Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation
Important Dates
1924 Society of Human Rights-1st gay organization
1963 Illinois decriminalizes homosexual acts between consenting
1973 American Psychiatric Association- homosexuality not a
mental disorder
1982 Village Voice offers domestic partner benefits
1982 Wisconsin outlaws discrimination on the basis of sexual
1993 US military. ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’
1996 SFO- nation’s first equal benefits ordinance
2000 Vermont- recognizes legal civil unions between gay or
lesbian couples
2004 Massachusetts legalizes same-sex marriage
2005 Wal-Mart- same-sex partners in new definition of family
Changing Landscape
2000 Census- 15M gay/lesbian, 1M same-sex HH
63% of voters for civil unions for same-sex couples, 47% for full marriage (65%
for 18-35)
11 states bar discrimination against gays
Dec 2003 Gallup poll-79% believe gays can openly serve in the military
62% believe employees with same-sex partners should have equal key
workplace benefits
7,000 orgs offer domestic partner benefits to same-sex or opposite sex couples
(100 in 1992)
70% orgs include sexual orientation in nondiscrimination policies
157 orgs also include ‘gender identity’ or ‘gender identity/expression’ (less than
3 three years ago)
30 states have adoption laws for same-sex couples
46 states have adoption laws for all people, regardless of sexual orientation
Sodomy laws declared unconstitutional
Over 50% of Americans report they have gay friend or acquaintance in 2000
(25% in 1990)
New Study
Prof. Richard Florida and Gary Gates
New ideas and cutting-edge industries that lead to sustained prosperity
are more likely to exist where gay people feel welcome.
Most centers of tech-based business growth also have the highest
concentrations of gay couples. Donversely, major metropolitan areas
with few gay couples tend to be slow or no-growth places.
Innovation and economic vitality are closely associated with the
presence if gay people and other overt indicators of acceptance and
diversity such as a high percentage of immigrants and the level of
racial and ethnic integration.
Creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial activities tend to flourish in
the same kinds of places that attract gays and others outside the norm.
‘a visible and gay community as a signal of a place that’s likely to be
both exciting and comfortable…signs that nonstandard people, and
ideas, are welcome.’
Strategies for Inclusion in the New
Domestic partner benefits
Employee network alliances-networking
Marketing to the GLBT community
Internal and external outreach
Nowledgeable and internal resources and
reference libraries
Extend to sexual orientation federal employment discriminatin
protections currently provided based on race, religion, sex, natinal
origin, age, and disability
Block private and public employers, employment agencies, and labor
unions from using an individual’s sexual orientation as a basis for
employment decisions such as hiring, firing, promotion or
Allow for the same procedures and similar, but somewhat more limited,
remedies as permitted under Title VII and the ADA
Apply to Congress with the same procedures as provided by the
Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 and presidential employees,
with the same procedures as provided under the Presidential and
Executive Office Accountability Act of 1996
Domestic Partner Benefits
Population of people, gay or straight, living
in families of their making absent marriage
has been steadily increasing for more than
15 years
Almost 2 decades of data firmly support the
notion that DPBs are a low-cost, high return
way to demonstrate inclusion that results in
little or no backlash.
Employee Networks
Identify leadership team
Organize subcommittees
Each member of leadership team is also
primary liaison to a committee
A member of senior management is liaison
to each member of the leadership team
Marketing to the GLBT Community
GLBT have a deeper trust for products and brands that
target gay consumers and, more so, for all groups (56 % of
GLBT vs 41%)
47% (vs 18%) more likely to purchase from companies with
progressive policies
GLBT will buy from another GLBT, everything being equal
80% of GLBT (vs 26%) would be willing to recommend
based on inclusion policies
56% of GLBT will shop at store that advertise to GLBT
94% of GLBT (vs 88%) will shop at stores that make them
feel welcome.
Internal and External Outreach
Internal outreach: ensuring all communication
uses inclusive language and that all people,
regardless of background, are made to feel
External outreach: getting involved, supporting
local orgs, allowing employees to participate
Knowledgeable Internal Resources
A hotline
A system of accountability
Expansion of existing reward/award programs
Encouragement of gay employees to bring their
Tools and Techniques
Avoidance of heterosexist assumptions
Inclusive language
Time to understand local laws and ordinances
Organizational resources or internet to get