Chemistry 139: General Chemistry Preparation Summer 2010 section 01 Lecture MTWTh, 9:40 – 11:10 am, SAM 0401 Instructor Dr. Erin M. Gibbons Office: SAM 421 Email: egibbons @ Telephone: (206) 516-3129* Website: Office Hours: M, Th 1:30 – 2:15 pm; other times by appointment, just ask! Email is the most reliable way to contact me. Phone calls during office hours only: * please do not leave a message; send an email instead. Course Description Elementary course in chemistry as preparation for general chemistry sequence. For students in sciences going on in chemistry but have not had HS honors or AP chemistry recently. Students will learn the symbolism and language of chemistry, quantitative relationships that are practiced in general chemistry, and techniques of quantitative and collaborative problem solving. Textbooks Introductory Chemistry, Nivaldo Tro, 3rd edition, 2009. Chapters 1 – 10, 12, 13, 14, and 16 will be covered. Note: The science & math tutor center (SAM 100), the SAM 4th floor study areas, and the SCCC library have other textbooks for different perspectives on a given topic. Other required materials A non-graphing scientific calculator that does logarithms, exponents, and scientific notation. Evaluation and Grading Exams (4) 60% Quizzes 30% Participation (homework) 10% Your final grade will depend on the percentage of total points earned during the quarter. 95% and above = 4.0; 90% = 3.5; 85% = 3.0; 80% = 2.5; 75% = 2.0; 70% = 1.5; 65% = 1.0; 59% = 0.7; <59% = 0.0. Course Content and Themes Matter, atoms, molecules, ions Elements, compounds, and nomenclature Development and use of the periodic table Measurement and uncertainty Ionic and covalent bonding The shapes and polarity of molecules The mole and Avogadro’s number Reactions Stoichiometry Solutions and dilution Acid Base chemistry, pH Class-time focus and student responsibility: This course is heavy with content. Our class-time will be focused on those areas that are best learned through collaborative activities, or are those where instructor support is most needed. You must take responsible for your own learning, and use the study skills of an independent learner. Homework Working through problems is the best way to understand chemistry. Homework will be assigned by chapter, with certain problems due in class each day (see calendar). These are called the Prepared Problems (PP), and are designed to help you stay on top of the fast-moving material. Homework will not be graded by the instructor; it is your responsibility to check your answers against the key. Note that answers to selected problems are in the back of the book. The more problems you do, the more likely you are to succeed in this course; working additional problems beyond those assigned is highly recommended. Prepared Problems: Each prepared problems assignment consists of problems and questions from the chapters of the textbook covered in the corresponding unit. Each prepared problems set is worth 2 points. Homework groups will spend the first 10 minutes of class first assessing each other’s work for completeness (more information will be given on the prepared problems gradesheet), then discussing their answers and approaches to the problems. Prepared problems will not be accepted for credit after the first 5 minutes of class on the day they are due. If you expect to miss class, you may hand in the prepared problems early. Suggested Problems: Suggested problems are for extra practice and will not be graded. Answers to the odd problems are in the back of the textbook. Full solutions to the odd problems are available in the student solutions manual. It is recommended that you do all the Skillbuilder problems as you read the chapters. The answers to all of the Skillbuilders are at the end of each chapter. Be sure to seek help as soon as you need it! Exams Four exams will be given over the course of the quarter; see the schedule for tentative dates. Bring your calculator; no other materials or notes will be permitted. A copy of the periodic table will be provided as needed. Any student caught cheating will receive no credit for that exam. If you can’t make an exam as scheduled, you must contact me before the exam takes place to arrange a make-up. Make-ups will only be considered if documented reasons for the absence are presented. Participation Your participation score is based on attendance and effort displayed during the class, as well as your score on completion of the prepared problems (on time). Participation in individual and group in-class exercises is expected. Course accommodation: If you have any special circumstances requiring course accommodation, please see me as soon as possible so that we can make suitable arrangements in advance. In this course(as in all courses at Seattle Central) all students will be granted an equal opportunity to learn and succeed, regardless of race, class, gender, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or physical disability. If you have any concerns pertaining to these issues, please feel free to speak to the instructor or department dean. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is designed to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access academic programs and successfully complete their studies. Any student with special needs must bring documentation to the Disability Support Services office on the campus before any academic adjustments will be made. Any contacts and/or information will remain strictly confidential. The DSS office is in room BE 1112. The office phone number is 587-4183. Academic Honesty: Do not cheat and/or plagiarize in this class! I take these offenses to academic honesty very seriously. These offenses disrupt the learning environment, corrupt a perpetrator’s ability to learn, and can lead to exclusion of a perpetrator from the academic community. If you feel the need to cheat or plagiarize to get by “just this once”, it is not worth it. Please, seek me out should academic dishonesty tempt you. Help is always there. Anyone observed or involved in cheating or plagiarizing or anyone helping someone to cheat or plagiarize on an exam, quiz, pre-lab, lab report, post-lab, or homework assignment will receive a zero for that assignment and risks failing the course and expulsion from the college. I urge you to obtain a student handbook and review the school’s policy concerning academic honesty. Click here to read a plagiarism article. Click here to see some plagiarism examples. Conduct: By our presence here all of us have entered into a contract. I will, to the best of my ability, act to facilitate a productive learning environment and I expect that you will, to the best of your ability, help me to maintain this environment and master the principles of the discipline presented in this course. To this end we will receive each other’s ideas with respect. Rudeness, tardiness, chatter during lecture, and disrespect make learning difficult and will not be tolerated. This also applies to cellular phones and beepers; turn these devices off during our class. Please ask questions by raising your hand and I will call on you. If you must leave before class ends, please tell me prior to the start of class that you will be exiting and take your seat towards the back of the lecture room. You are responsible for all announcements, lecture notes, assignments, and handouts. No food may be eaten in the classrooms. Drinks with lids are permitted. Non-traditional grading options: "I" (incomplete); "N" (Audit), "NC" (No Credit), and "W" (Official Withdrawal). Non-traditional grades might not be acceptable when evaluated by other institutions and agencies, and may jeopardize future educational opportunities and/or your current or future visa or financial aid status. For more details concerning these options refer to the latest district catalogue. I will not grant a grade of "NC" after completing the 10th week of the quarter. A student who changes his/her grade to "N" and wishes to receive that grade must maintain daily class attendance and participate. Important dates: Last day to add/register: July 8. Last day to withdraw without a "W" appearing on transcript and without instructor permission: July 8 Last day to withdraw (no refund) or change audit/credit status; instructor permission required: Aug. 6 Unit 1 Prepared Problems: PP #1 PP #2 PP #3 Ch. 1: 18, 20 Ch. 2: 5, 38, 40, 64, 72, 78, 82 Ch. 2: 92, 98, 102, 110 PP #5 PP #6 PP #7 Ch. 3: 60, 62, 66, 74, 110 Ch. 3: 98 Ch. 4: 36, 38, 52, 88 PP #4 Ch. 2: 4, 6, 7, 34, 38, 40, 50 (a, b), 108 PP #8 Ch. 4: 54, 60, 62, 64, 68, 92 PP #9 Ch. 4: 108, 112, 116 Ch 9: 34 Chemistry 139 Detailed Schedule Summer 2010 (tentative; subject to change; posted on website)