A reading list.doc

A Reading List
Isotopes are a foreign language, so you have to learn the basics. No matter what
you read or learn here, it is but a small perspective on a larger world. So, this book is just
a start. Read and read some more…For beginners, a suggestion is to find 5-10 articles in
this list or from an Internet search engine (type in “isotopes” and a word or two that
describes your area of interest), plus a book from the list below, and read these in
addition to this book. Here is also a web site that might interest isotope fans, a web site
for the baseball team the Albuquerque Isotopes:
Articles about Stable Isotopes
Altabet, M.A., M.J. Higginson, and D.W. Murray. 2002. The effect of millennial-scale
changes in Arabian Sea denitrification on atmospheric CO2. Nature 415:159-162.
Ayliffe, L.K., T.E. Cerling, T. Robinson, A.G. West, M. Sponheimer, B.H. Passey, J.
Hammer, B. Roeder, M.D. Dearing, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2004. Turnover of carbon
isotopes in tail hair and breath CO2 of horses fed an isotopically varied diet. Oecologia
Basile-Doelsch, I., J.D. Meunier, and C. Parron. 2005. Another continental pool in the
terrestrial silicon cycle. Nature 433:399-402.
Bender, M.L. 1990. The 18O of dissolved O2 in seawater: a unique tracer of circulation
and respiration in the deep sea. Journal of Geophysical Research 95:22243-22252.
Bernoux, M., C.C. Cerri, C. Neill and J.F.L de Moraes. 1999. The use of stable carbon
isotopes for estimating soil organic matter turnover rates. Geoderma 82:43-58.
Bigeleisen, J. 1965. Chemistry of isotopes. Science 147:463-471.
Boschker, H.T.S. and J.J. Middelburg. 2002. Stable isotopes and biomarkers in microbial
ecology. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 40:85-95.
Boutton, T.W., S.R. Archer and A.J. Midwood. 1999. Stable isotopes in ecosystem
science: structure, function and dynamics of a subtropical savanna. Rapid
Communications in Mass Spectrometry 13:1263-1277.
Breas, O., C. Guillou, R. Reniero, and E. Wada. 2002. The global methane cycle:
Isotopes and mixing ratios, sources and sinks. Isotopes in Environmental and Health
Studies 37:257-379.
Brenna, J.T. 2001. Natural intramolecular isotope measurements in physiology: elements
of the case for an effort toward high-precision position-specific isotope analysis. Rapid
Communications in mass Spectrometry 15:1252-1262.
Brooks, J.R., N. Buchmann, S.L. Phillips, B. Ehleringer, R.D. Evans, L.A. Martinelli,
W.T. Pockman, D. Sandquist, J.P. Sparks, L. Sperry, D. Williams, and J.R. Ehleringer.
2002. Heavy and light beer: a carbon isotope approach to detecting C4 carbon in beers
from different origins, styles, and prices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Bunn, S.E., P.M. Davies, and D.M. Kellaway. 1997. Contributions of sugar cane and
invasive pasture grass to the aquatic food web of a tropical lowland stream. Marine and
Freshwater Research 48:173-179.
Cabana, G. and J.B. Rasmussen. 1996. Comparison of aquatic food chains using nitrogen
isotopes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 93:10844-10847.
Canadell, J., H.A. Mooney, D. Baldocchi, J.A. Berry, J.R. Ehleringer, C.B. Field, S.T.
Gower, D. Hollinger, J. Hunt, R. Jackson, S. Running, G. Shaver, S.E. Trumbore, R.
Valentini, and B. Y. Bond. 2000. Carbon metabolism of the terrestrial biosphere: a multitechnique approach for improved understanding. Ecosystems 3:115-130.
Carpenter, S.J. and K.C. Lohmann. 1997. Carbon isotope ratios of Phanerozoic marine
cements: Re-evaluating the global carbon and sulfur systems. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 61:4831-4846.
Chanton J.P., G.J. Whiting, N.E. Blair, C.W. Lindau, and P.K. Bollich. 1997. Methane
emission from rice: Stable isotopes, diurnal variations, and CO2 exchange. Global
Biogeochemical Cycles 11:15-27.
Chimner, R.A. and D.J. Cooper. 2004. Using stable oxygen isotopes to quantify the water
source used for transpiration by native shrubs in the San Luis Valley, Colorado USA.
Plant and Soil 260:225-236.
Clementz, M.T., P. Holden, and P.L. Koch. 2003. Are calcium isotopes a reliable monitor
of trophic level in marine settings? International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 13:29-36.
Dawson, T.E., S. Mambelli, A.H. Plamboeck, P.H. Templer, and K.P. Tu. 2002. Stable
isotopes in plant ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 33:507-559.
DeNiro, M. J. 1987. Stable isotopy and archaeology. American Scientist 75:182-187.
Druffel, E.R.M., P.M. Williams, J.E. Bauer, and J.R. Ertel. 1992. Cycling of dissolved
and particulate organic-matter in the open ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research
Dufour E. and D. Gerdeaux. 2001. Contribution of stable isotopes to fish ecological
studies. Cybium 25:369-382.
Dyckmans, J., C.M. Scrimgeour and O. Schmidt. 2005. A simple and rapid method for
labeling earthworms with 15N and 13C. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37:989-993.
Eglinton, T.I., L.I. Aluwihare, J.E. Bauer, E.R.M. Druffel, and A.P. McNichol. 1996. Gas
chromatographic isolation of individual compounds from complex matrices for
radiocarbon dating. Analytical Chemistry 68:904-912.
Ehleringer, J.R., P.W. Rundel and K.A. Nagy. 1986. Stable isotopes in physiological
ecology and food web research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 1:42-45.
Ehleringer, J.R., T.E. Cerling, and D. Dearing. 2002. Atmospheric CO2 as a global
change driver influencing plant-animal interactions. Integrated and Comparative
Physiology 42:424 430.
Ehleringer, J.R., D., Bowling, J. Fessenden, L.B. Flanagan, B.R. Helliker, L.A.
Martinelli, and J.P. Ometto. 2002. Stable isotopes and carbon cycle processes in forest
and grasslands. Plant Biology 4:181-193.
Ehleringer, J.R., J. F. Casale, M.J. Lott, and V.L. Ford. 2000. Tracing origins of cocaine
with stable isotopes. Nature 408:311-312.
Ehleringer, J.R. and T.E. Cerling. 2001. Stable isotopes, pp. 544-550. In H.A. Mooney
and J. Canadell (eds), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Volume II. John
Wiley and Sons.
Ehleringer, J.R. and T.E. Cerling. 2001. C3 and C4 photosynthesis, pp. 186-190. In H.A.
Mooney and J. Canadell (eds), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Volume
II. John Wiley and Sons.
Estep, M.F. and H. Dabrowski. 1980. Tracing food webs with stable hydrogen isotopes.
Science 209:1537-1538.
Fischer, H. and K. Wetzel. 2002. The future of 13C-breath tests. Food and Nutrition
Bulletin 23:53-56.
Fisk, A.T., S.A. Tittlemier, J.L. Pranschke and JR.J. Norstrom. 2002. Using
anthropogenic contaminants and stable isotopes to assess the feeding ecology of
Greenland sharks. Ecology 83:2162-2172.
Fogel, M.L. and L.A. Cifuentes. 1993. Isotope fractionation during primary production,
pp. 73-98. In M.H. Engel and S.A. Macko (eds), Organic Geochemistry. Plenum Press.
Fogel, M. L., N. Tuross, B. J. Johnson, and G. H. Miller, 1997. Biogeochemical record of
ancient humans. Organic Geochemistry 27:275-287.
Fogel, M. L. and N. Tuross. 2003. Extending the limits of paleodietary studies of humans
with compound specific carbon isotope analysis of amino acids. Journal of
Archaeological Science 30:535-545.
Fry, B. 2003. Steady state models of stable isotope distributions. Isotopes in
Environmental and Health Studies 39:219-232.
Fry, B., D.E. Jones, G.W. Kling, R.B. McKane, K.J. Nadelhoffer, and B.J. Peterson.
1995. Adding 15N tracers to ecosystem experiments, pp. 171-192. In E. Wada, T.
Yoneyama, M. Minagawa, T. Ando and B. Fry (eds), Stable Isotopes in the Biosphere.
Kyoto University Press.
Fry, B., and E. Sherr. 1984. 13C measurements as indicators of carbon flow in marine
and freshwater ecosystems. Contributions in Marine Science 27:13-47.
Galbraith E.D., M. Kienast, T.F. Pedersen, and S.E. Calvert. 2004. Glacial-interglacial
modulation of the marine nitrogen cycle by high-latitude O2 supply to the global
thermocline. Paleoceanography 19: PA4007.
Gannes, L.Z., C. M. Del Rio, and P. Koch. 1998. Natural abundance variations in stable
isotopes and their potential uses in animal physiological ecology. Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology 119A:725-737.
Gearing, J.N. 1988. The use of stable isoope ratios for tracing the nearshore-offshore
exchange of organic matter, pp. 69-101. In B.-O. Jansson (ed), Lecture Notes on Coastal
and Estuarine Studies, vol. 22. Springer-Verlag.
Gotaas, G., E. Milne, P. Haggarty, and N.J.C. Tyler. 1997. Use of feces to estimate
isotopic abundance in doubly labeled water studies in reindeer in summer and winter.
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Handley, L.L. and J.A. Raven. 1992. The use of natural abundance of nitrogen isotopes in
plant physiology and ecology. Plant Cell and Environment 15:965-985.
Handley, L.L., A.T. Austin, D. Robinson, C.M. Scrimgeour, J.A. Raven JA, T.H.E.
Heaton, S. Schmidt, and G.R. Stewart. 1999. The N-15 natural abundance (15N) of
ecosystem samples reflects measures of water availability. Australian Journal of Plant
Physiology 26:185-199.
Harvey, C.J., P.C. Hanson, T.E. Essington, P.B. Brown, and J.F. Kitchell. 2002. Using
bioenergetics models to predict stable isotope ratios in fishes. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:115-124.
Hayes, J.M. 2001. Fractionation of the isotopes of carbon and hydrogen in biosynthetic
processes, pp. 225-278. In J.W. Valley and D.R. Cole (eds), Stable Isotope
Geochemistry, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, vol. 43. Mineralogical Society
of America.
Hayes, J.M. 2002. Practice and principles of isotopic measurements in organic
geochemistry. http://www.nosams.whoi.edu/docs/IsoNotesAug02.pdf.
Hayes, J.M. 2004. An introduction to isotopic calculations.
Hadwen, W.L. and S.E. Bunn. 2004. Tourists increase the contribution of autochthonous
carbon to littoral zone food webs in oligotrophic dune lakes. Marine and Freshwater
Research 55:701-708.
Helfield J.M. and R.J. Naiman. 2002. Salmon and alder as nitrogen sources to riparian
forests in a boreal Alaskan watershed. Oecologia 133:573-582.
Hershey, A.E., J. Pastor, B.J. Peterson, and G.W. Kling. 1993. Stable isotopes resolve the
drift paradox for Baetis mayflies in an Arctic river. Ecology 74:2315-2325.
Hobbie, E.A, S.A. Macko and H.H. Shugart. 1998. Patterns in N dynamics and N
isotopes during primary succession in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Chemical Geology 152:3-11.
Hobson K.A., and L.I. Wassenaar. 1999. Stable Isotope Ecology: an Introduction.
Oecologia 120:312-313.
Hobson, K.A. 1999. Tracing origins and migration of wildlife using stable isotopes: a
review. Oecologia 120:314-326.
Hooker, S.K., S.J. Iverson, P. Ostrom, and S.C. Smith. 2001. Diet of northern bottlenose
whales inferred from fatty-acid and stable-isotope analyses of biopsy samples. Canadian
Journal of Zoology 79:1442-1454.
Jennings, S. and K.J. Warr. 2003. Environmental correlates of large-scale spatial
variation in the N of marine animals. Marine Biology 142:1131-1140.
Johnson, B. J., G. H. Miller, M. L. Fogel, J. W. Magee, M. Gagan, and A. Chivas, 1999.
65,000 years of vegetation change in central Australia: Implications for the Australian
monsoon. Science 284:1150-1152.
Kendall, C., and Doctor, D.H. 2004. Stable isotope applications in hydrologic studies, pp.
319-364. In J.I. Drever (ed), Surface and ground water, weathering, and soils: Treatise on
Geochemistry, v. 5. Elsevier.
Kennedy, B.V. and H.R. Krouse. 1990. Isotope fractionation by plants and animals –
implications for nutrition research. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Kidd, K.A. 1998. Use of stable isotope ratios in freshwater and marine biomagnification
studies, pp. 357-376. In J. Rose (ed), Environmental Toxicology Current Developments.
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
Koch, P.L. 1999. Isotopic reconstruction of past continental environments. Annual
Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 26:573-613.
Kling, G. 1994. Ecosystem-scale experiments in freshwaters: the use of stable isotopes,
pp. 91-120. In L.A. Baker (ed), Environmental Chemistry of Lakes and Reservoirs,
Advances in Chemistry Series 237. American Chemical Society.
Kling, G.W., B. Fry and W.J. O'Brien. 1992. Stable isotopes and planktonic trophic
structure in arctic lakes. Ecology 73:561-566.
Krouse, H.R. 1980. Sulphur isotopes in our environment, pp. 435-471. In P. Fritz and J.
Ch. Fontes (eds) Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry, vol. 1, The
Terrestrial Environment, A. Elsevier Publishing Co.
Krouse, H.R. and A.A. Levinson. 1984. Geographical trends of carbon and sulfur isotope
abundances in human-kidney stones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 48:187-191.
Lammer, H., W. Stumptner, G.J. Molina-Cuberos, S.J. Bauer, and T. Owen. 2000.
Nitrogen isotope fractionation and its consequence for Titan's atmospheric evolution.
Planetary and Space Science 48:529-543.
Levin, L.A. and R. Michener. 2002. Isotopic evidence of chemosynthesis-based nutrition
of macrobenthos: The lightness of being at Pacific methane seeps. Limnology and
Oceanography 47:1336-1345.
MacAvoy, S.E., C.R. Fisher, R.S. Carney and S.A. Macko. 2005. Nutritional associations
among fauna at hydrocarbon seep communities in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 292:51-60.
Macko, S.A., M.H. Engel, V. Andrusevich, G. Lubec, T.C. O'Connell and R.E.M.
Hedges. 1999. Documenting the diet in ancient human populations through stable isotope
analysis of hair. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 353:1-12.
Martinelli L.A., M.Z. Moreira, J.P.H.B. Ometto, A.R. Alcarde, L.A. Rizzon, and J. R.
Ehleringer. 2003. The stable carbon isotopic composition of the CO2 bubbles and wine of
Brazilian sparkling wines: detecting sugar cane additions. Journal of Agricultural and
Food Chemistry 51:2625-2631.
Matson, E.A. and M.M.Brinson. 1990. Stable carbon isotopes and the C:N ratio in the
estuaries of the Pamlico and Neuse Rivers, North Carolina. Limnology and
Oceanography 35:1290-1300.
Minagawa, M. and E. Wada. 1984. Stepwise enrichment of 15N along food chains.
Further evidence and the relation between 15N and animal age. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 48:1135-1140.
Mortazavi, B. and J.P. Chanton. 2004. Use of Keeling plots to determine sources of
dissolved organic carbon in nearshore and open ocean systems. Limnology and
Oceanography 49:102-108.
Naiman R.J., R.E. Bilby, D.E. Schindler, and J.M. Helfield. 2002. Pacific salmon,
nutrients, and the dynamics of freshwater and riparian ecosystems. Ecosystems 5:399417.
Neill, C., B. Fry, J.M. Melillo and P.A. Steudler, J.F.L. Moraes and C.C. Cerri. 1996.
Forest- and pasture-derived carbon contributions to carbon stocks and microbial
respiration of tropical pasture soils. Oecologia 107:113-119.
Neilson, R., D. Robinson, C.A. Marriott, C.M. Scrimgeour, D. Hamilton, J. Wishart, B.
Boag, and L.L. Handley. 2002. Above-ground grazing affects floristic composition and
modifies soil trophic interactions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34:1507-1512.
O’Leary, M.H. 1988. Carbon isotopes in photosynthesis. BioScience 38:328-336.
Orphan, V.J., C. H. House, K.-U. Hinrichs, K.D. McKeegan and E.F. DeLong. 2001.
Methane-consuming Archaea revealed by directly coupled isotopic and phylogenetic
analysis. Science 293: 484-487.
Ostrom N.E., L.O. Hedin, J.C. von Fischer, and G.P. Robertson. 2002. Nitrogen
transformations and NO3- removal at a soil-stream interface: A stable isotope approach.
Ecological Applications 12:1027-1043.
Pataki, D.E., S.E. Bush, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2005. Stable isotopes as a tool in urban
ecology. In L.B. Baker, J.R. Ehleringer and D.E. Pataki (eds), Stable isotopes and
biosphere-atmosphere interactions: Processes and biological controls. Elsevier Press.
Pearson, F.J. and T.B. Coplen. 1978. Stable isotope studies of lakes, pp. 325-339. In A.
Lerman (ed), Lakes Chemistry Geology Physics. Springer Verlag.
Peterson, B.J., and B. Fry. 1987. Stable isotopes in ecosystem studies. Annual Review of
Ecology and Systematics 18:293-320.
Peterson, B.J. 1999. Stable isotopes as tracers of organic matter input and transfer in
benthic food webs: A review. Acta Oecologica 20:479-487.
Post, D.M. 2003. Individual variation in the timing of ontogenetic niche shifts in
largemouth bass. Ecology 84:1298-1310.
Post, D.M., M.L. Pace, and N.G. Hairston. 2000. Ecosystem size determines food-chain
length in lakes. Nature 405:1047-1049.
Raymond, P.A., and J.E. Bauer. 2001. Use of 14C and 13C natural abundances for
evaluating riverine, estuarine, and coastal DOC and POC sources and cycling: a review
and synthesis. Organic Geochemistry 32:469-485.
Riddell, M.C., O.Bar-Or, H.P. Schwarcz, and G.J.F. Heigenhauser. 2000. Substrate
utilization in boys during exercise with [C-13]-glucose ingestion. European Journal of
Applied Physiology 83:441-448.
Rogers, K.M. 2003. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures indicate recovery of
marine biota from sewage pollution at Moa Point, New Zealand. Marine Pollution
Bulletin 46:821-827.
Rouxel, O.J., A. Bekker, and K.J. Edwards. 2005. Iron isotope constraints on the Archean
and Paleoproterozoic ocean redox state. Science 307:1088-1091.
Rubenstein D.R. and K.A. Hobson. 2004. From birds to butterflies: animal movement
patterns and stable isotopes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19:256-263.
Sanaiotti T.M., L.A. Martinelli, R.L. Victoria, S.E. Trumbore, and P.B. Camargo. 2002.
Past vegetation changes in Amazon savannas determined using carbon isotopes of soil
organic matter. Biotropica 34:2-16.
Schell, D.M. 1983. Carbon-13 and carbon-14 abundances in Alaskan aquatic organisms:
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Schindler, D.E., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, J.F. Kitchell, and M.L. Pace. 1997. Influence
of food web structure on carbon exchange between lakes and the atmosphere. Science
Schmidt, O. and C.M. Scrimgeour. 2001. A simple urea leaf-feeding method for the
production of 13C and 15N labelled plant material. Plant and Soil 229:197-202.
Schwarcz H.P., T.L. Dupras, and S.I. Fairgrieve. 1999. N-15 enrichment in the Sahara: In
search of a global relationship Journal of Archaeological Science 26:629-636.
Shackleton, N.J. 1987. Oxygen, isotopes, ice volume and sea-level. Quaternary Science
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Sharp, Z.D., V. Atudorei, H. Panarello, J. Fernandez, and C. Douthitt. 2003. Hydrogen
isotope systematics of hair: archeological and forensic applications. Journal of
Archaeological Science 30:1709-1716.
Sigman, D.M. and K.L. Casciotti. 2001. Nitrogen isotopes in the ocean, pp. 24-49. In J.H.
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Steinmann K.T.W., R. Siegwolf, M. Saurer, and C. Korner. 2004. Carbon fluxes to the
soil in a mature temperate forest assessed by C-13 isotope tracing. Oecologia 141: 489501.
Steffy, L.Y. and S.S. Kilham. 2004. Elevated 15N in stream biota in areas with septic
tank systems in an urban watershed. Ecological Applications 14:637-641.
Stewart, A.R., S.N. Luoma, C.E. Schlekat, M.A. Doblin and K.A. Hieb. 2004. Food web
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Swart, P.K., G. Healy, L. Greer, M. Lutz, A. Saied, D. Anderegg, R.A. Dodge and D.
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Wassenaar, L.I. and K.A. Hobson. 1998. Natal origins of migratory monarch butterflies
at wintering colonies in Mexico: New isotopic evidence. Proceedings of the National
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West, A.G., L.K. Ayliffe, T.E. Cerling, T.F. Robinson, B. Karren, M.D. Dearing, and J.R.
Ehleringer. Short-term diet changes revealed using stable carbon isotopes in horse tailhair. Functional Ecology 18:616-624.
Wilcox W.M., H.M. Solo-Gabriele, and L.O. R. Sternberg. 2004. Use of stable isotopes
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and T. Akimichi. 1992. Mercury concentration correlates with the nitrogen stable isotope
ratio in animal food of Papuans. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 24:37-45.
Books about Stable Isotopes
Abrams, S.A. and W.W. Wong. 2003. Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition: Laboratory
Methods and Research Applications. CABI publishing.
Aggarwal, P.K, J.R. Gat and K.F. Froehlich. 2005. Isotopes in the Water Cycle. Springer.
Arthur, M.A., T.F. Anderson, I.R. Kaplan, J. Veizer, and L.S. Land. 1983. Stable
Isotopes in Sedimentary Geology. SEPM Short Course #10, Dallas. Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Aston, F.W. 1922. Isotopes. Longmans, Green & Co. (revised edition 1941).
Attendorn, H.-G., R.N.C. Bowen, and R. Bowen. 1996. Radioactive and Stable Isotope
Geology. Chapman & Hall.
Bernheimer, A. 1980. Café Isotope. Small Press.
Boutton, T.W. and S. Yamasaki. 1996. Mass Spectrometry of Soils. Marcel Dekker, Inc.
New York.
Bowen, R.W. 1988. Isotopes in the Earth Sciences. Elsevier Publishing Company.
Browne, T.R. 1997. Stable Isotopes in Pharmaceutical Research. Elsevier Science.
Chapman, T.E. 1990. Stable Isotopes in Pediatric Nutritional and Metabolic Research.
Clark, I.D. and P. Fritz. 1997. Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology. Lewis
Publishers, Inc.
Clark, M. Johnson, B. L. Beard, and F. Albarede. 2004. Geochemistry of non-traditional
stable isotopes. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, vol. 55. Mineralogical Society
of America and the Geochemical Society.
Clayton, D. 2003. Handbook of Isotopes in the Cosmos. Cambridge University Press.
Coleman, D.C. and B. Fry. 1991. Carbon Isotope Techniques. Academic Press, Inc.
Craig, H., S.L. Miller and G.J. Wasserburg. 1964. Isotopic and Cosmic Chemistry.
Dedicated to Harold C. Urey. North-Holland.
Criss, R.E. 1999. Principles of Stable Isotope Distribution. Oxford University Press.
De Groot, P.A. 2004. Handbook of Stable Isotope Analytical Techniques. Elsevier
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