Global Education Advising Guidelines

Global Education Advising Guidelines
The Center for Global Education
The Center is responsible for administering Drew’s TREC programs - the entire range of life-changing, off-campus
programs available to Drew students. Whether it is a nycTREC, shortTREC, or longTREC, these programs fulfill
our mission to help students to Travel, Rethink, Explore and Connect.
The Center for Global Education is located in Embury 107. The website is
The staff of the Center for Global Education includes:
Patti McCloskey, Assistant Director | Ext 3930 |
Stacy Fischer, Director | Ext 3047 |
Program Types
nycTRECs – Drew’s semesters in New York City: the Semester on Contemporary Art and the Semester at
the United Nations are offered every fall; the Semester on Communications and Media and the
Semester on Wall Street are offered every spring.
shortTRECs – led by Drew faculty; range from 1 to 4 weeks in duration; may take place during January,
spring break or summer; locations and topics change annually.
longTRECs – semester- or year-long programs; includes Drew’s London Semester (offered every fall) and
a wide range of study abroad programs offered by our longTREC partners and selected to complement
the curricular offerings of Drew’s academic departments and programs.
nycTRECs – all 8 credits; the Semester on Contemporary Art may be taken for 4 credits; the United
Nations semester may include an additional 4-8 credit internship.
shortTRECs – may be 2 to 8 credits, depending on program length; Gen Ed requirements fulfilled by
these courses are listed in the course catalog.
longTRECs – typically 15-16 credits; students participating in programs offered by our longTREC partners
will have their coursework pre-approved for credit transfer before participating in programs.
All students must be in good disciplinary standing in order to participate in a global education program.
A popular misconception among students is that TREC programs are open only to specific majors. While
programs tend to attract students from particular majors because they offer courses that count toward certain
major requirements, all programs are open to students regardless of major. Some program may have prerequisites which are indicated on the Center’s website.
nycTRECs – 3.0 GPA; open to juniors and seniors; all nycTRECs have pre-requisites.
shortTRECs – 2.0 GPA; open to all students regardless of year; some shortTRECs may have prerequisites
which will be listed on the program flyer.
longTRECs – 3.0 GPA; open to juniors and seniors.
Application Deadlines
October 1
October 15
February 1
March 10
ShortTRECs offered in January or during spring break
ShortTRECs with spring semester pre-requisite courses
Semester on Communications and Media
Semester on Wall Street
Spring semester longTRECs
ShortTRECs offered in summer
ShortTRECs with fall semester pre-requisite courses
London Semester
Semester on Contemporary Art
Semester at the United Nations
Fall semester longTRECs
nycTRECs – costs are identical to a student’s normal semester; roundtrip transportation to and from
NYC is included; all financial assistance, whether merit or need-based, may be applied.
ShortTRECs – costs vary by program and are listed on the Center for Global Education’s website as
soon as they are available. Costs are in addition to annual tuition. All participants in Drew’s
shortTRECs are eligible for scholarships to help defray the cost of the program. On average, these
scholarships cover 25 percent of the program cost. Students apply for these scholarships at the time of
application to the shortTREC. Recipients of these scholarships will be notified shortly after acceptance
to the program.
longTRECs –
o For the London Semester, students pay their normal tuition and a London Semester living fee;
all financial assistance, whether merit- or need-based, may be applied.
o For longTREC partner programs, students pay Drew tuition, plus a fee for room and/or board;
students may apply their entire aid package up to their demonstrated need towards tuition and
other costs of the approved list program. If a student has merit awards in excess of
demonstrated need, these may also be applied up to a maximum of $2,000.