Jacquie's ESL 098 IL

Seattle Community College IL Curriculum Plan
Application for faculty stipends - $100 for completed curriculum plan. Please submit final
document as an MS WORD document with librarian-consultant signature and date at the bottom
of the page. Please submit completed project by July 15 th.
Instructions: Use this template to develop a plan for the outcomes you’ve
identified. Your plan and the assignment you describe should demonstrate
how you will integrate IL into your course.
Instructor’s Name: Jacqueline George
Course Name & Number: ESL 098 (Reading for Non-Native Speakers II)
Next scheduled to be offered: Fall 2007
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students need to be able to:
Produce a presentation (written, spoken, individual, group, etc) that
provides pre-reading information about a novel, book, short story or film to
be used in class.
Produce an annotated bibliography
Access the following via assigned internet sources and reference books:
general summary of the book
one or two reviews
general idea of the setting of the story
author bio
KNOWLEDGE BASE: What do Students need to know?
What information provides a foundation for reading
How websites, reference databases and reference books differ
How to access websites and reference databases
How to use Reference books
Identify the essential elements of an annotation
TEACHING: What will students do to learn this?
Use the various websites, databases and print resources to answer questions
that can only be answered using those sources.
Use American Decades to look up their year of birth and identify at least
one event from 5 different sections; write an APA citation for American
Use the Chronology feature of the Historical Resource Center database to
look up the year 1962 and identify 2 Domestic Events; write an APA citation
for the Historical Resource Center.
ASSIGNMENT: How will students practice what you want them to learn?
Consulting Librarian: _________________________________________________
Date submitted: __________________
Seattle Community College IL Curriculum Plan
Application for faculty stipends - $100 for completed curriculum plan. Please submit final
document as an MS WORD document with librarian-consultant signature and date at the bottom
of the page. Please submit completed project by July 15 th.
Using www.amazon.com, students will look up the assigned novel title. By
reading the descriptions in the Editorial Reviews section, students will
identify the setting of the story. Then, the students will read a few reader
reviews to ascertain whether the book has been received positively.
Students will then use American Decades, World Book Encyclopedia, and
History Resource Center to research setting.
Using Contemporary Authors/Contemporary Literary Criticism, students
will research the author’s background.
Once all the information has been gathered students will (individually or,
preferably, in groups) present a pre-assigned element to the entire class
and submit it in written form to me; the written assignment will include an
annotated bibliography.
EVIDENCE OF LEARNING: How will you know the students have done this well?
Successful completion of internet searches – these will be pretty
straightforward (either you can complete the questions or not!)
For the presentations:
Presentation of place
Presentation of time
Presentation of how the book was received
Presentation of author’s background
Only designated sources are used
For the written product
Presentation of assigned element
Only designated sources are used
APA Citations
Consulting Librarian: _________________________________________________
Date submitted: __________________