Name: ________________________________________ Pre-AP Unit 2 Test Review My test is on _____________________________________. This is a major grade! Make sure you study! FYI: No part of this review sheet will be turned in. Concepts you need to know for this test include: Main idea Summary Analogy Repetition Parallelism Tone (see “The Lost Boys” chart where we discussed formal VS informal tone AND our Animal Farm notes where we discussed/made note of Old Major’s tone) Author’s Purpose (use the chart on page 552 to review) Text features (subheadings and graphic aids) Word roots Prefixes Suffixes How to punctuate book titles in a piece of writing Coordinating conjunctions Revising and Editing (see your assignment from Tuesday, October 14th) Using a dictionary, context clues, or word roots to find word meanings (use “The Golden Kite” passage + questions from Friday, October 10th) You will have access to a dictionary for this test, and I highly recommend that you use one. Remember, there is a difference between knowing what a word means and being able to use your context clues to figure out how that word is being used in the passage. Use a dictionary whenever you can to aid you in finding word meanings! You also need to re-read and review “The Lost Boys” on page 592 of your textbook. The 6 vocabulary words you will find on this test include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fractious Exodus Marauding Subsisting Boon Posse There will also be a few comprehension questions from “The Lost Boys,” so make sure you review the article! There is a glossary and index in the back of your textbook. You can find page numbers, references, and multiple examples of everything you see on this review sheet. Your notes and assignments from class these past two weeks will also be very useful to your studying. Good luck!