Title of Your Contribution A. Author, B. Author*, ….., and N. Author Department, University/Company, Town, Country Email-Address *Department, University/Company, Town, Country Email-Address Abstract The abstract must include a summary and conclusions of the supposed submitted work. The new contribution shall be clearly stated in the abstract. The work shall be related to previous work in the field. The presented work should not have been published elsewhere. The abstract should include 300-500 words. The page size is A4 (210 x 297 mm) with a text width of 160 mm and the top margin is 25 mm and bottom margin is minimum 25 mm. The font throughout the template is Times New Roman. The title format is 18 pt, bold, and centred. The author format is 12 pt, and centred. Abstract heading format is 16 pt and bold while the text body is 12 pt and not bold. The keywords format is 12 pt and bold. If possible please use the prepared formatting in the wordtemplate. The abstract should be submitted at http://www.iei.liu.se/flumes/conference. Keywords: Word 1, word 2, word 3, word 4, word 5