F.3 E.P.A. Writing Assignment

Carmen Leung
F.3C (22)
F.3 E.P.A. Writing Assignment
Topic: Comments on the Chief Executive’s Policy Address
I have selected two policy proposals which are related to social welfare and
education. They are Home-based Child Care Service and National Education
The first policy proposal that I have selected --- Home-based Child Care
Service is to help those parents who have to work or attend to urgent matters
away from home take better care of their children.
I have heard so much news which is about children having accidents while
left unattended at home. I think this policy proposal can greatly reduce the
risk of that problem. This policy can also meet the needs of parents who have
to attend to urgent matters away from home since the operating hours of the
services are more flexible as they are available in the evenings, and on some
weekends and holidays. The government will also train and encourage
women in the districts to look after their neighbours’ children at home. This
will promote mutual help in the neighbourhood. Since urban people are too
busy working, there is alienation between neighbours. I hope this policy
proposal can also improve the relationship between neighbours.
The second policy proposal that I have selected --- National Education is to
make the younger generations to know more about our fast-developing
I think this policy proposal is really good for teenagers to know more about
our motherland. The Government will devote additional resources like offer
more opportunities for Hong Kong students to join motherland study trips
and exchange programmes to promoting national education. I think apart
from students will see for themselves the rapid development of our country
as the policy address shown, this can also increase the interest of teenagers of
understanding more about our country. I think the government can also treat
the National Education as an optional subject. Students who are interested
can choose this subject to investigate more about our motherland. This can
also help young people to love our motherland and Hong Kong.
(324 words)