Course Syllabus Course Title: Practicum in Health Science (formerly Health Science Technology 2) Credit Hours: 2 credits Prerequisites: Health Science (formerly Health Science Technology 1), Biology Semester, Year Instructor Instructor’s Email Address Instructor’s Conference Times Tutorial Schedule Fall and Spring Semesters 2014-2015 Dr. Jamaal Robinson 1st Period Wednesdays 3:15-4:00, Tuesday during lunch, or by appointment Resources Textbook (provided) o Diversified Health Professions o Exploring Medical Language (class copy) Supplementary Readings o Current journals, newspapers, and research hospital and university websites Supplies (student’s responsibility) o 1 ½” 3-ring binder and clipboard o loose leaf paper o 300 3x5 note cards o black/dark blue ink pens and #2 pencils o Uniforms (scrubs, lab coats, tennis(athletic) shoes) o $60 Lab fee (scrubs, lab coat, and insurance) due by Friday, September 20, 2014. $25-scrubs, $20 lab coat, $13.50 liability insurance o Additional $15 for TB skin test required by the hospitals o Hospital requires student has flu shot. May be provided by student’s physician or local clinic Course Goals To prepare the student for the transition to clinical and work based experiences in a health care profession. Course Description/Objectives A course designed to provide for the development of multi-occupational knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health careers. Students will have hands-on experiences for continued knowledge and skill development. The course will be taught by different methodologies, such as pre-employment laboratory, clinical rotation, and cooperative education. Objectives/Goals of Course To pursue a career in health care, this course will demonstrate and instruct students on how to learn, reason, think critically, make decisions, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Students should understand that quality health care depends on the ability to work well with others. Students will be instructed on and devise their own diagnostic, therapeutic, informational, and environmental systems individually and collaboratively to provide comprehensive health care. Students will understand the employment opportunities, technology, and safety requirements of each system. Students are expected to learn the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a health care career through further education and/or employment. Students will understand their ethical and legal responsibilities, limitations, and the implications of their actions. Students gain integrative knowledge and understanding of health care professions through hands-on clinical rotations, speakers, internet research, and group projects. Course Content Leadership Therapeutic and Diagnostic Skills Communication Environmental Skills Safety and Body Mechanics Occupational Specific Knowledge and Skills Asepsis Employability Skills Professionalism Pathophysiology and Trauma Ethical and Legal Anatomy and Physiology Course Policies Assignments will only be accepted in blue or black ink. No white-out will be accepted. Attendance is mandatory. Students must be on best behavior at hospital rotations. Any nonprofessional instance that requires reprimanding, the student can be excused from the Health Science program. Tardies will be handled according to school policy. Please refer to WESTSIDE WAY (student code of conduct handbook) for policy information. Late assignments will not be accepted without valid excuse. Academic dishonesty “cheating” will not be tolerated. School policies will be enforced. Please refer to WESTSIDE WAY (student code of conduct handbook) for policy information. Grading o 70% - major grades – tests/performance evaluations, and research projects o 30% - minor grades – quizzes and role play, student evaluations from rotation, class work, homework, journal and article reviews, participation, and proper hospital attire. Support – I will be available during lunch or after school by appointment. Be on time, in uniform (scrubs, lab coat, athletic shoes) day of hospital rotation A medical terminology quiz will be given at least once a week. A group project will be once or twice a semester. Classroom Policies and Procedures 1. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. 2. I will dismiss you from class, not the bell. 3. Assignments are to be in blue or black ink only. 4. White-out will not be accepted. 5. No primping or polishing in class. Supplies will be collected. 6. No popping gum, eating food, or drinks (except water) allowed in class. No cell phone use allowed. Keep them in backpacks and off. 7. Westside student policies and code of conduct will be enforced. 8. Once you are in the class, you will remain in the class. 9. Raise your hand if you have a question. If you do not understand something, ask me for a better explanation. Learner Expectations Gain knowledge and skills to apply in health care career. Maintain academic integrity. Give your “best” effort. Take ownership of learning. Become an effective communicator. Student Behavior Expectations Show respect and courtesy for the rights and feelings of others. Behave in a way that creates a positive learning environment. Control behavior on campus. Maintain pride and good reputations of Westside High School. Help maintain a clean and safe campus. Teacher Behavior Expectations Come to class prepared to teach. Implement other teaching techniques other than lecture and book work. Be respectful to you while you are working. Treat you and your classmates consistently.