VCSU Student Senate Meeting Minutes October 22, 2012

VCSU Student Senate
Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2012
Call to Order
a. 7:00
Roll Call
a. Present - Anderson, Garrett; Aune, Amanda; Brady, Bryce; Dammel, Kristine;
Edinger, Erin; Halvorson, Michaela; Hansen, Liana; Hass, Tiffany; Haugeberg,
Benjamin; Hecker, Garret; Hoover, Danae; Hinrichs, Ashley ; Johnson, Alyssa;
Kennedy, Christopher; Ketterling, Kyle; Lagodinski, Lindsay; Mauch, Nicole;
Palowski, Adam; Pederson, Courtney; Rogers, Patrick
b. Not Present
i. Not excused – Williams, Deandre
ii. Excused - Gentzkow, Chelsea
Approval of Minutes
a. Garrett Anderson moves to approve minutes
i. Adam Palowski seconds
Approval of Agenda
a. Garrett Anderson Moves to approve minutes
i. Adam Palowski seconds
New Business
a. Suggestion Box – Campus Gunsafe
i. Adam Haut and Chris Sharpe came in and gave PowerPoint presentation.
ii. Place for gunsafe
1. In dorms?
iii. Security issues
1. Camera, have a name tag, check out with RA
iv. Installation fee
1. Fundraisers with fish and wildlife club
a. Volunteers also
v. Valley city had a gunsafe once before
1. People are to gather information on why it was taken away from
a. Gather again with information
vi. Ask campus if they would want a gunsafe
1. Ask if they think it is a safety concern
vii. Committee for the gunsafe survey?
1. Have the election/polls board put out the survey
2. Then form a committee to see about the gunsafe
a. Include Adam Haute and Chris Sharpe
viii. Fee for the guns put in the safe
ix. Limit for the guns put in the safe
1. 2???
b. Finance Requests
i. GSA
ii. SHRM
iii. DECA
iv. Learning Center
v. Had a meeting with the previous stated groups.
1. Another finance meeting on Thursday for discussion of the matter
c. Card for Dr. Shirley
i. Everyone please sign
Unfinished Business
a. Campus Community Service
i. Psychology Club – Monday, October 29, 5:30pm (LLC)
ii. DECA – No Texting and Driving Campaign
b. Daffodil Sales
i. Pre-professional club wants to do all the leg work
ii. Put Student Senate name on it.
iii. Ask all groups if they would participate
iv. American Cancer society representative will be coming to talk about eh
c. Higher Education Day – November 26
i. Meeting on this Thursday
ii. Nothing new
d. Leadership Retreat
i. October 28 – 10:00am-4:00pm
1. Sign-up sheet
ii. Overview of Schedule
1. Rhonda Fairfield activities
2. Williamj Woodworth speak on NDSA and parley pro
iii. Budget Approval
e. Highway Cleanup
i. The police station has people that need to have community service
1. Will ask the sargent
a. President
i. Leadership retreat this Sunday!!
b. Vice President
i. No report
c. Treasurer
i. Finance requests
1. Meeting on thursday
d. Secretary
i. Updating website, need information
i. Meeting this past Friday and Saturday
ii. Higher education day meeting this Thursday
iii. VCSU is one of two universities that have a plan in place!! 
i. Rob Gleeson on Thursday night at 9:15.
ii. Then haunted hall on 29th & 30th. From 7-11:30pm & 8:30-11:30pm.
i. No report
h. Viking Ambassadors
i. No report
i. Athletics
i. No report
j. Fine Arts
i. Senior recital on Monday
k. Communication and Social Sciences
i. No report
l. Business and Information Technologies
i. Two faculty searches will start in the next few weeks.
1. to fill Tim Schilling with his retirement in May and
2. to fill Kristin Haugen’s position (Amber is on a fixed term contract
for one year).
ii. Any student interested in an agriculture concentration is invited to join a
student focus group at 10:30 on Tuesday in McF 130.
iii. Next business speaker will be November 15th at 3:00.
iv. Summer rotation of classes start this summer providing BIT students with
upper division courses online during the summer.
v. The BIT division (DECA and SHRM) will be at the meeting tonight to
propose funding for the student organizations.
vi. Important for all BIT students to see their advisors now before
registration – this has been a challenge as student neglect visiting with
their advisors.
vii. With the lead of Sue Pfeifer, a CIS articulation agreement has been signed
with Lake Region. This gives Lake Region students the opportunity to
earn their 2-year degree there and transfer here for the remaining
m. Education
i. No report
n. Science and Math
i. No report
o. Other Reports
i. Art display on 3rd floor McCarthy
a. Garrett Anderson Moves to adjourn
i. Danae Hoover Seconds