Prep-Chemistry 1st Six Weeks Calendar 2014 - 2015 Note: Material covered in class takes precedence over these lesson plans. Lesson plans are subject to modification based on the students' needs. Monday August 25 Objective: Introduction Activities: Welcome Course Syllabus Calendar Tuesday August 26 Objective: Pre-Assessment Safety Activities: Algebra 1 Skill Assessment Safety Tour Wednesday August 27 Objective: I can be safe in a lab Activities: Diagnostic Test Safety Video MSDS Thursday August 28 Same as Wednesday Friday August 29 Objective: I can be safe in a lab; collect data accurately Activities: Safety Quiz Accuracy and Precision September 1 Labor Day Holiday September 2 Objective: I can use rules of significant figures Activities: Significant Figures September 4 Same as Wednesday September 5 Objective: I can measure and collect data accurately Activities: Measuring lab September 8 Objective: I can solve problems using scientific notation Activities: Scientific notation September 9 Objective: I can Activities: Dimensional Analysis Part 1 September 3 Objective: I can take measurements to the correct number of sig figs Activities: Intro to Measurement September 10 Objective: I can analyze and make valid conclusions from collected data Activities: Dimensional Analysis Part 2 September 11 Same as Wednesday September 12 Objective: I can find the density of a liquid and a solid Activities: Density Lab Part 1 September 15 Objective: Assessment Activities: Density Lab Part 2 September 16 Objective: I can compare solids, liquids and gases Activities: Test Review September 17 Objective: Assessment Activities: Unit 1 Test September 18 Same as Wednesday September 19 Objective: : I can differentiate between physical and chemical properties and changes and can classify matter as pure substances or mixtures Activities: Properties of Matter and Changes in Matter Lecture/ Inquiry Classification of Matter Inquiry Continuation Prep-Chemistry 1st Six Weeks Calendar 2014 - 2015 September 22 Objective: I can differentiate between physical and chemical changes Activities: Chemical and Physical Changes Lab September 23 Objective: Unit Review Activities: Matter Unit Review September 24 Objective: Assessment Activities: SNAPSHOT for Matter Unit Test Atomic Hero September 25 Same as Wednesday September 29 Objective: I can calculate average atomic mass of an element Activities: Atomic Structure Lecture/ Practice September 30 Objective: I can calculate average atomic mass of an element October 1 Objective: I can calculate average atomic mass of an element October 2 Same as Wednesday Activities: Isotopes and Average Atomic Mass Lecture/ Practice Activities: TBA Major Grade Assignments September 26 Objective: I can understand the experimental design and conclusions used in the development of modern atomic theory. Activities: Atomic Models Lecture/ Practice October 3 Fall Holiday