Engaging teachers as agents of peace and social cohesion: Understanding impact Yusuf Sayed Presented at CIES Taking Stock and Looking Forward Annual Conference 2016, Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 March 1 Research Impact Pathways (the linear model) http://image.slidesharecdn.com/livesresearchframework-130404040953-phpapp02/95/lives-research-framework-52 638.jpg?cb=1365120163 Research Impact Pathways (the process embedded model) http://livestockfish.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/crp_newmodel1.jpg 3 Research Overview The main research question that guides this study is: To what extent do education peacebuilding interventions in countries promote teacher agency and capacity to build peace and reduce inequalities? In answering this question we pay particular attention to how they seek to mitigate gender, ethnic, religious and socio-economic inequities to, in and through education. 4 Impact as publication: conceptual Popular Press release National press University website External website Social media Academic Open data 5 Reports Authored books Chapters in books Journal article Conference contribution Working paper Policy briefs Impact as engagement: networks and connectivity Networking Policy engagement Four key modes: Several main targets: Workshops with stakeholders Government but also parts of government Critical Reference Group Government to government Targeted Policy Workshops Communities of researchers Roundtables CSOs 6 Research capacity as impact Institutional and individual PG students in the project Junior staff in the project 7 Impact mediators Think-tanks NGOs Professional Associations Consultants Education officials 8 Limits Ideas and discourse (the policydilemma?) Non-correspondence between research and policy and practice Capacity development limited by grant time limits North-South dynamics and dialectic 9 Impact as contingent and opportune Context embeddedness The conjunction of politics and biography The conjunction of time and space The external shock – xenophobia in South Africa as reason for why the project took on importance The impact of chance 10