2016 AP Biology Schedule Maureen Nosal

2016 AP Biology Schedule
Maureen Nosal
** Investigative labs that will be conducted during this APSI. Schedule is subject to change
Monday, Day 1
The Curriculum Framework – WHY Less is More!
Welcome and Introductions, Review weekly and daily schedule
Introduce the College Board Materials
Talk about Teacher’s, Introduction to which textbook and why?
Equity and Diversity
Curriculum Framework: 4 Big Ideas, Enduring Understandings, Essential Knowledge
New Curriculum Framework: Learning Objectives and 7 Science Practices
AP* Biology Investigative Labs: An Inquiry-Based Approach
Lab Notebooks; Lab Quizzes and Reports
Investigation 4: Diffusion and Osmosis ** BI 2
Investigation 1: Artificial Selection BI 1
Investigation 10: Energy Dynamics BI 4
Tuesday, Day 2
 Intro to the course Syllabus and AP* Audit for 2016-17
 Introduce the components of AP* Biology Exam, timing, and how questions are written.
Homework: Some of the Multiple Choice and Grid in questions.
 Finish Lab #4 and analyze and debrief
 Lunch
 Investigation 5: Photosynthesis ** BI 2
 Investigation 6: Cellular Respiration BI 2
 Investigation 11: Transpiration ** BI 4
Wednesday, Day 3
Resources on AP Central
Math Review for AP* Biology students,
Investigation 9: Biotechnology: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA ** BI 3
Investigation 8: Biotechnology: Bacterial Transformation ** BI 3
Investigation 13: Enzyme Activity BI 4 (Toothpickase: An Enzyme Simulation Activity**)
Investigation 2: Mathematical Modeling: Chi Square (M and M’s) BI 1
Investigation 3: BLAST BI 1
Thursday, Day 4
Managing time, curriculum and pedagogy alternatives
Calculating Transformation Efficiencies from Investigation 8 **
Calculating Sizes of Restriction Fragment Lengths from Investigation 9 **
Scoring of the 2015 Free Response Questions
Investigation 7: Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis BI 3
Investigation 12: Fruit Fly Behavior ** BI 4
Friday, Day 5
Introduce an action plan for 2015 school year—calendar planning and pacing
Pre-AP Strategies for your school district
Finish any labs
Post-lab discussions, questions, etc.
College Board Evaluations and APSI Certificates
**** Participants are encouraged to share alternative labs, teaching strategies, and alternatives
throughout the workshop