Islamic Finance in the current economic environment Research conducted by: Muriel Sandrine Junaideen

Islamic Finance
in the current economic environment
Research conducted by:
Muriel Sandrine Junaideen
This survey is part of a research into Islamic Finance to find out whether this method of finance can be a
viable alternative or complementary financial system for the current global economic environment. It
also seeks to find out the attitudes towards Islamic Finance in the UK which has now become the hub of
Islamic Finance in the west.
It is argued that one of the major causes for the current financial crisis is the lack of adequate market
discipline in the financial system resulting in excessive lending, high leverage and products like
derivatives and options. Risk-sharing, which Islamic finance wishes to introduce, can help instil greater
discipline in the system and curb lax lending.
Please answer the questions freely. You will not be identified from the information you provide, and no
information about individuals will be used without your consent in the research paper.
All the information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence
The questionnaire should take you about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Please answer all questions to
the best of your knowledge as your answers are essential in building an accurate picture of this system
of finance.
Return of the questionnaire
Please return the filled-in questionnaire before March 15, 2010 via email to or via fax to (+94) 719 378 660.
Please send additional information if you can to my mail:
If you have any questions concerning this study or the completion of the questionnaire please contact
me on my mail which is:
I hope you find completing the questionnaire enjoyable and thank you for your help.
Respondent Contact Information
Please fill in the blanks:
Name of respondent: ____________________________________________________
Position title (Function): __________________________________________________
Fax: ____________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
For your subsequent assessment of the industry and market environment, please
indicate the geographical area you are currently residing:
Saudi Arabia
GCC area
South East Asia
Other (please specify):_______________________________________________
Questionnaire Part One
Please answer this questionnaire with a simple YES /NO or a short answer:
Please highlight your answers in red when responding by mail.
Q.1 - Are you aware of Islamic Finance?
A- Yes.
Q.2 - Are you aware that the Quran prohibits the receiving or paying of Interest (for example Interest
gained from a savings account)?
A- Yes.
Q.3 - Would you be willing to deposit your money or take Islamic finance from an Islamic bank rather
than a conventional bank?
A- Yes.
Q.4- Do you know all types of Islamic finance:
A- Yes.
D- Some of them.
If your answer is yes, please tick the methods you are familiar with:
a.) Mudaraba
b.) Musharaka ___
c.) Ijara
d.) Salam
Q.5- In your opinion, what is the cause for the recent global financial crisis? (Please select an option or
give a short answer):
A- Excessive lending.
B- High interest rate.
C- Trading in derivatives.
D - Speculative.
E- Short answer:
Q.6-Do you think that the Islamic financial system could be a solution to this crisis:
A- Yes.
If yes, please indicate how:
Q.7- Do you agree that Islamic institutions survived in this crisis:
A- Yes.
Q.8- Do you agree that entrepreneurs by associating themselves with Islamic banks will become more
ethical in conducting their business:
A- Yes.
Q.9- Do you agree that the goal of Islamic banks is not limited to maximisation of shareholders’ wealth,
but also includes enhancement of the standard of living
A- Yes.
Q.10- What do you think about the rate of return in Islamic finance comparing to conventional finance:
A- More.
B- Equal.
C- Lower.
Q.11- Do you think that Islamic banks differ from conventional banks only in the name of their services:
A- Yes.
B- No.
Q.12- Do you think that Islamic banking products and services available are similar to the products and
services of conventional banks, except that the banks use different names to name those products.
A- Yes.
B- No.
Q.13- Do you think that the Islamic financial system offer sufficient financial products and instruments
to satisfy consumers’ needs?
A- Yes.
B- No.
Q.14- Do you think that Islamic insurance (Takaful) is better than conventional insurance:
A- Yes.
Q.15- Do you support a full-fledged Islamic financial system (like Iran & Sudan) or a mixed financial
system (like Bahrain & Malaysia):
A- Full-fledged.
B- Mixed.
Please give an explanation for your choice:
Q.16-How long do you think this system of finance could take to prove its viability internationally?
A- Less than 10years.
B- Between 10-20years.
C- More than 20years.
Q.17- What do you think are the obstacles that Islamic Finance is facing (rank it):
A- Legislations & regulations.
B- Human resources.
C- Public acceptance
E- Underdeveloped system
F- Other (Please specify):
D-Public awareness
Q.18: Do you think that Islamic financial system could be a viable alternative to the current financial
system and why?
A- Yes.
Please give an explanation for your choice:
Questionnaire Part Two
Q.1- Please indicate how you view the importance of the following factors affecting the Islamic
Finance Industry:
(1-7: 1=not important, 7=very important)
Sophistication of banking information technology
Decrease of long-term customer-relationship
Increased competition and cost pressure
Q.2- In most countries, Islamic Banks (IBs) are in competition with conventional banks.
Please indicate to what extent you disagree or agree.
(1=strongly disagree…7=strongly agree.)
Compared to conventional banks or financial products…
…IBs benefit from higher market growth rates
…Islamic products can be priced more expensively
…IBs have easier access to shareholder’s equity
…IB’s have easier access to capital (deposit or funding)
…IBs are exposed to lower risk(e.g. borrower default risk) ____
…IBs incur lower funding costs
…IBs incur lower operation costs
…IBs gain higher profit margin
…IBs benefit from a larger market size (cater to both conventional and Islamic investors)___
Q.3- When evaluating the various forces shaping the Islamic finance industry, please indicate
for each of the following statements to what extent you disagree or agree. Please refer to your
own geographic focus.
(1=strongly disagree…7=strongly agree)
Competition in the industry is very high
The clients have a strong bargaining position
Clients prefer short-term deposits & Investments
Most clients regard conventional banks as substitutes for Islamic bank
The industry’s liquidity market is too restricted
The industry’s regulatory & legal framework could improve
There is lack of standardization of Sharia opinions
The industry’s capital market is underdeveloped
There is not enough attractive profit-and-loss sharing investment opportunities ____
Q.4- In your opinion, what principal goals does Islamic banking pursue? (Multiple answer
possible- Please rank your answers 1-7)
Providing highest-standard banking services
Developing the economy
Maximizing profits
Promoting the precepts of Islam
Maximizing the shareholder value
Promoting social welfare
Encouraging people to save & invest
Q.5- How would you rate Islamic finance and banking strength relative to conventional banking
for each of the following?
(1=much weaker than conventional banks…7=much stronger than conventional banks)
Organization Structure & Communication
Clearly structured roles and responsibilities
Vertical communication
Cross-functional information exchange
Cross-functional co-operation
Team-based approach
Market-oriented organization
Management Quality
Managerial competencies
Quality of Leadership
Clear strategic vision
Strategic implementation
Effective resource management
Knowledge and skills of employees
Product development
Technological expertise
Technological capabilities and equipment
Resource efficiency
Know-how of both Islamic & Financial market requirements
Quick & efficient Shariah-approval process
Marketing and Sales
Reputation as financial services provider
Brand image
Placing power
Market knowledge
Reputation as Islamic banking
Information Processing capabilities
Control of and access to distribution channels
Advantageous relationship with customers
Engagement in socially beneficial activities
Current customer base
Branch network
ATM network
Internet banking
Call center
Deal and customer assessment
Customer counseling
Private equity/venture capital expertise
Response time to customer requests
Financial expertise Shariah board reputation
Service quality
Technological expertise
Technical capabilities and equipment
Resource efficiency
Quick & efficient Sharia-approval process
Transaction Processing
Service quality
Securization of investment products
Technological expertise
Technological capabilities and equipment
Resource efficiency
Trading and treasury
Steering and Supporting Functions
Shariah compliance
Effectiveness and efficiency of Shariah board
Strategic planning
Risk management
Research capabilities
Asset quality
Equity base
Knowledge and data management
Compensation and reward system
HR processes and administration
Use of strategy-enforcing tools (e.g. balanced scorecard)_____
Access to short-term capital
Thank you