Jeeves workshop handout 723G25.docx

Linköping University
The ICT-Studio
Fredrik Nordin
Jeeves Business Process
As a newly hired employee it is vital to quickly get an understanding of your company’s
business processes. Your new employer sells various bike models to retailers and has recently
adopted the Lean concept in both manufacturing and administrative processes, a concept that
considers any non-value adding activities to be wasteful and strives to eliminate them. In an
effort to apply the concept successfully and promote work rotation, your superiors have given
you the task to learn the basic activities in sales, inventory management as well as invoicing.
The sales process
In-house Sales
Da2.1 Enter order from
Inventory staff
Da4.1 Create pick list
Da4.2 Report picking
Da4.3 Close order
Sales director
Da5.1 Create invoice
Da5.2 Post invoice
Figure 1: Jeeves Business Process overview, the detailed instructions for this process will be provided separately.
Additional Information
While working your way through the process it can be interesting to check inventory levels by
using the program “Db2.1 Item Balances, Queries”, search for the productID to view the Item
Balance. You can also track the changes in the General Ledger while processing the invoice
by using the program “Eb2.1 Show period balance, account and account seg”.
Connecting to Jeeves using remote desktop
1. Start Remote Desktop Connection.
2. Connect To:
3. Answer “Yes” on the security check.
4. Start “Jeeves02” from the desktop on the remote computer.
5. Provide the following credentials for the initial access (also used to access the Jeeves
universal portal):
User: CFA01
Pass: L4bb41
6. When the system starts you can log on to Jeeves02 with a range of users from
edueng01-40, no password is required.
A Jeeves Universal portal will also start in an Internet explorer window. This can be used
to get an overview of the business processes handled by Jeeves.
The system is using Single sign-on. Please log out of each system after you are done to
minimize the workload on the server and login-issues for the following user-groups.
Note that some of the phrasing may differ between the system and the handed out
documentation, this is due to adjustments of the standard system setup and the creation of
custom reports.
Submission and discussion
When you work with the order and its execution in Jeeves, consider:
1. The difference between transaction data and master data – what do you add as new
transaction data and what master data are they matched against to ensure that the
system keeps a reasonable image of the enterprise (customers, products, stock
quantities, …)?
2. The balance between control (you can’t enter just anything, and there is a prescribed
order between process steps) and adaptability and freedom of choice (there are
many alternatives to choose from – order types, inventory management, ...).
3. System design – the goal is that it should be clear and orderly, not necessarily that it
should appear “modern” or entertaining.
4. There is a learning curve. How long did each step take today? What speed do you
believe you could reach if you were to perform these tasks every day?
5. What have you especially noted during the lab – insights? Surprises?
6. What do you now think that you understand concerning the system type “ERP” or
“Business System“ and what are you still wondering about?
Write half a page together with the on you made the lab with (or alone, if you worked alone)
and email me ( Answer questions 4-6 and pleas give some kind of brief
comment regarding 1 to 3.