Many nightclubs feature a “ladies night” in which women are

Many nightclubs feature a “ladies night” in which women are
offered discount or fee drinks. Is this an example of price
discrimination? Explain.
Yes, it is. Price discrimination means different prices of the same
good are charged for the different consumer by the reason other
than different in production cost.
In this case, the cost of entertaining services and the drink provided
to the both gender in nightclubs are the same, with the same cost,
male and female consumers are charged at different prices
Universities usually award scholarship based on academic
achievements of applicants. Is this an example of price
discrimination? Explain.
Yes, it is. Price discrimination means different prices of the same
good are charged for the different consumer by the reason other
than different in production cost.
The scholarship means that the bright students pay a lower tuition
fee when compared to the average students. As both bright and
mediocre students attend the same lectures, and the cost of
providing educational services to both types of students is the
same, price discrimination is involved.
Ginny Wai (25) 6A