CIRP replacement purpose

C.I.R.P. Replacement Survey
Student Affairs Assessment Committee
Adopted October 16, 2006
SubCommittee Members:
Pat Ketcham Co-Chair, Eric Hansen, Co-Chair, Lisa Hoogesteger, Suzanne Flores, Kent
Sumner, Rick Debellis, Kris Winter, LeeAnn Baker, Kerry Kincannon, Anne-Marie
The CIRP Replacement Survey Task Group has been charged with creating an instrument that would
replace the CIRP Freshmen survey for the summer of 2007. The intention of this new survey is to better
understand various dimensions of the incoming cohort of new students (i.e. values, behaviors, attitudes,
experiences, knowledge, skills, and abilities) in an effort to improve service delivery that will lead to
increased academic success.
Proposed Process:
September 2006
Various groups within the OSU community will be invited to
participate in the development of the survey. Specifically, the units
will be invited to sponsor questions that address the survey purpose
and target audience. These groups include, but are not limited to:
 Departments within Student Affairs
 Library
 Academic Success Center
 College Head Advisors
 Academic Affairs units
 Athletics
 Other?
October 2006
Question Development Evaluate and Select:
There are many existing instruments that may inform the question
development process. Individuals are asked to evaluate these
instruments and recommend questions for inclusion in the
replacement survey. Some of these instruments include, but are not
limited to:
 The CIRP Freshmen Survey
 The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
 The EBI Resident Survey
 The ACHA National College Health Assessment
 Other?
Student Affairs Learning Goals:
The Student Affairs Assessment Committee has developed six (6)
learning goals for the students engaging the division. These include:
 Effective communication
 Healthy Living
 Active Citizenship and Responsibility
 Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Competence
 Critical Thinking and analytical skills
 Attitude of Inquiry
The group agreed that we should develop questions that could begin
to measure student learning in these areas.
Potential Emerging Norms
There are several areas that appear to be emerging aspects of new
students in 2006 (i.e. use of online community sites, online gaming,
use of other technology and impact on relationships). As these may
impact how students engage their communities and learn, the group
agreed that we should develop questions that could begin to
measure these trends.
Once questions have been developed, we can conduct a thematic
analysis to identify the various themes we are trying to address.
This can be instructive in determining if we have enough of certain
questions or too many of others.
Finally we should create a rubric with criteria for reviewing the questions:
This might include:
 How will the answers to this question be used?
 How will the answers inform our strategic or operational work?
 What is the purpose for asking this/these question(s)?
December 2006
Instrument Development:
We will work with the SOAR staff to determine the best methods and
formats for administering the survey.
Winter 2007
We will pilot the survey to students in an effort to understand if
instructions and questions are clear, how long the respondents take
to fill out the survey, whether the questions provide the types and
quality of responses desired.
Spring 2007
Finalize survey instrument
Apply for IRB approval
Summer 2007
Administer survey to new students during summer Start sessions