Assessment Committee Meeting Report for May 16, 2008 Attendees: Troy Shutler (guest), Gina Kamwithi (guest), Chris Stevens, Mike Allen, Anne Vinson, Terry Coleman, Cathy Craig, Kate Peresie called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION Graduate Survey Troy submitted a revised graduate survey with new/improved CLO assessment. The Committee approved with minor corrections. Kate presented Paul’s response to the Committee’s proposal to incorporate more learning outcomes/assessment in the Curriculum Committee’s curriculum processes. (Paul was not in favor of the proposal and did not volunteer to present it to the to the Curriculum Committee.) The Assessment Committee recommended that Kate ask for time at a Curriculum Committee meeting to present documents with suggested revisions to more clearly communicate the changes we think would benefit the College. 5 Column Reports for the 07-08 year will be due in October. Kate talked with Joe Badamy to enccourage CIS to participate. Kate has a meeting scheduled with Ken McCreight, new Dean of Technology and Workforce, to discuss the needs of the programs in that area. Committee reviewd the goals for 07-08, have addressed all. The Committee decided to continue with all of the goals except the last (advocating for assessment in job descriptions) for 08-09. Feedback reports, syllabi, memos and Bloom’s handouts were distributed to DCs for distribution to faculty. Some engineering and nursing syllabi are missing. Kate sent to the Council of Deans the Committee’s suggestions for faculty professional development workshops (writing learning outcomes, creating rubrics). Proposal for Curriculum Committee 5 Column Reports Goals CLO-Syllabus Project Other ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIME-LINE Ask for time at Curriculum Committee meeting, prepare documents Kate By May 30 E-mail another reminder to the Deans and Department Chairs Update web site Kate By May 30 Kate By May 30 Follow up on missing syllabi Kate By May 30 The Committee agreed to participate in the review of our AQIP Systems Appraisal Feedback Report for Category 1. Send information Kate Next week Gina will be added to the Committee group e-mail so she may participate as she sees fit. Add Gina Kate Next week The Committee declined to participate in the Assessment Webinar – too basic. The Committee requested that the Council of Deans and the Valuing Adjunct Team consider the value of having adjunct as course coordinators to facilitate updating syllabi, reviewing texts, collecting data for 5 column reports, monitoring 1st day handouts. Send information Kate By May 30