Final Project Template

Current Issues Project Template
Title page
Chapter Title
Your Name
Images that represent issues from your chapter
Chapter Objectives
Teach the main objectives of the chapter
1-2 slides for each objective is usually enough
Use the vocabulary from the chapter
Make it a visual lesson…
– Use graphics, photos, images to tell the story
– Avoid “TMT” (Too Much Text)
– Use your speech to explain the details
• Make note cards for yourself (1 per slide)
Current Events
• Use current events to show the recent developments related to the
issues in your chapter
– Use these as evidence that these issues exist today
• Your book was written a long time ago, use this slide to bring it up
to date with the 21st Century
• You should have at least 3-5 news events from the past few years
• Use bullet points to organize the material
Brief summary of article
• Cite the source and date of each article
– i.e. (New York Times, September 4, 2013)
• Alternative method- make a poster collage of actual news clippings
• Bio info about expert
– Name of my expert
– Credentials (What makes them an expert?)
• Job Title, Qualifications, Education, years of experience
• Highlights from the interview
– Do not rewrite the entire interview on the slide
– Highlight some good quotes
– Use your voice to tell the class about what you learned
• Interview advice
– Use the chapter objectives and exercises as a guide for your interview
– Create questions that get your expert to say the people, groups, or
ideas he or she thinks is causing problems/creating solutions related
to the issues in your chapter
Heroes & Villains
• Heroes
– Use images of people,
groups, businesses, ideas
that are creating to
solutions to the issues
from your chapter
– This part is based on
YOUR own opinion
– This will reveal where
YOU stand on these
• Villains
– Use images of people,
groups, businesses, ideas
that are causing
problems related to the
issues from your chapter
– You can make one slide
for each or put both on
one slide
– Explain why you think
they are heroes or
Presentation Tips
• Add colors, animations, sounds, etc. to enhance your work
• Learn how to say difficult words or names. Practice the
most difficult ones in front of a mirror
• Use note cards to organize your material
• Maintain eye contact and be sure to project your voice
• Email the file to me so that it is ready to go before class
– If you use a Mac there might be glitches on my Windows
– Send a “rough draft” and check with me to see if it looks right
• Putting in the work in advance will make it effortless on
presentation day- Good Luck!