SI 1: Ideology Measures Australian Attitude Ideology Scale 1990 Australian Attitude Ideology Scale 2008 Death Penalty Birth Control Nuclear Power Plants War in Afghanistan Casual sex Evolution X-rated Movies War on Terror Privatization Sabbath Observe Aboriginal Intervention Women in Combat Medicare Multiculturalism Aboriginal Land Rights Work Choices Stiffer Jail Terms Chastity Defence Spending Unions Fluoridation Diplomacy Patriotism Royalty Education Spending Euthanasia Women Judges Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Nuclear Power Strict Rules Evolution Working Mums Test Tube Babies Foreign Trained Doctors Bible Truth Apartheid Free Trade Gay rights Asian Immigration Gay Marriage Inborn Conscience Church Authority Global Warming is an Issue Gov Welfare Disarmament Iraq War Divine Law Censorship Labor Party Socialism White Lies Legalise Marijuana White Superiority CANING Legalised Abortion Herbal Remedies Teenage Dole Liberal National Coalition Charity Work Private Schools Living Together, not married Suicide Chiropractors Medicare Conservationists Defense Spending Medicare Subsidized Abortion Licensing Laws Surrogate Mums Military Spending Divorce Modern Art Reclaimed Water Foreign Ownership Abortion Stem Cell Research Nuclear Power Condom Machines Stricter Immigration Legal Prostitution Unions Sample Size (MZ/DZ Pairs) 1666/1683 96/155 MZ/DZ co-twin correlations .38/.19 .61/.32 Subjects who answered at least 80% of the political attitudes questions which comprise the ideological measures were included in the analyses. Factor analysis of these items on this population has shown that a uni-dimensional model fits the data, but up to 4 correlated sub-factors were also extracted (Verhulst, Hatemi and Martin 2010). The Wilson-Patterson attitude Index presents subjects with a stimulus phrase such as ‘‘Abortion’’ and elicits an ‘‘agree,’’ ‘‘disagree”, or ‘‘uncertain’’ response which is then summarized to measure overall degrees of liberalismconservatism or ideology. . As a result, it takes on slightly different definitions in different contexts. Co-twin Correlations MZ Australia 2008 Authoritarian Attitudes/Beliefs 0.271 DZ 0.116 A. Down deep. Australians share the same values and preferences B. Australians are amazing diverse in their values and preferences A. Facts get in the way of truth B. Carefully looking at all kinds of evidence is the only way to truth A. The world would work better if each country were left to take care of its own people B. We are citizens of the world and should care for all people equal no matter where they live A. Every assertion made by our highest political and military leaders should be challenged B. We need to unite behind our leaders to show the rest of the world we are strong A. Society works better if people adhere to a simple. unbending moral code B. Situations vary and inflexible moral codes can cause serious problems A. The best leaders take clear positions and never budge from their resolve B. The best leaders are willing to change their minds and to admit to even embarrassing mistakes A. Society works better if all people are left to accomplish things on their own B. Society works better if the well-to-do are required to help the downtrodden A. Swift and severe punishment for criminals is the best B. Punishment should be tailored to the specific circumstances of the crime and traits of the criminal A. Society works better if people are given the benefit of the doubt B. Society works better if we assume that people will behave bad if given the chance A. Without a firm moral code the social fabric would immediately break down B. With time and teaching. people can learn to behave in a generous fashion Sample Size (Pairs) Respondents were asked: for each pair which is closest to your beliefs: A or B? 96 155 Co-twin Correlations MZ Australian 2008 Economic equity 0.378 DZ 0.12 A. Incomes should be made more equal B. We need larger income differences as incentives for individual effort Sample Size (Pairs) 96 155 Respondents were asked: how would you place your views on this scale (1 to 10). Score of 1 means you completely agree with statement A, 10 you completely agree with statement B, and if you view falls somewhere between please choose a number between A(1) and B(10). 3 Co-twin Correlations MZ Denmark 2009 Attitude Ideology Scale DZ 0.671 0.519 435 633 high incomes do not pay enough taxes Income inequalities are still too large Harsher punishment for violent crimes We should protect our national customs Reduce Crime through prevention/counseling Environmental policies should not hurt business Homosexuals should have the same rights Taxes on gas should be increased More political referendum Religious extremists right to organize public meetings Porn should be accepted by society equal rights for women should be accepted by society Gay marriage should be accepted by society Stem cell research should be accepted by society Torture Terrorist suspects should be accepted by society Warrantless searches should be accepted by society Sample Size (pairs) 4 Co-twin Correlations MZ Denmark 2009 Individualism-Collectivism Attitudes DZ 0.537 0.372 435 633 Individuals or the State should take more responsibility People who are unemployed should have to take any job Competition is healthy/harmful The state should give more freedom/take more control to firms We have gone too far in terms of welfare reforms Sample Size (pairs) 5 Co-twin Correlations MZ Denmark 2009 Equality-Freedom Ideology DZ 0.461 0.276 435 633 Which of these two statements comes closest to your own opinion? A says: I find that both freedom and equality are important. But if I were to choose one or the other, I would consider personal freedom more important, that is, everyone can live in freedom and develop without hindrance B says: Certainly both freedom and equality are important. But if I were to choose one or the other, I would consider equality more important, that is, that nobody is underprivileged and that social class differences are not so strong. Sample Size (pairs) 6 Co-twin Correlations MZ US 1988 Attitude Ideology Scale DZ 0.427 0.217 Sample Size (Pairs) 2107 2429 US 1988 Values Scale 0.383 0.146 1007 714 Death Penalty Immigration Astrology Capitalism X-rated Segregation Modern Art Moral Majority Womens Lib Pacifism Foreign Aid Censorship Federal housing Nuclear Power Democrats Living together Military Drill Republicans Draft Divorce Abortion School Prayer Property Tax Unions Gay rights Socialism Liberals Busing Be Happy Self-control Obey parents Be Neat and Clean Be dependable Defend one's self Be considerate Be ambitious Face problems calmly Keep in good health Obey law Sample Size (Pairs) 7 Co-twin Correlations MZ US 1990-2 HHO Follow-up Attitude Ideology Scale Abortion Family Values Affirm Action Fed Housing Animal Rights Foreign Aid Arms Reduction Fundamentalists Astrology Gay Rights Bible Study Gun Control Busing Immigration Capitalism Legalize Pot Censorship Liberals Death penalty Life after Death Democrats Living together Divorce Longer Prison Draft Mercy Killing Drug Testing Military Drill Extramarital Sex Miracles Moral Majority Unions Nuclear Power Welfare Pacifism White Supremacy Private Schools Women’s Lib Property Tax X-rated 1990 Republicans Segregation Right to life Smokers Rights School Prayer Socialism School Religious Education Tax Reform School Sex Ed TV Evangelists Sample Size (Pairs) 8 DZ 0.396 0.156 836 778 Co-twin Correlations MZ US 2008 Attitude Ideology Scale Iraq War School prayer Increase welfare spending Pacifism Protect gun rights Socialism Increase military spending Pornography Allow warrantless searches Stop illegal immigration Globalization Women's equality Strict pollution control Death penalty Small government Premarital sex School standards Gay marriage Foreign aid Abortion rights Lower taxes Evolution Stem cell research Patriotism Abstinence only sex education Biblical truth Allow torture of terrorism suspects Sample Size (Pairs) US 2008 7 point Liberal-Conservative Ideology Generally speaking, which of these best describes your political views? DZ 0.627 0.365 338 227 0.408 0.188 348 231 0.585 0.327 275 183 Extremely Liberal-Extremely Conservative Sample Size (Pairs) US 2008 Right Wing Authoritarianism Our country needs a powerful leader, in order to destroy the radical and immoral currents prevailing in society Facts show that we have to be harder against crime and sexual immorality, in order to uphold law and order. It would be best if newspapers were censored so that people would not be able to get hold of destructive and Our forefathers ought to be honored more for the way they have built our society, at the same time we ought Our country needs free thinkers, who will have the courage to stand up against traditional ways It is better to accept bad literature than to censor it. General Question: ] People ought to put less attention to the Bible and religion, instead they ought to develop their own moral The old-fashioned ways and ;old-fashioned values ; still show the best way to live. God's laws about abortion, pornography and marriage must be strictly followed before it is too late, violate There are many radical, immoral people trying to ruin things; the society ought to stop them. The society needs to show openness towards people thinking differently, rather than a strong leader, the world Many good people challenge the state, criticize the church and ignore the normal way of living." If the society so wants, it is the duty of every true citizen to help eliminate the evil that poisons our co The situation in the society of today would be improved if troublemaker were treated with reason and humanity Our society would be better off if we showed tolerance and understanding for untraditional values. Sample Size (Pairs) 9 US 2008 Economic Egalitarianism One of the biggest problems in this country is that we don't give everyone an equal chance We have gone too far in pushing equality in this country. If wealth were more equal in this country we would have many fewer problems Incomes should be more equal because every family's needs for food, housing, and so on 0.4 0.154 347 229 This country would be better off if we worried less about how equal people are. Sample Size (Pairs) 10 SWEDEN 2010 Co-twin Correlations Left-right self-placement (1-10) Sample size (MZ/DZ pairs) In politics you sometimes talk about left and right. Where would you place yourself on a 1-10 scale where 1 stands for left and 10 stands for right? Liberalism-conservatism attitudes Index (1-5, 34 items) Sample size (MZ/DZ pairs) Items included in the liberalism-conservatism index; items coded 1-5 (very good to very bad proposal) Decrease the public sector Decrease defense expenses (reversed) Decrease welfare benefits Decrease taxes Keep property taxes (reversed) Sell public companies to private buyers Decrease income inequality in society (reversed) Have more private companies in health care Decrease the influence of financial markets on politics (reversed) Keep the maximum fee for daycare (reversed) Have more private schools Introduce grades earlier in school Increase the economic support to rural areas (reversed) Introduce 6-hour working day for all employees (reversed) Forbid all kinds of pornography (reversed) Limit the right to free abortion Introduce much harder punishments for criminals Strengthen animal rights (reversed) Sweden should in the long run carry through a nuclear phase-out (reversed) Stop motoring in the inner city (reversed) Invest more to prevent environmental damages (reversed) Decrease carbon dioxide emissions (reversed) Increase labor immigration to Sweden (reversed) Introduce a language test to become a Swedish citizen Decrease foreign aid Accept fewer refugees in Sweden Increase the economic support to immigrants so that they can preserve their own culture (reversed) Remit debt to developing countries (reversed) Give private companies more freedom Sweden should leave the EU (reversed) Sweden should introduce the EURO Sweden should become members in NATO Sweden should work for increased free trade all over the world Sweden should actively support the US war on terrorism 11 MZ 0.469 1093 DZ 0.401 1188 0.550 1121 0.356 1201 Hungary 2010 MZ DZ Left-Right Many use the terms left and right to describe political standing. This figure shows the degrees between being one the left and being on the right. On this figure how would you place your own political standing .752 .82 Liberal -Conservative Many use the terms liberal and conservative to describe political standing. This figure shows the degrees between being liberal and being conservative. On this figure how would you place your own political standing? 0.758 0.547 46 19 Sample Size (Pairs) 12 SI 2. Results of Variance Components Modeling Male Parameter Estimates US 2008 Political Attitude Ideology (27 item) - ACE equate males and females Right Wing Authoritarianism - ACE equate males and females 7 point Left-right Ideology - ACE equate males and females Individualism- collectivism - ACE equate males and females Female Parameter Estimates a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 -2LL .44 (.04-.65) .12 (.00-.46) .45 (.35-.58) .61 (.34-.74) .07 (.00-.31) .32 (.26-.39) 3514.475 .54 (.31-.68) .09 (.00-.29) .37 (.32-.43) .54 (.31-.68) .09 (.00-.29) .37 (.32-.43) 3521.546 .36 (.02-.71) .27 (.00-.56) .36 (27-.48) .56 (.21-.54) 0 (.00-.30) .44 (.36-.55) 3184.622 .51 (.24-.65) .08 (.00-0.32) .41 (35-.49) .51 (.24-.65) .08 (.00 -0.32) .41 (35-.49) 3190.159 .47 (.13-.58) .0 (.00-.28) .53 (.42-.66) .53 (.25-.61) .0 (.00-.23) .47 (.39-.57) 3628.556 .51 (.43-.58) .0 (.00-.17) .49 (.42-.57) .51 (.43-.58) .0 (.00-.17) .49 (.42-.57) 3630.002 .45 (.12-.57) .0 (.00-.00) .55 (.43-.68) .35 (.07-.45) .0 (.00-.00) .66 (.55-.76) 3652.443 .39 (.21-.47) .0 (.00-.00) .61 (.53-.70) .39 (.21-.47) .0 (.00-.00) .61 (.53-.70) 3657.274 Notes: 95% confidence intervals in parentheses ∆X2 ∆df AIC p-value 928.475 7.071 3 929.546 0.07 880.622 5.537 3 1.446 3 880.959 0.14 1028.556 1024.002 0.69 1056.443 4.831 3 1055.274 0.18 Male Parameter Estimates a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 -2LL .59 (.41-.68) .02 (.00-.14) .39 (.28-.54) .40 (.33-.45) .23 (.06-.34) .37 (.29-.59) 27965.45 .47 (.39-.55) .09(.00-.26) .44 (.29-.57) .47 (.39-.55) .09(.00-.26) .44 (.29-.57) 27971.364 .39 (.23-.54) .00 (.00-.03) .61 (.49-.71) .36 (.25-.51) .00 (.00-.08) .64 (.43-.77) 12063.1 .37 (.28-.42) .00 (.00-.06) .63 (.58-.67) .37 (.28-.42) .00 (.00-.06) .63 (.58-.67) 12063.325 US 1988 Political Attitude Ideology (28 item) - ACE equate males and females Life Values - ACE equate males and females Female Parameter Estimates Male Parameter Estimates US HHO 1990-1992 FOLLOW UP Political Attitude Ideology (50-item) - ACE equate males and females ∆X2 ∆df AIC p-value 7563.45 5.914 3 0.12 3415.1 0.225 3 3409.325 0.97 Female Parameter Estimates a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 -2LL 0.21 (.05-.45) 0.12 (.00-.29) 0.67 (.60-.74) .41 (.24-.47) .01 (.00-.17) .58 (.53-.63) 16346.674 .33 (.17-.44) 0.05 (.00-.17) 0.67 (.56-.70) .33 (.17-.44) 0.05 (.00-.17) 0.67 (.56-.70) 16348.608 14 ∆X2 ∆df AIC p-value 11832.674 1.934 3 11828.608 0.59 Male Parameter Estimates a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 .47 (.05-.63) .00 (.00-.50) .53 (.37-.74) .42 (.01-.66) .00 (.00-.38) .58 (.34-.95) -246.718 .46 (.09-.60) .00 (.00-.27) .54 (.40-.72) .46 (.09-.60) .00 (.00-.27) .54 (.40-.72) -245.563 0.28 (.01-.48) .00 (.00-.36) .72 (.52-.96) .23 (.00-.50) .00 (.00-.33) .77 (.50-.97) 1616.026 0.27 (.01-.42) .00 (.00-.25) .73 (.57-.92) 0.27 (.01-.42) .00 (.00-.25) .73 (.57-.92) 1616.941 .46 (.03-.62) .00 (.00-.34) .53 (.38-.75) .12 (.00-.40) .00 (.00-.21) .88(.60-.92) 2779.285 .34 (.04-.48) .00 (.00-.21) .67 (.52-.83) .33 (.04-.48) .00 (.00-.21) .66 (.52-.83) 2783.306 Australia 2008 Political Attitude Ideology (29 item) - ACE equate males and females Authoritarian Values Ideology - ACE equate males and females Female Parameter Estimates Individualism- collectivism - ACE equate males and females Male Parameter Estimates - ACE equate males and females c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 -2LL .33 (.27-.39) .29 (.18-.35) .38 (.31-.46) .27 (.20-.34) .41 (.31-.47) .31 (.27-.46) 23726.443 .31 (.26-.37) .32 (.24-.41) .37 (.32-.50) .31 (.26-.37) .32 (.24-.41) .37 (.32-.50) 23728.144 Male Parameter Estimates Australia 1980 Political Attitude Ideology (50-item) - ACE equate males and females AIC ∆df p-value -1356.718 1.155 3 0.915 3 -1361.563 0.76 506.026 500.941 0.82 1669.285 4.021 3 1667.306 0.25 Female Parameter Estimates a2 Australia 1990 Political Attitude Ideology ACE (50 item) ∆X2 -2LL ∆X2 ∆df 1.701 3 AIC p-value 6774.443 6773.144 0.64 Female Parameter Estimates a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 -2LL .27 (.08-.41) .08 (.00-.08) .66 (.60-.73) .30 (.15-.32) .08 (.00-.22) .62 (.57-.66) 54052.852 .30 (.15-.40) .07 (.00-.18) .63 (.60-.67) .30 (.15-.40) .07 (.00-.18) .63 (.60-.67) 54058.223 15 ∆X2 ∆df AIC p-value 38884.852 5.371 3 38884.223 0.15 Male Parameter Estimates Denmark 2009 Classic Freedom-Equality Ideology - ACE equate males and females Individualism- collectivism - ACE equate males and females Political Attitude Ideology (15 item) - ACE equate males and females Female Parameter Estimates a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 .48 (.12-.59) .00 (.00-.29) .52 (.41-.65) .28 (.00-.52) .16 (.00-.39) .56 (.47-.66) 5617.215 .37 (.14-.53) .09 (.00-.27) .54 (.47-.62) .37 (.14-.53) .09 (.00-.27) .54 (.47-.62) 5618.258 .40 (.06-.61) .14 (.00-.41) .46 (.38-.58) .25 (.02-.49) .22 (.00-.38) .52 (.44-.59) 10701.997 .31 (.19-.46) .19 (.07-.28) .49 (.43-.56) .31 (.19-.46) .19 (.07-.28) .49 (.43-.56) 10705.099 .43 (.17-.71) .25 (.00-.47) .32 (.26-.41) .22 (.04-.41) .46 (.29-.61) .31 (.26-.38) 5493.454 .31 (.17-.47) .38 (.23-.49) .31 (.28-.36) .31 (.17-.47) .38 (.23-.49) .31 (.28-.36) 5516.349 16 -2LL ∆X2 ∆df AIC p-value 1519.215 1.043 3 1514.258 0.79 6453.997 3.102 3 6451.099 0.38 1297.454 22.895 3 1314.349 <.001 ACE Parameter Estimates Hungary 2011 a2 c2 e2 Liberal-Conservative self-placement .39 (.19-.47) .34 (.29-.82) .27 (.16-.49) Left-Right Self-Placement .00 (.00-.54) .78 (.65-.87) .23 (.13-.340) - samples are too small for model fitting 17 Male Parameter Estimates Female Parameter Estimates Sweden 2010 a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 -2LL Left-right self-placement .05 (.00-.24) .40 (.25-.49) .55 (.48-.61) .23 (.07-.39) .26 (.13-.39) .51 (.46-.57) 21088.809 - ACE equate males and females .15 (.03-.28) .32 (.22-.42) .53 (.48-.57) .15 (.03-.28) .32 (.22-.42) .53 (.48-.57) 21091.027 Liberalism-conservatism index .37 (.19-.56) .17 (.01-.32) .46 (.40-.52) .45 (.29-.57) .08 (.00-.21) .48 (.43-.53) 4434.278 - ACE equate males and females .41 (.29-.53) .12 (.01-.22) .47 (.43-.51) .41 (.29-.53) .12 (.01-.22) .47 (.43-.51) 4443.053 18 ΔX2 Δdf 2.218 3 AIC p-value 11780.809 11777.027 0.53 -4963.722 8.774 3 -4960.947 0.03 SI 3. SNPs with a p-value better than 5 x 10-06 Australia 2008 CHR SNP AL1 AL2 FREQ1 6 rs9295794 A G 0.088 0.437 0.079 3.52E-08 6 rs9393945 C G 0.912 -0.437 0.079 3.55E-08 6 rs6930288 A T 0.912 -0.436 0.079 3.56E-08 6 rs9391759 A G 0.912 -0.437 0.079 3.63E-08 6 rs9295791 A G 0.91 -0.434 0.079 3.86E-08 6 rs4713201 C T 0.132 0.379 0.069 4.15E-08 6 rs7766902 G T 0.909 -0.422 0.077 4.43E-08 6 rs9393944 A G 0.091 0.429 0.079 4.53E-08 3 rs9813052 A C 0.013 2.024 0.382 1.17E-07 3 rs4425256 G T 0.988 -2.019 0.384 1.42E-07 6 rs9368591 C T 0.901 -0.393 0.075 1.59E-07 6 rs9348819 C T 0.901 -0.389 0.075 1.84E-07 6 rs4713199 A G 0.901 -0.389 0.075 1.85E-07 6 rs9380106 A T 0.901 -0.389 0.075 1.87E-07 6 rs10946966 A G 0.097 0.393 0.076 2.02E-07 6 rs4713197 A C 0.9 -0.387 0.075 2.04E-07 6 rs4713195 A T 0.1 0.387 0.075 2.05E-07 6 rs9380103 A G 0.9 -0.386 0.075 2.21E-07 6 rs4713191 C T 0.099 0.384 0.075 3.19E-07 6 rs17399888 A C 0.901 -0.38 0.075 3.43E-07 6 rs968723 A T 0.918 -0.415 0.082 3.54E-07 2 rs12477520 C T 0.986 -1.388 0.276 4.91E-07 9 rs10961913 A G 0.217 -0.269 0.054 5.42E-07 2 rs6543023 C T 0.981 -1.276 0.255 5.62E-07 9 rs10961909 C G 0.785 0.266 0.054 6.83E-07 9 rs7031497 C G 0.215 -0.266 0.054 7.21E-07 6 rs9348826 C G 0.09 0.375 0.076 7.71E-07 9 rs1412255 C T 0.214 -0.264 0.054 8.37E-07 9 rs10810355 C T 0.786 0.263 0.054 8.49E-07 6 rs9380098 A G 0.069 0.446 0.092 1.17E-06 6 rs9257171 A G 0.075 0.404 0.084 1.50E-06 6 rs9257696 C T 0.093 0.362 0.075 1.50E-06 6 rs9378186 A G 0.093 0.361 0.075 1.54E-06 6 rs9380100 C T 0.915 -0.381 0.079 1.64E-06 6 rs4947256 A C 0.085 0.38 0.079 1.69E-06 6 rs9295793 A C 0.137 0.323 0.068 2.05E-06 6 rs7746064 C G 0.089 0.377 0.079 2.10E-06 6 rs9393954 A T 0.093 0.352 0.075 2.50E-06 6 rs6456865 A G 0.101 0.358 0.076 2.57E-06 19 EFFECT SE PVALUE 9 rs1888838 A G 0.784 0.25 0.053 2.71E-06 1 rs665282 A G 0.788 0.266 0.057 2.79E-06 1 rs1755583 C T 0.212 -0.266 0.057 2.81E-06 1 rs651042 C T 0.212 -0.266 0.057 2.82E-06 5 rs12520079 A C 0.324 0.224 0.048 3.17E-06 6 rs7763661 A G 0.086 0.37 0.08 3.23E-06 6 rs743848 G T 0.914 -0.37 0.08 3.25E-06 1 rs12734496 A G 0.093 0.481 0.103 3.34E-06 6 rs7763390 A C 0.852 -0.29 0.062 3.48E-06 6 rs16894237 C T 0.916 -0.36 0.078 3.58E-06 6 rs2211495 A G 0.084 0.36 0.078 3.61E-06 6 rs6904278 A G 0.916 -0.371 0.08 3.62E-06 6 rs763007 A C 0.916 -0.371 0.08 3.63E-06 6 rs16894234 C G 0.084 0.359 0.078 3.63E-06 6 rs6928948 A C 0.084 0.369 0.08 3.78E-06 16 rs7192554 A G 0.009 1.668 0.361 3.82E-06 6 rs1056032 C T 0.916 -0.369 0.08 3.87E-06 6 rs4713209 A T 0.907 -0.343 0.074 3.92E-06 6 rs1954407 G T 0.084 0.356 0.077 3.96E-06 6 rs1419094 G T 0.916 -0.356 0.077 3.97E-06 6 rs9357078 C T 0.907 -0.342 0.074 4.19E-06 6 rs9295782 A G 0.083 0.367 0.08 4.31E-06 6 rs9380119 A G 0.907 -0.341 0.074 4.34E-06 6 rs9348827 G T 0.907 -0.341 0.074 4.45E-06 5 rs10061148 A G 0.679 -0.22 0.048 4.45E-06 5 rs1477306 C T 0.679 -0.22 0.048 4.46E-06 6 rs2071788 C T 0.918 -0.367 0.08 4.49E-06 12 rs2240868 C T 0.011 1.056 0.23 4.59E-06 6 rs2032502 C T 0.917 -0.366 0.08 4.61E-06 5 rs17070145 C T 0.679 -0.219 0.048 4.62E-06 5 rs9313411 C T 0.679 -0.219 0.048 4.66E-06 12 rs7295376 C G 0.011 1.063 0.232 4.67E-06 6 rs3763338 A G 0.083 0.366 0.08 4.70E-06 6 rs9357080 A G 0.907 -0.34 0.074 4.72E-06 5 rs10462974 A G 0.679 -0.219 0.048 4.84E-06 6 rs7762289 A C 0.906 -0.351 0.077 5.16E-06 6 rs7761745 C T 0.906 -0.351 0.077 5.16E-06 6 rs4713210 C T 0.907 -0.339 0.074 5.20E-06 4 rs1479007 A G 0.109 -0.329 0.072 5.58E-06 4 rs11942391 A G 0.109 -0.328 0.072 5.76E-06 4 rs6554339 C T 0.891 0.328 0.073 5.98E-06 12 rs7132503 A G 0.011 1.154 0.255 6.02E-06 16 rs9925564 A G 0.991 -1.591 0.352 6.13E-06 20 6 rs9257797 A G 0.111 0.314 0.07 6.23E-06 6 rs9257799 C T 0.111 0.314 0.07 6.24E-06 1 rs12757973 C T 0.953 -0.664 0.147 6.35E-06 5 rs10866628 A T 0.68 -0.217 0.048 7.04E-06 6 rs16894184 C T 0.087 0.358 0.08 7.44E-06 6 rs16894189 C T 0.912 -0.358 0.08 7.44E-06 7 rs17171045 C G 0.189 -0.286 0.064 7.81E-06 2 rs7567981 C T 0.009 1.426 0.319 7.89E-06 1 rs12142474 A G 0.933 -0.397 0.089 7.96E-06 6 rs9391791 A C 0.906 -0.332 0.074 8.10E-06 6 rs9380120 C T 0.094 0.332 0.074 8.21E-06 5 rs13188278 A C 0.035 0.517 0.116 8.87E-06 6 rs6905729 A T 0.155 0.277 0.062 8.96E-06 6 rs6903771 C T 0.844 -0.275 0.062 9.69E-06 21 Australia 1990 CHR SNP AL1 AL2 FREQ1 EFFECT 5 rs2036023 A C 0.571 -0.098 6 rs17630640 A G 0.871 5 rs7704021 A C 0.388 6 rs9398764 A G 5 rs6555264 C 5 rs6555263 5 rs6894281 5 SE PVALUE 0.02 1.09E-06 0.143 0.03 1.38E-06 0.098 0.021 2.28E-06 0.662 0.101 0.022 5.22E-06 G 0.961 0.352 0.078 6.59E-06 G T 0.04 -0.352 0.078 6.61E-06 A G 0.04 -0.351 0.078 6.67E-06 rs10036225 C G 0.04 -0.345 0.077 6.72E-06 5 rs7712941 C T 0.04 -0.345 0.077 6.72E-06 6 rs4709741 A C 0.107 -0.223 0.05 6.77E-06 5 rs7718797 G T 0.608 -0.093 0.021 7.11E-06 5 rs7705226 C T 0.393 0.093 0.021 7.23E-06 5 rs6887436 C T 0.393 0.093 0.021 7.28E-06 5 rs10036180 C T 0.042 -0.332 0.074 7.34E-06 5 rs6882308 A G 0.042 -0.327 0.073 7.66E-06 5 rs6555262 C T 0.957 0.315 0.071 8.36E-06 5 rs6868320 A G 0.603 -0.092 0.021 8.37E-06 5 rs6555261 C T 0.957 0.313 0.07 8.53E-06 5 rs6555260 C G 0.956 0.312 0.07 8.70E-06 21 rs2832114 C T 0.698 0.101 0.023 9.06E-06 2 rs7589373 A G 0.906 0.149 0.034 9.17E-06 5 rs6555259 A G 0.044 -0.304 0.069 9.29E-06 11 rs480081 A C 0.244 -0.103 0.023 9.30E-06 rs10079205 C G 0.044 -0.304 0.069 9.38E-06 5 22 Sweden 2010 CHR SNP AL1 AL2 FREQ1 5 rs13174333 G C 0.51 9 rs16910029 G C 5 rs6594417 T C 9 rs7867754 T 9 rs13286734 9 9 EFFECT SE PVALUE 0.305 0.062 7.35E-07 0.055 0.498 0.105 2.16E-06 0.487 -0.293 0.062 2.27E-06 G 0.072 0.494 0.105 2.43E-06 T C 0.056 0.496 0.105 2.46E-06 rs9942876 T C 0.911 -0.49 0.104 2.46E-06 rs13292040 T C 0.055 0.494 0.105 2.79E-06 9 rs877755 T C 0.907 -0.481 0.103 2.87E-06 9 rs10733404 C A 0.939 -0.489 0.105 2.91E-06 9 rs4978031 T C 0.053 0.492 0.105 3.05E-06 9 rs7870311 G A 0.066 0.49 0.105 3.18E-06 9 rs12345614 T G 0.107 0.481 0.104 3.44E-06 9 rs10867781 T C 0.663 -0.292 0.063 3.44E-06 9 rs2383605 T A 0.055 0.491 0.107 4.49E-06 5 rs2925093 C A 0.527 0.278 0.061 5.28E-06 14 rs4020126 T C 0.24 0.334 0.074 5.88E-06 18 rs4432340 G A 0.864 0.403 0.089 5.98E-06 4 rs16839310 T C 0.836 -0.47 0.105 6.90E-06 14 rs7141888 T C 0.78 0.329 0.074 8.18E-06 14 rs8011567 T C 0.185 0.387 0.087 8.64E-06 9 rs1537292 T C 0.882 -0.451 0.102 9.08E-06 5 rs4957851 C A 0.641 0.276 0.062 9.41E-06 9 rs13291149 T A 0.944 -0.451 0.102 9.51E-06 18 rs16945953 T G 0.143 -0.43 0.097 9.83E-06 14 rs2287653 T C 0.225 0.326 0.074 9.85E-06 5 rs10076394 G C 0.928 0.499 0.113 9.91E-06 23 Meta-Analysis CHR SNP AL1 AL2 EFFECT 6 rs9398764 a g 0.0958 0.0195 8.62E-07 7 rs500454 t g 0.4937 0.1071 4.04E-06 3 rs16824957 a c -0.157 0.0349 6.90E-06 4 rs1494950 a g -0.3081 0.0695 9.27E-06 5 rs6555263 t g 0.3285 0.071 3.68E-06 5 rs6555264 c g 0.3285 0.071 3.68E-06 5 rs10036180 t c 0.3111 0.0673 3.84E-06 5 rs6894281 a g -0.3277 0.071 3.88E-06 5 rs6882308 a g -0.3065 0.0664 5 rs6555261 t c -0.2207 0.0589 3.95E-06 4.02E-06 5 rs10036225 c g -0.3221 0.07 4.17E-06 5 rs7712941 t c 0.3221 0.07 4.17E-06 5 rs6555260 c g 0.2931 0.0637 4.20E-06 5 rs6555254 a g -0.2798 0.0611 4.64E-06 5 rs6555262 t c -0.2957 0.0646 5 rs6555259 a g -0.2156 0.058 4.73E-06 5.21E-06 5 rs10043296 c g 0.2778 0.061 5.26E-06 5 rs10079205 c g -0.2855 0.0627 5.29E-06 5 rs4702522 a g -0.2678 0.0592 6.05E-06 17 rs12602795 t c -0.0945 0.0214 9.65E-06 24 SE PVALUE