Biology Syllabus 2014-2015 Ansley Merriweather Room: S226 Number: 281-920-8000 ext. E-mail: Tutorials and Email Tuesday-12:55-1:25 Wednesday 3:25-4:25 Emails must be made before 9:00 PM. *Emails will receive a response in 24 hours or less. Course Description: Biology is a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and vital processes. This course is significantly different from other science courses being that it is a life science course and because of the range and depth of topics covered, the kind of laboratory work done by students, and the time and effort required by the students. The primary emphasis of the course is on developing an understanding of concepts rather than memorizing facts; a grasp of science as a process rather than as an accumulation of facts; personal experience in scientific inquiry; recognition of unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology; and the application of biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns. Topics covered in the course include chemistry of life, cellular processes, heredity, molecular genetics, evolution, diversity of organisms, structure and function of both plants and animals, and ecology. Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pencils-(Mechanical Recommended) Pens-(Blue or Black ink only) Hand-Held Pencil Sharpener Glue Sticks Markers Scissors (2) 1 subject notebooks 1 box of Kleenex 1 box of disposable gloves Course Content Overview First Cycle Unit 1: Biomolecules Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function Unit 3: Cell Growth and Differentiation Unit 4: Viruses Fourth Cycle Semester 1 Second Cycle Unit 5:Components of DNA Unit 6: Transcription and Translation Unit 7: Mutation: Changes in DNA Unit 8: Genetic Combinations Semester 2 Fifth Cycle 1 Third Cycle Unit 9: Natural Selection Unit 10: Evidence of Evolution Unit 11: Other mechanisms of Evolution Unit 12: Biological Classification Sixth Cycle Biology Syllabus 2014-2015 Unit 13: Homeostasis Unit 14: Biological Processes in Animals and Plants Unit 15: Biological Systems in Animals and Plants Unit 16: Matter and Energy Flow in Ecosystem Unit 17: Variations and Adaptations in Ecosystems Unit 18: Ecosystem Relationships Unit 19: Independent Research Classroom Expectations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Arrive On time Prepared with all materials Engaged and Involved Respect should be shown at all times Always go beyond Z Classroom Norms and Consequences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. During the First Five Minutes of class you should be completing your DO FIRST activity, SILENTLY. Track the speaker at all times You are expected to raise their hands and wait to be acknowledged before speaking out in class. You should remain in your seat at all times unless given permission to do otherwise. Respect the classroom and everyone in it. *Consequences will be applied according to the Westside High School code of conduct at the teacher’s discretion. Grading Policy Major Grades: 60% Tests, Projects, and Labs Minor Grades: 40% Quizzes Homework Homework will assigned 3-5 times per week. The purpose of homework is to ensure that students understand materials thoroughly and provides additional practice. Homework usually will not be collected or graded but students will receive homework assessments. Assessments Students will be given major assessments at least 4 times per grading cycle. Quizzes will be given frequently during each grading cycle. Quizzes may be random but, will only assess information that has already been discussed in class. Homework will be graded at will via homework quizzes. Late/Missed Work Please refer to the Westside High School Code of Conduct Electronics Policy CELL PHONE USE IS PROHIBITED UNLESS ADVISED OTHERWISE. BE VERY CLEAR THAT THIS IS YOUR WARNING AND THE FIRST TIME IT IS USED IN CLASS WITHOUT PERMISSION, IT WILL BE CONFISCATED. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Retesting Policy Students are required to retake any assessment they scored below a 75% on. 2 Biology Syllabus 2014-2015 Any student can re-take an assessment, even those that earned 75% or above. No re-takes will be given the last week of the grading cycle. In order to qualify for a re-take, students must complete the following: 1. Provide a parent signature on the original assessment. 2. Write a 1 paragraph reflection to Ms. Merriweather explaining a. the original performance score b. how you plan to study the material and why 3. Attend at least 1 tutorial (Student must bring the original assessment) 4. Schedule a time with Ms. Merriweather to complete the re-take. All retakes are at the teacher discretion. A re-take may not be taken on the same day as a tutorial You will earn up to 100% on the new assessment. Tutorials and Additional Support Tutorials are open to all students during the times designated. The following materials are mandatory for tutorial: a. Biology chronicles (Notebook) b. Writing Utensils The only exception to not having your notebook for tutorial is in the event it is lost and you are attending to restart a notebook. Students who are 5 or more minutes late for tutorial will not be admitted. Students are expected to remain in tutorials for the entire tutorial period unless other arrangements have been discussed with another teacher. You must read this document with a parent/guardian. You both must sign below to acknowledge that you understand the course expectations and policies. Your Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature:________________________ Date: _______________________ Contact Information: Home: ___________________________ Cell: _____________________________ Email: ____________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3