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SECTION C HEALTHCARE UTILIZATION (17-ITEMS) Source: Princeton Survey Research Associates. “Survey on Disparities in Quality of Health Care: Spring 2001.” Commonwealth Fund Now I’m going to ask you some questions about your experiences with the healthcare system. C1. In the last 2 years, how many times did you visit a doctor, hospital or medical clinic for any reason, including check-ups, visits to the emergency room or the hospital outpatient department? Record Number _______________________ C2. How many of those visits were to the emergency room? Record Number _______________________ C3. All together how many nights did you spend in a hospital over the last 2 years? Record Number _______________________ C4. Where do you usually go when you are sick or need health care? Do you go to a doctor’s office or private clinic, a community health center or other public clinic, a hospital outpatient department, a hospital emergency room, or some other place? If respondent says HMO, ask where visit occurred. 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Doctor’s office or private clinic Community health center or other public clinic Hospital outpatient department Hospital emergency room Some other place (voluntary) Don’t know Refused C5. How much choice do you have in where you go for medical care? Would you say that you have a great deal, some, very little, or no choice? 1 2 3 4 8 9 C6. A great deal of choice Some choice Very little choice No choice Don’t know Refused Do you have a regular doctor or other health professional, such as a nurse or a midwife, you usually go to when you are sick or need health care? 1 2 3 8 9 Yes No (skip to Section G) Has more than one regular doctor (voluntary) Don’t know Refused C7. Now thinking about the regular doctor you see more than others or whom you consider your main regular doctor, is this person male or female? 1 2 8 9 C8. What is the race or ethnicity of this person? Is this person white, black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaskan Native or some other background? 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 98 99 C9. Male Female Don’t know Refused White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Asian (such as China, Korea, Japan, etc.) East Indian, Pakistani Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other Don’t know Refused And how long has this person been your doctor? Read responses Record in Years or Months If years _________________ If Months ________________ SECTION D: TRUST IN PHYSICIAN SCALE (11-ITEMS) Sources: Anderson, LA; Dedrick RF. “Development of the trust in physician scale: A measure to assess interpersonal trust in patient-physician relationships.” Psychol Rep 1990; 67:1091 Thom, DH; Ribisl, KM; Stewart, AL; Luke, DA; The Stanford Trust Study Physicians. “Further Validation and Reliability Testing of the Trust in Physician Scale.” Medical Care 1999; 37(5): 510-517 Now I’d like you to think about how well your doctor cares for your medical needs. For each statement that I read, please tell me whether you totally disagree, disagree, are neutral, or if you agree or totally agree. Read each statement Item D1. I doubt that my doctor really cares about me as a person. † D2. My doctor is usually considerate of my needs and puts them first. D3. I trust my doctor so much I always try to follow his/her advice D4. If my doctor tells me something is so, then it must be true D5. I sometimes distrust my doctor’s opinions and would like a second one. † D6. I trust my doctor’s judgments about my medical care D7. I feel my doctor does not do everything he/she should about my medical care. † D8. I trust my doctor to put my medical needs above all other considerations when treating my medical problems. D9. My doctor is well qualified to manage (diagnose and treat or make an appropriate referral) medical problems like mine. D10. I trust my doctor to tell me if a mistake was made about my treatment. D11. I sometimes worry that my doctor may not keep the information we discuss totally private. † Totally Disagree 1 Disagree Neutral Agree 2 3 4 Totally Agree 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 SECTION G: DEMOGRAPHICS I have some questions about your background. G1. What is your gender? (OBSERVATION) 1. 2. G2. What is your race/ethnicity? Read responses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G3. Male Female White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Asian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other ________________ Don’t know do not read Refused do not read What is your age? __________________ Now, I have a question about different kinds of health insurance, including those provided by your job of somebody else’s job, or the government. As I read each of the following health plans, please tell me whether or not you are currently covered by any of them. Are you covered by (read options)? G4. Private health insurance, from your job or somebody else’s job. G5. Medicare, a government plan that pays health care bills for people over age 65 and people who are disabled G6. Medicaid, also called medical assistance G7. CHAMPUS/CHAMPVA Yes 1 No 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Don’t know 8 8 G8.Was there any time in the past two years when you were completely without any health plan or insurance coverage? 1 – Yes 2 – No G8a. Are you currently uninsured? 1 – Yes 2 – No 8 8 G9. How would you describe your current employment status? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Working outside the home full time Working outside the home part time Retired (skip to question G10) Attending school (skip to question G10) Maintaining the home (skip to question G10) Unemployed (skip to question G10) Disabled (skip to question G10) Other – specify ___________ (skip to question G10) G9a. What kind of business or industry do you work in? ____________________________________________________________ G9b. What kind of work are you doing? OCCUPATION: ______________________________________________ (If answered G9, G9a, G9b, Go to question G11) G10. Have you ever had a job? 1 – Yes 2 – No (GO TO QUESTION G11) G10a. What kind of business or industry did you work in at your last job? ____________________________________________________________ G10b. What kind of work did you do? OCCUPATION: ______________________________________________ G11. What is the highest grade or year of regular school that you have completed? Grade College Graduate School Don’t know Refused 00 04 08 13 01 05 09 14 02 06 10 15 03 07 11 16 17 98 99 12 G12. To get a picture of people’s financial situation, we need to know the general range of income of all people we interview. Now, think about your household’s total income from all sources, before taxes, including wages, salaries, and any other income. About how much did your household receive in the last year? $_____________________ If the answer is “don’t know” or respondent refuses to answer, continue with the following. If the above question is answered, go to question G13. G12a. Maybe if I give you some income ranges it would help. When I say the income range that matches your total household income for last year, please tell me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Less than $5,000 $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $59,999 $60,000 or more If G12a is answered, go to question G13. If not, continue with the following. G12b. Can you tell me if your household income was more or less than $25,000? 1 2 G12c. Can you tell me if your household income was more or less than $50,000 in the past 12 months? 1 2 G13. Less than $25,000 (go to question G13) More than $25,000 Less than $50,000 More than $50,000 How much of that income did you yourself bring in? $_____________________ We have finished with all of the questions. We will call you back in about 3 weeks to do the follow-up interview. Thank you very much for your participation in this study. Have a great day!