Beatrice Wong

Beatrice Wong F.3A (35)
F.3 EPA Assignment (Second Term)
Topic: Invisible Income
I live in Ap Lei Chau of the Southern District.
of South Horizons
My address is Flat B, 23/F, Block 17
Ap Lei Chau is located south-west of Hong Kong Island. It was named after the
shape of the island, which looks like the tongue of a duck. Ap means duck, Lei means
tongue, and Chau means island. Ap Lei Chau shelters Aberdeen Harbour, creating an
excellent typhoon shelter, and was a fishing village before the First Opium War.
Overview of Ap Lei Chau
Buses are currently the main form of transportation for the residents in Ap Lei Chau.
Besides, there is a regular sampan service called kai-to which is a characteristic in our
district. Kai-to is a type of small, motorized ferry operating between the Ap Lei Chau
and Aberdeen. As the only connection between Ap Lei Chau and other districts is by
the Ap Lei Chau Bridge, kai-to provides an alternative for residents if there is traffic
accident happens on the Bridge.
Interview with my Grandma
My Grandma has been living in Ap Lei Chau for forty years, so I interviewed her
about the history of Ap Lei Chau. My Grandma happened to know Mr. Kuen Yin
Man who is now the owner of the the kai-to service between Ap Lei Chau and
Aberdeen. My Grandma said ”Mr. Kuen is now seventy-six years old and I have
known him for thirty years .” “How do you describe Mr. Kuen?” I asked. “Oh, I
remember he once told me that he had a special power of predicting the weather when
he was ten years old.” Grandma replied.
“How did he do it?” I asked. “Since there was no weather forecast at that time, Mr.
Kuen could predict the weather of the day by looking at the cloud together with
checking the air pressure meter of the boat, Amazingly, the accuracy rate was quite
high. So even his father who was a fisherman believed in him.” Grandma explained.
“Why was it so important to predict the weather for fishermen?” “This was
important because if they knew a certain area had strong wind, they would avoid
going there or had to be more careful otherwise they would be very dangerous .”
Grandma answered. “What was the fare of the kai-to thirty years ago?” I asked.
“Oh, it cost only ten cents but it worthes a lot more now.” Grandma laughed.
A variety of seafood
Finally, I would stongly recommend Ap Lei Chau to tourists who want something
extraordinary. You can take a walk in the Main Street where you could buy freshly
caught seafood from the market there. Just a few minutes walking distance, you will
find the famous Hung Shing Temple which was built over a hundred years ago. It is
now a Grade I historic building.
Hung Shing Temple
Of course, taking a ride on the kai-to is a must. With around $5.0 you could have a
five-minutes journey on the Aberdeen harbour. The scenery is especially nice
during night time as the sorrounding is dark coupled with the lights from the tall
residential building around it. I think kai-to is not only a means of transportation, it
is also a cultural symbol of the Southern District.
Kai-to and me
Pier of Kai-to
It is also worth going to the famous Jumbo Seafood Restaurant which is nearby for a
dim-sum lunch or seafood dinner. There is special motor boat service at the Shum
Wan Pier which take guests to and from the Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.
Jumbo Seafood Restaurant
I am sure you will not be disappointed to spend a day trip in Ap Lei Chau during the
weekend. Don’t forget to take your camera with you!
其他街渡先進。船程 5 分鐘,收費 1 元 8 角。舢舨在香港仔避風塘內慢駛,乘客
1940 年左右,英軍在鴨脷洲玉桂山上修建炮台,用作鎮守香港南面海岸及南
丫島一帶。那時候鴨脷洲的英文名為 Aberdeen Island,炮台的名稱也取其英語音譯
為鴨巴甸炮台(Aberdeen Battery)。直至 1970 年代後期,鴨脷洲開始發展,政府
才改其名為 Ap Lei Chau(鴨脷洲)。
1970 年,香港電燈公司在鴨脷洲西北部建立了發電廠。1980 年,第一條鴨脷
民往返香港島更加方便。80 年代末開始,島上越來越多屋苑落成。如今當年名不
明朝郭棐所著《粵大記》中已有記載居民定居,大街上的洪聖廟擁有超過 100 年的歷史。
第一次鴉片戰爭,滿清政府戰敗,與英國簽署《南京條約》,於 1841 年把香港島
天星小輪咁,搭鴨脷洲大街—香港仔嘅街渡,盛惠 $1.8,小童 $1,幾平,仲有
天星小輪咁,搭鴨脷洲大街—香港仔嘅街渡,盛惠 $1.8,小童 $1,幾平,仲有
■姜彥文已屆 76 歲,目前經營來往鴨脷洲與香港仔的街渡航線。