Assessment Committee Meeting Report for February 27, 2007 Attendees: Randy Storms, Terry Coleman, Paul Sukys, Jay Jacquet, Rob Slabodnick, Anne Vinson, Teri Kofod, Janet Boeckman, Mike Allen, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE Core Team TIMELINE Core Outcomes Team Reports The Culture and Community Team reported their definition/description, measureable objectives and assessment plan. The Committee discussed the assessment plans and supported the graduate survey and graduate essay with rubric. The pre-test/post-test assessment option needs further development – there is no test designed or selected at this time. Next steps = plan how to do the graduate essay and include the appropriate question in the graduate survey. The Communication Team reported their definition/description, measureable objectives and assessment plans (that include WAC and SpAC). The Committee supported the plan after a format change. Next steps = follow through with plan. Committee and English Dept. Yearly The Computer Literacy Team reported their definition/description, measureable objectives based on the rubric from a NSF project, and assessment plans. The Committee discussed the assessment plans and supported method preferred by the team – to use a standardized test against the rubric. A student self-evaluation would be optional and up to the team to pursue. The plan to do curriculum mapping for this learning outcome was eliminated, although it could be worthwhile later in the assessment process. Next steps = select standardized test. Core Team Early Spring Quarter The Math and Critical Thinking Teams did not submit formal reports. The Math Team is still working on their assessment plans. The Critical Thinking Team has nearly completed their work. Next steps = Math Team to continue work on assessment plans. Next steps = Critical Thinking Team to submit report. Core Team Spring Quarter Core Team Next week In general: Early Spring quarter Student Success Plan Employer and Graduate Surveys PAC/Strategic Initiative/Budget Next Meeting The Committee needs to consider the logistics of core outcomes assessment – possibilities include moving them out of capstone courses and having an assessment day, keeping them in capstone courses but minimizing impact as much as possible. The Committee will investigate core outcomes transcripts. The Committee will recommend adding core outcomes to the course syllabus template. The Committee will need to plan pilots for spring quarter as well as continuing support for assessment via CAAP/Critical thinking and WAC/SpAC. Mike and Terry worked with Mike Renock-Welker to develop the template for web-based Student Success Plan based on the Core Learning Outcomes. Kate added the Program Learning Outcomes, Achieving the Dream, and Academic Expectation for Entering College Students. The Committee approved the page design as well as the elements of the plan. All Core Teams have considered the option of adding/changing questions on the surveys for core learning outcomes assessment. Next meeting agenda Kate Before next meeting Next meeting agenda Prepare draft Kate Kate Ditto Ditto Next meeting agenda Kate Ditto Put the meat on the bones of the web site Kate End of Winter quarter Core Teams will need to consider budget requests to submit as part of the strategic planning. Submit budget proposals to Assessment Committee Set agenda, reserve room Core Teams Next meeting Kate End Winter quarter Next meeting is April 3, 3:00 – 5:00. None