MUSHL 201– Introduction to Music Research Course Objectives: This course is an introduction to the materials and techniques of music writing and research. We will cover five essential aspects of writing about music: discovering the music through close listening and score study; asking questions about its form, style, and cultural implications; finding and understanding resources for research; writing style; and source documentation. Materials will include reference books and online sources, music history surveys, essay collections, monographs, periodicals, musical scores, and recordings. Weekly assignments will serve as progressive stages in the preparation of the final paper. Co-requisite: MUSHL 205 Required Text: Herbert, Trevor. Music in Words: A Guide to Researching and Writing about Music. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. ($19.95) Available in the Hunter College bookstore, also available from online vendors. ISBN 978-0-19-537373-8 Companion website: