Assessment Committee Meeting Report for January 13, 2006 Attendees: Anne Vinson, Richard Birk, Terry Coleman, Lew Milner, Kate Peresie, Joe Badamy, Mike Allen, Janet Boeckman. Anne called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE Anne TIME-LINE CAAP Testing for Critical Thinking The Committee discussed the need to: Better control the physical environment. (During testing, students need to be seated every other chair, facing forward, not auditorium style.) Have a representative sample of students near graduation when doing the testing this spring. Keep testing with courses (as opposed to a “testing center”) so students are more motivated. Provide faculty training in the test administration beyond a handout with instructions. Include Committee members for training as proctors. Instruct students to identify themselves as sophomores on the test. Ask Tom Prendergast to determine the number of students with 80 credit hours or more and how many will need to be tested to be a significant sample size. Videotape a training session to use with handouts. Include instructions for students to selfidentify as sophomores. Anne Early Spring Quarter Ask Deans to assign faculty/courses for testing. Lew and Janet? Feb. 24? Ask Deans to approve classrooms for testing and make alternative arrangements as needed. Lew and Janet? Feb. 24? Order CAAP Tests. Terry will arrange dates with Mike and Phil Martin, possibly Beth Franz and Rich Rader Kate Terry Mar. 30 ASAP Ask Tom to set up webinar with possible dates. Anne Week of Jan 16. Next meeting. Future consideration – to do pre and post testing. WAC and Speech Rubrics Training Workshops Investigation of E-Lumen Assessment Tool Workshops will be scheduled for Winter Quarter. The Committee agreed to participate in a webinar on ELumen. Possible dates are Feb 14, 3:00 or 1:00; Feb 21, 1:00. Report on General Studies Assessment Rubric Evaluations of Program/Depart ment 5-Column Reports Mike reported that he met with Paul Sukys and Bob Lewis to pursue the plan to administer a writing prompt to students who had completed their humanities, social sciences and English courses as a means to assess general education and critical thinking. Paul and Bob decided to not pursue this plan. Instead they each will do pre- and post-tests in one course as a pilot for Spring Quarter and expand the effort into more courses for Fall Quarter. The Committee agreed to support this plan, recognizing that it does not assess broad general education outcomes, but does assess some course outcomes in general education. Terry noted that if enough assessment of general education course outcomes occurs and is documented, then it eventually may be possible to reach some broader conclusions about general education outcomes. The Committee agreed to revisit this issue/project at the end of Spring Quarter when Bob and Paul will have their first reports. Terry volunteered to investigate pre- and post- assessment tools used for general education. Many members have not completed the rubric evaluations of the 5-column reports. This process needs to proceed so feedback can be provided to the programs and departments. Revisit general education assessment. Committee End of Spring Quarter Investigate pre- and postgeneral education assessment tools and present findings to the Committee. Terry March? Request all Committee Members to complete rubric evaluations on all submitted 5-column reports and mail to Anne by Feb 7. Anne ASAP After all rubric evaluations are completed and sent to Anne, they will be sorted by program/department. On Feb 14, each Committee Member will be assigned one to two programs for which they will create a summary rubric/report using the Excel format. The summary rubric/report will be reviewed by the Committee then sent to the programs/departments and to the Academic Council. Complete rubric evaluations, mail to Anne. Every Committee Member Feb 7 Sort submitted rubric evaluations Anne by program/department and assign to Committee Members. Include e-mail/letter with instructions and Excel form of rubric. Feb 14 Send Excel form of rubric to Week of Jan Joe Anne. Next Meetings 16 Write summary rubric/reports for each program/department, send to Anne. Committee Members Feb 28? Send teaching, etc. schedules to Anne. Faculty Committee Members ASAP Our next meeting is scheduled for Feb 14, ? time. Agenda will include picking up program rubric/report assignments. E-Lumen webinar time/place to be announced. Faculty schedules are needed to set up further meetings.